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I really need a facial cleanser, any suggestions?

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I am in need of a facial cleasner, but it has to fit certain criteria. I have extremely sensitive, oily skin, that constantly breaks out no matter what, but especially with the humid weather. It is somewhat under control now, but I would like a facial cleasner that cleans my face without causing break outs and I would also prefer if it were organic or all natural.


Any suggestions? TIA!!:bigear:

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I love the oil cleansing method - you can google it. EVOO and castor oil. My sister has bad breakouts and tried it last week while she was here for a visit. It dried up her breakouts overnight, so she used it the whole time she was here and was planning to get the castor oil when she got home to make her own.


I cleanse with EVOO/CO, then moisturize with coconut oil.

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I use DHC Deep Cleansing Oil


I love DHC Deep Cleansing Oil as well. It is olive oil based, so if you like the oil idea but don't want to make your own, it is a good option. I follow it with the DHC Q10 Facial Film Soap. I don't own stock or anything, but thier products have really cleared up my skin over the past couple of years. When I don't use them regularly, I know it.

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I use DHC Deep Cleansing Oil


I love DHC Deep Cleansing Oil as well. It is olive oil based, so if you like the oil idea but don't want to make your own, it is a good option. I follow it with the DHC Q10 Facial Film Soap. I don't own stock or anything, but thier products have really cleared up my skin over the past couple of years. When I don't use them regularly, I know it.



they are awesome products. I had some samples once and I loved them.


One of these days I will break down and buy them.

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I also like the oil cleansing method. Another homemade cleanser I love is honey/baking soda/tea trea oil :)


What amounts do you recommend? Do you mix up a batch or what?


Sounds really good to me and I'd like to learn more about it.




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Can you describe the process? After you put it on, what do you use to wipe it off?


Honestly, I think she just splashes some water on her face, pats it dry, then uses a very thin layer of c. oil on it, like a moisturizer. This was counterintuitive for her (as was olive oil cleansing, which she has also tried) because her skin tends to be oily and super-sensitive and break out all the time. She calls it "angry skin." She has tried many all-natural options because she is so sensitive to chemicals, but she has still had problems. The c.o. hasn't cleared everything up completely but I have noticed her skin looks much healthier with fewer breakouts, and she says it feels better, less angry.


The only soap she uses, and I don't think she uses this daily, is this, from a wonderful Etsy seller:



I have used some skin care items from this Etsy seller and they are wonderful, though pricey. Probably not as pricey as high-end stuff you get in stores, though.



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Guest inoubliable



I have similar skin to yours, and I've used this for years and it's amazing. It cleared up some cystic acne I was troubled with after I hit my mid-20s, obliterated old acne scars from the cystic stuff, and it's never once made my skin feel tight and too dry or icky and too oily. I've lived in the very humid and swampy area of Tidewater VA and just stepping out of the house at 7 am on a summer day could put a gallon of perspiration dumped onto your face. This cleanser from MB worked wonders.


I put it together with








for daily use.




A word of caution about skin care involving coconut oil - a lot of people swear by it and it works wonderfully for them, but there are a great many people who have begun developing allergies to it in recent years. The FDA classified it back in 2006 as a certified tree nut allergy, even though it does not contain tree nut proteins. If you or anyone else in your house has an allergy to tree nuts, I would advise against using it in your skin care routine. Contact by skin can cause the reaction.

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I like this one too, especiaally with the humid weather rolling around the corner. I doesn/t hurt o try thanks!!






I have similar skin to yours, and I've used this for years and it's amazing. It cleared up some cystic acne I was troubled with after I hit my mid-20s, obliterated old acne scars from the cystic stuff, and it's never once made my skin feel tight and too dry or icky and too oily. I've lived in the very humid and swampy area of Tidewater VA and just stepping out of the house at 7 am on a summer day could put a gallon of perspiration dumped onto your face. This cleanser from MB worked wonders.


I put it together with








for daily use.




A word of caution about skin care involving coconut oil - a lot of people swear by it and it works wonderfully for them, but there are a great many people who have begun developing allergies to it in recent years. The FDA classified it back in 2006 as a certified tree nut allergy, even though it does not contain tree nut proteins. If you or anyone else in your house has an allergy to tree nuts, I would advise against using it in your skin care routine. Contact by skin can cause the reaction.

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I use Kiss My Face foaming hand cleanser. Yep. My fav is the grapefruit & bergamot, I also like the lemon & ginger. My face is hard to take care of. I can't think of any other soap I've used that doesn't dry it out, resulting in extra oily skin. I do not have that problem with Kiss My Face at all. I know it is supposed to be a hand cleanser, but because of that it is extra gentle. I use just one squirt and wash twice a day, morning and night. Another product that has made a big difference in my face is Thayer's Rose Petal Witch Hazel. I tried drug store variety witch hazel in the past, but that stuff was not good for my skin at all. Thayer's is a wonder. I use it after my night wash. I wet a cotton round with it and swipe my face. Love it. Tightens up my pores and keep the pimples away while providing a very light moisture. :) I usually by both of these from either vitacost or amazon.

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I'm not sure how natural it is, but I have also switched to Paula's Choice, after reading multiple reviews here at the Hive.


LOVE it! Maybe not the price, but I used to have a lot of blemishes around my chin (the painful ones that are deep in the skin and just sit around hurting for a few weeks). After using Paula's Choice since Thanksgiving, I have no spots on my face at all.


Disclaimer: In addition, I have also made some changes in my diet: limiting candy (eating too many chocolates seemed to lead to a breakout??), making an effort to drink more water, switching to almond milk for the bulk of my dairy intake.

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I am in need of a facial cleasner, but it has to fit certain criteria. I have extremely sensitive, oily skin, that constantly breaks out no matter what, but especially with the humid weather. It is somewhat under control now, but I would like a facial cleasner that cleans my face without causing break outs and I would also prefer if it were organic or all natural.


Any suggestions? TIA!!:bigear:


EK and I both have sensitive, oily skin. EK uses Clean & Clear Advantage 3-in-1 Foaming Acne Wash. I use Clinique Liquid Facial Soap, Oily Skin Formula.

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I have your exact skin situation and what I found worked best for me was using Clinique oily skin bar soap in the morning and then cleaning off with their oily skin toner multiple times during the day as well as right before bed.


I played around with ingredients until I found a less expensive homemade version of the toner. I do adjust the amounts of ingredients based on what my skin needs at the time.


SkinCare Recipe

1/2 C 80 proof Vodka

1/2 C Witch Hazel (be sure to check that it doesn't have additives like fragrance)

1/2 C water

6-8 drops white willow bark extract



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May sound completely wacky, but try using olive oil. Yes, I know you have oily skin--but remember "like dissolves like"--so it actually works very well. Just take a few drops and massage it all over your face. Then take a warm wash cloth, and wash off. Feels wonderful, as well. :)


About 2-3 times per week, you can make a scrub using baking soda + water or oatmeal, baking soda and a bit of honey.


Works really well...inexpensive too.

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