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What are your top 3-5 items you most dread...

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on your to-do list? Will you face them down and get them done, or are you more into avoidance?


Mine are....


  1. weed the side garden - it has become a jungle from neglect this spring.
  2. tied for 1st is planning the upcoming school year, especially Ds for 9th
  3. cleaning out the upstairs hallway which functions like a big closet

I'll probably face down #2 before the others, but it's going to be a long process. #1 is going to wait for better weather. #3 will probably get done in bits and pieces concurrently with #2 b/c I have a lot of curriculum there.

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1 Cleaning bathrooms.


2 Tidying and vacuuming boys rooms.


3 Going shopping.


I mostly try to get these things done as soon as they need doing, to get them out of the way and off my conscience as quickly as possible. There are some rare days when I feel so tired and ill that avoidance makes the most sense, but I do feel guilty when this happens, and I hate feeling guilty.

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#1 is grocery shopping. I hate it. I don't really have a rational explanation for this, but I always put it off.


#2 is cleaning out the garage. I am putting it off, but it needs to be done.


#3 is laundry. It's not so much that I hate it, but there's SO MUCH and it never ends. I do 2 loads a day, and if I take a break for a day or two, I am overwhelmed. I just wish I could do it once a week, but there's no way. It would take me hours, plus we'd run out of clothes!

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#1 - Planning the upcoming school year.

#2 - Cleaning & organizing the computer/junk/catchall room.

#3 - Decluttering & organizing the pantry.

#4 - Sorting through excess books & curriculum to sell/give away.

#5 - Decluttering & organizing the master bedroom closet.


Hmmm... I'm seeing a "decluttering & organizing pattern" here... :glare:


If I weren't into avoidance, #2-5 wouldn't be on my list.

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1. Decide what else we have to get rid of before we move next week since we can only take six suitcases with us.

2. Clean the whole apartment before we leave for the airport at 3 AM for a 36-hour trip back to the US.

3. The hardest thing is saying goodbye to our friends. Everyone keeps thinking I'm excited to go "home," but it doesn't feel like I'm going home.


I wish I could avoid every one of these things.


I have completed a few things though. We've given away many things, eaten almost all the food in the house, and visited a few of our favorite places.

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1. I have lots of phone calls to make today, but I loathe talking on the phone and I hope someone else will do them!


2. Organizing the piles of papers and books all around the house...


3. Mopping the kitchen/dining room floor, because it's so gross. :D Hopefully I can have DH mop it this weekend.

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1. writing out my oldest's study plan for the year. ugh.


2. Cleaning up my bonus room, and putting away last years' books (yes, we've been done with school since early MAY!)


3. Painting the trim in the whole house. (seriously doubt this will get done this summer)

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Grocery shopping


Errand days where you have to hit a million stores




Polishing the granite. I don't mind the polishing it and I really admire it afterwards. It is what the people in the house do to it within minutes of cleaning it that I don't like.;)


Scrubbing toilets.




In that order.

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#1- Making final decisions about next year.. I'm indecisive and everything looks good! ;)

#2- Re-doing younger dd's room (need to paint, get her a bedroom set)

#3- Going clothes shopping for the kids. Why does everyone seem to grow at the same time? :tongue_smilie:

#4- Cleaning out and going through my closet

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#3 is laundry. It's not so much that I hate it, but there's SO MUCH and it never ends. I do 2 loads a day, and if I take a break for a day or two, I am overwhelmed. I just wish I could do it once a week, but there's no way. It would take me hours, plus we'd run out of clothes!


This. I only have one, and it's laundry. I clean the bathrooms when they need it, and I don't mind. Everything else is just done as needed. But laundry; for some reason, I LOATHE laundry. I can't BELIEVE how much we produce, and if I take a day or two off, forgetaboutit.


I think it's that in our family, we don't reuse/rewear very many things. Bath towels get used once. That right there is a big one. I've never reused bath towels. I know others do, but I don't (except on vacation at the beach).


I just didn't grow up with the mindset of 'rewearing pj's', etc, so I don't do it now. Maybe I should. But I'd need to institute some sort of system or something. I'll think about it...

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1. Decide what else we have to get rid of before we move next week since we can only take six suitcases with us.

2. Clean the whole apartment before we leave for the airport at 3 AM for a 36-hour trip back to the US.

3. The hardest thing is saying goodbye to our friends. Everyone keeps thinking I'm excited to go "home," but it doesn't feel like I'm going home.


I wish I could avoid every one of these things.


I have completed a few things though. We've given away many things, eaten almost all the food in the house, and visited a few of our favorite places.


You totally win. :grouphug: I can't imagine. Good grief, now my whining about laundry sounds silly. God bless you on your travels.

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1 Cleaning bathrooms.


2 Tidying and vacuuming boys rooms.


3 Going shopping.


I mostly try to get these things done as soon as they need doing, to get them out of the way and off my conscience as quickly as possible. There are some rare days when I feel so tired and ill that avoidance makes the most sense, but I do feel guilty when this happens, and I hate feeling guilty.


:iagree: I'm with you on #1 and #3. #2 is not an issue..they clean their own rooms.


Most of the time, I avoid these tasks for as long as possible.:tongue_smilie:

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:iagree: I'm with you on #1 and #3. #2 is not an issue..they clean their own rooms.


Yes, I thought someone might comment on that, that's where I'm a bad mum, I'm afraid :o. I keep promising myself I'll get them trained one day, but by the time we've finished school I'm always just so tired of listening to myself nag, moan, and boss them about. Maybe it could be a summer project for me :tongue_smilie:.

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1. paying bills--anything having to do with $ stresses me out. We have $ to pay our bills but everything keeps going up no matter how much I cut back or something keeps popping up that will cost large amounts of $.


2. grocery shopping-see #1


3. folding socks--drives me bonkers lol this one I usually put off as long as I can

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#1 Bathrooms, I do them weekly and as needed in between but not a favorite.


#2 Entering plans into Skedtrack, don't mind doing it but I have to do it when I have peace and quiet and that's hard to come by this summer.


#3 Normally mopping would be on this list, but I did it yesterday:party:

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1. Laundry - hate it hate it hate it! My dining room table is covered with clean laundry waiting to be put away. My floor is covered with dirty laundry. I have no laundry room to speak of so all I see all day are dirty skivvies!


2. Grocery shopping. I avoid shopping of any kind but this is the worst.


3. Cleaning the garage


4. Organizing for a yard sale.

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1) cleaning the bathrooms


2) grooming the dogs (it takes a long time, makes a mess, and the dogs don't really appreciate it!) :)


3) taking the kids to doctor, dentist, orthodontist appointments.



So far I am enjoying planning for next year (but it will only be our second year). :)

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Right now, a lot of things I wouldn't normally be caring about doing.


1. Laundry _ I hate carrying it up and down the stairs.


2, Bill paying- it is easy but my hand joints hurt right now and my thinking is fuzzy too.


3. Grocery shopping- I can't take the heat in the asphalt parking lots so I guess I won't do it until later this evening.


4. Watering out side- did I say it was HOT


5. Putting out the mail -- see number 4 for a reason

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1. Paying the monthly bills. Hate doing it, always procrastinate a bit on it.

2. Carrying in groceries and putting them away. I hate that more than shopping for them.

3. Folding laundry.


That's the "ongoing" to do list, for stuff that's always gotta be done. Then there's the "to do" list for misc. stuff that crops up here and there, which I'm actually doing quite well with today!


I've already:


1. Put together the "disposable portfolio" I turn into my school district at the end of each homeschool year.


2. Went to the notary and had them notarize my affidavit for the upcoming year.


3. Went to the superintendent's office and dropped off said portfolio and Affidavit etc.


4. Went to the library and dropped off and picked up books.


5. Went to Walmart for a birthday gift and card for a party my daughter is going to tonight.


6. Did a bit of straightening up in my kitchen, with dd11's help.


7. Made a couple of phone calls I needed to make.


And before the day is over, I'll also have taken the kids to their swimming lessons and dropped my daughter off at said birthday party afterward.


Now, if only I could get motivated to update my blog, which I've fallen pretty behind on once again!

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We just did a HUGE clean/declutter of the house, so that was more than half the battle. It feels SOOO good!


Left on my to-do list that I HAAAAATE:


1. Organize and put into albums 2-3 years worth of photos :willy_nilly: AGHHH

-I am thinking about getting those "photo boxes" and just setting them right in there with dividers of some type, like get one photo box per year and then have the tab dividers that stick up for the months, maybe. Then someday (yeah, like when the kids are gone) I can put them in albums.

Three yrs ago I did at least six years of photos, putting them in albums, and it took me a MONTH of solid work. They didn't have dates stamped on the pictures, so I had to figure out by my old calendars when they were from, etc. The ones I have to do now aren't quite that bad-still not date stamped, but I kind of know when they're from.


2. Clean the garage.


3. Clean the attic


4. and one more bonus one: Go through all the at least 15 boxes of homeschool books in the garage and get rid of some/organize


This yr we've been pretty good about keeping up on the yard work, so that has been helpful.

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We just did a HUGE clean/declutter of the house, so that was more than half the battle. It feels SOOO good!


Left on my to-do list that I HAAAAATE:


1. Organize and put into albums 2-3 years worth of photos :willy_nilly: AGHHH

-I am thinking about getting those "photo boxes" and just setting them right in there with dividers of some type, like get one photo box per year and then have the tab dividers that stick up for the months, maybe. Then someday (yeah, like when the kids are gone) I can put them in albums.

Three yrs ago I did at least six years of photos, putting them in albums, and it took me a MONTH of solid work. They didn't have dates stamped on the pictures, so I had to figure out by my old calendars when they were from, etc. The ones I have to do now aren't quite that bad-still not date stamped, but I kind of know when they're from.



This is part of my list too b/c all my photos are in the upstairs hall in boxes and bags. I did put some in those photo boxes several years ago, but I'm considering putting them in albums. Then again, I may decide they look better in that dark corner they currently call home. :D

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1. Decide what else we have to get rid of before we move next week since we can only take six suitcases with us.

2. Clean the whole apartment before we leave for the airport at 3 AM for a 36-hour trip back to the US.

3. The hardest thing is saying goodbye to our friends. Everyone keeps thinking I'm excited to go "home," but it doesn't feel like I'm going home.


I wish I could avoid every one of these things.


I have completed a few things though. We've given away many things, eaten almost all the food in the house, and visited a few of our favorite places.


:grouphug: Those are very tough.

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