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Injured eye--can a doctor do anything?


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My 11 year old is a real wimp when it comes to pain-it makes it really hard to figure out how serious his pain is.


Yesterday, DH was on the roof throwing sticks off. One of the sticks hit DS in the eye. He cried and complained about his eye all evening. Today he is still complaining (stumbling around with both eyes closed, so there is some drama going on :glare:). He says it hurts to open it. His eyeball is red and watery and I think I can see a scratch on his eye. If I take him to the doctor, is there anything that can be done or will they just tell me to let it heal???

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I've had two kids with scratched cornea's. One went to the family doctor because we got a same-day appointment and the other to the ER. They both received antibiotic drops to help them heal without damaging their eyes, and one received some kind of drop to help with the pain in the eye. I'd take him in if it were my ds. Eye injuries can be a lot worse that you can see for yourself.

Edited by Karen in CO
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Go to the doctor now.


You don't want to mess with your eyes.


ETA: When Eldest was 6 he complained about his eye itching and it looked a little off, sort of like pink eye, but not pink eye. I ended up taking him to ER. Turns out he had a very small flack of rust stuck in his eye. ER sent us to a specialist. The specialist had Eldest sit very still in a chair and took what looked like an electric sander to his eyeball. He sanded away the piece of rust and all was fine.


I still can't believe Eldest sat calmly through the procedure. But he did. I don't think I could have been that calm, I don't like things touching my eyes. I can't even wear contacts.


I'm so glad I got it looked into right away. The bit of rust was so small you need a magnifying glass to see it. But I imagine it would have caused serious problems if left in.

Edited by Julie Smith
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oh my, take him in NOW NOW NOW! Corneal abrasions/ulcers/scratches can be very serious. If not treated he could lose his sight. He is NOT being dramatic, those HURT!!!! Yes, they will give him medications to use many times a day to help it heal, prevent infection, and help with pain. He will also be light sensitive, keep him in a dim room.

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my youngest had a bad corneal scratch (big brother accidentally poked him in the eye and his fingernail put a huge scratch on the cornea, it was so large the Dr only needed the special drops but no black light to see it) It was really painful, but he got no eyepatch, I guess our Ped said that since most kids just keep their eye closed because it hurts there is no need. He had antibiotic and pain drops to put in many times a day. The good thing is that if treated early corneas heal really fast, my son's happened Friday night, he was seen Sat morning and was completely healed my Mon. The Dr was amazed at the change in his demeanor between Sat and Mon. My son can be a little dramatic too, Sat night when trying to eat his dinner, he said to us "Well I guess this is my first night of eating blind" he looked so pitiful trying to feel his way around to get the food (we made sure it was all easy to eat finger foods) and we had to help him drink, because as the Doc said, usually in younger kids when they close one eye they naturally want to close both.

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Ok, I've called the doctor. I'm sure his eye hurts but, trust me, with this child, there is some serious drama going on! He is really hoping for an eye patch. Argh, mateys!



I totally get it. I have one of those too. But I just can't imagine the one time I didn't double check and something went wrong. I hope it turns out to be a simple fix!

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I hope the injury is something that will heal easily.


My dd gouged my cornea when she was little. It was so big the doctor called in everyone in the office to see it. The pain was incredible! I needed vicodin!! Seriously. I was given medication on the eye and a contact lens to wear for a few days. I was told not to scratch or rub my eye because I could re-open the wound. :shudder: No eye patch though! :001_smile:

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Going to the doctor after lunch. Right now, DS is sitting on his floor with both eyes sqeezed shut, seeing what Lego creation he can build without looking. He has a class tomorrow and he is really hoping for an eye patch!


Glad to hear. If he doesn't need an eye patch, maybe you can get him one for a prize for following doctors orders and dropping the drama.

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My 11 year old is a real wimp when it comes to pain-it makes it really hard to figure out how serious his pain is.


Yesterday, DH was on the roof throwing sticks off. One of the sticks hit DS in the eye. He cried and complained about his eye all evening. Today he is still complaining (stumbling around with both eyes closed, so there is some drama going on :glare:). He says it hurts to open it. His eyeball is red and watery and I think I can see a scratch on his eye. If I take him to the doctor, is there anything that can be done or will they just tell me to let it heal???


YES!!!!!!! A scratched cornea can be very serious, esp. if it gets infected. It's also more painful than childbirth, seriously! Take him to an opthamologist (not an optometrist) TODAY.

Edited by LizzyBee
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I scratched my eye twice

it ws the most painful thing I have ever done and I was an adult.


I went to the emergency room in the middle of the night for one it hurt so bad.


The healing can happen quick but each movement of the eye can rip out the cells that are growing, OUCH.


He may not be able to do anything. I wasn't allowed to use my eyes for reading or tv.

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Sounds like a corneal abrasion, which as so, so painful. I've had this happen to me several times and it completely incapacitates me on that first day. It is miserable. Take him into an eye doctor now. They can examine it and give him eye drops to help it heal more quickly. They do heal quickly but the first day or two are the worst. The last time it happened to me, they gave me a contact bandaid which helped a lot. I don't know if they'll give it to a child that doesn't already wear contacts.

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Ok, I've called the doctor. I'm sure his eye hurts but, trust me, with this child, there is some serious drama going on! He is really hoping for an eye patch. Argh, mateys!


Okay, I've had like 4 corneal abrasions in my life (don't ask!) and they have put a patch on for the first few days as the constant opening and closing of the eyelid makes the pain worse. Keeping it closed is actually better. I think national talk like a pirate day is this week??

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oh my, take him in NOW NOW NOW! Corneal abrasions/ulcers/scratches can be very serious. If not treated he could lose his sight. He is NOT being dramatic, those HURT!!!! Yes, they will give him medications to use many times a day to help it heal, prevent infection, and help with pain. He will also be light sensitive, keep him in a dim room.



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Thanks for asking! DS spent the day vegging on the couch with his eye taped shut. We finally got into the doctor around 3:30. The doctor put dye in his eye and you could see a huge gash the size of his pupil. The doctor put some numbing medicine in his eye and bandaged him up. He said that eyes heal really fast so it will either be all better in the morning or I'm supposed to call and take him to the eye doctor.


Question for all of you suggesting the ER--that confuses me. Perhaps you have better ER's?? The worst medical experiences I've ever had have been in the ER and I think I've been misdiagnosed every time. After taking a sick baby the the ER in the middle of the night, our Ped (the same guy we saw for the eye today) told us to please call him, even if it was in the middle of the night, before we go to the ER because he could probably help us more over the phone. I would really have to be knocking on death's door before considering the ER.

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My 11 year old is a real wimp when it comes to pain-it makes it really hard to figure out how serious his pain is.


Yesterday, DH was on the roof throwing sticks off. One of the sticks hit DS in the eye. He cried and complained about his eye all evening. Today he is still complaining (stumbling around with both eyes closed, so there is some drama going on :glare:). He says it hurts to open it. His eyeball is red and watery and I think I can see a scratch on his eye. If I take him to the doctor, is there anything that can be done or will they just tell me to let it heal???


Take him in. Don't gamble on the eyes.

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Thanks for asking! DS spent the day vegging on the couch with his eye taped shut. We finally got into the doctor around 3:30. The doctor put dye in his eye and you could see a huge gash the size of his pupil. The doctor put some numbing medicine in his eye and bandaged him up. He said that eyes heal really fast so it will either be all better in the morning or I'm supposed to call and take him to the eye doctor.


Question for all of you suggesting the ER--that confuses me. Perhaps you have better ER's?? The worst medical experiences I've ever had have been in the ER and I think I've been misdiagnosed every time. After taking a sick baby the the ER in the middle of the night, our Ped (the same guy we saw for the eye today) told us to please call him, even if it was in the middle of the night, before we go to the ER because he could probably help us more over the phone. I would really have to be knocking on death's door before considering the ER.


I am glad you got it figured out. Poor kid that has to hurt!


We have some good ERs here but we are in a large city with teaching hospitals, children's hospitals and some great private care options too. i wouldn't hesitate to use any ER at one of the major hospitals here.

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What injuries and conditions optometrists are allowed to treat varies by state. Here in NC optometrist are allowed to treat many eye injuries, and there have been three times within my own family when an optometrist very capably treated eye injuries. So if it were my kid I'd take him to my optometrist w/o hesitation. But laws in your state may be different. I've heard several horror stories of eye issues being misdiagnosed in ERs by emergency room physicians (cases where the hospital didn't bring in an ophthalmologist to examine the patient).

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Thanks for asking! DS spent the day vegging on the couch with his eye taped shut. We finally got into the doctor around 3:30. The doctor put dye in his eye and you could see a huge gash the size of his pupil. The doctor put some numbing medicine in his eye and bandaged him up. He said that eyes heal really fast so it will either be all better in the morning or I'm supposed to call and take him to the eye doctor.


Question for all of you suggesting the ER--that confuses me. Perhaps you have better ER's?? The worst medical experiences I've ever had have been in the ER and I think I've been misdiagnosed every time. After taking a sick baby the the ER in the middle of the night, our Ped (the same guy we saw for the eye today) told us to please call him, even if it was in the middle of the night, before we go to the ER because he could probably help us more over the phone. I would really have to be knocking on death's door before considering the ER.




I get you on the ER. Where we are, a Dr over the phone is useless, as is our ER.


In october 2010 I hurt my food really bad. Because of an accessory bone, the ER had no clue as to whether or not it was broken. While the nurse was splinting it, i was arguing with him that he was doing it wrong, and it was going to cause more pain this way. He said he had to follow protocol so i asked if he was following standard protocol, or deformed foot protocol. I should have demanded to see the MD and have MD wrap me up. 2 days later the pain was unbearable so i unwrapped it and did it all myself. I went to the foot Dr who consulted with a past Dr and they agreed that it was not broken, and MRI showed really bad tendonitis. The foot Dr was also no good at treating. I googled and made a treatment plan. Showed the foot dr who agreed with it, and he wrote me a bunch of scripts for stuff like a walking boot.

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Thanks for asking! DS spent the day vegging on the couch with his eye taped shut. We finally got into the doctor around 3:30. The doctor put dye in his eye and you could see a huge gash the size of his pupil. The doctor put some numbing medicine in his eye and bandaged him up. He said that eyes heal really fast so it will either be all better in the morning or I'm supposed to call and take him to the eye doctor.


Question for all of you suggesting the ER--that confuses me. Perhaps you have better ER's?? The worst medical experiences I've ever had have been in the ER and I think I've been misdiagnosed every time. After taking a sick baby the the ER in the middle of the night, our Ped (the same guy we saw for the eye today) told us to please call him, even if it was in the middle of the night, before we go to the ER because he could probably help us more over the phone. I would really have to be knocking on death's door before considering the ER.


I'm glad he's on the mend. When I had a scratched cornea, every blink felt like someone was stabbing my eye with a sharp stick. I went to the ER after about 12 hours, and infection was already setting in. The eye is nothing to mess around with.

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Thanks for asking! DS spent the day vegging on the couch with his eye taped shut. We finally got into the doctor around 3:30. The doctor put dye in his eye and you could see a huge gash the size of his pupil. The doctor put some numbing medicine in his eye and bandaged him up. He said that eyes heal really fast so it will either be all better in the morning or I'm supposed to call and take him to the eye doctor.


Question for all of you suggesting the ER--that confuses me. Perhaps you have better ER's?? The worst medical experiences I've ever had have been in the ER and I think I've been misdiagnosed every time. After taking a sick baby the the ER in the middle of the night, our Ped (the same guy we saw for the eye today) told us to please call him, even if it was in the middle of the night, before we go to the ER because he could probably help us more over the phone. I would really have to be knocking on death's door before considering the ER.


I would literally have to be dying before going to the ER here. It SUCKS with kids. I have never once had a good experience.


I did have to go when I had a gouge on my forehead and needed stitches and that went ok.


I'm glad his eye will be ok

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I would follow up with an eye doctor even if he seems better, esp. if he had a large amount of damage. It is EXTREMELY painful (I had major open heart surgery and the eye was much more painful) and in some cases while the cornea grows back it doesn't attach properly. I ended up having eye surgery to "tack" the cornea in place---again, NOT fun at all, but I can see.

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