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A part of me wants to send her to school. :(

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She'd be going off to kindergarten this year, and I'm seeing so many pictures of kids her age going off to school, and I feel like I'm cheating her out of an experience. I know that I can give her a better education at home, and I know that there are things in PS that I wouldn't want her to be exposed to, so why do I feel this way?

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My youngest started K this year also. I know he is better of at home, due to his speech delay and the fact that he would be one of the youngest in the class. However, I do sometimes worry like you do that he's missing out on something. I have to remind myself that not everything in public K is happy and good. I also am going to sign him up for a class this fall and soccer in the spring.


On a selfish note, I would hate to miss all the time he wants to snuggle up with me during the day. ;)

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Start your own First Day of School memories!


It's almost like Christmas morning on the First Day of School around here. The boys get new backpacks, loaded up with new school supplies, and a few 'treats' thrown in. This year, we added a Perry the Platypus water bottle and a Phineas and Ferb lanyard (to hold their library cards!).


After we open our "presents", we load up and head out for breakfast at one of our favorite restaurants. :)


We take lots of pictures and celebrate every new year this way. My boys have no idea they might be missing out on anything.


Have fun this year! :)

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But is that experience one that's really vital for her life? Isn't the experience of being loved and gently instructed by her own mother in her own home more important? Think of all the possible negatives of that experience; do you want to risk any of those?

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Start your own First Day of School memories!


It's almost like Christmas morning on the First Day of School around here. The boys get new backpacks, loaded up with new school supplies, and a few 'treats' thrown in. This year, we added a Perry the Platypus water bottle and a Phineas and Ferb lanyard (to hold their library cards!).


After we open our "presents", we load up and head out for breakfast at one of our favorite restaurants. :)


We take lots of pictures and celebrate every new year this way. My boys have no idea they might be missing out on anything.


Have fun this year! :)

:iagree: We have tons of traditions for our first day of school. It's a lot of fun. Make your own first day memories. :001_smile:

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I know how you feel... My son, our neighbor's son, my nephew, and my niece all turned 5 this year. All but my son have started school and we've heard all the excitement of starting, the plans for getting ready, and the first day pictures. The thing is... I know this is best for HIM. He's going to have a much more enjoyable year learning at his own pace and in his own way. And it won't take us all day to do it. So when he stands beside me, bouncing, while doing math... I can just enjoy it!

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Start your own First Day of School memories!


It's almost like Christmas morning on the First Day of School around here. The boys get new backpacks, loaded up with new school supplies, and a few 'treats' thrown in. This year, we added a Perry the Platypus water bottle and a Phineas and Ferb lanyard (to hold their library cards!).


After we open our "presents", we load up and head out for breakfast at one of our favorite restaurants. :)


We take lots of pictures and celebrate every new year this way. My boys have no idea they might be missing out on anything.


Have fun this year! :)


Thank you for these ideas!

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She'd be going off to kindergarten this year, and I'm seeing so many pictures of kids her age going off to school, and I feel like I'm cheating her out of an experience. I know that I can give her a better education at home, and I know that there are things in PS that I wouldn't want her to be exposed to, so why do I feel this way?


Because she's your oldest and homeschooling is scary at the beginning. You'll settle into it in no time and while the other parents complain about the many negatives of school, you'll be home with your dd in a whole different, surely happier, world.

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Start your own First Day of School memories!


It's almost like Christmas morning on the First Day of School around here. The boys get new backpacks, loaded up with new school supplies, and a few 'treats' thrown in. This year, we added a Perry the Platypus water bottle and a Phineas and Ferb lanyard (to hold their library cards!).


After we open our "presents", we load up and head out for breakfast at one of our favorite restaurants. :)


We take lots of pictures and celebrate every new year this way. My boys have no idea they might be missing out on anything.


Have fun this year! :)


Oh man! I wish I had thought of something like this 13 years ago when we started homeschooling. All I do is take the First Day of School picture. This sounds like so much fun!

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She'd be going off to kindergarten this year, and I'm seeing so many pictures of kids her age going off to school, and I feel like I'm cheating her out of an experience. I know that I can give her a better education at home, and I know that there are things in PS that I wouldn't want her to be exposed to, so why do I feel this way?


It is scary to be doing something so completely different. And there is so much hype about back to school that you feel you're missing out. But you're not. You get to keep the kids! The other parents are the ones missing out on so much.

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Have you ever thought that it is the school kids who are missing out on the awesome experience? My child would never choose public school over homeschool. She thinks homeschooling rocks! And it does.:D


This is true. It really is. I know it deep down inside, but I guess sometimes I get a case of the "Grass is always Greener" syndrome.

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Start your own First Day of School memories!


It's almost like Christmas morning on the First Day of School around here. The boys get new backpacks, loaded up with new school supplies, and a few 'treats' thrown in. This year, we added a Perry the Platypus water bottle and a Phineas and Ferb lanyard (to hold their library cards!).


After we open our "presents", we load up and head out for breakfast at one of our favorite restaurants. :)


We take lots of pictures and celebrate every new year this way. My boys have no idea they might be missing out on anything.


Have fun this year! :)


I need to do this next year. We're going year-round, but this would be great for the first day of public school when the other kids are at the bus stop.

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Have you ever thought that it is the school kids who are missing out on the awesome experience? My child would never choose public school over homeschool. She thinks homeschooling rocks! And it does.:D



We think that all those other children are missing out on the best experience! I agree with starting your own traditions. While all of our PS friends will be posting back to school pictures of students in matching uniforms sitting in desks with piles of supplies in front of them, we will be post photos of our annual "Not Back to School" party at the park. There will be kids of all ages, dressed in many different styles, running around, interacting and having fun. Which sounds like the better experience?

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It's natural mourn for your child missing out on something that you likely have some fond memories of. I really enjoyed getting my older son ready for K and packing his lunch and walking him to his school while he proudly swung his lunchbox. If I had known what 2 years of school here would do to him though, I would have fled that courtyard!


Remember that K is not what it used to be in many places. And replace the things you will miss with fund stuff of your own.

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Yeah, but how many people post pics of their child crying on their first day? Every year I open my newspaper and see photos of the kindergarteners crying and having to be taken home by their parents because they're scared, etc. I saw a couple in the newspaper just the other day, and I felt bad for those kids and their parents.


Be thankful your kids are at home with you. They grow up so fast. No need for them to be away from you at this age if they don't have to be, you know?

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Our local schools started back today and I had some doubts this morning too. Growing up everything in my life revolved around school and it just felt really scary to be stepping away from that. Even though we have been homeschooling since last year when my oldest was in K, this is the first year that we have to meet our state requirements and I am putting a lot of pressure on myself.


It's the first big shift out of the mainstream and it feels hard. Once it's done you'll own your own family's experience. Your dc will miss some things and gain many others. :grouphug:


:iagree: I don't have much homeschooling experience yet but this is the same conclusion I came to.

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As much as I wanted to homeschool, I had similar feelings on the first day of K for my oldest. He was missing out on the school experience, and honestly, so was I. Most of my friends were entering the "school mom" circle with field trips, room moms, and parent teacher conferences. I didn't know any other homeschoolers yet, so I didn't know about all the awesome homeschool experiences that were waiting for us. On top of that my family thought I was crazy. And surely breaking some law.


On that first day I really felt like I needed God to send me a sign that this was right. About 4pm that day someone knocked on my door. When I opened it a nicely dressed women introduced herself as the principal of our local elementary(just down the street). I was so surprised and assumed she was there to ask about my truant son. I can't remember what I said, but it was probably something totally embarrassing like, "We are homeschooling and it's totally legal!". It turned out she was just there looking for a new Ker who apparently was lost on the bus ride home. They were going door to door for him. I told her that I hadn't seen a lost child, but would keep an eye out for him. Then I shut the door and said, "Thank you for the sign, God!"


You are not alone in those thoughts at the beginning, but as my little Ker starts 7th grade this year many more friends are envious of our lifestyle than I am of theirs. Follow some of the great ideas in this thread for starting homeschooling traditions for the start of the year. We always try to start the week after the local schools. We do something fun each day and post our "NOT back to school yet" pics on FB. Have fun on your journey:)


Btw-the little boy was found OK down the street. I think he got off at the wrong stop or something.

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One visual that always made me so happy my kids were not going to school was watching the tiny kids waiting beside the road for the bus. Or getting off the bus. That always looked so sad to me.


Also, I still took "First Day of School" pictures and "Field Trip" pictures and

"Co-op class" pictures. We made them into Shutterfly albums. Not only do I feel they didn't miss anything worthwhile, I also felt that they got so many perks the kids at school did not.

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I'm going through the same thing. This is our first year homeschooling and I have one starting K and a new middle schooler. I also have one going in third. They were all excited to start homeschooling.....till today. My oldest ds was talking to his friends who are preparing to start middle school and he started getting jealous. He was pretty down today and it made me feel really bad. I know we are doing what's best. We are zoned for a absolutely terrible inner city middle school. It has it's own police department! We live in the country and we don't have enough kids out here so they bus them over an hour to the city. They were in a small Catholic school, but I got injured at work last year and we can't afford it this year. On top of all that I'm 99% sure he has an LD. Something along the lines of dysgraphia/dyslexia. He is in the middle of being tested now so we well hopefully know soon what we are dealing with. I know I can give him a lot more help at home then they would give him at school. Now to convince ds that this will be better. I'd love to come up with some special first day of school ideas. I love the backpack full of supplies as a present, but we have most of our supplies already. Do they really need backpacks? I'm clueless:lol:

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It's the first day of school here. One of my friend's has already posted about problem with bullying her 6yo daughter is dealing with.


There's a good chance your dd won't be bullied tomorrow, right?


One of the (very) few homeschoolers I know IRL has their first day of school at a park. They have backpacks filled with treats, some fun new supplies, and some stuff for nature study. She takes first day pictures, they have a picnic, play, and do a little science.


:001_smile: Her first day pictures are super cute.

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Have you ever thought that it is the school kids who are missing out on the awesome experience? My child would never choose public school over homeschool. She thinks homeschooling rocks! And it does.:D


:iagree: You aren't denying her an experience - you're just giving her a different one. Mine are all back home this year and our neighbor is hsing as well. It's her first time out of PS and I'll tell you - she is definitely having an new experience this year! She's amazed at how much fun it is to not be up at the crack of dawn, to have free time in the afternoon before the rest of the neighborhood gets home, working at her own speed and getting to actually discuss things she's learning. Wouldn't you agree that's a GREAT experience? I wish every child could have this amazing experience! ;)

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Start your own First Day of School memories!


It's almost like Christmas morning on the First Day of School around here. The boys get new backpacks, loaded up with new school supplies, and a few 'treats' thrown in. This year, we added a Perry the Platypus water bottle and a Phineas and Ferb lanyard (to hold their library cards!).


After we open our "presents", we load up and head out for breakfast at one of our favorite restaurants. :)


We take lots of pictures and celebrate every new year this way. My boys have no idea they might be missing out on anything.


Have fun this year! :)




Start something new. We homeschool over the summer, but Wee Girl began cello lessons this month, and Middle Girl built herself an electromagnet, and so I took some good photos of them with cello and project respectively, and sent them to the grandparents. Because I figured out long ago that it's the grandparents who really ache for that first-day-of-school nostalgia.

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My little girl is starting K this year and she's the first of my children not to go to PS. I was feeling a little nostalgic about the "getting on the school bus" pictures and first notes home from school. My dd doesn't seem to notice that she's missing anything. She's counting down the days until her first day of K and telling everyone she's going to K at home! I'll let her pick out a special outfit, take first day of school pictures, and get out new books. There's no reason we can't allow our children to remember their first day of K (at home) as a special and exciting first.

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It's the first big shift out of the mainstream and it feels hard. Once it's done you'll own your own family's experience. Your dc will miss some things and gain many others. :grouphug:


:iagree: Absolutely!


We've made lots of non-mainstream choices that had a huge impact on our kids. It has been just a few years since we reached a point where our kids have all finally lived in the USA longer than they lived out of it. School choices were different, too. My oldest 3 are 26, 24, and 21 and I have asked all three of them if they regret the choices that we made thereby making them 'different' from their peers. Every single one of them said they would not have traded their experiences for a different life. Sure, there are things they didn't like. Homeschool isn't always fun. Public school does have its appeal. But, when you look at the big picture, especially from the side of completion, homeschool has options and advantages that just can't be beat.

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I have been feeling the same way. It doesn't help that I know ZERO other homeschoolers. (Ok- I know 2, but their kids are in high school- mine are 5 and 2)


School here doesn't start until the 4th, but we're definitely going to do first day pics and stuff.....we'll just do it at home. And school supply shopping- we're doing that too!



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