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Colorado Springs is on fire.

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We are here in the Southeastern US mountains. We have been having record breaking heat too and just a short while ago, we started having a Red Flag day= meaning extreme fire danger. We are certainly be watching out since today it will only be in the mid 90s. By Friday, the forecasts are for above 100 for a number of days. That is way above normal here and a very unusual situation since my area normally gets at most 2 days above 100 a year and we have already had that earlier this week. Our area in many years never reaches above 95. I will be praying that no one does something stupid and start an inferno here too.

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We are here in the Southeastern US mountains. We have been having record breaking heat too and just a short while ago, we started having a Red Flag day= meaning extreme fire danger. We are certainly be watching out since today it will only be in the mid 90s. By Friday, the forecasts are for above 100 for a number of days. That is way above normal here and a very unusual situation since my area normally gets at most 2 days above 100 a year and we have already had that earlier this week. Our area in many years never reaches above 95. I will be praying that no one does something stupid and start an inferno here too.


Yes, please be careful. With the weather and the dry conditions things can get out of control fast which has been seen all over CO this month. It is very unfortunate.

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dumb question - why are there pre-evac orders for a section of southwestern Douglas County when the fire appears to be very far away from there? Did it move north in a way that's not yet shown on the fire maps? would that be just in case there is quick spreading due to wind? (I hate to sound dumb, but I've been out all morning without access to news and I can't figure this out from the news I've looked at so far.)

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dumb question - why are there pre-evac orders for a section of southwestern Douglas County when the fire appears to be very far away from there? Did it move north in a way that's not yet shown on the fire maps? would that be just in case there is quick spreading due to wind? (I hate to sound dumb, but I've been out all morning without access to news and I can't figure this out from the news I've looked at so far.)



I believe it is because yesterday the winds were so erratic that there were 65 mph winds in the burning areas causing the fire to "jump" a half mile in some sections. It is just a precaution, a warning for people to get ready, just in case the thunderstorms forecasted for this afternoon make things worse. Everything happened so fast yesterday and they are dealing with densely populated areas, I think they'd rather be safe than sorry when dealing with this unpredictable fire.

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Thanks SJ! I assume east of I-25 is still good, near the AFA - is it very smoky?


I am more east and you can definitely smell the smoke out here. On the news it looks pretty smokey and hazy in town. Everything east of I25 is still fine.

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I am heartsick with worry for my brother and SIL and SIL's family in CS. I have a call in to my brother, but don't know if he is evac or not. I think he may be. Their FB pages don't have new info, but SIL was posting from a library last post.


I love Colorado Springs, even if it weren't for family there! What a beautiful place. Those pics of AFA are making me heartsick. :crying:

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There are no words. :crying: Warning, this picture may make you cry.


I believe it is of an area in the Green Mtn Falls area of CSprings


So devastating. :-(


It rained out here in Black Forest in the last half hour - just a sprinkle, and only for a few minutes. It's very overcast though, so I'm hoping there's more and that it heads west.


:grouphug: and continued prayers for those that have been evacuated or are otherwise directly affected by all this.

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I am heartsick with worry for my brother and SIL and SIL's family in CS. I have a call in to my brother, but don't know if he is evac or not. I think he may be. Their FB pages don't have new info, but SIL was posting from a library last post.


I love Colorado Springs, even if it weren't for family there! What a beautiful place. Those pics of AFA are making me heartsick. :crying:


I LOVE it too. It's one of my favorite places. So beautiful. A pastor friend of our was evacuated. :(

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For those in the Springs and surrounding areas...


Just heard from a friend that you have to register to receive the “Reverse 911” calls that tell you when your area is being evacuated. I thought these calls automatically went to all residents in a certain area, but they apparently don't. Here's the link for those that may want to register (they'll take a landline or cell number):




ETA: the site isn't loading for me right now - probably getting heavy traffic, as it was apparently publicized on the news a bit ago.

Edited by Dandelion
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There are no words. :crying: Warning, this picture may make you cry.


I believe it is of an area in the Green Mtn Falls area of CSprings


The last time I saw scenes like that was the fire in Oakland, CA about 20 years ago when I lived in SF and worked in the East Bay. I think that fire was much smaller than this, though.


I am heartsick with worry for my brother and SIL and SIL's family in CS. I have a call in to my brother, but don't know if he is evac or not. I think he may be. Their FB pages don't have new info, but SIL was posting from a library last post.


If you google their address, you can compare that to the evacuation map.

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I am so glad people are obeying evacuation orders. I hope we won't lose any lives.

At this point I am trying to get a "comfort" package together.

Tibbie, I am sooo sorry about what you are going through right now.


This isn't true. There are people a few miles south of the fire that aren't leaving. We have a friend that lives in a large apartment complex and they went door to door yesterday telling everyone it was mandatory evacuation.

No one left.

What are they suppose to do? This is a poor area. Most don't even have cars to leave in, let alone money for internet access to know where they could go even if they had a way to leave. You don't hear this stuff on the news. We called and talked to him and he told us he's still at home today.

Edited by jadedone80
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If you google their address, you can compare that to the evacuation map.



Thanks for this. I just heard from my mom that they are not evacuated yet. I can't get them on the phone right now, though.

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I live in Castle Rock, 30 miles North of Colo Springs


IT IS RAINING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yay - it's real rain today!


The radar appears to have rain on top of the fire - I wonder whether it's really raining there, or whether it's another "dry" storm.

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This isn't true. There are people a few miles south of the fire that aren't leaving. We have a friend that lives in a large apartment complex and they went door to door yesterday telling everyone it was mandatory evacuation.

No one left.

What are they suppose to do? This is a poor area. Most don't even have cars to leave in, let alone money for internet access to know where they could go even if they had a way to leave. You don't hear this stuff on the news. We called and talked to him and he told us he's still at home today.


But they are talking about this on the news. KKTV has been broadcasting nonstop. I have heard numerous times about evacuation points. I just can not understand why anyone would not evacuate if told to do so, especially after seeing yesterday how fast this fire can move. Not only do you put yourself in danger, you put emergency responders in danger and you keep them from doing their jobs.


If this is true that there are people that are not leaving due to lack of transportation I suggest you call the news I am positive something will be done to help these people.

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But they are talking about this on the news. KKTV has been broadcasting nonstop. I have heard numerous times about evacuation points. I just can not understand why anyone would not evacuate if told to do so, especially after seeing yesterday how fast this fire can move. Not only do you put yourself in danger, you put emergency responders in danger and you keep them from doing their jobs.


If this is true that there are people that are not leaving due to lack of transportation I suggest you call the news I am positive something will be done to help these people.



It seems to me that now would be a good time to deploy the National Guard to help evacuate since they could easily provide transport.



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It seems to me that now would be a good time to deploy the National Guard to help evacuate since they could easily provide transport.




I don't know. So far they have been very successful evacuating and being very conservative about telling people to leave on time. That type of response has not been necessary.

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Am I the only person on the East Coast rather miffed at the cable news channels? To me this is a BIG deal .... 32K people being evacuated is HUGE. I've been trying to keep my eye on it during the day but they're barely covering it. I can't help but think if it were NYCity the cable people would be on it 24/7.


So frustrating!

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Am I the only person on the East Coast rather miffed at the cable news channels? To me this is a BIG deal .... 32K people being evacuated is HUGE. I've been trying to keep my eye on it during the day but they're barely covering it. I can't help but think if it were NYCity the cable people would be on it 24/7.


So frustrating!


I totally agree with you ( except that I live in Texas)! I tried to find out an update on the. Was before leaving the house this morning and there was nothing on the national news channels while I was watching. I came to the Hive to get an update!


Praying for those involved and praying for rain!!

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Am I the only person on the East Coast rather miffed at the cable news channels? To me this is a BIG deal .... 32K people being evacuated is HUGE. I've been trying to keep my eye on it during the day but they're barely covering it. I can't help but think if it were NYCity the cable people would be on it 24/7.


So frustrating!


I know. The only place I am getting any info is here. It didn't make the Chicago papers. I looked.

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I know. The only place I am getting any info is here. It didn't make the Chicago papers. I looked.


Yes, this is so sad. It's the one time I wish I were on FB cuz I'd be complaining loud. Right now the cable guys are engaged in speculative journalism discussing what the Supreme Court MAY or MAY NOT do tomorrow... let's all do a bit more wonking on and on about that! Meanwhile the West burns....



thanks wapiti for the links again. They keep getting lost in the thread.

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Am I the only person on the East Coast rather miffed at the cable news channels? To me this is a BIG deal .... 32K people being evacuated is HUGE. I've been trying to keep my eye on it during the day but they're barely covering it. I can't help but think if it were NYCity the cable people would be on it 24/7.


So frustrating!


Same on the west coast. There is zero coverage. There is a ton of coverage on tropical storm Debby though. So bizarre how they are ignoring what is going on in CO.

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Pres. Obama is flying in on Friday so you might get more on national news. We have rain in Boulder which is helping the Flagstaff Fire and I think on the High Park Fire. There is more moisture in the air and is cooler today in Colorado Springs which is helping but we have friends in Colorado Springs and in Ft. Collins that have lost their homes.

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Am I the only person on the East Coast rather miffed at the cable news channels? To me this is a BIG deal .... 32K people being evacuated is HUGE. I've been trying to keep my eye on it during the day but they're barely covering it. I can't help but think if it were NYCity the cable people would be on it 24/7.


So frustrating!


:iagree:I didn't even hear about it except through this board. Ridiculous!

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Latest update: 200-300 homes have been lost. Per the report, "it is difficult to be accurate about the number, since the decimation is so complete that you can't even make out addresses."


It's still minimally contained, so the final loss is likely to be much higher.

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We were just in Colorado last week visiting my college roommate, Andrea. Most of her family lives in CS, and a few of her siblings have been evacuated. Her parents are on the east side of town, so they are safe so far. Dh and my son visited the AF Academy for 5 hours one of the days when we were in CO. My son cannot believe how close the fire is to where he "just stood". We hiked near where the Flagstaff Fire is because Andrea now lives in Lafayette, near Boulder. So many of the streets we were driving on in the Boulder area have been evacuated or are in pre-evac stages. Another good friend of mine lives in Fort Collins. We were able to visit her while we were there, and thankfully, they were safe from the High Park fire. I cannot believe that in just 1 week, so much has changed...


All of the images are so shocking and heartbreaking. My family is praying feverishly for everyone in CO. Like others have said, it's like watching 9/11 & feeling utterly helpless.


So many :grouphug: to those of you here who have been affected so far. I cannot even imagine. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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This isn't true. There are people a few miles south of the fire that aren't leaving. We have a friend that lives in a large apartment complex and they went door to door yesterday telling everyone it was mandatory evacuation.

No one left.

What are they suppose to do? This is a poor area. Most don't even have cars to leave in, let alone money for internet access to know where they could go even if they had a way to leave. You don't hear this stuff on the news. We called and talked to him and he told us he's still at home today.


Katrina by fire. Lord, have mercy.


Agreeing that the national news isn't covering it enough. This forum is the best source I have found.

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