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Is anyone interested in seeing my tap dance at recital?

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This was my first year of tap(at 44.........LOL). I have had several years of Jazz, but this was my first with tap. It looks simple, but my goodness it took me a long time to get this dance done. I will post it. You don't have to watch it if you don't want.


I am the front, far right, then my DH focuses the camera on me.


All that yelling in the audience is from my 19 yo daughters friends because they were also there to see my daughter dance. So all that yelling is for me.((yikes))


I never realized how hard tap was. I am quite sure I will never be as advanced as the teen girls are in our studio!!!!


If you watch, thank you.


P.S. For the record, I hated the song. I was not in class the day they chose this. The song is called "Down by the Water" by the Decemberists. A group I never even heard of. But I survived it.:lol: (we originally were supposed to dance to Fire Down Below by Tina Turner. Wish we had!)



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Thank you so much ladies for watching it. Means a lot to me.


I have been dancing for years. Since about 3 years old. Recently started back up about 5 years ago. But I have always taken Jazz.


My 19 yo daughter and I, did a lyrical duet together two years ago.


I still get stage fright!! In tap, I was so afraid my feet were going to get tangled up! LOL.....It is SO different then Jazz.


I am going to take it again this year. And I am going to do a lyrical solo. Yep, another one of my goals. I am going to get up on stage myself.


My daughters friends are very supportive of me. I would never want to embarrass my daughter, but she thinks it's great, and her friends always encourage me.:001_smile:


Thanks so much again:grouphug:

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Thank you SO much ladies:grouphug:


I know, I was trying to keep a straight face with all the yelling for me out of the audience. LOL.............


It took forever for me to learn that dance, but I had a lot of fun doing it.


I'm so glad you ladies liked it:lol:

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To the poster who has a son that tap dances. I would love to see his video.


Stage presence?? I was so scared....it did help that I had support from the sidelines, and out in the audience. But thank you!


I wish the song would have been better, but I dealt with it. It was fun to try something new this year.


I love Lyrical. Again, another dance that is difficult, but I would still rate tap as the hardest. I almost quit I was getting so frustrated, as dance(Jazz) has always come easy to me, and this wasn't. My dance teacher told me if I quit, I would have regretted it. And she was right.


You ladies are great, thanks so much for the compliments. :grouphug:

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You rocked! That was so much fun to watch. Thanks for sharing. I LOVE that stuff and I wish more people tapped. I <3 your fan club too.


I took an adult class for one session. It was a riot with all those women. It took me half the session to realize I was allowed to let my head bounce up and down with the steps!

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I love Lyrical. Again, another dance that is difficult, but I would still rate tap as the hardest. I almost quit I was getting so frustrated, as dance(Jazz) has always come easy to me, and this wasn't. My dance teacher told me if I quit, I would have regretted it. And she was right.


You ladies are great, thanks so much for the compliments. :grouphug:


Have you started tapping in the grocery checkout lane? I have a bad habit of running through tap combos while waiting for the checker to finish scanning products.

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That "fan" club cracked me up. There was this one guy in the back that was yelling. I didn't know who he was until I found out he was the boyfriend of one of my daughters friends.


All the young dancers at the studio thinks it is great that the "moms" dance.....:lol:


The way I see it, is that no matter how I looked, I wanted to do it for "me", and it was one night a week with adults, and we had fun doing it.


One goal down, and another one to go.


Still working on the song choice for my lyrical solo. I would love to dance to "Dream On" the one by Kelly Sweet(not the aerosmith version although I do love that one as well)




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Have you started tapping in the grocery checkout lane? I have a bad habit of running through tap combos while waiting for the checker to finish scanning products.


:lol: That is so funny! I wish I could be after you at the checkout, I'm always in need of a bit of light entertainment at that point.

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Have you started tapping in the grocery checkout lane? I have a bad habit of running through tap combos while waiting for the checker to finish scanning products.


OMG!!! I am dying laughing here!!! YES!!!!! I thought I was the only one who did that.


I think I ran that dance everywhere. Grocery stores, parking lots, while blow drying my hair, the kitchen.


My kids would crack up.


My DH is happy dance is done anyways. Every.single.time. I came home from class I would be swearing because I kept saying there was no way I could do this dance. Uggggh, I was getting so frustrated!


After practicing like every day for 2 weeks prior to recital, I figured, well I have done all I can.........if I screw up, oh well. I just wont watch the video(and prayed that I didn't swear on stage LOL)

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You rocked! That was so much fun to watch. Thanks for sharing. I LOVE that stuff and I wish more people tapped. I <3 your fan club too.


I took an adult class for one session. It was a riot with all those women. It took me half the session to realize I was allowed to let my head bounce up and down with the steps!



LOL............I know what you mean!!!

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Wonderful job! I think I heard a "Shake it Mommy!" in there. :lol::lol:


I would love to do something like this someday... my kids do performance rollerskating through our rec center, and this year the older "alumni" came back for a 30th anniversary celebration performance. They were so good, but I almost died of envy!


Just want to give you some more :hurray::hurray::hurray:. You did great.

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Rebel Yell..............You should post it. I think what matter is that you did it and had fun. Ummm.....actually I didn't think I did all that great, but I always criticize everything I do anyways.:tongue_smilie:


The girl yelling "Yea, Shake it Mommy" was my daughters best friend.:001_smile:

My husband wanted to yell, but he didn't want his voice over the camera...LOL


My 19 yo was in this dance with me. Even though she is a Senior Dancer and teaches, she never took tap and wanted to try it. Of course, she picked it right up and probably will go right into advanced tap....LOL....ahhhh to be that age again!


ETA: My 13 yo is a competitive figure skater. And I give anyone credit who can do THAT. I have to hold on to the wall at the rink, and my 13 yo laughs and tries to hold my hand to get me to skate. Ummm, no. I think I will stick with dance. :0)

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