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Would you babysit for the woman i taxied around?

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I'm sure some of you remember the woman who had me driving all over town for 3 hours. She needs a babysitter for a temporary job (at the county fair, so about 10 days). She said she'd pay me, but she doesn't know how much she will make.


Her boys, 2 and 7, make my ds look like a model citizen! The 2 yo has almost no language and gets very frustrated and has major 2 yo tantrums. He weighs the same as my ds. The 7 yo is very hyper and "hands on". I wouldn't say he's aggressive, but very much boy in his play.


It is a very loooong day. I'm not sure if i would have the boys the whole day or if their father would get them after his job (doubt it). If they're here all day, it would be easiest to keep them overnight since she would not be getting off until 11-12 and none of us would be in the position to watch them the following day.


I know i'm running a chance of being used, but if she doesn't pay me, she'll have messed with her last possible sitter. No one else will watch them because of their behavior. I'm no superwoman, but with an end date so close, i think i can manage.


As for interactions, my ds behaves better with poor models around because it shocks him to see kids behaving like he does.


Would you consider this?


If I get screwed, at least the boys will have a consistent place to go while their mom works. At the end of it all, i could even get some needed cash! Lol. I will keep receipts for any food, and at a minimum will get that back.

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Well, my thoughts are this: I would agree to do it with the understanding that If I didn't get paid it wouldn't matter. If being paid is a huge factor for you, I would consider having a discussion with her in further detail. It sounds really questionable that she might pay you. So, again, I wouldn't make my decision based on the money, but more on the decision of whether or not my kids would have a good day with hers.


I try to help moms out when I can. I just feel like it's the right thing to do. I understand that we are all busy and some moms will take full advantage of you. However, I think most just need a hand now and then. I guess I'm somewhat sensitive to it b/c I never had help. I always took my kids with me or just didn't do whatever the *event* was.


Hope you figure it out...wish I could be helpful!

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Well, my thoughts are this: I would agree to do it with the understanding that If I didn't get paid it wouldn't matter. If being paid is a huge factor for you, I would consider having a discussion with her in further detail. It sounds really questionable that she might pay you. So, again, I wouldn't make my decision based on the money, but more on the decision of whether or not my kids would have a good day with hers.


I try to help moms out when I can. I just feel like it's the right thing to do. I understand that we are all busy and some moms will take full advantage of you. However, I think most just need a hand now and then. I guess I'm somewhat sensitive to it b/c I never had help. I always took my kids with me or just didn't do whatever the *event* was.


Hope you figure it out...wish I could be helpful!


:iagree: Yup.

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How much time has your son spent with them in the past? Being shocked for a few hours may turn into being overwhelmed and angry about it after a day. Is their behavior more along the lines of not following the rules or does it involve any arguing, bossing or passive aggression toward other children? That can get to be too much for a kid very quickly...

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What time does the father get off work? If it was early in the evening, I would agree on the condition that he gets the kids when he is off work. I would not keep them overnight or as late as 11 or 12. Just tell her you simply can't handle that.

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Wow! I'm surprised how many replies already.


I can't expect anything except maybe food money upfront. I know she does not have it. I can call the fairgrounds and see how people get paid (when i was a carnie, we were paid during the last night, but when people from local towns worked they were paid nightly).


When i was thinking about it, i put the mom aside. I was just thinking about these boys having some consistency and real food for a week or so.


It's not until next month, so i have some time. Thank you all for the input!

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