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Summer and fall for school

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It's way too early in the morning and I'm thinking of silly things. But it occurred to me that I keep thinking about dd14 starting public high school in the fall. But it's not the fall yet! She starts school in 11 days.


So summer as a season isn't over until Sept. 21/22 or thereabouts, but summer as a school break ends in early August?


When I was a little girl, school didn't start until after September 1st. Wasn't that considered the traditional start time? Do any school districts wait until September to begin school anymore?

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My kids' schools start the Wednesday of the week before Labor Day. The teachers seem to like the idea of easing kids into it--first a three-day week (because of the Wednesday start), then a four-day week (because of Labor Day), then a full five-day week.


My kids get a fair number of breaks during the year--a week at Christmas, 10 days or so at the end of February/early March, and a week in April. With snow days on top of that, they are usually in school until mid June.


I'm glad they start close to Labor Day, as that always feels like the end of summer. And I prefer a longer span between first day and last day if it means they get more breaks in the middle.

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I just found an article in our newspaper that was written in June 2010 about this very subject. I wonder if Georgia is in the minority of starting school so early. One complaint mentioned in the article was the fact that it costs so much money to run the A/C in schools during a Georgia August. That's a very good point.


Even the Six Flags amusement park goes to only weekends the week after school begins, which is August 9th, although I don't think every county is GA has that specific date. The Six Flags in Illinois stays open through August 27th before it goes to weekends only.


I think GA had about 11 weeks of summer between the end of one school year and the start of the next year. I wonder if that is normal or short? Schools that start later also go later, right?

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Public schools here are starting August 10th. I had to look it up. :) Starting earlier gives more time off during the year, and more flexibility in case you need snow days. A shorter summer means less time to forget what they learned the year before, and having that block of time off is often a logistical issue for working parents, so I can see the appeal for everyone in having shorter summers.

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There's some sort of VA law that says you can't start back until after Labor Day--It's called the Kings Dominion Law, unofficially.:D


The year we moved here from TX, we had a great summer. TX schools got out right before Memorial Day, and the kids didn't have to go back to school (here in VA) until after Labor Day!

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Mine start back on 8/13. Night Elf - I believe you're in North Fulton County? We're in Cobb. I preferred the one year when we were on the calendar that started early and ended early, but that had one week breaks scattered throughout the year (I think there was one in September, one in November, two in December, one in February, one in April). It seemed to break up the year nicely. I know Cherokee County still does this.


I like the early finish (May) and early start in August. My feeling is that by the time Spring rolls around the kids are anxious to be done with school, and then they're ready for school to start back about 10 - 12 weeks later, regardless of when it ends in the Spring.

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Mine start back on 8/13. Night Elf - I believe you're in North Fulton County? We're in Cobb. I preferred the one year when we were on the calendar that started early and ended early, but that had one week breaks scattered throughout the year (I think there was one in September, one in November, two in December, one in February, one in April). It seemed to break up the year nicely. I know Cherokee County still does this.



Paulding does this too. It was quite a kerfuffle with Cobb changing the calendar then changing back. I like the extra breaks. Even in our homeschool we found we liked about 6 weeks of school then a week off. We start Monday!

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Local schools start back the week of August 13. That's pretty much the same as when I was a kid.


However, in neighboring cities many of the schools are switching to a year-round or what they call "balanced" schedule. A couple of school districts have already started back to school and two more of the largest districts start back this week!

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The first day of school is different in different states.


In Virginia, we started the Tuesday after Labor Day.


Here in Texas, most schools start somewhere around the middle of August (although that is changing. Don't know to what, but it's what I've heard. I don't keep up on those things. :D )


And year-round schools are going to start their new school years all over the place.

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Oh it was more my wondering than anything. My dd14 is looking forward to school and wishes it would start already. But she's known since last March that she would be going, and she finished her last homeschool classes in early June so she's bored to death.


I was only thinking about it because I was looking at my signature and had 'bound for public school this fall', and realized that wasn't quite accurate! :tongue_smilie:


I wouldn't mind a a more year round schedule with weekly breaks. That's what we do at home anyway. The longest break I ever scheduled in the past 11 years of homeschooling was the whole month of December 2010 off. That was horrible. It was much too long.

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It's way too early in the morning and I'm thinking of silly things. But it occurred to me that I keep thinking about dd14 starting public high school in the fall. But it's not the fall yet! She starts school in 11 days.


So summer as a season isn't over until Sept. 21/22 or thereabouts, but summer as a school break ends in early August?


When I was a little girl, school didn't start until after September 1st. Wasn't that considered the traditional start time? Do any school districts wait until September to begin school anymore?


Out here school goes back at the end of Aug, I can't remember the exact day since it doesn't have to do with me. WHen I was a girl we went back the day after labour day. It seems these kids go back about a week before that.


Out here it feels like fall once school starts up again. within 2-3 weeks of school starting up we are already starting to deal with our first frosts of the season. FOr us the season of summer ends when summer vacation ends because even the weather treats early sept as fall

Edited by swellmomma
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I think ps schools start August 27 here? It never made sense to me because their second week has Monday off. FWIW, my mind always considers school starting in fall which is why I bring out my fall decorations when our school starts. Even though I live in the desert and fall doesn't actually hit here until November!

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DH is a teacher--he just transferred from Cherokee to Fulton, so he's getting a little extra summer right now, but he's dreading the lost September break and the LONG stretch before Thanksgiving. And I'm really sad about losing our uncrowded Disney week :(. I really wish they'd go to a year round schedule with shorter breaks spread throughout the year.


I'm not sure what the reasoning is for starting so early in Georgia....maybe it's so the semesters will line up neatly with winter break? I know they start after Labor Day in MA and don't get out until mid-late June....but up there it's still very much spring in June. We often go to Cape Cod in June, and it's definitely not beach weather yet most of the time. One year it rained on us almost every day and the temperature almost never got above 65.

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