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I have a crockpot and I would love to use, but with the exception of 3 things everything I've ever made has turned out disgusting. So I use it for those 3 things and look longingly at crockpot recipes. I am a good cook, but I mess up the corckpot every single time.


I shop at a grocery store that removed all but one cart corral during a remodel. To park anywhere near it would be parking nearer to the store and desirable parking spaces than I care to. I don't take my cart back, because it would mean leaving my kids alone for too long. If I'm alone I'll walk it back up to the store.


DH never makes a mess and DS is too much of a neat freak to splash anywhere(or if he does he insists we clean it up RIGHT NOW), so I haven't entertained thoughts of them sitting.


The Duggars seem like very nice people who belong to a religious tradition I can not wrap my head around.


I don't have much to say about the other things.


I love the helpful, friendly, heavily pierced and tattooed guy who works at the video game store DH likes. I can go in there with a bewildered expression and a list and he helps me pick out the perfect gift every single time. He's even friendly to my chatty 3 year old and gives him an unplugged controller to pretend play whatever video game they are running on one of the consoles. I think about him whenever someone says piercings and tattoos are not professional.

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ETA: 'Topics', rather than 'Things', is a better word for the header. Too bad I didn't dig deep. Also: Abraham and Isaac ;), plus full disclosure on allegorical.


I don't use my crockpot often, but the one I have is very pretty.

I can count on one hand the times I used a crockpot. The recipes never came out well for me. I got rid of mine several years ago.

I put my shopping cart in the corral because I have several dents on my mini van that I know are from wayward carts.

I always put my shopping cart away. My favorite place to do it is Aldi. Why is it that I get so much satisfaction from putting the cart away and getting my own quarter back?

I pefer the males in the house to sit down to pee, so they don't splash on the heating register. It smells yucky and reminds me of the old Fenway Park stench. Although I never check to see if they are standing or not.

Dh and ds both hit the mark so it's not really a issue here.

I like the Duggars.

I have never seen a complete episode of the Duggars. I just can't get into it for some reason.

I don't understand Joseph Smith and the seer stone, but I am nice to suited young men who kock on my door. I've learned that it's kind to offer lemonade.

i dont care whether you are selling vacuums or religion; I never open the door to salesmen.

I think the story of Abraham and Issac is metaphorical.

Princess Peach said it perfectly. I wish I knew how to quote in a quote. I believe the incident actually happened and that it is also an allegory for the atonement of Christ.

I started watching Dance Moms again, even while I promised I would stop.

I've never heard of this show. I can't watch shows where parents push their kids to perform. It upsets me.

I think 99.99% of perfectly healthy teens brew tea whether we witness it or not, even if bedroom and bathroom doors are removed, and even if the shower curtain is replaced with sliding glass.

I don't think the number is quite that high.

I still have unschooling tendencies.

The idea of unschooling turns me into a ball of stress. So I decided early on that maybe that approach is not for me.


I don't wear shoes in the house, but I don't care what other people do when they're here. I always feel funny taking off my shoes in other people's homes. Sometimes my socks have holes.:blush:


I am addicted to regular Coke.


I envy people who own or regularly ride horses. I would love to be able to do that.

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I don't use my crockpot often, but the one I have is very pretty.


I don't use mine as often as I should...I love mine.


I put my shopping cart in the corral because I have several dents on my mini van that I know are from wayward carts.


I could care less what happens to my car anymore, but I always (unless I am just really squished for time) put mine in the cart corral because it's easier for the workers and it's hard to park in a parking spot where carts are in the way.


I pefer the males in the house to sit down to pee, so they don't splash on the heating register. It smells yucky and reminds me of the old Fenway Park stench. Although I never check to see if they are standing or not.


Never been to Fenway Park....no heating registers in my bathrooms. Sitting down to pee isn't a bad idea but my son seems to find such happiness in standing....must be a boy thing.


I like the Duggars.


They are interesting. I like seeing how things are run in their house.


I don't understand Joseph Smith and the seer stone, but I am nice to suited young men who kock on my door. I've learned that it's kind to offer lemonade.


I am kind to anyone at my door.


I think the story of Abraham and Issac is metaphorical.




I started watching Dance Moms again, even while I promised I would stop.


Oh lord no.....too many shades of Jon-Benet Ramsey.


I think 99.99% of perfectly healthy teens brew tea whether we witness it or not, even if bedroom and bathroom doors are removed, and even if the shower curtain is replaced with sliding glass.


Meh, it happens whether we want it to or not.


I still have unschooling tendencies.


I have never had those lol.

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I have my tea-room carpet done professionally, but I keep a runner down the middle.


I don't like furniture sold at IKEA.


I love MUS and have used it successfully for ten years.


Testing is smart, but only for personal use, not for government busy-bodies.


I only listen to SOTW on audiotape.


I detest "hands-on" homeschooling: Make a Knight's Helmet out of a milk jug! Volcano out of vinegar! Bird-feeders from a pine-cone! :ack2:

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I find it deeply offensive that you nixed a perfectly wholesome Anglo-Saxon word, things, and replaced it with the Greek-derived topics, obviously to show that you are more-classical-than-thou. That is perhaps the most controversial thing I have read on this board. What were you thinking?

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I find it deeply offensive that you nixed a perfectly wholesome Anglo-Saxon word, things, and replaced it with the Greek-derived topics, obviously to show that you are more-classical-than-thou. That is perhaps the most controversial thing I have read on this board. What were you thinking?



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Crockpots: Yes and with Campbell Cream of ______ Soup on occasion


Shopping cart: Yes, always. And I will leave the kids in the car to put it away.


Males: They can stand but if they miss they clean.


Duggars: No strong opinion. I'm ok with them but I find the whole reality show thing off-putting.


Joseph Smith: We have never had anyone knock on our door but I'd try to be polite.


Abraham/Isaac: Not metaphorical.


Dance Moms: Only watched it once, but I could see how I could get sucked in. It's like a train wreck where you don't want to look but can't help it.


Teens and tea: If we're talking self-brewing, I agree. I think the percentage is lower for tea parties.


Shoes: We remove our shoes in the house but don't require guests to remove their shoes. My in-laws are Chinese and are much stricter about the no shoes than we are. They provide little booties for everyone to wear.


What else?


My boys are circumcised. I've even done circumcisions myself.

My kids are all vaccinated and I am strongly pro-vaccine.

All my kids were born in hospitals.

I use Singapore Math.

I find the Ryan Gosling quotations hilarious but always feel slightly icky looking at the photos.

The kilt obsession perplexes me.

I let my 2 yr old play in the backyard with her brothers without me.

I am a Christian and believe in evolution.

I don't do Facebook.


I admire unschoolers who do it well but could never do it. It just doesn't fit my personality.

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I am very confused :)


I have a crockpot. I have no real affinity or dislike of it. It works well for beans, queso, and pot roast.


It never even crossed my mind NOT to put the cart up. I don't really justify doing it.


I have no clue how my hubby or oldest son pee usually. My 5yo stands and my 4yo sits.


I *really* wish I had a sweeter disposition like Michelle Duggar.


I had a couple Mormon boys come to my door some 15years ago. I was friendly but not interested. I do have a Mormon friend.


I believe the account of Abraham and Isaac.


I have seen most episodes of Dance Moms.


Is brewing tea different than the teA of adults? I'm so confused. I don't think anywhere near 99% of teens do anything other than breathe and pee though.


TP goes OVER. Doesn't everyone know that YET?


I wear socks most of the time. I have only been asked to remove my shoes at one house. She was a doctor who was doing a Bible Study with a friend of mine. She seemed nice otherwise.


I believe you can be quite structured and classical as well as relaxed, even unschoolish, at the same time. I believe the continuum is pretty circular, so they really aren't that far from one another in reality. Or at least they don't HAVE to be.


I have never fed my kids cereal for supper. I have for breakfast though it totally goes against everything I believe regarding cereal and breakfast. I consider cereal snack food. I wish that were my worst sin as a mom.

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:iagree: I almost had a panic attack when I went there. I felt like a rat in a maze. I don't do well in places where it seems like they hide the exits!


There is no "seems to." They DO hide the exits. It's like Disneyland: you go down a predetermined path that ends at a cash register.


I hate their furniture too except their bookshelves. Well I did get a bunkbed from them, but that's for my kids. ;) I did finally manage to get that assembled even though their customer service was shockingly awful.

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I have my tea-room carpet done professionally, but I keep a runner down the middle.


I don't like furniture sold at IKEA.


I love MUS and have used it successfully for ten years.


Testing is smart, but only for personal use, not for government busy-bodies.


I only listen to SOTW on audiotape.


I detest "hands-on" homeschooling: Make a Knight's Helmet out of a milk jug! Volcano out of vinegar! Bird-feeders from a pine-cone! :ack2:

I think I love you.

Hussy. Trollope. Swinger! snooty.gif




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There is no "seems to." They DO hide the exits. It's like Disneyland: you go down a predetermined path that ends at a cash register.


I hate their furniture too except their bookshelves. Well I did get a bunkbed from them, but that's for my kids. ;) I did finally manage to get that assembled even though their customer service was shockingly awful.


:lol: Well-crafted! I loved doing Disney, but you are too right. They hide water fountains, too. "Wouldn't you rather buy this $4 water bottle that you can throw away 20 minutes from now?" :thumbdown:

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:lol: Well-crafted! I loved doing Disney, but you are too right. They hide water fountains, too. "Wouldn't you rather buy this $4 water bottle that you can throw away 20 minutes from now?" :thumbdown:


"Surely you won't mind waiting two weeks for the bolt to be shipped from Sweden?" Seriously, people, I still have the package it came in. The stupid bolt was shipped from some European country. They just didn't happen to have one in the store. The whole thing was just....bizarre. And of course my kids did want a bed, and not a dangerous half-built thing taking up their room??

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"Surely you won't mind waiting two weeks for the bolt to be shipped from Sweden?" Seriously, people, I still have the package it came in. The stupid bolt was shipped from some European country. They just didn't happen to have one in the store. The whole thing was just....bizarre. And of course my kids did want a bed, and not a dangerous half-built thing taking up their room??


That's insane!

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They gave a substitute bolt that was "close," that I used in the meanwhile on the least strained corner (upper not lower!) but their customer service had me wondering what was going on. As I posted in some other thread, when I wrote to a customer service executive, she didn't really have much to say AND seemed more interested in knowing how I got her name. Anyway I will end my Ikea rant now. But check the hardware before going home.

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They gave a substitute bolt that was "close," that I used in the meanwhile on the least strained corner (upper not lower!) but their customer service had me wondering what was going on. As I posted in some other thread, when I wrote to a customer service executive, she didn't really have much to say AND seemed more interested in knowing how I got her name. Anyway I will end my Ikea rant now. But check the hardware before going home.


Oh my word! I thought you meant a bolt of fabric! I was wondering why it was such a big deal and why you are so butt-clenchy that your kids couldn't use their bed until the bedding and such matched.


Please ignore whatever disdainful thoughts you might have felt creeping your way a few minutes ago. Quill is right. That IS insane! (And, clearly, I am addled from heat and beig up past my bedtime)

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There is no "seems to." They DO hide the exits. It's like Disneyland: you go down a predetermined path that ends at a cash register.


I hate their furniture too except their bookshelves. Well I did get a bunkbed from them, but that's for my kids. ;) I did finally manage to get that assembled even though their customer service was shockingly awful.


I just kept thinking that if there was a fire or some other emergency, we were all going to die! And don't get me started about the ordeal to drop off and pick up your kids:glare:

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Crockpots: Yes and with Campbell Cream of ______ Soup on occasion


Shopping cart: Yes, always. And I will leave the kids in the car to put it away.


Males: They can stand but if they miss they clean.


Duggars: No strong opinion. I'm ok with them but I find the whole reality show thing off-putting.


Joseph Smith: We have never had anyone knock on our door but I'd try to be polite.


Abraham/Isaac: Not metaphorical.


Dance Moms: Only watched it once, but I could see how I could get sucked in. It's like a train wreck where you don't want to look but can't help it.


Teens and tea: If we're talking self-brewing, I agree. I think the percentage is lower for tea parties.


Shoes: We remove our shoes in the house but don't require guests to remove their shoes. My in-laws are Chinese and are much stricter about the no shoes than we are. They provide little booties for everyone to wear.


What else?


My boys are circumcised. I've even done circumcisions myself.

My kids are all vaccinated and I am strongly pro-vaccine.

All my kids were born in hospitals.

I use Singapore Math.

I find the Ryan Gosling quotations hilarious but always feel slightly icky looking at the photos.

The kilt obsession perplexes me.

I let my 2 yr old play in the backyard with her brothers without me.

I am a Christian and believe in evolution.

I don't do Facebook.


I admire unschoolers who do it well but could never do it. It just doesn't fit my personality.


May I just lamely do this :iagree: rather than type out my own response?


All except for the evolution and boys/men standing...sitting is what happens in this house! ;)

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ETA: 'Topics', rather than 'Things', is a better word for the header. Too bad I didn't dig deep. Also: Abraham and Isaac ;), plus full disclosure on allegorical.


I don't use my crockpot often, but the one I have is very pretty.


Me, either. Mine is pretty but too big. I lent my good one to a volunteer group event and the person organizing it returned it to me with the wrong lid. I gently asked if she would help me find the correct lid ... maybe let me know who else had lent pots ... and she got upset with me. At the time we had no $ to replace things like that and I couldn't believe she thought I was unreasonable to hope I'd get my entire crock pot returned. No one but me cares about this but it is awfully therapeutic to just get it out there and .... and hey, now it doesn't even bother me any more!


I put my shopping cart in the corral because I have several dents on my mini van that I know are from wayward carts.


I usually end up parking near a corral, so it's not something I put a lot of thought into. But, yes, I do return my carts.


I pefer the males in the house to sit down to pee, so they don't splash on the heating register. It smells yucky and reminds me of the old Fenway Park stench. Although I never check to see if they are standing or not.


Again, not something I think about much. If I get help cleaning the bathroom, all is well.


I like the Duggars.


Personally, I can't watch it, but not offended if others do.


I don't understand Joseph Smith and the seer stone, but I am nice to suited young men who kock on my door. I've learned that it's kind to offer lemonade.


Never had one at my door. We only get older men and women 'round here. The last one got an earful when he opened the unlocked door without permission. I didn't know my friend had left the door unlocked and I also didn't know (yet) that it was just a JW trying to leave a pamphlet.


I think the story of Abraham and Issac is metaphorical.


Saw the allegorical comment. No issues with that here.


I started watching Dance Moms again, even while I promised I would stop.


I watched an old 80s cartoon last night even though I promised I wouldn't. Haven't seen Dance Moms yet, though.


I think 99.99% of perfectly healthy teens brew tea whether we witness it or not, even if bedroom and bathroom doors are removed, and even if the shower curtain is replaced with sliding glass.

Self-brew? It's a majority, I'd guess, and I think it would be wrong to make someone feel abnormal if they do or don't.


I still have unschooling tendencies.


I've never considered if I do or not.


Shoes: off at my house for my family. On or off for most visitors.

LibraryLover: one of my favorite screen names on this forum

Favorite avatar? Not sure yet, but it does temporarily confuse me when frequent posters change theirs.

We vaccinate, but on a different schedule. Our MD approves.

Kilts perplex, but do not offend, me.

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I am addicted to regular Coke.




I am addicted to Diet Coke. From Sonic. I know the carhops by name - they recognize my car and have my drink ready for me when I get there. I have a window sticker coupon I got about 5 years ago and they still honor it for me - so I get $.99 Route 44 diet cokes twice a day.


I also buy bags their bags of ice. I refuse to use the ice from my freezer icemaker. I am a spoiled brat and will go into withdrawl if our next posting is somewhere without Sonic.


Confession is good for the soul - right?

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:iagree::iagree: My dad was a janitor when I was growing up so he installed TP professionally :D and that is the way he taught me to do it.


Thank you!


See? A professional opinion, thankyouverymuch. (< I must type that a lot. The iThing has learned it as a word.)

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ETA: 'Topics', rather than 'Things', is a better word for the header. Too bad I didn't dig deep. Also: Abraham and Isaac ;), plus full disclosure on allegorical.


I don't use my crockpot often, but the one I have is very pretty.

I don't either, but my newer one won't cook at an appropriately low temperature. Hence I end up toggling between low and warm, which kind of obviates the purpose of a crockpot, which is to fix it and forget it.


I put my shopping cart in the corral because I have several dents on my mini van that I know are from wayward carts.


I pefer the males in the house to sit down to pee, so they don't splash on the heating register. It smells yucky and reminds me of the old Fenway Park stench. Although I never check to see if they are standing or not.


I like the Duggars.

I have the utmost admiration for the calm, selfpossessed way Michelle Duggar conducts herself. I don't understand much of the Duggar bashing.


I don't understand Joseph Smith and the seer stone, but I am nice to suited young men who kock on my door. I've learned that it's kind to offer lemonade.

Having been raised LDS, I know that most Born In the Covenant Mormons, at least of my generation, are generally unaware of the Joseph Smith seer stone story. It is not taught in the official curricula, and of those that do become exposed to it, some shrug it off as irrelevant, some ponder the issue, and a few lose their testimony over it. I have two brothers that went door to door proselytizing on behalf of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. One still mostly remains within the umbrella of the church, and the other is now an atheist with a strong antiMormon bent. I think the experience benefited them both, but in different ways. Even the one that left his church gained from learning a foreign language. It never hurts to treat others as human beings worthy of common decency, regardless of their beliefs.


I think the story of Abraham and Issac is metaphorical.

I agree. It hardly makes sense otherwise.


I started watching Dance Moms again, even while I promised I would stop.

I've never watched it. But I have watched Toddlers and Tiaras:glare:


I think 99.99% of perfectly healthy teens brew tea whether we witness it or not, even if bedroom and bathroom doors are removed, and even if the shower curtain is replaced with sliding glass.

I wouldn't agree to the number. Maybe because I have a hard time thinking of myself as only one in a thousand. Surely there are more than that number that have as low a libido as me?


I still have unschooling tendencies.

Somewhere I went completely wrong, because neither of my dc have much intellectual curriosity at all. And I started out very relaxed. If I had kids that were motivated to learn on their own, I might agree, but as it is, they only do what they are required to do. Probably my failure completely.


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I let my toddlers run around naked as they day they were born, and adore it.


That's happier than a bird with a fry.


I do this. Mine's 3 and I still let him do this inside or in the backyard when no one is around. Also he boycotts pants periodically, so at home he's in a t shirt and underwear or just underwear often.


If I didn't have carpets I'd let my little soon to be crawler crawl around naked. She already tries to roll away from as soon as the diaper is off. She's in the rocking stage where she's on all fours and rocking back and forth? Hilarious if she gets away from me before I get the new diaper on.

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ETA: 'Topics', rather than 'Things', is a better word for the header. Too bad I didn't dig deep. Also: Abraham and Isaac ;), plus full disclosure on allegorical.


I don't use my crockpot often, but the one I have is very pretty.

I am so happy for you. Everyone seriously needs a pretty crockpot. I only have an ugly one, but its ok. I makes me feel frugal. I don't use it either.


I put my shopping cart in the corral because I have several dents on my mini van that I know are from wayward carts.

I don't usually put my shopping cart in the corral for my children's safety. I'm positive my cart has never rolled and hit another car. Positive.;)


I pefer the males in the house to sit down to pee, so they don't splash on the heating register. It smells yucky and reminds me of the old Fenway Park stench. Although I never check to see if they are standing or not.

Amen and amen.


I like the Duggars.

Sure. Except I judge them for having a soda machine in their house. How could they do such a thing!?


I don't understand Joseph Smith and the seer stone, but I am nice to suited young men who kock on my door. I've learned that it's kind to offer lemonade.

I understand Joseph Smith and the seer stone. What's not to understand? And I married a missionary.


I think the story of Abraham and Issac is metaphorical.

I think it is literal.


I started watching Dance Moms again, even while I promised I would stop.

I've never heard of dance moms.


I think 99.99% of perfectly healthy teens brew tea whether we witness it or not, even if bedroom and bathroom doors are removed, and even if the shower curtain is replaced with sliding glass.

I really have no idea. Was there a recent poll on this that I missed?


I still have unschooling tendencies.

I can never remember what unschooling is. Isn't it where you just let your kids watch tv all day? ;)



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I am addicted to Diet Coke. From Sonic. I know the carhops by name - they recognize my car and have my drink ready for me when I get there. I have a window sticker coupon I got about 5 years ago and they still honor it for me - so I get $.99 Route 44 diet cokes twice a day.


I also buy bags their bags of ice. I refuse to use the ice from my freezer icemaker. I am a spoiled brat and will go into withdrawl if our next posting is somewhere without Sonic.


Confession is good for the soul - right?


Absolutely! Let it all hang out:D

So what is different about Diet Coke from Sonic vs. DC from a bottle?


My mom has a weird thing about ice. She has to get it from the store because it has to have a hole through the middle to be proper ice :confused: It doesnt do any good to rationalize with her. We just go with it. :D

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I started watching Dance Moms again, even while I promised I would stop.



Haha! This one really cracked me up. I watch this at night on my computer and when DH walks in the room, I click on another window really quick. I am THAT ashamed that I watch this show. But I can't. stop. watching.

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Absolutely! Let it all hang out:D

So what is different about Diet Coke from Sonic vs. DC from a bottle?


My mom has a weird thing about ice. She has to get it from the store because it has to have a hole through the middle to be proper ice :confused: It doesnt do any good to rationalize with her. We just go with it. :D


I don't know what's different about it, but it IS different. I've wondered if it's the ice they use... maybe since it is crushed it makes it colder? It seems like there is more to it than that, though.

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Absolutely! Let it all hang out:D

So what is different about Diet Coke from Sonic vs. DC from a bottle?


My mom has a weird thing about ice. She has to get it from the store because it has to have a hole through the middle to be proper ice :confused: It doesnt do any good to rationalize with her. We just go with it. :D


I do think it's colder. Plus, the styrofoam cup keeps it from sweating all over everything and the ice doesn't melt. AND the ice is soft - I'm always anemic and chew ice like crazy. Sonic ice is always soft and wonderful. I tell people that's my trick to staying thin - I crunch ice instead of potato chips.

Mostly it's a habit but it sure makes me happy!


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ETA: 'Topics', rather than 'Things', is a better word for the header. Too bad I didn't dig deep. Also: Abraham and Isaac ;), plus full disclosure on allegorical.


I don't use my crockpot often, but the one I have is very pretty.


I have 3. All different sizes. I go in spurts on usage.


I put my shopping cart in the corral because I have several dents on my mini van that I know are from wayward carts.


My children have learned some very bad names to call random strangers from my view on people who don't return their carts. I don't try for close to the door parking, I go for close to the cart corral.


I pefer the males in the house to sit down to pee, so they don't splash on the heating register. It smells yucky and reminds me of the old Fenway Park stench. Although I never check to see if they are standing or not.




I like the Duggars.


I have no opinion. Have never seen the show or read any book.



I don't understand Joseph Smith and the seer stone, but I am nice to suited young men who kock on my door. I've learned that it's kind to offer lemonade.




I think the story of Abraham and Issac is metaphorical.


N/A to me. :)


I started watching Dance Moms again, even while I promised I would stop.


I have boycotted TLC since I first saw a Toddlers and Tiaras commercial because it disgusts me that someone is profiting off these poor kids even more than before they were televised. Is this like that? Never heard of it.


I think 99.99% of perfectly healthy teens brew tea whether we witness it or not, even if bedroom and bathroom doors are removed, and even if the shower curtain is replaced with sliding glass.




I still have unschooling tendencies.


I'm too lazy.



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Oh my word! I thought you meant a bolt of fabric! I was wondering why it was such a big deal and why you are so butt-clenchy that your kids couldn't use their bed until the bedding and such matched.


Please ignore whatever disdainful thoughts you might have felt creeping your way a few minutes ago. Quill is right. That IS insane! (And, clearly, I am addled from heat and beig up past my bedtime)


Ha ha. That's funny. I never thought of that. No, I physically couldn't assemble the bed with the crooked piece of hardware that came with it. They gave us a sort of shorter younger brother piece. Ten days later, I was sent a package containing said hardware, all the way from Europe. I swear! I kept the package, I should go take a picture of it.


I hate IKEA's fabric so don't have any of their bedding. My young bunk bed residents don't have very matchy cute stuff, believe me. I am not organized enough. And they are boy/girl.

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I find it deeply offensive that you nixed a perfectly wholesome Anglo-Saxon word, things, and replaced it with the Greek-derived topics, obviously to show that you are more-classical-than-thou. That is perhaps the most controversial thing I have read on this board. What were you thinking?



I did refrain from using topos. Does that help? :D

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I feel like I'm missing out on the inside joke, but I like to post lol.


I don't use my crockpot often, but the one I have is very pretty.

I don't have a crockpot. I feel like buying a crockpot is a rite of passage for the mother of a large family, and I don't have enough children to qualify.


I put my shopping cart in the corral because I have several dents on my mini van that I know are from wayward carts.

I put my shopping cart in the corral because to make life easier for the sunburnt teenage boys who have to collect them.


I pefer the males in the house to sit down to pee, so they don't splash on the heating register. It smells yucky and reminds me of the old Fenway Park stench. Although I never check to see if they are standing or not.

I taught my boys to pee sitting down and Dh got mad. They're actually less messy than he is. :tongue_smilie:

I like the Duggars.

I do too. :)


I don't understand Joseph Smith and the seer stone, but I am nice to suited young men who kock on my door. I've learned that it's kind to offer lemonade.

I get them a drink and sit down with them for a few minutes, then send them off with juice boxes and snacks. They seem sooooo young to me now.

I think the story of Abraham and Issac is metaphorical.



I started watching Dance Moms again, even while I promised I would stop.

I prefer Dance Moms Miami. :tongue_smilie: I've been showing the boys Lucas' dance routines to try to get them interested, but it's hard when 99% of the show is inappropriate. :glare:


I think 99.99% of perfectly healthy teens brew their own tea whether we witness it or not, even if bedroom and bathroom doors are removed, and even if the shower curtain is replaced with sliding glass.

I'd say 90-95%. Some of my closest friends say they did not, but have admitted to much worse, so I believe them. 99.99% seems like it would be accurate for teen boys though.


I still have unschooling tendencies.

I wouldn't mind unschooling, but my kids would go crazy. My 5 year old broke into our school room yesterday and did the first few lessons of his new math curriculum in his head because he couldn't wait to start. :lol: He didn't write the answers in so I wouldn't catch him, but he confessed at bedtime.

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ETA: 'Topics', rather than 'Things', is a better word for the header. Too bad I didn't dig deep. Also: Abraham and Isaac ;), plus full disclosure on allegorical.


I don't use my crockpot often, but the one I have is very pretty.

I have 2 and I use them often, even worse I use cream of whatever soup in them sometimes (when I am not using it to make tuna noodle casserole


I put my shopping cart in the corral because I have several dents on my mini van that I know are from wayward carts.

I don't put mine in the corral...I make the oldest boy do it. Child labour, awesome thing.


I pefer the males in the house to sit down to pee, so they don't splash on the heating register. It smells yucky and reminds me of the old Fenway Park stench. Although I never check to see if they are standing or not.


I should have done this, instead as they emerge from the bathroom I have to yell, wipe the seat, flush the toilet and wash your hands, the second the door opens, and always have to check the seat in the middle of the night if I have to go so I don't sit in pee.


I like the Duggars.


Me too


I don't understand Joseph Smith and the seer stone, but I am nice to suited young men who kock on my door. I've learned that it's kind to offer lemonade.


I have sat through many dinners with the missionaries learning more even though I knew I would never convert, I was just curious about their beliefs.


I think 99.99% of perfectly healthy teens brew their own tea whether we witness it or not, even if bedroom and bathroom doors are removed, and even if the shower curtain is replaced with sliding glass.


I agree. I have unfortunately walked in on my ds on more than one occasion. The problem with him is he does not keep it to his room or bathroom so you just never know. For a while there everytime he vanished for a while if I needed him for something I would call to him that I was walking down the hall to talk to him and if he is wankering to put it away for a minute. He has been more private about it since then, at least making sure the door is closed first so I can knock and not just see.


I still have unschooling tendencies


Funny, I still have non-schooling tendencies ;) Life sure would be easier some days if I didn't bother teaching and just let them do what they want



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Sure. Served in the Legislature of the Missouri Territory, judge on the First Circuit, and almost the President of the Republic. D**n you, Sam Houston.



I did not know that before that last post. You wore your heart on your sleeve. :) You're not just a lawyer, but a judge. :) You go. I could say certain things about Sam Houston, but that would only have some folks discussing the war of northern aggression. :)


Of course, now I wonder if you're teasing me. lol

Edited by LibraryLover
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I don't use my crockpot often, but the one I have is very pretty.

I have 2...and I use them at least once a week because I am lazy.


I put my shopping cart in the corral because I have several dents on my mini van that I know are from wayward carts.

I don't, I make DH do it or go to the store that has sackers that take it back in the store with them.


I pefer the males in the house to sit down to pee, so they don't splash on the heating register. It smells yucky and reminds me of the old Fenway Park stench. Although I never check to see if they are standing or not.

I wish they would, but they look at me crazy every time I mention it.


I like the Duggars.

No real opinion...I've only seen a couple episodes.


I don't understand Joseph Smith and the seer stone, but I am nice to suited young men who kock on my door. I've learned that it's kind to offer lemonade.

I miss lemonade... (my DD is allergic to ALL citrus)


I started watching Dance Moms again, even while I promised I would stop.

Never seen or heard of it.


I think 99.99% of perfectly healthy teens brew their own tea whether we witness it or not, even if bedroom and bathroom doors are removed, and even if the shower curtain is replaced with sliding glass.

I never brewed my own tea when I was growing up...but I did do a lot worse


I still have unschooling tendencies.

Some days I think it would be really good for her as that is what we have been doing the last 6 months or so...and then other days, I love that everything is planned out in a nice tidy box.

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I don't use my crockpot often, but the one I have is very pretty.


I use mine at least once/week.


I put my shopping cart in the corral because I have several dents on my mini van that I know are from wayward carts.


I usually put my cart up, but rainy weather might prohibit such action.


I pefer the males in the house to sit down to pee, so they don't splash on the heating register. It smells yucky and reminds me of the old Fenway Park stench. Although I never check to see if they are standing or not.


I don't care what they do as long as it goes in the toilet (we live in the country - they often go outside).


I like the Duggars.


I like the show, and they fascinate me, even though I disagree with some of their "views."


I don't understand Joseph Smith and the seer stone, but I am nice to suited young men who kock on my door. I've learned that it's kind to offer lemonade.


I'm nice, but I'm not letting anyone in.


I think the story of Abraham and Issac is metaphorical/allegorical.


I generally take the Bible at face value.


I started watching Dance Moms again, even while I promised I would stop.


Never seen it.


I think 99.99% of perfectly healthy teens brew their own tea whether we witness it or not, even if bedroom and bathroom doors are removed, and even if the shower curtain is replaced with sliding glass.


I doubt the percentage is quite that high, but I'm sure you're not too far off.


I still have unschooling tendencies.


Not me.



I don't wear shoes in my house (I wear socks), but I don't require others to remove theirs.


Toilet paper over. Always over. And paper towels too.


I recently ended my addiction to coke - haven't had one in over 10 weeks (actually I haven't had ANY sugared drink in over 10 weeks). This is BIG for me because I have eaten a wonderful diet for years and ruined it with cokes. Yay me!!

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ETA: 'Topics', rather than 'Things', is a better word for the header. Too bad I didn't dig deep. Also: Abraham and Isaac ;), plus full disclosure on allegorical.


I don't use my crockpot often, but the one I have is very pretty.

I don't own a crockpot, but not because I think they are dangerous, but rather, I just learned to cook on the stove top or in the oven so that is what I do. :p


I put my shopping cart in the corral because I have several dents on my mini van that I know are from wayward carts.

Sometimes I put my shopping cart back, sometimes I don't. It all depends how far away I am from the corral or if it is raining etc. If I don't put it back though I always anchor it somehow so it won't roll.


I pefer the males in the house to sit down to pee, so they don't splash on the heating register. It smells yucky and reminds me of the old Fenway Park stench. Although I never check to see if they are standing or not.

The males in my house do sit out of their own preference.

I like the Duggars.

I've never seen the show.


I don't understand Joseph Smith and the seer stone, but I am nice to suited young men who kock on my door. I've learned that it's kind to offer lemonade.

I don't know much about Mormonism other than that their religion started because an angel gave Joseph Smith another gospel.


I think the story of Abraham and Issac is metaphorical/allegorical.


I don't know if it was literal or allegorical, but either way is fine with me. Guess we'll find out for sure later. :p


I started watching Dance Moms again, even while I promised I would stop.

Never seen that show either.


I think 99.99% of perfectly healthy teens brew their own tea whether we witness it or not, even if bedroom and bathroom doors are removed, and even if the shower curtain is replaced with sliding glass.

I'm sure they do, but I'm not about to conduct a survey. :p


I still have unschooling tendencies.

Me too. :)


I always take my shoes off when I enter my house or anyone else's. I wear slip on shoes though so there is no stinky feet smell to offend. :p


Oh and my son is circumcised. ;) :D

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