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Is everyone staying cool?

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I'm not sure about the rest of the country, but here is Central Wisconsin, our heat index is 105. Tomorrow will be about 110. My daughter is a civil air patrol cadet and is at encampment this week with the heat index about 105 every day. Our house doesn't have central air. The kids have a window unit in their rooms and we have one in ours that will keep the living room cool if we keep the partition closed. The kids are in the pool and eating ice. My animals are less than impressed with the heat.


How about everyone else? What is your temp and how are you staying cool? :)

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I am in the deep south. It has been hotter than normal, but the past few days have actually been... dare I say it... cool!

In fact, we went to a neighboring town for fireworks last night and I told DH, "I hate to say it, but it is a tad chilly." It certainly wasn't chilly by winter standards, but given it was July 3rd it was certainly chilly.

I don't think I have ever watched fireworks w/o sweat dripping from every pore of my body before. :lol:

(That said, it is July and I have no interest in going outside this afternoon. The sun is hot on the skin!)

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SW WI....it's apparently 102 here. Ugh. We've got a window unit upstairs (our bedroom) and one in the living room. It's tolerable. I don't want to cook. I barely want to eat. It looks like we'll get some rain and be back down to the 80s on Saturday. Can't come soon enough. Is there a "melting" smilie? ;)

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According to Siri, it is 100 degrees outside right now. HOT!!! And, it's not supposed to go below 95 for the next few days. Our 10 day forecast has us in the upper 80s and low 90s. I don't remember a summer this hot.


I was hoping for a cooler summer so we wouldn't have to use the AC! HA!!!!

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It's freezinig enough today we are wearing slippers and sweaters. it is 57F today, windy & rainy.


Wow - I'm completely jealous. I'm also in the upper midwest and it's HOT! We live in an older house with just window units so it's definitely not as cool as I would like.


ETA - right now it's 101, heat index of 107.

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Today it was 43 degree Celsius = 109.4 degree Fahrenheit.


My husband took the day off work to get together with friends from his old work to play golf. It was planned months in advance.


They only played nine holes. :tongue_smilie:


The kids and I did walk to the library to get things checked off for the summer read-a-thon. On the way we passed some elephants.




No I was no hallucinating due to the heat.




Circus is in town. I bought us tickets for the evening show.


What is funny is that happened two years ago. For some reason they never advertise that they are coming at the rec. center we walk past. Never a single sign. :confused:


Two years ago we got in free, since they had empty seats. I was suppose to pay but they only accepted cash, and the debit machine at the rec. center was broken. I don't carry much cash with me and didn't have time to go home and get some. So they let me in for free. :)

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It's currently 100 degrees, with a heat index of 102. That's gone down from a few hours ago.


This is our first house with central air and I have to say, I will NEVER live without it again. My dad finally got central air at the age of 70. He was having the furnace replaced and decided to have them put in A/C. I am so relieved that he did. I worried about him terribly when he didn't have it. Heck, I'm worried about any of you without A/C, dealing with this heat :(


I would be completely satisfied if the temperature never got above 75!

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It's only 99 here today! It's cooled off a bit the last 2 days, the next 3 days are then supposed to be 100+ but then come next week the highs are supposed to be right around 90, which is our average. I cannot wait. I hate having to have the house shut up all day because it has been warmer than usual at night as well. We've had nights we've went to bed at dark and it's still been 90+ outside.

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A little hot here as well. Over 100 F with the humidex factored in.

Supposed to be this way for the rest of the week with the worst heat yet to come!

And our power went out over 15 minutes ago now....not sure if it is a brownout from the system being overloaded?? Rarely does the power stay out for more than a minute or 2 and that is usually during wild weather.


Hope the power comes on soon or it is gonna be mighty hot in my house :willy_nilly:

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We had the weirdest 4th of July! Normally, the 4th is the hottest week of the year here, sometimes 116! Today was in the 80s and it rained all day! This is in Arizona!


ETA: I'm convinced it's because my dh didn't have the day off of work. :D

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It's freezinig enough today we are wearing slippers and sweaters. it is 57F today, windy & rainy.


Here in the UK we're having the wettest summer I can ever remember. It's not remotely warm. It just rains and rains and rains. I can't even imagine the kind of heat you describe. Such extremes - global warming?

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Our high is supposed to be 73*F today. We had our two days of summer over the weekend. We will have "Indian Summer" later in the week. It will get up to the low 80s for a few days then fall will start.


I didn't even take the flannel sheets off the bed this summer.

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Well, I'm in the desert (Phoenix), so we're used to hot. It's going to be around 110-115 today. My son and I are leaving in a few minutes for our horseback riding lessons; at 9am it's supposed to be "only" 97. When we get home, we'll jump into the pool.


Because this is not unusual for us, most people here do have AC and other ways to keep cool. The bigger danger seems to be for people who decide to hike midday, or sadly, for immigrants crossing the desert from Mexico. It's brutal to be outdoors all day with no protection. :crying:



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