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Fun thread - favorite twin names

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I can't be the only one who has done this! I have twin names all lined up if I ever happen to be so blessed. Of course right now our prayer request box is full of requests from the kids for twins and some specifically for twin boys. You know so it'd be even mom! :001_huh:





Well, cause you know, 12 men went to spy on Canaan, 10 were bad and 2 were good! If you grew up in church you probably have this song stuck in your head now. :P


or because the kids and I were having fun one day after our Bible lesson



we already have a Jon.. LOL



Maggie Belle (I won't tell you her whole name is Magnolia!)

Katie Ellen

Even if we don't have twins if we just happen to have two more girls the first one will be Katie Ellen and the next one Magnolia "Maggie" Belle.


Or family names:

Mary Ruth

Martha Rose

but really, I'm stuck on Katie and Maggie



Alexander Michael - Alex

Annabelle Marie - Annie


or because I saw it on the other thread and thought it was too cute:

Oliver Grayson

Olivia Gabriell


my first pick for boy/girl names, vetoed by DH a long time ago:

Jade Marie

Jordan Michael

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I really like the names Rachel and Leah, but Leah has sad connotations, so I probably would not actually do that. (I used to want to name a daughter Lia instead.) I also like David and Jonathan.


When I was a teen, I had a vivid imagination and I pre-wrote my "life story" which included quadruplets. Let's see if I can still remember the names I used (not saying I'd use them today):


Boys: Auri Scott, Micha Jonathan (pronounced Misha)

Girls: Licia Marie (pronounced Lee'-sha), Lia Elena


I also had names lined up for an additional four boys and four girls. :lol: Rachel Eleia was one that I still kinda like, but it wouldn't go over well with anyone else. Same with Ashleigh Ruth.

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My twins would have been:


The twins I lost at 18 (young and stupid) would have been Jessica & Jamie (boy). But they were named by the presumptive adoptive family.


Kyler Jeffrey & Kaleb Jamie / Kayla Renea (we weren't sure if his twin was a boy or girl.... he/she passed before birth)


The two sets of twins I lost as a married adult (not-so-young and hopefully-not-so-stupid) would have been:

a) Mehal Ronan & Marin/?? Rori

or (the first two being a b/g combo)

b) MiKayla Renea & Maeve Reanne


and the second set I was convinced were girls and I was unwilling to even discuss boys names LOL.

MiKayla Renea (I love that name) & Margaeli Riona.


As for names I like...there are just too many.


L didn't get ignored, she was just a singleton (thank heavens).



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Boy twins:

Joshua and Caleb


Boy/Girl Twins:

Daniel Isaiah and Lydia (middle name)


Girl Twins (harder -- our twin names used to be Ruth and Esther... but we just used Ruth for DD.):

Lydia Elizabeth and Esther Lucy

Edited by vonfirmath
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We've always said that if we ever had twin boys they would be named after our two paternal grandfathers: Jasper and Leo. But my good friend just named HER baby Leo, so that one's out for me. I think if I had b/g twins I would do Susannah and William.

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For boy twins: Sullivan and Thatcher


For the girls: Linden and Frances


Boy/Girl: Sullivan and Frances


Twins I have known or know now: Janice and Eunice Kitihata (went to high school with them and they still dressed alike), Don and Deon (they were in my preschool class), Eva and Zoe


I'm not having any more kids, but I love baby name threads soooooooo much!! :001_wub:

Edited by Alphabetika
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I have been thinking about twin girl names lately! We're not ready right now, and we have no history of twins in the family, but it's still fun to think about!

My twin girl names are


Lilly Catherine (Lilly & Pure, Catherine after a very dear friend of the family who had no children of her own.)

Evelyn Grace (Life & Grace.)


My boy's names have such awesome name meanings (and we didn't even plan the first one's meanings) that I can't give any other kids names that have bad/not great meanings. Even thought I LOVE Emily (rival,) Julia (bearded!) and Caleb (dog.) Ds5's name means "the champion of God is the victorious one." Ds3's name mean "firm/enduring/steadfast gift of God." Which is what he needed to be in the NICU, born at 32 weeks with some problems.


I don't want to even THINK about having twin boys! The idea of having 4 boys is terrifying! :lol:

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My husband and I are both twins - my full name is Mélisande, my twin brother is Mathieu, dh is William and his twin brother is James. We had twin names picked out for both of ours. Maximilien and Dominic were our first two picks, but we used up Max on our oldest, so if our younger son had been twins, they would have been Dominic and Benjamin. If we had twin boys now, we'd use Benjamin and Lucas. Girls would be Claire and Josephine (Josie).

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My identical twin girls are named Sophia Grace and Willow Faith. They were mono/mono, so at high risk. I figured with the Grace of God, the wisdom (Sophia) of modern medicine, the help of mother nature (Willow), and just having Faith for healthy births, my two miracles would survive and thrive.

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How about Zoey and Joey? LOL. I follow a blog where the two youngest kids are Joe and Zoey (not twins) but it never struck me before.


I wouldn't really do that to my kids. But I don't know of any really good boy-girl names. Is it because men and women hardly ever do great things "together"?

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We don't have twins and aren't having anymore kids, but dh and I had always said had our first son been a twin they would have been..


Everett and Emmett


My BIL and SIL had twin boys 2 years ago and they are Max (not maxwell or maximililan, just max) and Marshall. I love the names and they really fit the boys.

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Well I'm Pam from Pat and Pam.


My brother and sister are Donald and Debbie.


We never got as far as coming up with twin names, but b/c the possibility was good that I would have twins, all our 'womb' names were sets.


For example:


Calvin & Hobbes [dd oldest]

Boris & Natasha [ds]

Bert & Ernie [dd middle]

BoBo & MayMay [made up for dd youngest]


Yep, we're strange. :tongue_smilie:

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I love the poster who refers to her kids as Calvin and Hobbes.... Oh you meant real names, no suggestions.


ETA. I know Laura doesn't have twins, but I always think Calvina dn Hobbes would be perfect fake names for twins, as in if you have to make up names for your kids when posting about them online.

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My choices for twins would be:


b/g - Aaron Michael and Alyssa Michelle


g/g - Rebekah Joylynn and Rachel Julianne


I never really came up with anything for twin boys. Nathan and Nicholas maybe?



My mil is a twin. Her name is Marilyn Pauline and her twin is Carolyn Josephine. Interestingly, their dad's name was Joseph and their mother's name was Pauline.

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I went to school with several sets of twins: Selah & Celena (pronounced sell-AY-nah), David & Daniel, Justin & Joshua, Alison & Rachel, Holly & Ashley (boy).


I can't really come up with favorite twin names, but these were what came to mind:

B/G: Puck & Titania (great siblings for Ariel :tongue_smilie:), Wilbur & Charlotte, Linus & Lucy, Christopher & Robin (could also be boy/boy), Wade & Brooke

B/B: Byron & Keats, with their little sister Shelley - maybe Mary & Shelley if they were twins, too. Diggory & Kirk, William & Wallace

G/G: Melody & Harmony, Sunny & Stormy, Gail & Wendy


gender neutral names: Stacey & Sam

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My twins are Susannah Elizabeth and Cecilia Rose, but dh joked that we should call them Funk and Wagnall! :svengo: I do actually routinely call them Fred and George, but it just happened, it wasn't a Harry Potter thing. I always think though I should call them Cease and DeSis...:tongue_smilie::lol:

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