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I survived homeschool burnout and got my groove back!

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My kids are 8th, 6th, 3rd grade and 4yo. We have always homeschooled and somewhere along the way we got off track. We always put in alot of hours but the last few years we were unfocused and floundered. I was exhausted yet always felt like we hadn't done anything. Last school year ended with horrific standardized test scores (which were shocking- having dropped from the 95th percentile+ down to scores in the teens-how does that happen?). The scores were bad for all kids across all subjects so something was really off. I was devastated and discouraged at what had become of our homeschool.


Honestly, we might have put the kids in public school if the test scores wouldn't have been used for placement and landed the kids in remedial classes. I decided I had to at least get them up to grade level to consider putting them in school. So discouraging to go from thinking my kids were high achievers to thinking they were behind.


So we decided not to let up but to challenge the kids this year. We figured they would sink or swim. They didn't sink! They worked hard. I was focused. We participated in some great homeschool activities and worked hard. The kids all had success in academic competitions and co-op classes. I chose curriculum for next year that would be more structured yet preserve the flexibility I need (Kolbe- I'm so excited). I changed umbrella schools to a school that will be a better fit. I'm ready for high school for my oldest.


Today I got our standardized test scores. They were good. They reflected our hard work and focus on math this year. One of mine added 70 percentile points across the board on math topics. yay! Our hard work paid off. I can do this. I haven't ruined my kids.


I've got my groove back. We've all got our grooves back. I'm so excited for high school and next year. I might even teach my 4yo how to read ;)


I know test scores aren't everything but they really were a reflection of what was happening in our homeschool. It was a low point but it was also a kick in the butt!


We're back!!!!

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Yay! Thanks for sharing this. My last pregnancy totally threw our homeschool. I finally felt like I was getting past the burnout early this year, but hen we had some uncertainty about whether or not we'd have to move, and hints went chaotic again as I obsessed about he unknown future (bad habit of mine.) We luckily do get to stay here another school year, but we're selling our house now, so schooling is often interrupted by showings. Ugh. I will get back into my groove, though! Your post gave me a much-needed boost. :)

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My kids are 8th, 6th, 3rd grade and 4yo. We have always homeschooled and somewhere along the way we got off track. We always put in alot of hours but the last few years we were unfocused and floundered. I was exhausted yet always felt like we hadn't done anything. Last school year ended with horrific standardized test scores (which were shocking- having dropped from the 95th percentile+ down to scores in the teens-how does that happen?). The scores were bad for all kids across all subjects so something was really off. I was devastated and discouraged at what had become of our homeschool.


Honestly, we might have put the kids in public school if the test scores wouldn't have been used for placement and landed the kids in remedial classes. I decided I had to at least get them up to grade level to consider putting them in school. So discouraging to go from thinking my kids were high achievers to thinking they were behind.


So we decided not to let up but to challenge the kids this year. We figured they would sink or swim. They didn't sink! They worked hard. I was focused. We participated in some great homeschool activities and worked hard. The kids all had success in academic competitions and co-op classes. I chose curriculum for next year that would be more structured yet preserve the flexibility I need (Kolbe- I'm so excited). I changed umbrella schools to a school that will be a better fit. I'm ready for high school for my oldest.


Today I got our standardized test scores. They were good. They reflected our hard work and focus on math this year. One of mine added 70 percentile points across the board on math topics. yay! Our hard work paid off. I can do this. I haven't ruined my kids.


I've got my groove back. We've all got our grooves back. I'm so excited for high school and next year. I might even teach my 4yo how to read ;)


I know test scores aren't everything but they really were a reflection of what was happening in our homeschool. It was a low point but it was also a kick in the butt!


We're back!!!!


This is so encouraging! The last 2.5 years have been tough here, and I'm trying to make a plan to get my guys where I think they should be. Way to go!

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Thank you so much for sharing. How encouraging and motivating! I love hearing stories like yours; we all need to hear positive stories after facing difficult things that throw our schooling for a loop. I'm so glad you found your groove!

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Such an encouraging story!! We all struggle sometimes, whether it's a bad day or month or longer. The homeschooling blogs often paint such a rosy picture, and I understand that. People are celebrating their successes, the good moments, etc.


CONGRATS to you on a job well done, on sticking it out, pulling through. And BTW, I am strongly considering Kolbe for next year. Glad it worked so well for your family!

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Thanks for all the pats on the back! I've given myself a few too :001_smile:


So often the proposed answer to homeschool problems is to send the kids to school. Sometimes that is thebest solution and I am not anti-school. It just doesn't always have to be the solution. Sometimes homeschool problems can have homeschool solutions.


Keep swimming, everyone.

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