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Looky what I got!

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Thanks you guys! I'm very happy with it. :001_smile:




I have a tattoo in mind but the pain prevents me from moving forward with it. When I hear of other women being gutsy enough it makes me think...maybe. Thanks for posting!

Umm.. I'm not going to lie. It hurt like he!!. It was about a 3 hour process. But I survived- and I didn't even cry! (Although I did have to ask her to take a break a couple of times lol!)

You can TOTALLY do it. ;)

Wow! Go big or go home, right?!? Very nice!

Haha! That was my thinking. :D

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Thank you!




Now, will you be filling in color, or staying black and white? I think the B&W is beautiful, just curious.


I'm leaving it black and white. No color for me. It actually has more white in it than you can see in the picture. And it will pop out more as it heals, too. :001_smile:

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Aww, you guys are all so sweet. :D Thanks for letting me show it off to y'all!




I'm getting one when I turn 35 (that gives me 3 years to lose the chunk around my middle and finalize my idea). :D It'll be a reward for the weight loss.


(And though I know it hurts, I wish I hadn't heard *how much*!)


I'm sorry! :tongue_smilie: Honestly, it really did hurt. But it was manageable. I brought along a girlfriend and it really, really helped to have her keep me chatting about meaningless stuff so I didn't think too much. ;) A good book got me through the last 45 minutes. And I think twice I asked for a quick break and that helped, too. You can totally do it!

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It's beautiful! I bet that one did hurt! You started out your tattoo life with a very large one with lots and lots of shading. :) I don't envy you the sitting time, or the healing time. That's gonna be a tough spot to work with!

That part is temporary though and you get to keep the tattoo for the rest of your life!

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