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Anyone willling to share their self-made planners?

Country Girl

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I'd love to see examples from any of you who are willing to share the planners you have made yourself. I know I want to make our own so I can completely customize it, but I need some inspiration and motivation to get started. So if you have a copy on a blog, a google doc, or some other easy way of sharing with us, please do! Also, if you have any tips, software programs, etc. that you have found that made designing your own planner easier, I'm all ears.



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Thanks kirstenhill! Glad the page protectors work with the Proclick. Always excited to have another reason to pull out my machine!


Just to clarify, I did page protectors in a "regular" spiral binding last year at the copy shop - I didn't get the pro click until January. But just for kicks I did try a page protector in it just now. It worked, but it was a bit tricky to get it lined up in there just right to get the holes all the way on the plastic. I'm probably not going to do page protectors this year because the proclick is so easy to add/remove pages from. I think if you need page protectors though I would go with the lightweight ones - they might be a bit easier to punch.

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Thank you everyone for sharing. I have loved looking at all of the blog posts and links you have given me. It is funny how much enjoyment I get from looking at organizational items:D. But I have to admit that some of you blow me out of the water, and I can never hope to reach the level of organization and planning that some of you have achieved. :w00t:


I have really gotten some good inspiration and some new ideas. Thanks for sharing, and keep them coming.

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I have two:


Daily Work Folders




but I also have a Mom binder which stores all my important paperwork, lesson plans, calendar, etc. I don't have a picture of this up yet but it's just a binder - nothing too fancy.


HTH :001_smile:


i loved this system and took it a step further for the daily lessons.


The google doc, didn't keep it the same. But resize the format to be a 4 by 6 index cards. I have printed enough for the first quarter, this way I can put them in the folder for the week. I am not a real good planner style note book homeschool mom. I like the note cards, because they keep me focused on the week and not on filling a book. I can also have a view of up coming things.


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I have two shareable files I use for planning and organization. They are only the weekly planning and daily planning I have. The planning for the whole year I kind of make up a little different each year, and I don't think it would make sense to anyone but me :tongue_smilie:


Weekly plan is this


Daily is a checklist for each child. Green items are ready to go and they can work on independently, yellow items they have to do with me, and red is the fun stuff we are hoping to get to when everything else is finished (the park, a science exp, art project, etc). Each gets their strip on their own clipboard every morning.


Hope you find the ideas and inspiration you are looking for!

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This year I'm going out on a limb and doing it all in the Errands app on my ipad. If Olly for ipad had been ready, that would have been a great option. It wasn't, so Errands is the winner this year. I actually really like using it. Main bummer is it's only good for one student. But no biggee. We all need an excuse to buy more apple devices. :lol:

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C&P from another thread:


Here's a sample page from one of my kids' planners. This is from dd when she was in 5th. At that point, I still tell her pretty much exactly what to do each day, though you'll see that some subjects at the bottom say what needs to be accomplished in the week, spread out over the days when I say to work on that topic:



Here's a sample form ds' 8th grade planner. You can see that I mostly tell him what needs to be done during the week, and then he can make notes about specifically what to do each day on the facing page. There's also space for additional assignments or notes on assignments. That's for outside class work that's assigned or writing down field trips that we take or books he reads on his own time, etc.





These are just made in Word. For the last few years, I've typed up our whole year ahead of time and had it printed and bound before we start for the year. It really helps keep *me* on track, when life begins to pop up and create havoc. That said, this year we have more significant changes coming up and I may handle it differently...

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i've always chosen something from donna young's website to fit my needs. i'd like to say i could come back here and find something better, but i'm not that organized. i'm envious of all you talented mamas.

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I actually just literally finished it!!


Its more for my scheduled planner. Its part of my new "Our Homeschool" Series.


Our HS Series: Babs, The Binder System

(shows planner and other bits)


My new Natural Learner Homeschool Journal will probably be in a later post.


HTH xxx


I LOVE your BABS system!! I think something similar would work for me.... a couple of questions for you (because I'm all about the little tiny details):


- did you create that electives page yourself?? I'm having a hard time reading it - but what sorts of information do you put on there?


- What is the difference between your weekly schedule binder and the weekly schedules in the 6 separate binders? I'm a little fuzzy on that.....


- can you expand on what is in your Miss Edumacated binder?

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I LOVE your BABS system!! I think something similar would work for me.... a couple of questions for you (because I'm all about the little tiny details):


- did you create that electives page yourself?? I'm having a hard time reading it - but what sorts of information do you put on there?


- What is the difference between your weekly schedule binder and the weekly schedules in the 6 separate binders? I'm a little fuzzy on that.....


- can you expand on what is in your Miss Edumacated binder?


Hi :D


Electives - I created it myself in word. We went from Sonlight, so its a sonlight inspired planning system. It has all the stuff my school area counts as optional or "not core" items. So Bible, Health & Home Ec, Foreign Languages, Logic & Critical thinking, Art, Craft & Music. Once a week we have one fun messy craft I schedule in. Below the schedule is just a note I cut off and input into C's portfolio (it just mentions the same thing, that he follows along with that schedule). Here's a direct link to photo, you can usually enlarge it a little bit by clicking on it: Electives


Schedules: If you look up any posts about organizing Sonlight, thats what we do (even though we don't use Sonlight lol) The 6 week binders are 70mm, they are fat, heavy and full. They contain usually triplicate of worksheets/activity sheets for all sort of different subjects. The 6 week folders are basically storage. It allows me to take out on week, and input into a smaller folder (my weekly guide) so I am not lugging so much around. It also gave me a fair idea of breaks. Once we had emptied one folder, we can have a mini break. A blog about Sonlight Organizing


Teachers Guide (aka Miss Ed :tongue_smilie: ) - Front section is a Calendar, I use this to jot any notes down regarding doctors apps, field trips, DHs work schedule etc. There are all my supply lists & movie lists. Review Cards, and Cheat Sheets for SOTW activities. Board letters for Letter of the Week program. Basically any looseleaf stuff thats meant for teacher not student, and that can't be divided up by weeks. It also holds all my membership cards, receipts and important documents for HS stuff in a page protector at the back.


Hope that helps. I'm happy to answer any more q's :001_smile:

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This is super Ecclectic Mum! Thanks for elaborating. I too am coming from Sonlight, so I think this why I was immediately drawn to your system... but I never knew that trick of putting all of the weekly stuff into a smaller weekly binder.... I was using the BAB (the yearly) and keeping it propped open on a little table...


I am inspired by this thread... organizing and planning is not my strong suit, but there are some great ideas here that I think will help me...


Thanks again! I may be back with more questions, once I start putting together my system in another 2 weeks....

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I'm about to start year 10, and my planning tools have evolved every year because the planning keeps getting more complicated! Most recently I acquired a netbook that sits with me whenever I'm working on school, so all of my tools are on it. This past year I created a little website that is visible only inside our home network. It has a page for each child listing each of their subjects and a brief 1-2 line description of the plan for the year. Some subjects have links to other pages for reading lists or week-by-week schedules. I also include links to the library card catalog, online encyclopedia, etc. I also have a schedule page for each weekday showing all of the kids side-by-side. This is mostly for me so I can see who is supposed to be doing what and who I should be helping at any given time. All of these pages can also be printed for the kids to use.


I have several spreadsheets that I use as well. One has printable "progress sheets" for each child with check-boxes by each subject for each day of the week. Each printed page has 4 weeks on it. The kids use these to mark off what they've done each day and they are supposed to hand them in once they fill them up. In past years, before the webpages, I used spreadsheets to make printable schedules for each child and a master schedule for me with everyone on it.


Another spreadsheet allows me to show the kids their progress with bar graphs for each subject so that they can see whether they are ahead of schedule or behind. Once it's set up, I just plug in what week of school we're on and what lesson they last completed for each subject and the graphs update. It also calculates when they are going to finish the year's work at their current pace so they can see if they will finish early or are looking at school over the summer.


Id be happy to share any of this that sounds interesting. I'm a newbie here, but it sounds like doing it via PM is the way to accomplish that.

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I'm about to start year 10, and my planning tools have evolved every year because the planning keeps getting more complicated! Most recently I acquired a netbook that sits with me whenever I'm working on school, so all of my tools are on it. This past year I created a little website that is visible only inside our home network. It has a page for each child listing each of their subjects and a brief 1-2 line description of the plan for the year. Some subjects have links to other pages for reading lists or week-by-week schedules. I also include links to the library card catalog, online encyclopedia, etc. I also have a schedule page for each weekday showing all of the kids side-by-side. This is mostly for me so I can see who is supposed to be doing what and who I should be helping at any given time. All of these pages can also be printed for the kids to use.


I have several spreadsheets that I use as well. One has printable "progress sheets" for each child with check-boxes by each subject for each day of the week. Each printed page has 4 weeks on it. The kids use these to mark off what they've done each day and they are supposed to hand them in once they fill them up. In past years, before the webpages, I used spreadsheets to make printable schedules for each child and a master schedule for me with everyone on it.


Another spreadsheet allows me to show the kids their progress with bar graphs for each subject so that they can see whether they are ahead of schedule or behind. Once it's set up, I just plug in what week of school we're on and what lesson they last completed for each subject and the graphs update. It also calculates when they are going to finish the year's work at their current pace so they can see if they will finish early or are looking at school over the summer.


Id be happy to share any of this that sounds interesting. I'm a newbie here, but it sounds like doing it via PM is the way to accomplish that.


I would SO love to see this, it sounds amazing! Please!

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Capturing a screen shot...


There are probably easier/better ways of taking a screen shot, but the two ways I use most often are:


  1. On your keyboard there should be a key that says "prt sc", or something like it, for "print screen". You may need to hold down a function or control key and then give the "print screen" button 1 press. You can then go into a program like Word or a picture editing program, and then click paste. This will paste the screen shot into the document. or...
  2. If your computer has the Windows 7 operating system the Snipping Tool program should be available under Accessories.

I hope that helps. If not, feel free to send me a pm :)

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The schedule I had created for my fifth grader is adapted from a file shared on the HOD yahoo site. It is plain, but he loves checklists.


Edited to remove checklist. Please pm for more information.

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I think I did this right. Mine was based on Sonlight and made in MS Word as well. I attached (I hope) a screen capture of one of my week plans. I write the date beside each "Day #" at the top. I write in title and chapters for read-alouds and math each day. At the bottom, I write in whatever outside activities, if any, we do like field trips, park days, etc.


ETA: I have the pages stored behind 36 numbered dividers for the weeks of school. Behind each page are the TOG assignment page for the week and any worksheets we need. I pull out three weeks at a time for a small working binder. In the back of the working binder I have a "materials" section where I have listed out all the materials and library books I will need by week.

Edited by kebg11
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I actually just literally finished it!!


Its more for my scheduled planner. Its part of my new "Our Homeschool" Series.


Our HS Series: Babs, The Binder System

(shows planner and other bits)


My new Natural Learner Homeschool Journal will probably be in a later post.


HTH xxx


Wow!!! That is an amazing system. I wish I had enough time to put something like that together. I especially love the Notes pages that you made. Did you type all of that info on the note pages yourself? How long does it take you to put together a whole years worth of planning?

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Here's my student planners from two years ago that I uploaded to Google docs:


Assignment pages: page 1 and page 2


project pages - They use these for long term projects.


schedule - I put a few copies in on single pages, so they can tear out old ones. These are for them to use to write the schedule of outside activities, so they can plan around it.


It's very bare bones, because dc like to doodle in it and decorate it themselves.

Edited by angela in ohio
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I've been working on a new format for my son's checkoff list because there are some things I wanted to add to it. He often forgets to brush his teeth after breakfast, so I wanted that on there as well as chores. I also want him to start keeping up with drinking enough water and eating enough fruits/veggies.


Here is page 1. Here is page 2. I'm thinking of printing them front and back and having them spiral bound. If I add other pages, I'll post about them, too.


The circles are for him to check off. I will write in his daily assignments in the blocks with only a circle. The boxes to the right are for any grades. I'll use the blanks on the weekend for any extra work or chores. I didn't put places for water or fruits/veggies on Sundays because that is my no-cooking day and everyone just eats whatever they want.

Edited by mom31257
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I actually just literally finished it!!


Its more for my scheduled planner. Its part of my new "Our Homeschool" Series.


Our HS Series: Babs, The Binder System

(shows planner and other bits)


My new Natural Learner Homeschool Journal will probably be in a later post.


HTH xxx

WOW!!!!!!! This is serious and I can't believe you have all of that done with your oldest only being 6. You must just be an organizer:D.

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Here's mine (if this works) :)


I base it off of sonlight as well, but I don't write in any page #'s. I just have the resource and shaded days when I expect to or will try to do it. That way, I have a general outline for the day, but if we skip something or do it on a different day it isn't a big deal. And there is no "getting behind". I am also using a sonlight core, so those specific weeks and their specific assignments are on that page, I just reference having done the SL stuff on my planner.


Anyway, I am excited for it. Best of both worlds to me - scheduled, boxes to fill, but very flexible.


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Wow!!! That is an amazing system. I wish I had enough time to put something like that together. I especially love the Notes pages that you made. Did you type all of that info on the note pages yourself? How long does it take you to put together a whole years worth of planning?


Yes, I did. Other than some of the Health, Crafts & such, I don't make up the ideas myself, but I did re-write them into "better wording" for me to glance over and copy them out (a lot were from either books or protected PDF's, thus I hand to hand-type everything out.


That whole year, I'm not sure. I tend to work pretty fast with planning. Its the one thing my mind can stay focused on, so it probably took me let's say a good week to figure it all out, input & print etc, but my mind buzzes round for a bit before I put anything on paper.


WOW!!!!!!! This is serious and I can't believe you have all of that done with your oldest only being 6. You must just be an organizer:D.


LOL. My kids all loved it. The History and Science weren't hands-on and easy enough to encompass all of them, so we've changed those. And we've pulled back on the Language Arts to concentrate on Atlas' phonics. The the schedule has entirely changed, but I still put it up, as I have been promising people I would for a while. We've changed round to block schedules, natural learning & unit studies (what we did basically before I started that schedule) we find this better suits us. The 3yo follows along for practically everything (she loves school). I've changed to to hopefully be something my middle child understands, thus making it easier for everyone.

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I've been working on a new format for my son's checkoff list because there are some things I wanted to add to it. He often forgets to brush his teeth after breakfast, so I wanted that on there as well as chores. I also want him to start keeping up with drinking enough water and eating enough fruits/veggies.


Here is page 1. Here is page 2. I'm thinking of printing them front and back and having them spiral bound. If I add other pages, I'll post about them, too.


The circles are for him to check off. I will write in his daily assignments in the blocks with only a circle. The boxes to the right are for any grades. I'll use the blanks on the weekend for any extra work or chores. I didn't put places for water or fruits/veggies on Sundays because that is my no-cooking day and everyone just eats whatever they want.


I'm working on more forms for his planner. Here are the documents I've done today. I realized that I'm using a Bob Jones font that isn't transferring into Google documents, so hopefully you can edit these to make then however you want.


All About Me


Curriculum Plan (looks different sizes to mine)


My Goals


School Calendar (can't figure out how to get the full dates to show up like in mine)

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Here is the weekly planner I made put all onto one page.


If anyone knows how to get the format to look the same from my excel program to inside Google, I'd love to know how to do it. In mine the phrases that are longer will just cover up the cell next to it, but not in Google Docs.


Reading Log


Report Card

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Yes, I did. Other than some of the Health, Crafts & such, I don't make up the ideas myself, but I did re-write them into "better wording" for me to glance over and copy them out (a lot were from either books or protected PDF's, thus I hand to hand-type everything out.


That whole year, I'm not sure. I tend to work pretty fast with planning. Its the one thing my mind can stay focused on, so it probably took me let's say a good week to figure it all out, input & print etc, but my mind buzzes round for a bit before I put anything on paper.



I am very impressed! I would love to put together a schedule like this, I think it would make our days and weeks run a whole lot smoother. What do you do if you ever fall behind? That would be my only concern with having everything all scheduled out for a whole year.

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Here's mine (if this works) :)


I base it off of sonlight as well, but I don't write in any page #'s. I just have the resource and shaded days when I expect to or will try to do it. That way, I have a general outline for the day, but if we skip something or do it on a different day it isn't a big deal. And there is no "getting behind". I am also using a sonlight core, so those specific weeks and their specific assignments are on that page, I just reference having done the SL stuff on my planner.


Anyway, I am excited for it. Best of both worlds to me - scheduled, boxes to fill, but very flexible.


I think this approach might work well for me. I'm going to think it over and see if I can come up with something similar here. Thank you.

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This is our schedule I planned for Artsy Fartsy Friday (kids named it :glare: :001_smile:) My mind is so fried! It may be full of errors, and I'm positive I left good stuff out, but UUUGGGGHHHH! I can't look at it anymore. :tongue_smilie:



Artsy Fartsy Fridays



-Watch Bugs Bunny conduct




-Listen to The Composer is Dead

By Lemony Snicket






-Read (over week 2) The Young PersonĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s Guide to the Orchestra By Ben Kingsley


-Listen to accompanying CD



-If the CD is missing, listen to:


-Play game



-Play game





-Watch tutorial on sculpting



-Sculpt with self-hardening clay using new sculpting tools


-Listen to Swan Lake (The Ballets: Nutcracker, Sleeping Beauty, Swan Lake)






-Read The Young PersonĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s Guide to the Ballet by Ganeri (over week 3)



-Watch Ballerina Documentary






Fall Equinox

-Make Apple doll heads



-Cook Apple butter in the crock pot



-Listen to Tchaikovsky: Sleeping Beauty Andre Previn






-Watercolor painting (wet and dry) on 22x30 paper


-Listen to Karen AnnĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s La Disparition






-Read The Royal Book of Ballet (over week 7)

*home library


-Watch youtube ballet clips









-Make Wheat Sun from Crafts Through the Year

*home library


-Listen to Vox CD Story of Beethoven in words and music

*home library





-Read Tales From the Ballet by Louis Untermeyer (over week 9)


-Watch ballet clips








-Read (Backstage) and play Hansel and Gretel Learning about Opera!






-Collect fall foliage on nature walks (over week 11)


-Fall mobile from Crafts Through the Year


-Listen to Serge GainsbourgĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s Histoire de Melody Nelson (re-issue)






-Listen to The Constellations- A Guide to the Orchestra CD

By Jonathan Peters



-Sculpt with Beeswax





-Watch corn husk doll tutorial: http://www.activitytv.com/411-thanksgiving-corn-husk-doll


-Use Crafts Through the Year by Berger for additional instructions


-Listen to Vox Stories of Vivaldi & Corelli in words and music

*home library





-make kite paper stars from Crafts Through the Year by Thomas and Petra Berger


-Listen to Carla BruniĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s QuelquĂ¢â‚¬â„¢un MĂ¢â‚¬â„¢a Dit






Listen to George BalanchineĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s The Nutcracker (over week 15)



-Watch The Nutcracker/Baryshnikov DVD




-Read Tchaikovsky Discovers America

*home library





-Read Snowflake Bentley

By Jacqueline Martin

*home library


-Make giant paper snowflakes


-Listen to Vince GuaraldiĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s Charlie Brown Christmas






-Make glass jar lanterns from Crafts Through the Year


-Listen to Vox Stories of Schumann & Grieg in words and music

*home library




Week 18

-Listen to David Bowie Narrates Peter and the Wolf (over week 18)



-Watch DisneyĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s Peter and the Wolf film



-Watch Peter and the Wolf DVD






-Make Transparencies with a frame from Crafts Through the Year


-Listen to Benjamin BiolayĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s Negatif

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