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The bathroom is TILED!! Wanna see?

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We are on year 2 of the house re-build (burned out of our house Oct. 09') and just finished another MAJOR project- the 2nd floor bathroom is now tiled! Dh did it himself- floors, surround, shampoo inserts. It took forevah, but we love it.WOOT!



Looks great!!


I was thinking about you last weekend when dh and I dropped off dd. I asked dd, "Hey, what was that kid's name from WTM boards?" and she remembered.:001_smile:

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It's beautiful! How much of a pain was it to tile it? We have two bathrooms with turquoise tile from 1970 that desperately need to be redone.


I'm not sure what it would take to remove the tile- that sounds like a huge job in itself!


Tiling was a big job and expensive. You have to get a special water repellenet drywall, then hydro bain it (not sure of the spelling) but it's this sealant that allows the tile to move when the house shifts instead of cracking), then tile, then grout, then clean up.


The measuring was pretty exacting. Dh did incredibly detailed measurements- and then remeasured. Even with that, he cut, then had to re-cut (sometimes three times because they'd break) some of the corner tiles. We did do a simple pattern (straight up and down) which, in retrospect we are so glad we did. For one, it cut down on the tile cutting (which we could have eliminated further by not having the shampoo cut-outs or the decorative strip). But the wall if 9' and the tile goes to the ceiling so we needed something visually to break up the wall.

The areas around the plumbing need cut, too- circular cuts. Dh did tile cutting last summer when he tiled 2 bathroom floors and he really likes that kind of detailed, exacting work.


We were kind of on a time crunch (to get re-financed) and that added some pressure. We owned the 12" tile but figured it cost about $1000 for the rest of the supplies (including the bullnose tile and the decorative peice -that alone was $100- there's lots of decorative stuff that is less expensive).

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