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Helo, my name is Faithmanor & I have a 15.5 y.o. boy to sell or re-home!

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:glare: If he complains about that chemistry assignment one.more.time. (logic dude, it's all about the logic...chemistry is one of your mother's most beloved scientific topics), then he's destined for a life of indentured servitude to some unlucky, unsuspecting mother on this board.


$5.00 will get a piece of decent chocolate for me, but the price is negotiable.


(If he ever has kids, I swear I am moving next door to him and doing nothing but putting the little darlings up to no good..."But, daddy, I don't waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaant to do my math! But, daddy, I don't waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaant to read that book." - Yep, the empress grandmother will exact her revenge, somehow, some way, somewhere.)


Any takers???????????????????? ;)


(No, you may not have the middle boy. He has half of his assignments done by now and corraled his the youngest to help him do the dishes since there was quite a pile yesterday and I had to spend the evening with my left ankle propped up - old injury re-aggravated from a rousing game volleyball at a 4-H picnic yesterday. That child is a keeper!)



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:glare: If he complains about that chemistry assignment one.more.time. (logic dude, it's all about the logic...chemistry is one of your mother's most beloved scientific topics), then he's destined for a life of indentured servitude to some unlucky, unsuspecting mother on this board.


$5.00 will get a piece of decent chocolate for me, but the price is negotiable.


(If he ever has kids, I swear I am moving next door to him and doing nothing but putting the little darlings up to no good..."But, daddy, I don't waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaant to do my math! But, daddy, I don't waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaant to read that book." - Yep, the empress grandmother will exact her revenge, somehow, some way, somewhere.)


Any takers???????????????????? ;)


(No, you may not have the middle boy. He has half of his assignments done by now and corraled his the youngest to help him do the dishes since there was quite a pile yesterday and I had to spend the evening with my left ankle propped up - old injury re-aggravated from a rousing game volleyball at a 4-H picnic yesterday. That child is a keeper!)




Considering you have described my 14yr old, I can't take him. I'm commiserating though.


Oddly, my 14 yr old is half like the Ds you want to sell and when his other personality comes out he's like your middle Ds.

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I have a 13 yo dd that does the same thing, AND argues about EVERYTHING, and then argues about if she's ARGUING or not.




Isn't that just the most precious experience. Who knew they would turn around and use the critical thinking on you!

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I'll trade you. My 13 year old daughter for your 15.5 year old son. WHining about chem I can handle. Teenage girl perpetual pms drama not so much.


I did put the curse on my big kids last night. I promised them that one day they would have children just. like. them. and when they phone me to complain I am going to laugh and laugh and laugh. And then hang up.

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My 14 yo dd is still flipping sleeping....and YES....I have woken her up 50 times....:glare:


Seriously....I am having dh install a big giant bell that I can operate from the safety of my office!

Mine too. I'm thinking of just getting a super soaker.

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My 14 yo dd is still flipping sleeping....and YES....I have woken her up 50 times....:glare:


Seriously....I am having dh install a big giant bell that I can operate from the safety of my office!


Hmmmm, sleeping or arguing, sleeping or arguing---guess which one I pick? :tongue_smilie:


I should not be complaining about Ds today at all. He got up and took his Latin quiz very early today with no reminding from me, also practiced the piano until I told him to stop b/c he isn't making any progress due to his cold (or sinus infection) which is making his head and ears and eyes hurt.

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My 14 yo dd is still flipping sleeping....and YES....I have woken her up 50 times....:glare:


Seriously....I am having dh install a big giant bell that I can operate from the safety of my office!


You know how people say never wake a sleeping baby. I think the phrase should be never wake a sleeping teen. My teens are both still sleeping (currently 930am here) I have not even attempted to wake them. I have no intention of dealing with grumpy, over tired dramatic hormonal teens. There is not enough chocolate in the world to make me do that

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Bah! Critical thinking implies a modicum of logic. None here.


True, I'll grant you the logic is always flawed, but definitely an attempt to turn around and use it on mom (or dad). They might make good politicians, with the flawed logic and all.

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I have a 13 yo dd that does the same thing, AND argues about EVERYTHING, and then argues about if she's ARGUING or not.



seriously....I've got a 14 yo who does the same thing...

"Look I am not going to change my mind. Quit arguing about it."


"I'm not arguing."


going once going twice...


(anyone else's kid, it would be funny!)

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Sigh....he has the dadgum thing done. Seriously, he could have been done 20 minutes sooner by eliminating the whining.


God bless his future college professors whoever those saints may be!


Nobody wants him?????


I thought not! He's like a bad politician, impossible to get rid of. ;) I think I'll send him down to my dad's garden to weed it with tweezers. :D



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seriously....I've got a 14 yo who does the same thing...

"Look I am not going to change my mind. Quit arguing about it."


"I'm not arguing."


going once going twice...


(anyone else's kid, it would be funny!)


I don't know.....just reading the above 'conversation' had me headed toward Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

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I've never tried it, only threatened it, but I've heard of putting lots of marbles in the freezer overnight. Dump those in the bed, and you won't have soaked sheets but the kid will definitely get out of bed.


I am doing this.


Sorry, Faith, anyone with any understanding of what you are going through has their own teenagers to deal with. :tongue_smilie:

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Sigh....he has the dadgum thing done. Seriously, he could have been done 20 minutes sooner by eliminating the whining.


God bless his future college professors whoever those saints may be!


Isn't it interesting that my Ds doesn't try anything with outside instructors?

Nobody wants him?????


I thought not! He's like a bad politician, impossible to get rid of. ;) I think I'll send him down to my dad's garden to weed it with tweezers. :D


Oh! this gave me a good laugh. Thanks!




I had such a nice image of Ds and the look on his face when I tell him his newest consequence.:001_huh:

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Hey, I just sent my whiner off to college! And the Army had her running at 0545! Actually, my 16yo doesn't whine much--he just falls asleep. And my 13yo just snuck out the door to put up sheep fence with her dad. ARG! Hey, I'll take any leftover 15yo boys--I have LOTS of sheep poop to shovel! And horse poop and cow poop and chicken poop... :D


If mysterious boxes with air holes start arriving, you'll know what's in them.

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When this problem cropped up among the 14yo boys last year it was decided that we should send them all to Remudamom's place to shovel pony poop until they could be grateful for lessons.


I don't see why a 15yo wouldn't be even more handy at that task!


You can now add cleaning the chicken coops to the list. In fact, that needs to be done this week, and I've already bought the shavings. It's hot and dusty in there.

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I'll trade you. My 13 year old daughter for your 15.5 year old son. WHining about chem I can handle. Teenage girl perpetual pms drama not so much.


I did put the curse on my big kids last night. I promised them that one day they would have children just. like. them. and when they phone me to complain I am going to laugh and laugh and laugh. And then hang up.


I've told my kids that I wouldn't curse them like that because it would just be too mean.


After this morning - day 1 of both high school and college - I'm seriously rethinking of retracting my statement!

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You can now add cleaning the chicken coops to the list. In fact, that needs to be done this week, and I've already bought the shavings. It's hot and dusty in there.


I'm having a couple of thoughts b/c of this thread....


All you moms with the farm type jobs should open a boot camp (but give it a pretty name to disguise it. Better yet, make it a manly name). Then you can charge the rest of us for our Dc to come work out their argumentative sides.


OR, I need to start looking at what major physical jobs need to be done around here and set Ds to work!

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I'm having a couple of thoughts b/c of this thread....


All you moms with the farm type jobs should open a boot camp (but give it a pretty name to disguise it. Better yet, make it a manly name). Then you can charge the rest of us for our Dc to come work out their argumentative sides.


OR, I need to start looking at what major physical jobs need to be done around here and set Ds to work!


If ds keeps it up, I know that own personal family room hardwood floor (25 x25) needs to be cleaned again and I'm sure that he could accomplish this with a toothbrush! It's raining right now so I can't send him out to weed with tweezers....GRRRRRR! :glare:



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Well, as my son just decided to completely ignore me and head downstairs to use the laptop, I will gladly trade you. He is not allowed the computer until after work is done, unless it is needed for said work. :glare: I'm going to ignore him today because I have a ton of work to finish, and I am just not going to get into it with him. I know this is a wrong move on my part, but I can't deal with him today. Tomorrow he will find all passwords changed, all controllers missing, and remotes mysteriously vanished.

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Mine too. I'm thinking of just getting a super soaker.


My 14 yo dd is still flipping sleeping....and YES....I have woken her up 50 times....:glare:


Seriously....I am having dh install a big giant bell that I can operate from the safety of my office!


This might work for you two..... Schedule a test at the time you want them to report for school, but I wouldn't do it before 9 am or 10 am since they are still sleeping. :tongue_smilie: If they don't show up, its an 'F' and they will have to work their you know whats off to bring their GPA back up! (You can decide later if you will remove their lowest grade but don't tell!) Don't do this until you are ready to follow through, and do give fair warning of your plans. It only takes once to know that you mean business.


I did a version of this for dd who studied way too long for tests (a perfectionist), too long as in snub the entire day of school work to study for the test... I made a test time, she took it, did awful, then I told her she would have to get good grades to bring it up, I got lucky and she was cured.


And Faith, I'm sorry, I just finished homeschooling after 17 years, so no takers here..

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When this problem cropped up among the 14yo boys last year it was decided that we should send them all to Remudamom's place to shovel pony poop until they could be grateful for lessons.


I don't see why a 15yo wouldn't be even more handy at that task!


Did y'all come up with a similar option for the girls?


Or maybe Faith and I just need to talk about a marriage contract. Tell your son my dd is really cute...:lol:

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I survived raising my little brother through those years. I'm thinking I'd be wise to enjoy this break from the teen years before my own kids start into the whining, sleeping, eye rolling, back talking, getting into major trouble phase.

Thanks for the generous offer though :D

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Nope sorry. I'm dealing with my first teen this year. He turned 13 in May. So far he's more like your middle one, but has the sleeping thing down pat. I called up this morning at about 1030, "Everett if I don't see your smiling face down here in 10 minutes I'm going to start charging you MONEY for every minute past that 10." Amazingly enough he was up dressed with teeth brushed in 4.5 minutes. :lol: I think I'll have to use that threat more often.

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My teens like to do the Whole Body Collapse while seated. As if the thought of what I'm asking is just way too much for them :rolleyes:


I think we need a whole list of options for using teenage drama to its maximum effect. Maybe we can turn it back on them?

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Call me party pooper on this thread...I love the comments but couldn't resist adding some seriousness.


My rebellious, sleepy, not wanting to work boy is out of the house and about to get married.:001_huh: I never saw it coming. It went waaay too fast.


I'd give alot to go back to those days when he was here. All the time. Sleeping in. Making me crazy. Asking for food that he loved when I was exhausted :D from getting him to work (for his benefit might I add).


I'd tell him how important he is to me and I'd kiss him alot more. He and his dad and I would have spent much more time playing around and "bonding". I'd be more about the business of encouraging him and not making it my business to beat him down when his dad came home. I'd not be throwing out idle threats about being sent off to public school or wherever I thought I'd send him. Talking bad about him to my friends. In front of his siblings!


I'd be sure to do better at my role in ensuring the SWB secrets to handling teens were performed - bath, nap, food. Good food that he liked. I'd have been MUCH more patient and gentle in my response to his normal boy behavior.


I'd be sure to keep my snotty bitter angry comments to myself much more.


That way, when he grew up to be as old as he is now I wouldn't shrink with guilt each time he comes in and kisses my forehead and holds me for longer than needed and whispers how much he loves me. When he tells me what a great mom I am for making all that sacrifice for him. How I've done such a great job with being his mom.


Ladies, these days seem unending (like when they were toddlers) but believe me. They will end. Don't miss making them all you can ;)

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Call me party pooper on this thread...I love the comments but couldn't resist adding some seriousness.


My rebellious, sleepy, not wanting to work boy is out of the house and about to get married.:001_huh: I never saw it coming. It went waaay too fast.


I'd give alot to go back to those days when he was here. All the time. Sleeping in. Making me crazy. Asking for food that he loved when I was exhausted :D from getting him to work (for his benefit might I add).


I'd tell him how important he is to me and I'd kiss him alot more. He and his dad and I would have spent much more time playing around and "bonding". I'd be more about the business of encouraging him and not making it my business to beat him down when his dad came home. I'd not be throwing out idle threats about being sent off to public school or wherever I thought I'd send him. Talking bad about him to my friends. In front of his siblings!


I'd be sure to do better at my role in ensuring the SWB secrets to handling teens were performed - bath, nap, food. Good food that he liked. I'd have been MUCH more patient and gentle in my response to his normal boy behavior.


I'd be sure to keep my snotty bitter angry comments to myself much more.


That way, when he grew up to be as old as he is now I wouldn't shrink with guilt each time he comes in and kisses my forehead and holds me for longer than needed and whispers how much he loves me. When he tells me what a great mom I am for making all that sacrifice for him. How I've done such a great job with being his mom.


Ladies, these days seem unending (like when they were toddlers) but believe me. They will end. Don't miss making them all you can ;)


Thank you for the reminder. This post was very touching, and of course, very true.

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Call me party pooper on this thread...I love the comments but couldn't resist adding some seriousness.


My rebellious, sleepy, not wanting to work boy is out of the house and about to get married.:001_huh: I never saw it coming. It went waaay too fast.


I'd give alot to go back to those days when he was here. All the time. Sleeping in. Making me crazy. Asking for food that he loved when I was exhausted :D from getting him to work (for his benefit might I add).


I'd tell him how important he is to me and I'd kiss him alot more. He and his dad and I would have spent much more time playing around and "bonding". I'd be more about the business of encouraging him and not making it my business to beat him down when his dad came home. I'd not be throwing out idle threats about being sent off to public school or wherever I thought I'd send him. Talking bad about him to my friends. In front of his siblings!


I'd be sure to do better at my role in ensuring the SWB secrets to handling teens were performed - bath, nap, food. Good food that he liked. I'd have been MUCH more patient and gentle in my response to his normal boy behavior.


I'd be sure to keep my snotty bitter angry comments to myself much more.


That way, when he grew up to be as old as he is now I wouldn't shrink with guilt each time he comes in and kisses my forehead and holds me for longer than needed and whispers how much he loves me. When he tells me what a great mom I am for making all that sacrifice for him. How I've done such a great job with being his mom.


Ladies, these days seem unending (like when they were toddlers) but believe me. They will end. Don't miss making them all you can ;)


I'm feeling a little scolded and I'm not sure it's warranted. We are talking about the frustrations of raising teens but I assure you I know my son is only here for awhile and I tear up every time I think of it. I adore him; he's been the apple of my eye since the day he was born.


No, I'm not going to relinquish the right and the normalcy of non-angry, non-bitter commiseration with others still in this stage. It's not all sausages and flowers, raising kids. It's work. It doesn't mean we're abusing our kids, failing to love them, or taking them for granted. It just means we're human. That's OK.


Your perspective from down the road is appreciated. The assumption that mothers who want their kids to get out of bed are badmouthing their children in front of their siblings or beating them down at the end of the day is a stretch, though. Too much to extrapolate from these mild, joking complaints. As parents we'll all have regrets but our mistakes are our own.

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I'm feeling a little scolded and I'm not sure it's warranted. We are talking about the frustrations of raising teens but I assure you I know my son is only here for awhile and I tear up every time I think of it. I adore him; he's been the apple of my eye since the day he was born.


No, I'm not going to relinquish the right and the normalcy of non-angry, non-bitter commiseration with others still in this stage. It's not all sausages and flowers, raising kids. It's work. It doesn't mean we're abusing our kids, failing to love them, or taking them for granted. It just means we're human. That's OK.


Your perspective from down the road is appreciated. The assumption that mothers who want their kids to get out of bed are badmouthing their children in front of their siblings or beating them down at the end of the day is a stretch, though. Too much to extrapolate from these mild, joking complaints. As parents we'll all have regrets but our mistakes are our own.


Well, yes, this post is true too, but I didn't feel scolded by the other post b/c I just assumed we all understand the bold above.

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Wow. Ok. Didn't mean anything near that...


I'm sorry my regret (over taking those days for granted) and the attempt to help (by replying to the thread in my own way) was misconstrued.


Apology quickly requested. I in no way meant to pass judgement on anyone but myself.

Edited by momee
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Ladies, these days seem unending (like when they were toddlers) but believe me. They will end. Don't miss making them all you can ;)



Thank you for the lovely reminder that our cranky, crazy teens will all too quickly grow up and flee the nest.


DS18 asked me for a ride to the CC this morning so he had time to figure out exactly where his classes were. It was hard watching him walk into that huge school knowing we've embarked on an entirely new stage of life.

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I think we need a whole list of options for using teenage drama to its maximum effect. Maybe we can turn it back on them?



We - I, anyway - need a List of Terms. For example,


Full Body Collapse: physical distraction, most effective immediately following lunch or during the last subject of the day


Arguing About Whether One is Actually Arguing: red herring distraction, typically used when the one who initiated the argument realizes s/he has no logical base for arguing yet refuses to concede the point


I'll Die If I Don't Eat RIGHT! NOW!: useful anytime, success varies with timing and inflection; often preceded or accompanied by the "What's for Dinner?" distraction technique


I'm Just.....Soooo.......Sleepy....... : widely used, especially on Monday mornings in colder weather


The list could really go on and on!

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