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Who wants to join me in a November Clean Up and Declutter Month?

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we are having ALL our windows redone due to heat loss, and leakage. which means that three weeks from now, i need to have every single room ready for people to tromp thru. these will be nail-on, not replacement (due to the leakage issue), so they'll be there for some time.....


We had our windows replaced earlier this year. That is a great way to declutter! We had windows on almost every wall, so most things had to be moved. We threw out tons of junk from bookcases.


Love our new windows though! It's so nice being able to open them!

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Already started--4 dead computers went out the door today!


:party: There are currently seven dead computers in my house. Last week my husband mentioned taking the hard drives out and getting rid of the rest of them. I'm crossing my fingers but not holding my breath. :lol:


ETA: I'm starting early because I have some big projects and a needy toddler. Today I will:


Clean out the coat closet

Clean out the upstairs linen closet

Go through my clothes for a Goodwill run (did the little guy's yesterday)

Edited by Annie
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Ok, in the passed two days I went through all of the out of season clothes and hauled off those we won't need anymore. I went through the coats, gloves, hats, scarves and shoes. I went through all of the junk my dd removed from her room (huge amount). I sorted school and craft supplies (also a huge job). I just need to put those in baskets that go in my shelves.


I still have tons left to do though. I have to do about six month of filing and shredding. I have 14 sets of bookshelves to sort throught. I need to cull and organize VCR and DVDs. I then hunt out all the miscellaneous junk hidden all about the house. Plus we need to hit the garage before it gets too cold. I have tons of magazines and catalogs to haul off for recycling. And then after all of that a major deep clean and then the painting begins. :svengo:

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Okay so here's what I am thinking. Reading through this thread it feels like some people have specific things they want to tackle, whereas others just want to do a general declutter and clean. So I was thinking each day you'll have the option of either doing what's on the "plan" or just doing your own thing, but the most important thing is to do SOMeTHING. Does that sound reasonable?

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Okay so here's what I am thinking. Reading through this thread it feels like some people have specific things they want to tackle, whereas others just want to do a general declutter and clean. So I was thinking each day you'll have the option of either doing what's on the "plan" or just doing your own thing, but the most important thing is to do SOMeTHING. Does that sound reasonable?



Very reasonable! This thread has inspired me to start a list. :)

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Very reasonable! This thread has inspired me to start a list. :)


Yes! Start a list! Walk through each room of your house and write down areas you want to tackle. Then divide this list into doable daily "chunks"--for me, I dont want to spend more than 20-30 min a day max as i know i wont be able to stick long term to more than that. I have things like junk drawer, hall closet, medicine cabinet, etc.


I do want to do the garage, but I am going to make that a multiday chore!!!

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Okay so here's what I am thinking. Reading through this thread it feels like some people have specific things they want to tackle, whereas others just want to do a general declutter and clean. So I was thinking each day you'll have the option of either doing what's on the "plan" or just doing your own thing, but the most important thing is to do SOMeTHING. Does that sound reasonable?


Sounds good!

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Yes! Start a list! Walk through each room of your house and write down areas you want to tackle. Then divide this list into doable daily "chunks"--for me, I dont want to spend more than 20-30 min a day max as i know i wont be able to stick long term to more than that. I have things like junk drawer, hall closet, medicine cabinet, etc.


I do want to do the garage, but I am going to make that a multiday chore!!!


I do need to do this, but whenever I try, I start to get really depressed :lol: I'll start tomorrow afternoon. We're scrambling to get past an event until then.

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I do need to do this, but whenever I try, I start to get really depressed :lol: I'll start tomorrow afternoon. We're scrambling to get past an event until then.


Dont get depressed!!! This is going to be fun! You'll have a whole board of declutterers to cheer you along every day.


Think "manageable chunks". So if you're starting at your closet feeling overwhelmed, break it down even further, to, say, one shelf. One shelf will be one day. Or one drawer. Keep breaking ti down til it feels doable.

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I'm in. I was unnerved by that article with the photos last week, where the photographer was deliberately seeking out the cluttery places in a house. I tend to think I'm uncluttered, but I could easily walk through my house and take photos like that. All those little drawers and corners where stuff gets crammed. The article scared me into starting.


Already decluttered as of this week:


Master bathroom drawer

Bedside table drawer

Stack of papers #1 in closet

Stack of papers #2 in closet

Stack of papers on kitchen counter

Wee Girl's sock/underwear drawer

Middle shelf in bathroom and swim bag thereon

Ugly living room chair & ugly framed art poster - to Salv. Army

Damaged wood-framed mirror - to Mom

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Dont get depressed!!! This is going to be fun! You'll have a whole board of declutterers to cheer you along every day.


Think "manageable chunks". So if you're starting at your closet feeling overwhelmed, break it down even further, to, say, one shelf. One shelf will be one day. Or one drawer. Keep breaking ti down til it feels doable.


You're right. I'm excited to start, really. As much fun as our outing will be tomorrow, I can thing of a hundred things I've been putting off that I wish I could start doing right away!


I'm in. I was unnerved by that article with the photos last week, where the photographer was deliberately seeking out the cluttery places in a house. I tend to think I'm uncluttered, but I could easily walk through my house and take photos like that. All those little drawers and corners where stuff gets crammed. The article scared me into starting.


No kidding! Our main living space is pretty clear, but my fridge/freezer are not so far off from those photos, and our office is where everything gets thrown when people are coming over and we need to hide what we didn't have time to finish. I also need to tackle cleaning out my filing cabinet, because I can't file all of this current stuff until I get rid of all the old, outdated stuff, and the paper monster just seems to be following me around the house :glare:


We should take before and after pics too. A little public accountability (*cough*humiliation*cough*) can go a long way :tongue_smilie:

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Where's that article??


I'm in. I was unnerved by that article with the photos last week, where the photographer was deliberately seeking out the cluttery places in a house. I tend to think I'm uncluttered, but I could easily walk through my house and take photos like that. All those little drawers and corners where stuff gets crammed. The article scared me into starting.


Already decluttered as of this week:


Master bathroom drawer

Bedside table drawer

Stack of papers #1 in closet

Stack of papers #2 in closet

Stack of papers on kitchen counter

Wee Girl's sock/underwear drawer

Middle shelf in bathroom and swim bag thereon

Ugly living room chair & ugly framed art poster - to Salv. Army

Damaged wood-framed mirror - to Mom

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Would love to join in.


Have cleaned the garage 3 times for the past two years since we moved here and it still looks like a bomb exploded in it. We got double the rooms but triple the junk.


We inherited and moved into my in-laws 43 years home after their sudden passing in a tragic aircraft crash. My BIL decided to move to South East Asia and dumped all his furniture and stuff in this house as well and then there was all our stuff to deal with. Three households in one.


It is also hard to determine what to keep and what to toss when I am dealing with my in-laws possessioons and the boys (hubby and brother) cannot give you any direction. I hate clutter and feel that I am living in a bad episode of Clean House. It is not filthy but some rooms have been turned into storage rooms. The dining room has all the kitchen stuff stored in (we have a dismantled kitchen because when we moved it all went for a loop and I have been working off a temp kitchen for over a year). The garage is Horder's Paradise, the master bedroom (the box storage room, random papers from in-laws, their stuff, BIL rubish that has overflown from both Garage and outside storage room), the master on-suite is the tool room, the office has my business papers that need to be sorted. Piles of papers are now being stuffed into funny places because when we moved I lost my 'filling system'. The classroom is full of boxes that are overflowing from other parts of the house.


I keep the kitchen, sun room (use as a classroom), lounge, the guest room with on-suite that we are using as a master, kids bedrooms and bath as clutter free as possible. But the other problem is that this house has no built in storage so I am having a hard time storing out of season clothes, future curriculum, bedding, toweling ....


I feel so overwelmed but maybe joining in will help sort out some of this mess. :ack2:

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I'm in! I do have specific areas and things to do though. Our garage, kitchen, playroom, bedrooms, and bathrooms are in pretty good shape -- decluttered and organized really well when we moved in last year. For me, it is the craft supplies, school stuff, paperwork, boys' old art work, photographs, and boxes of stuff (carp) we are cleaning out of our old house that I need to dig out from under.


Can't wait to get started!

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If you were short of built in what cheap solution would you use to store linens, out of season clothing.


We have very little storage space. Out-of-season and between-age clothes (there are six years between each girl) go in sealed bins in the attic. Some towels are folded in a towering stack on a small table in the master bathroom, and the girls' towels hang on hooks in their bathroom. Linens are crammed into the microscopic so-called "linen closet"; max. one change of bed linens per bed.

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If you were short of built in what cheap solution would you use to store linens, out of season clothing.


For bedsheets you can put the a spare set folded underneath the mattress. For out of season clothing I use a big ziploc bin in the very top of the closet. Towels, blankets and comforters I'm still trying to figure out.

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OK, I've started my list, and as predicted, I'm getting overwhelmed :willy_nilly: This house is just such a mess! I'm going to have to start early and enlist all my staff members, I think. Hmmm, I wonder which of my kids will want to scrub fridge shelves? :lol:


And one of my biggest problems seems to be actually getting RID of the clutter I clear. Several of the items on my room-by-room list involve forcing boxes and piles I created during my LAST decluttering phase out of the house :001_huh:

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For bedsheets you can put the a spare set folded underneath the mattress. For out of season clothing I use a big ziploc bin in the very top of the closet. Towels, blankets and comforters I'm still trying to figure out.


You've given me an idea. If anyone figures out a clever way to deal with some clutter that there isn't room for, or you can't figure out how to get rid of, post it - and if you need suggestions, ask.


Off to put sheets under mattresses!


ETA: obviously it's up to Halcyon how/if she wants to do this - don't mean to usurp!

Edited by Sharon in Austin
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I'm in! Baby coming in January and want to be all organized, cleaned and beautiful by then . . . if not before. Yes, I AM nesting.:)


1) Organize Books (starting in basement, then bring up books we want to have upstairs).

2) Declutter and Clean Unfinished Area of Basement ("the dirty area" says 7yo)

3) Finish Toy Organization (play for toys in basement play area)

4) Clean out basement Closet

5) Clean Finished Part of Basement

5) Organize School Closet

6) Organize Upstairs Toy Area

7) The Girls' Room (make way for baby!)

8) And DH added to the need-to-be organized list---"Our brains?!":lol: (hopeless!)


Up on the fridge this list goes!

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okay so how many minutes a day for JUST this challenge *dont forget your regularly scheduled cleaning, homeschooling, cooking, life!* do you think I should plan on? What is everyone comfortable with? 20 minutes minimum, and you can go for longer if you want? 30? 10?

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okay so how many minutes a day for JUST this challenge *dont forget your regularly scheduled cleaning, homeschooling, cooking, life!* do you think I should plan on? What is everyone comfortable with? 20 minutes minimum, and you can go for longer if you want? 30? 10?


I plan on doing 22. Just to be different. ;)


ETA: I'm a habithacker subscriber, just so you don't think I pulled that number out of nowhere to be argumentative or something. :tongue_smilie:

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I am starting tomorrow because I really cannot count on the weather holding into November for washing things outside.


So what I need to accomplish this week is:


1. Wash and bleach the litter boxes for the winter. DONE

2. Finish cleaning the garage. DONE

3. Move rabbit coop inside.

4. Scrub, bleach, and move duck coop for the winter. (I am going to tuck their coop up against the house to help weather those January storms and to make it easier for us to get to them :) )

5. Wash back decks and windows. DONE


I need to do this while our temps are well above freezing and if I get this done, I'm going to have a well organized winter!


If I get these things done and dedicate myself to 65 minutes a day of extra housework, I'll have a kick butt place by the middle of November. And in all honesty, 65 minutes less time on FB every day would be ok! I'll survive somehow.


Aside from cleaning and scrubbing each room this month, I need to do the following:


1. Reorganize and refill spices. (Must be done before the week of Thanksgiving.)

2. Clean freezer.

3. Clean basement and scrub carpet stains.

4. Organize kitchen cabinets.


I also need to bake 1-2 treats a week from now until Xmas. If I do that, I will have kick butt treat trays and things like chocolate covered cherries get so much better with a few weeks of aging!

Edited by Jennifer3141
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My house could use some sprucing up, and the garage definitely needs my attention. After readingi through the cleaning thread, I thought others might want to join me in November on a cleaning/decluttering month. I did one of these last year and it was great! Now that we finally own our own home, I am even more motivated.


Anyone interested?


eta: i am going to follow the guidelines of the 30 Day Declutter Challenge, and will post "plans" as soon as I write them up. That way we can all print out the guidelines for the month and be prepared!!! :)


Yeah!!! Count me in!!!


Where is the cleaning thread?


And what is the 30 Day Declutter Challenge?


Tomorrow here is my annual clean out and defrost freezer day! I'm kind of sort of looking forward to it.


Does anyone know how to store Orchard Mason Bees for the winter? I got them out of their houses before the rains came, but now what? The ideal temperature is supposed to be about 48 deg. F, which is warmer than my fridge or the back porch, but colder than the basement.

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I refuse to wait until November to start. Last night I cleared out the lower part of 1 side of my closet (My closet spans a whole wall in my room and holds a lot. I am watching an episode of hoarders reving up to do the top half of that side, and start the lower half of the second side. (that side holds lots and lots of children's books) and take a load to the goodwill bins tonight. I have my normal chores to do tonight but really wanted to get started on the closet too.

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I'm in! I'm not waiting till November, either! To those of you who feel overwhelmed, I totally understand!!! I've been there more than I care to remember. The key is to focus on one area or one room or one task (cleaning the fridge, a closet, whatever) and do NOT beat yourself up about the long list ahead of you. Baby steps, baby steps!


Celebrate your accomplishments. Make a list for the day, one that is reasonable, and if you get your list done that day--hopefully with the help of your family--take a break. Drink hot cocoa, go to the park, watch a favorite show, play a game with the kids, whatever. Then the next day repeat. If you work on it every day, you will get there!!!


I did not read the whole thread, but I could really relate to those of you who said they spent more time and energy planning than they did executing the plan. Reading organizing books, frittering away time online, making complicated lists and plans, will NOT HELP you get your house clean. Ask me how I know. LOL


You need a simple system, maybe a small notebook with a list of to-do's for each day. You need to get off the computer. I have never felt a sense of accomplishment after browsing around Pinterest, but I have after cleaning a bathroom or organizing a closet. ;)


Just do it!

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