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How often do you get your teeth cleaned?

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I just started going back to the dentist. He suggests every six months which I've done only once. Before I went back, oh about a year and a half ago, it had been 17 years since I had been. Before that one time it was 14 years, before that, 7 years.


I have no cavities and had very little tartar, even after all that time.



Dentist said whatever I'm doing to keep doing!

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Every six weeks actually isn't overkill if there are any extractions or recent work or.... ad infinite (issues) - I'd absolutely go every six weeks if my insurance paid for it, even for a short 5 minute visual exam.


Catching stuff early is key. So many major medical issues show up in the dental exam category beyond just the health of the teeth and gums.


I'm kinda jealous. :D

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Very irregularly. Maybe once every few years, if that. Insurance covers every six months, I just don't care to do it that often. Or at all, really, but I have a dentist in the family that lets me know it's past time to come in and I generally comply at that time. Or several months after the initial harassment LOL.

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I was just curious. I had always been told to do it every six months. My sister does it every six weeks. She has no underlying dental problems either. It seems like overkill to me.




So your sister gets a dental cleaning EIGHT times a year?


NO. THANK. YOU. :tongue_smilie:


The kids and I go every six months. Dh goes every three or 4, because the man was born with the worst teeth ever I think.


Have you asked your sister *why* she gets them cleaned that often if she has no underlying issues?


I mean, the cost alone would keep me from doing that. My insurance would pick up two of those eight cleanings. So I'd be paying for six cleanings out of pocket, at like, what, $125 each or so? $750 a year for dental cleanings? Nuh unh.


Not to mention I can think of like eleventy bajillion things I'd rather do with my time and $750.

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Every six weeks actually isn't overkill if there are any extractions or recent work or.... ad infinite (issues) - I'd absolutely go every six weeks if my insurance paid for it, even for a short 5 minute visual exam.


Catching stuff early is key. So many major medical issues show up in the dental exam category beyond just the health of the teeth and gums.


I'm kinda jealous. :D



That her insurance even covers it this often. Most companies won't pay out any more than they have to.

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I go for a cleaning every 4 months. Insurance covers every 6 mos, so I have to pay for the extra one on my own. When I get a cleaning, I do not see the dentist or get xrays. I only see the hygienist.


But I have some issues with my gums, so I have to keep up on it, or it quickly spirals out of control. Quickly.

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I go...whenever. I think it has been over 5 years since the last one. I floss/brush regularly, and haven't had a cavity since I was a teen. (and that was from a child hood of NEVER going to a single dentist appointment) I have sturdy teeth, and am not prone to dental issues, so it just isn't a big deal to me.


My kids, they go every 6 months. They have their father's teeth, which are much more prone to issues.

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