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Any Twilight fans here?

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me! i am so excited! i am going to rent the movies again and have a marathon before i see the last one. i'm going with two of my friends here and they are equally looking forward to it!!


ETA - edward! of course. no contest for me!!!


I own the movies and watched Eclipse last night....I am very excited about the new movie. Yeah, Team Edward here too!:tongue_smilie:

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I loved the books. I read them at least 10 times.


I hate the movies. I dislike Rob Pattinson just slightly less than Kristen Stewart. The rest of the cast stinks too. They just don't match up with the characters I imagined in my head when reading the series. There is no way the movie can portray the depth of character development present in the books. IMO, the movies have been like a parody of the books. I did see the last movie, but I won't see this one.


I hope that's not too much rain on your parade! :D

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I loved the books. I read them at least 10 times.


I hate the movies. I dislike Rob Pattinson just slightly less than Kristen Stewart. The rest of the cast stinks too. They just don't match up with the characters I imagined in my head when reading the series. There is no way the movie can portray the depth of character development present in the books. IMO, the movies have been like a parody of the books. I did see the last movie, but I won't see this one.


I hope that's not too much rain on your parade! :D


Not at all! I love both the movies and the books. :D

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I totally cringe the whole way through the movies. But, I have to see them!


I loved the books. I read them at least 10 times.


I hate the movies. I dislike Rob Pattinson just slightly less than Kristen Stewart. The rest of the cast stinks too. They just don't match up with the characters I imagined in my head when reading the series. There is no way the movie can portray the depth of character development present in the books. IMO, the movies have been like a parody of the books. I did see the last movie, but I won't see this one.


I hope that's not too much rain on your parade! :D

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I loved the books. I read them at least 10 times.


I hate the movies. I dislike Rob Pattinson just slightly less than Kristen Stewart. The rest of the cast stinks too. They just don't match up with the characters I imagined in my head when reading the series. There is no way the movie can portray the depth of character development present in the books. IMO, the movies have been like a parody of the books. I did see the last movie, but I won't see this one.


I hope that's not too much rain on your parade! :D


I have read all the books and have seen all the movies. I think I read each book twice which was too much, except for the first one, which I really like. Mainly, I think, because in the actual Twilight book, Edward reminds me of my husband quite a bit. I saw the movie first, which I think was a better way to go for me.


Amy, I do agree that there is no way a movie can portray the depth of the characters. While I don't think any of the actors did a bad job (even Kristen Stewart), not on of them has had enough life experience to really understand how to make that type of character 100% believable. You really have to look at the books and movies as two separate entities.


I'll go see the last movie but I'll be glad the whole saga is done.

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Aren't we allowed to like both teams?! :D


Yeah, I like Jacob and Edward better than Bella!

I agree books are much better but movies are good too.

My friend tried to get me to read them for a long time and I just didn't think they would b for me but eventually I caved when I was so sick with pregnancy number 5. I was shocked at how much I liked them and how "clean" they were. That really impressed me. The series is about so much more than vampires. My 14 year old daughter wants to find a man with the great character that Edward has. He has such great qualities. She also like Peeta from the hunger games. Not too crazy about that book series though. Much more brutal than anything in Twilight. I didn't come away with a good feeling after reading that series. Made me sad. I think Susan Collins could have made that series so much better.

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I agree books are much better but movies are good too.


I was shocked at how much I liked them and how "clean" they were.


The series is about so much more than vampires. My 14 year old daughter wants to find a man with the great character that Edward has. He has such great qualities.


:iagree: I read them because dd's friends were saying how horrible they were. We had just went down that road with Harry Potter and she wanted to know "the truth.". I was surprised by how much I loved them. I couldn't put them down. Now, because of the Bella's obsessive tendencies and the honeymoon scene, I did have dd wait till 17 to read them. She is Team Edward and wants to know where those kind of guys are?


We have watched all the movies and can't wait for the next one!! Since dd started watching them we joke about the "gratuitous girl moments" that happen every time Jacob takes off his shirt. :lol:

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I will admit that I'm actually going to an all day movie marathon with one of my best friends. We figured that we better do it up right for the last movie. Yes, we're nerds and we realize they are cheesy books. But they are campy fun.


We can't wait for the movie version of The Host to come out too!!

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Team Jacob!!!


ETA: It's the total B movie cheesiness that I love about them both! lol


:iagree::lol:. The movies are so bad they're actually kinda good.


Oh, I'm Team Edward except when Jacob is shirtless :lol::lol:


:iagree:;) Of course, then I feel like a dirty old lady:lol:. I watched Shark Boy and Lava Girl with my kids. He was so young then. Now he's just...well, you know what he looks like.

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Oh, I'm Team Edward except when Jacob is shirtless :lol::lol:




I will admit that I'm actually going to an all day movie marathon with one of my best friends. We figured that we better do it up right for the last movie. Yes, we're nerds and we realize they are cheesy books. But they are campy fun.


We can't wait for the movie version of The Host to come out too!!


I didn't know they were making a movie of The Host!!! I loved that book. Totally different from Twilight, but very good.


OP, I am a Twilight fan and a lot of my mommy friends are as well. I like all of the things others have stated about the books/movies. Sometimes it's just nice to read and watch something for pure fun factor!

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We can't wait for the movie version of The Host to come out too!!


:iagree: I loved that book, too, and it is so totally not my genre. I don't know what my girls did while I was reading that book or what they ate or if they had clothes... :lol:


Sometimes it's just nice to read and watch something for pure fun factor!


Isn't that the truth!

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I loved the books. I read them at least 10 times.


I hate the movies. I dislike Rob Pattinson just slightly less than Kristen Stewart. The rest of the cast stinks too. They just don't match up with the characters I imagined in my head when reading the series. There is no way the movie can portray the depth of character development present in the books. IMO, the movies have been like a parody of the books. I did see the last movie, but I won't see this one.


I hope that's not too much rain on your parade! :D


:iagree: completely! Read the books multiple times, but the movies were TERRIBLE! Watched them when we had a free HBO weekend, but I have no desire to see the last....


Definitely team Edward here! I am not a fan of Jacob, shirt or not! :p

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I loved the books they are so romanatic and the story line is amazing. I think the movies don't do the books any justice expecially the acting by Kristin; she's so horrible I'm not a fan of the others acting eithers. But it's still nice to watch.


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Yeah, I like Jacob and Edward better than Bella!

I agree books are much better but movies are good too.

My friend tried to get me to read them for a long time and I just didn't think they would b for me but eventually I caved when I was so sick with pregnancy number 5. I was shocked at how much I liked them and how "clean" they were. That really impressed me. The series is about so much more than vampires. My 14 year old daughter wants to find a man with the great character that Edward has. He has such great qualities. She also like Peeta from the hunger games. Not too crazy about that book series though. Much more brutal than anything in Twilight. I didn't come away with a good feeling after reading that series. Made me sad. I think Susan Collins could have made that series so much better.




I've read the books, but haven't watched the movies.


Edward has a horrible character. If my daughter started hanging out with a guy like that, I would stay awake at night worrying about her.


The Hunger Games series has a far more moral POV than the Twilight books.



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I have not read all the replies but......


I really hate to be Debbie Downer but.....


I read all the books and LOVED them but.....


I hated the first movie and liked the rest but.....


I read about the last Breaking Dawn movie in a magazine at the dentists - maybe People??? and in the article it said that there would be a "twist" at the end of the last movie that was NOT in the book and that Stephanie Meyer had liked and approved of it. :tongue_smilie::glare:


I'll wait for Netflix.


But I really loved the books.

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I have not read all the replies but......


I really hate to be Debbie Downer but.....


I read all the books and LOVED them but.....


I hated the first movie and liked the rest but.....


I read about the last Breaking Dawn movie in a magazine at the dentists - maybe People??? and in the article it said that there would be a "twist" at the end of the last movie that was NOT in the book and that Stephanie Meyer had liked and approved of it. :tongue_smilie::glare:


I'll wait for Netflix.


But I really loved the books.


well the end of the last book ended in a rather confusing and crappy way. It was one of those " THATS THE END?! " type of endings. I was expecting some grand wedding for Jacob and Esme or something. :confused:


ETA: I know i wrote Esme- I meant Renesmee...Sorry. I swear I knew it, it just didnt come out that way. lol

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well the end of the last book ended in a rather confusing and crappy way. It was one of those " THATS THE END?! " type of endings. I was expecting some grand wedding for Jacob and Esme or something. :confused:


:iagree: When I finished the book I was the same way! I wanted more, an epilogue into the future or something!

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Would admitting that my dog's name is Cullen tell you how much I like the books/movies? :lol:


I agree that the books are much better than the movies, but I do still like the movies. I own all the books and movies and read/watch them quite often. :blushing:


And I'm team Edward! :001_wub:

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I liked the books a lot (badly written trash that they are :D) UNTIL the 4th book. Oh my gosh! That book ruined the whole series for me. I absolutely hated it, so I definitely won't be watching the last movie. I choose to think of Twilight as a trilogy. ;)


I thought the first 3 books really amped up Bella's power and what it would be and then you get to the 4th and she puts a bubble...it was a bit of a let down in a way. Still cool though.

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I read about the last Breaking Dawn movie in a magazine at the dentists - maybe People??? and in the article it said that there would be a "twist" at the end of the last movie that was NOT in the book and that Stephanie Meyer had liked and approved of it. :tongue_smilie::glare:


I'm a card-carrying member of the Twilight fandom, and even deeply involved in the Twilight Fan Fiction community. We've been talking about the "surprise ending" for months. It *is* approved by Stephenie Meyer, so there is that.




The speculation at the surprise ending is that :spoilers, highlight to read: the battle scene is actually a vision Alice has of what would have happened if there had been a physical fight rather than all the talking :end possible spoilers:


There is also talk of either more movies or a tv series spin off. No one is sure yet if it will involve the Cullens or if it will be about the wolf pack. No word on id Stephenie Meyer will be involved. There is also word on the street that in a decade there will be a reboot of the movies. If Stephenie Meyer is involved I'll likely follow them, if not then HECK TO THE NO.


I am Team Edward, totally and all the way. My dd has seen the movies on DVD with me (week long migraine, weak mama, persistent child = she saw the dvds). Kiddo has made her own team up - Team Sweater because "Bella needs to be warm in cold Forks and no one needs to have a boyfriend to make themselves whole". *proud mama* Kiddo is also Team Gale because "Peeta is too perfect".


So there, dispatched from a Twilight Saga obsessed super-fan.

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I love the books, but Eclipse is my favorite. I like Breaking Dawn until after Nessie is born. New Moon is my least favorite.


I have all the movies, and love watching them. I can't wait for this one to come out!


Completely Team Edward. He's too good for Bella.


I know a lot of people don't care for Robert Pattinson, but I just love him, and have seen all his movies except Cosmopolis and only about half of Little Ashes. I don't care for Kristen Stewart. I have seen a few of her other movies, and didn't like her in those, either. She is the same in all of them, and needs to learn to close her mouth. It being open all the time is very distracting.

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I don't care for Kristen Stewart. I have seen a few of her other movies, and didn't like her in those, either. She is the same in all of them, and needs to learn to close her mouth. It being open all the time is very distracting.


:iagree: I know, right? She has those giant rodent teeth that are very distracting.

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I'm excited. I can't watch the bad acting and terrible makeup/hair many times, but I love listening to the movies. Love the soundtracks! I listen while I sew. I enjoy reading fanfiction too. I'm all about the storyline and care less if its a great literary work. I read them for entertainment!


My favorite book is Breaking Dawn. I usually love the fourth book in a trilogy best. It's the book that shouldn't have been written and I love that inside peek!

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