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Those of you were here in the early days...

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I woke up this morning thinking about stress filled conversations on this forum. Anyone here long enough to remember the vacuum cleaner arguments in the early days? I think I started coming here in 2000 and the most outrageous arguments would ensue over Dyson vacuum cleaners and the Saxon vs. Singapore debates were unbelievable! I remember a sweet woman from California who had lots of facts and was just the nicest person but could not let these things die. Feeling would be hurt, people would say their goodbyes, then normal would happen again. It was a lot of fun and I learned oh so very much.

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I woke up this morning thinking about stress filled conversations on this forum. Anyone here long enough to remember the vacuum cleaner arguments in the early days? I think I started coming here in 2000 and the most outrageous arguments would ensue over Dyson vacuum cleaners and the Saxon vs. Singapore debates were unbelievable! I remember a sweet woman from California who had lots of facts and was just the nicest person but could not let these things die. Feeling would be hurt, people would say their goodbyes, then normal would happen again. It was a lot of fun and I learned oh so very much.


LOL! I remember them well :D And do you remember the TOG debates? That was back in the days when Vegsource was a hopping homeschool forum, too. I learned so much - about human nature as well as homeschooling :tongue_smilie:

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I did get a dyson and I still like it. :D


I also got singapore math (not US) and it was great for my kids.


I learned a lot too. I was good at seeing that something noted as a positive factor would actually be bad for me.


In the old format those arguments would take up pages and pages. Now, you can just skip. It took me a while to get used to this format

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I forgot about the peeing... I bought a dang Dyson because of all that and I so dislike it. :D:D I used Saxon, I was never actually able to get on VegSource at all, maybe I was banned from the get go? ;) Remember all the crazy techy sleuthing when someone was suspected of not being who they said they were? I actually think the religious conversations are much more heated now than they were then. That's sad. I am just so happy the board is still here.

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In the old format those arguments would take up pages and pages. Now, you can just skip. It took me a while to get used to this format


I had dial up so all that took forever! It was a lifesaver when my children were so little and I felt so isolated. My husband worked 7 days a week, many hours a day and I was so alone. It was wonderful to have the support.

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Remember when SWB would pipe in and tell everyone to chill out? :) That was awesome. I remember her actually explaining that we weren't really a community and that we needed to understand that you can't read someone's tone on a forum. It was always fun. I remember one night she joined us and was joking about needing to hurry up and go into labor with her daughter. I think she was due any day and simply miserable. That was awesome.

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Oh, how I remember Saxon vs Singapore! Yes, that debate still rages, but it's so dang mild compared to the old days, lol. I even remember the poster I went round for round with the most - Brenda (it was so early on that we had lots of members who just used their first name to sign on, no further details needed). Of course, I was perfectly reasonable and open to new ideas, while she was close-minded and stubborn . . . I'm sure she remembers it exactly the same way, lol.

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I remember those, plus a really strange one about women who make their sons pee sitting down.


That one got really out of control.


I remember that one! You have a good memory! I can't recall anything specific from those early days, except the one time I offended someone by saying I had no interest in playing in the dirt when we were talking about hobbies. She thought I was referring to the ladies on the board who had to use gardens to feel their families. But I was talking about flowers. There was a plant nursery that advertised on tv and the jingle was 'come play in the dirt again.' I was horrified that I offended someone!

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Oh, how I remember Saxon vs Singapore! Yes, that debate still rages, but it's so dang mild compared to the old days, lol. I even remember the poster I went round for round with the most - Brenda (it was so early on that we had lots of members who just used their first name to sign on, no further details needed). Of course, I was perfectly reasonable and open to new ideas, while she was close-minded and stubborn . . . I'm sure she remembers it exactly the same way, lol.

Brenda! That's who I was trying to remember! That's hilarious.

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I had dial up so all that took forever! It was a lifesaver when my children were so little and I felt so isolated. My husband worked 7 days a week, many hours a day and I was so alone. It was wonderful to have the support.


Me too. My dh actually lived out of town 4 days a week.

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so excited when their post was the first one on the "fresh" board page.

I forgot about that :lol: I joined as soon as the board opened and left after a few years because the debates drove me crazy. When I came back I couldn't remember my old username. One of the first debates I remember was about SWB notebook recommendations and how someone with 10 kids would have over 100 notebooks. You either "had" to do it with all the notebooks recommended or you just weren't doing wtm and at that time everyone had read the book and was trying to follow the plan closely.

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I go back to the days of a "flipping board." People were always so excited when their post was the first one on the "fresh" board page. :D


I joined in late 2004/early 2005, so remember those, but I'm not sure about the Dyson threads---maybe I'm too new for those ;). I don't know that the religious ones are any worse now than then, but it is nice to be able to skip them entirely without waiting for the entire page to go by. Wasn't that the start of the "CC" stuff so that folks on dial-up wouldn't have to waste time and bandwidth because the title was vague?

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Oh yeah, I remember her. She was big on Singapore and Write Shop. And a dietician?


Can't believe I've been on these boards for 12 years!


I seem to remember her being outed as posting under multiple names. She was essentially arguing with herself in order to give herself, the real Brenda, an opportunity to explain something. If I remember correctly she justified the action as being necessary in order to fully educate those who were interested in the topic :D


Maybe this is the reason for the multiple accounts warning. :tongue_smilie:

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We've come a long way. Vegesource was the place. I had a thriving curriculum selling biz way back when. Those days are long gone.


I have not been here that long, but I was on the Vegsource boards long ago. I really enjoyed that place after the Titus 2 homeschool forum on AOL (gosh - THAT dates me!) crashed and burned.


I also remember a Brenda from Vegsource (she was rather opinionated and thus, memorable) . I wonder if it was the same person?

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I seem to remember her being outed as posting under multiple names. She was essentially arguing with herself in order to give herself, the real Brenda, an opportunity to explain something. If I remember correctly she justified the action as being necessary in order to fully educate those who were interested in the topic :D


Maybe this is the reason for the multiple accounts warning. :tongue_smilie:


Really? That doesn't surprise me, but dang, I miss the best stuff. :D

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Mostly what I remember from Vegsource was getting a nasty computer virus over and over. And the POPUPS! Oh, as responding when someone asked me what we did (they were trying to figure out a way to make a living in CO) and getting banned for saying that we raised cattle...


Board flips were fun!


LOL - I do remember now how we had to be careful about the recipes we shared. I'd forgotten about that.

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We've come a long way. Vegesource was the place. I had a thriving curriculum selling biz way back when. Those days are long gone.


I used to sell long distance service as a vendor on VS back when it was hopping. I'm still making money on that endeavor even though I haven't been in that business for 6-7 years, so I have fond memories. :D VS was my first homeschool forum experience. I was Dharma over there.

Edited by milovaný
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Before I contribute, I just want to say that I am not the Brenda everyone is talking about! She had that awesome camping checklist. I don't remember any kerfluffle about her using multiple accounts, I'm pretty sure she was legit. There was another woman from Texas though . . .


With the election coming up, we should all be reminded of our "punishment" (maybe 2 elections ago?) when the boards were down for several days because no one could be civil!


I was reminded of the peeing thread recently when a family member told me they are training their child to sit - because of the boards - I knew better than to offer my opinion!

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I joined in late 2004/early 2005, so remember those, but I'm not sure about the Dyson threads---maybe I'm too new for those ;). I don't know that the religious ones are any worse now than then, but it is nice to be able to skip them entirely without waiting for the entire page to go by. Wasn't that the start of the "CC" stuff so that folks on dial-up wouldn't have to waste time and bandwidth because the title was vague?


Yes, I believe so, it was nice to be able to skip it, finally. When The Well Educated Mind came out we were so excited and all went out and bought copies of Don Quixote. I couldn't read it. I'm lame like that. I was so frustrated with myself that I was telling my husband about it at dinner over a bottle of wine. He said, "You know, you could just go to college instead." So I went home, all hopped up on wine, got on the computer and signed up for online classes through my local college. I have a BS now. :D I owe it all to Cervantes and his ability to bore me silly.

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Before I contribute, I just want to say that I am not the Brenda everyone is talking about! She had that awesome camping checklist. I don't remember any kerfluffle about her using multiple accounts, I'm pretty sure she was legit. There was another woman from Texas though . . .


With the election coming up, we should all be reminded of our "punishment" (maybe 2 elections ago?) when the boards were down for several days because no one could be civil!


I was reminded of the peeing thread recently when a family member told me they are training their child to sit - because of the boards - I knew better than to offer my opinion!


I don't think that was the same Brenda, either. The dishonest Brenda was from Georgia. The honest Brenda was fantastic, just very RIGHT about it all. :lol: She would have never done that. I think she moved to Hawaii. I hope she is doing great.

I don't think I was around for the boards going down during an election. I have come and gone a few times. I can only imagine it was necessary!

Does anyone hear from Colleen?

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I remember those, plus a really strange one about women who make their sons pee sitting down.


That one got really out of control.


I woke up this morning thinking about stress filled conversations on this forum. Anyone here long enough to remember the vacuum cleaner arguments in the early days? I think I started coming here in 2000 and the most outrageous arguments would ensue over Dyson vacuum cleaners and the Saxon vs. Singapore debates were unbelievable! I remember a sweet woman from California who had lots of facts and was just the nicest person but could not let these things die. Feeling would be hurt, people would say their goodbyes, then normal would happen again. It was a lot of fun and I learned oh so very much.


I forgot about the peeing... I bought a dang Dyson because of all that and I so dislike it. :D:D I used Saxon, I was never actually able to get on VegSource at all, maybe I was banned from the get go? ;) Remember all the crazy techy sleuthing when someone was suspected of not being who they said they were? I actually think the religious conversations are much more heated now than they were then. That's sad. I am just so happy the board is still here.


Wow!! Memories! :)

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With the election coming up, we should all be reminded of our "punishment" (maybe 2 elections ago?) when the boards were down for several days because no one could be civil!


Time fades bad memories, LOL. It was just this last election, in 2008.

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Yes, I believe so, it was nice to be able to skip it, finally. When The Well Educated Mind came out we were so excited and all went out and bought copies of Don Quixote. I couldn't read it. I'm lame like that. I was so frustrated with myself that I was telling my husband about it at dinner over a bottle of wine. He said, "You know, you could just go to college instead." So I went home, all hopped up on wine, got on the computer and signed up for online classes through my local college. I have a BS now. :D I owe it all to Cervantes and his ability to bore me silly.


What a great story! :lol::lol:


You all are bringing back to mind things long forgotten! I was completely a lurker because NO WAY did I want to step into some of those discussions and then get pulled away by babies and toddlers and come back to find my post blown to smithereens! :lol:


There have definitely been some memorable threads over the years!

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What a great story! :lol::lol:


You all are bringing back to mind things long forgotten! I was completely a lurker because NO WAY did I want to step into some of those discussions and then get pulled away by babies and toddlers and come back to find my post blown to smithereens! :lol:


There have definitely been some memorable threads over the years!


I was ChristyinTN. I really didn't post much, either. I was sooooo emotionally involved in all of it, though. Remember the woman who had goats, maybe in Oregon? She had cancer, I think. She would smack people around a little with her very blunt words and then would be banned. She had a blog, I think it was about goats, too. She was always quite entertaining. I hope she is still alive and writing about her goats.

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I remember that one! You have a good memory! I can't recall anything specific from those early days, except the one time I offended someone by saying I had no interest in playing in the dirt when we were talking about hobbies. She thought I was referring to the ladies on the board who had to use gardens to feel their families. But I was talking about flowers. There was a plant nursery that advertised on tv and the jingle was 'come play in the dirt again.' I was horrified that I offended someone!


I remember that one!!

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I remember all this stuff! Yes, seems like folks were more touchy, or more bluntly speaking, a few years back.


IIRC, the multie accounts blowup/warning came with the gal who turned out to have three or four user names. I don't specifically remember it being a Brenda... Anyway, this gal also turned out to be a major troll, with a daughter that got pregn@nt by another hsing kid at co-op, etc, etc.


Also, a rather tragic story, does anyone remember Butch? I think before the end of that situation she had more than one user name.

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I remember all this stuff! Yes, seems like folks were more touchy, or more bluntly speaking, a few years back.


IIRC, the multie accounts blowup/warning came with the gal who turned out to have three or four user names. I don't specifically remember it being a Brenda... Anyway, this gal also turned out to be a major troll, with a daughter that got pregn@nt by another hsing kid at co-op, etc, etc.


Also, a rather tragic story, does anyone remember Butch? I think before the end of that situation she had more than one user name.

Yes! Didn't Butch have goats! I think she was eventually banned.

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I go back to the days of a "flipping board." People were always so excited when their post was the first one on the "fresh" board page. :D


We knew the board was going to flip when it started taking forever to load. The way the new board has been feeling lately, you know??


Jane (at least the boards are pokey for me!)

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Yes! Didn't Butch have goats! I think she was eventually banned.



Butch had cows; I remember her having to deal with the possible effects of a volcanic eruption (Mt St Helens round 2, or some other volcano in the PNW). Colleen had similar issues with her dairy herd, I think. Butch might have also had goats, I don't remember them specifically.


And oh yeah, I was First! once. :D

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Remember the old "should I let my kids read Harry Potter" debates? Somewhere along the line, Harry has become commonplace. ;)

Beth, I completely forgot about the Harry Potter debates. I think those got pretty ugly. You couldn't be a Christian or a good mom if you let them read it, right?:lol:

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I started posting in 2004. My first post was about a spelling program for my oldest who was so smart he needed a spelling program in K :rolleyes:, and no one seemed to understand and told me I didn't need to do a spelling program in K, and I thought no one understood the level of genius I was dealing with :lol:.


I think I was fourth once. I must've been up with a baby.


I used to be threelops. The JGsomethingMom called me "threeb00bs" when we outed her :lol:.

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I remember all this stuff! Yes, seems like folks were more touchy, or more bluntly speaking, a few years back.


IIRC, the multie accounts blowup/warning came with the gal who turned out to have three or four user names. I don't specifically remember it being a Brenda... Anyway, this gal also turned out to be a major troll, with a daughter that got pregn@nt by another hsing kid at co-op, etc, etc.


Also, a rather tragic story, does anyone remember Butch? I think before the end of that situation she had more than one user name.


That's it! Yes, I remember Butch. Wonder what ever became of her...

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When the board format changed, a lot of people felt that the community changed too. It probably did--certainly expanded. But boy am I thankful that we now have editing capabilities! There were some amazing typos and spelling errors that Never Went Away in the old format.

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I started posting in 2004. My first post was about a spelling program for my oldest who was so smart he needed a spelling program in K :rolleyes:, and no one seemed to understand and told me I didn't need to do a spelling program in K, and I thought no one understood the level of genius I was dealing with :lol:.


I think I was fourth once. I must've been up with a baby.


I used to be threelops. The JGsomethingMom called me "threeb00bs" when we outed her :lol:.


I remember you! I always liked your posts. :001_smile: I feel that boy genius truly needed Spelling Power. ;) remember that? I bought it and loved it but never used it. You had to be a lot tougher and smarter than me to figure out how to use it. It is better than an Ambien, though. I found I could read a couple of pages of it in bed and pass right out. Okay, it wasn't spelling power... What was it? It was a gigantic red spelling book.

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I started posting in 2004. My first post was about a spelling program for my oldest who was so smart he needed a spelling program in K :rolleyes:, and no one seemed to understand and told me I didn't need to do a spelling program in K, and I thought no one understood the level of genius I was dealing with :lol:.


I think I was fourth once. I must've been up with a baby.


I used to be threelops. The JGsomethingMom called me "threeb00bs" when we outed her :lol:.


JGEmom, I think that was her. She had some really dire stories.

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