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OK, I think my brain is broken

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Some ideas:

-balancing house and home

-when to push and when to back off, and how to know.

-lessons children learn just by being home and not in school (unplugging toilets :glare:, cooking healthy meals from scratch, laundry, helping familiy out in times of need)

-how to handle an argumentative child.... :)


Other ideas percolating here....

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How to avoid burnout.


Your favorite margarita.


Historical fiction or mystery: which one is best of relaxing your brain?


How to paint your toenails while sitting in a bubble bath.



Are you noticing a trend here? I think you need a couple days to relax before you write your next blog post. :001_smile: If you feel like you have worked a cog lose then you should just stop for a bit.

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Help me out, guys.


I have run dry on blog posts. Seriously. I have written so much in so short a time recently that I think I've worked a cog loose in my brain. And now it's knocking around up there short-circuiting my idea-generator.


What should I blog about next???





Hmmm....you could go look up my thread on "killing kittens" with inappropriate apostrophe use (brought to us by Mrs. Mungo if you are not aware of the global, penalty for such grammatical crimes). The thread pertains to the hardly-to-be-believed number of offenses against the English language within the confines of a a 60 some page yearbook put out by a very small private school nearby which bills itself as "far better than the public school". I question that distinction!!!!!


You could post cupcake recipes? :D (If confused, talk to the mods and they will enlighten you.)


You could tell us more about your sheep. I'm intrigued. I farm sit for a friend who keep romneys and I've really grown to love that breed of petite, fiber sheep. I'm curious about yours, the characteristics of the fiber they produce, your production intentions - will our fearless leader become a knitter extraordinaire and produce the "HIVE" scarf for the discerning homeschool mother????? - etc.



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Help me out, guys.


I have run dry on blog posts. Seriously. I have written so much in so short a time recently that I think I've worked a cog loose in my brain. And now it's knocking around up there short-circuiting my idea-generator.


What should I blog about next???




ABout the fantastically fabulous and crazy women that frequent the hive, especially that really amazing one named swellmomma


Why waiting until January to start your new school year will eliminate the February doldrums


Ways to release the pressure of planning, organizing and implementing the lessons at the beginning of the year.


How you know a full moon is on the horizon when the women online go crazy


Top 10 ways you know you are a homeschooler


And like everyone else said, crockpots, kilts and shopping carts :tongue_smilie:

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How to keep focused on teaching the child you've got instead of the elusive, perfect child in your head. Also, the sister issue, working with the curriculum you paid for vs lamenting the perfect curriculum you just know is over the next hill or in the next google search.

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I see you didn't single me out. :)


ABout the fantastically fabulous and crazy women that frequent the hive, especially that really amazing one named swellmomma


Why waiting until January to start your new school year will eliminate the February doldrums


Ways to release the pressure of planning, organizing and implementing the lessons at the beginning of the year.


How you know a full moon is on the horizon when the women online go crazy


Top 10 ways you know you are a homeschooler


And like everyone else said, crockpots, kilts and shopping carts :tongue_smilie:

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You could blog about how not to feel like a failure and how to have the stamina to keep going when your first graduate is four credits shy of graduating college and gives up. Oh, and he failed a grocery store test for employment four times.


You could title it "Why you shouldn't go to the upcoming family reunion cookout."

Edited by nestof3
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Knowing when to quit

How to relate to culture without being influenced by it

The importance of rest

That "why" is so much more important than "how" - but most of us just long for the formula of another's success.

Which leads to individual giftings, talents and callings - the reason your formula won't work for me.

Your perspective on the unique opporunities and challenges of each developmental stage and how they relate to a classical approach.


or your best cupcake recipe

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I'm totally picturing Susan, head in her hands, asking herself, "Why, oh WHY did I start that thread..."


:lol: No kidding. I am sure whatever the topic will be it will be wonderful but I do picture quite often shaking her head wondering what on earth she was thinking when she posts things like this.



How about how an imagination is too wonderful to waste, a use it or lose it post. Most people think of imagination being for the kids, but it benefits adults too, look how much fun we have here when we use our imaginations.

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You could blog about how not to feel like a failure and how to have the stamina to keep going when your first graduate is four credits shy of graduating college and gives up. Oh, and he failed a grocery store test for employment four times.


Hugs, Dawn. :grouphug:

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How to keep focused on teaching the child you've got instead of the elusive, perfect child in your head. Also, the sister issue, working with the curriculum you paid for vs lamenting the perfect curriculum you just know is over the next hill or in the next google search.



Those are good ones. It's so hard at times to realize that your child needs extra help or time to understand something even if you think it is basically common sense.


How about how home schooling does not mean that your kids will be advanced?


There are times when I feel like carrying a sign that says, "Hi, I home school. My kids are average and that's okay."



Oh, and going along with the quoted above.....how to know when a curriculum is not working and when to stick it out.

Edited by Kleine Hexe
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"How to get some R&R in the midst of working and HSing and everything that life involves" seems to me the perfect topic. I think this requires lots of research...so hop to it. :001_smile:



You'll probably find that loose cog behind the hidden stash of chocolate...



Politics and religion

:lol: Yes, mix the two in one kerfluffle-swirling, kilt-inducing blog post. Or...was was it kerfuffle?

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I'd also love to know more about "schools of the old days" that are briefly referred to in the intro to TWTM where you talk about your mother's aunt and uncle and them teaching her to read with phonics. I'd love to know more of the real history of educational fads.


Another love of mine is math education because it's my unscientific perception that people leave PS over math education more than any other subject.

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Books you have recently read for pleasure or otherwise.


Thoughts on having kids in college, what you did right and not right, particularly as to non-academic preparation.


Did your children grow into the young adult you expected them to become when they were tots, or did they surprise you?


What did you see in your babies that turned out to be defining characteristics when they were older?


How your children get along with each other and/or with other extended family members, and to what do you attribute that?


What are your thoughts on your own undergraduate education, and if you were doing it again, would you go somewhere else?



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Help me out, guys.


I have run dry on blog posts. Seriously. I have written so much in so short a time recently that I think I've worked a cog loose in my brain. And now it's knocking around up there short-circuiting my idea-generator.


What should I blog about next???




One thing I would *honestly* like to know? How much outside support do you typically use? I particularly question this with older kids/teens. Am I using too much outside help? Is it not enough? Obviously, we need a Spanish teacher, since I cannot do that on my own? Violin, great. You want to do debate? Okay. Swimming, yes, that seems important...at what point do you hit diminishing returns on homework that they *do* need to complete at home?


You're finished with a couple, maybe you have some insight on this? :D

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How about letting go? I just had my third leave for college, and it just isn't easy no matter how many times you do it. I resist the urge to text him all day long. :001_smile:


:iagree: And how the homeschool dynamic changes as your oldest children go off to college.

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My big Point to Ponder of late has been how to (or whether to) integrate modern technology into academic education and standards. For example, is it right to insist that dd use proper spelling and punctuation in her Facebook posts, even though none of the others in her circle of friends abide by such rules. Common convention vs academic standard.


Another example buzzing about in my poor, empty head, what are the ramifications of relying on technology to look up every minute detail instead of actually memorizing the material? Does it make my life any better because I have memorized a list of Egyptian pharaonic periods and English monarchs? If my dd wishes to know any of this, she can Google it. How much detail does a person now need to know?


And finally, has the prevalence of communications technology actually damaged our ability to communicate clearly and deeply on a subject? Dh works at a university and says where he used to see students milling about after classes, giving their jaws a work out, now no one says much but their thumbs are a blur, sending messages such as, "Wre r u, w8 4 me".

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Help me out, guys.


I have run dry on blog posts. Seriously. I have written so much in so short a time recently that I think I've worked a cog loose in my brain. And now it's knocking around up there short-circuiting my idea-generator.


What should I blog about next???




What about your experience in managing these forums? That could be very humorous :D

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