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When I woke up this am, the kids were all still asleep.


Wolf and I ended up...errr...messing around in the kitchen. Nothing horrid or anything, everyone was fully dressed...but kissing and he had his hands all over my butt.


Suddenly, from behind us, a young voice pipes up, "YUCK!" And there stood Tazzie.


Whoops. Busted. :blushing:

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Too cute. :001_smile:


I encourage my dh to be, uh, discreet about affection in front of the kids. You know; no 'wandering hands' and what not. :tongue_smilie: But when they're all four here, sometimes someone sneaks up on us. Dh thinks it's hilarious. I, on the other hand, can't help but imagine having to see *my* parents make out. {shudder} I like to spare the kids from that, lol.

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We're generally affectionate w/one another around the kids. Hugging, brief kiss here and there...but not Daddy grabbing Mommy's butt in the kitchen while kissing her neck kinda affectionate :lol:

It is too hot for all that just now. I think I'd say yuck too. :lol:

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We get caught on occasion too because we like to sneak kisses and uh gropings when we get a chance. In a small house with three active boys and a codependent dog around it isn't easy.


As much as they yell out yuck I think it must be reassuring to kids to know their parents love each other. I don't know that based on my parents so it may be wistful thinking on my part.

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We don't really hide that stuff. In fact we often make it a game where they try to get in between and pry us apart. They say, "yuck," but there is always a glint in their eye. I think they like knowing mommy and daddy enjoy being together. :D

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It is too hot for all that just now. I think I'd say yuck too. :lol:




I almost *never* saw my parents being affectionate and I used to wonder if they even loved each other...so I definitely think a little affection (and the occasional grope or two ;) ) is a good thing.

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I almost *never* saw my parents being affectionate and I used to wonder if they even loved each other
Sigh...as a totally nonphysical person now I'm going to wonder what my dc think as they never, never see my dh and I hug or anything. Guess I could fake it for their sake and tolerate a 1.5 second hug every once in a while? Could we just shake hands instead? :tongue_smilie:
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We don't hide that stuff at all. My kids are so used to it that they have no reaction at all. Just this morning, we were sitting on the couch and dh was kissing my neck and grabbed my bottom. Dd10 stood there talking to us about her VBS project and didn't bat an eye, just kept talking lol!

Edited by coralloyd
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We're generally affectionate w/one another around the kids. Hugging, brief kiss here and there...but not Daddy grabbing Mommy's butt in the kitchen while kissing her neck kinda affectionate :lol:


:lol::lol: We're working on the "no, you can't smack Daddy's bum; only Mommy can do that" issue now, so maybe avoidance is easier. :lol: (It's there when I walk by--gotta smack it, right? LOL)

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Our kids are all 12 and up now, so we like to torture them a bit. They walk in on a kiss and say yuck...we are liable to start making noises like "nom nom" or fake slurping..lol. They always get a giggle out of that. (while screaming GROSS!!! of course).

We torment Diva that way pretty frequently. Seems that the Littles are usually in bed at that point though.


And it's so over the top, it's not quite the same as being caught in a genuine moment :lol:

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Our kids are all 12 and up now, so we like to torture them a bit. They walk in on a kiss and say yuck...we are liable to start making noises like "nom nom" or fake slurping..lol. They always get a giggle out of that. (while screaming GROSS!!! of course).

I thought my husband and I were the only ones that did that!

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Sigh...as a totally nonphysical person now I'm going to wonder what my dc think as they never, never see my dh and I hug or anything. Guess I could fake it for their sake and tolerate a 1.5 second hug every once in a while? Could we just shake hands instead? :tongue_smilie:


I'm sorry...it was also my parents behavior *outside* of the non-affection that made me think they didn't love each other... but if they were affectionate on top of being The Bickersons as they liked to call it, then I would have known that deep down they liked each other, YKWIM?

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I'm so afraid one of these dd will walk in during "mommy daddy time". I grew up in a very open house where certain things were told to us kids that we really didn't need to know


A TV or radio/fan in the bedroom for background noise AND a lock. I just can't imagine a parent's bedroom without a lock.

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The neighbor girl recently told my seven year old, "You know your parents walk around naked and kiss, don't you?"


My daughter got very mad at her. She told her, "Your parents might do something like THAT, but mine never would." When she told me about it later, she added, "You and Daddy kiss a lot, but I know you wouldn't take your clothes off and kiss. You have class."



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The neighbor girl recently told my seven year old, "You know your parents walk around naked and kiss, don't you?"


My daughter got very mad at her. She told her, "Your parents might do something like THAT, but mine never would." When she told me about it later, she added, "You and Daddy kiss a lot, but I know you wouldn't take your clothes off and kiss. You have class."




That is hysterical.

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The neighbor girl recently told my seven year old, "You know your parents walk around naked and kiss, don't you?"


My daughter got very mad at her. She told her, "Your parents might do something like THAT, but mine never would." When she told me about it later, she added, "You and Daddy kiss a lot, but I know you wouldn't take your clothes off and kiss. You have class."





You really have to warn people before you post stuff like that - now I have to clean off my keyboard! :tongue_smilie:


DH and I are both very affectionate people by nature... which has led to us having to break DS1 of the habit of smacking people on the butt and making "Mmm-hmmm" noises...

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I agree w/you. I think it is healthy for kids to see their parents being affectionate.


I just don't want to cross the line into 'now needs therapy' territory :lol:


I grew up needing therapy, my parents didn't have a door lock, and I was a night time wandering child. Saw more than ever required!


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Sigh...as a totally nonphysical person now I'm going to wonder what my dc think as they never, never see my dh and I hug or anything. Guess I could fake it for their sake and tolerate a 1.5 second hug every once in a while? Could we just shake hands instead? :tongue_smilie:


I think the evidence of how many kids you have, proves you aren't a nonphysical person! LOL


Ha! My dc used to ask for a younger brother all the time. Recently my 13 yo told me she didn't want one unless we adopted one, because she knows how they are made, and that's just gross! (keep thinking that sweetheart, keep thinking that!)




The neighbor girl recently told my seven year old, "You know your parents walk around naked and kiss, don't you?"


My daughter got very mad at her. She told her, "Your parents might do something like THAT, but mine never would." When she told me about it later, she added, "You and Daddy kiss a lot, but I know you wouldn't take your clothes off and kiss. You have class."




I wonder how old she'll be when she realizes that you aren't so "classy" :001_smile:


My 18 year old has offered to pay for insulation between her ceiling and our floor, she's in the basement. :tongue_smilie: "Sorry, about that disturbance last night, dear daughter."

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