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What words do you use for private body parts?

What sort of language do you use for "private" body parts?  

  1. 1. What sort of language do you use for "private" body parts?

    • Just the facts, ma'am-- I use medical terminology.
    • I use euphemisms with the kids only.
    • I can't even say those words to a grown-up--I always use a euphemism.
    • I never mention those parts at all.
    • Other--please explain.

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We always use proper medical terminology--my boys know p*nis and t*sticles and scr*tum, etc. No "jimmies" or "tinklers" or anything like that around here. Women have breasts, not "ta-tas".


After the thread about your least favorite words I wondered; how many around here use euphemisms? In grown up conversation, or just with your kids?


You can share your favorite if you care to...

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We always use proper medical terminology--my boys know p*nis and t*sticles and scr*tum, etc. No "jimmies" or "tinklers" or anything like that around here. Women have breasts, not "ta-tas".




I'm with you. We use the medical terms without batting an eye. I don't understand the line of thinking of making cutesy names for things either. My friend and her hubby call them "carrots & onions" -- to each his own I guess.

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but we tend to use some euphemisms around here. Just because they are more fun to say. Lately, we have all been leaning towards "weiner" for the male bit. I'm not sure that we actually have a euphemism for the female parts, although DS pronounces it as "fachina". But that's just because he has a hard time pronouncing certain sounds.


Now, if DH and I are talking about those body parts and we are alone, we use different terms, but I don't think they are suitable for a family website, LOL! :D

Michelle T

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We use weiner for my boys although at times we'll use p*nis. For my breasts we use boobs, I guess because that's just what everyone in our families always called them. We don't have a specific word for the lower female anatomy but my dd used to call it her "front butt" I guess because she thought it looked just like her butt just smaller and in the front LOL. Now she just calls it her parts.


DH and I use the medical terms when it's just the two of us.

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Correct medical terms are used here, not that we talk about genitalia very often, mind you!

My mom taught me the proper terminology when I was very young. I remember being 3 or 4 years old and telling her when I had to "urinate" or "move my bowels." Honestly.

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I cannot stand cutesy names for the p*nis, they drive me crazy!


Maybe it's just having three boys but I became very comfortable using the correct term and it stuck. I will say although I use the correct term I still cringe a little for some reason when I say v*gina to my boys. Being the only woman in the house there isn't a need to say it too often, yet.

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I cannot stand cutesy names for the p*nis, they drive me crazy!


Maybe it's just having three boys but I became very comfortable using the correct term and it stuck. I will say although I use the correct term I still cringe a little for some reason when I say v*gina to my boys. Being the only woman in the house there isn't a need to say it too often, yet.


Same here. I'm the only female in the house (besides one cat), and I find a cringe when I end up discussing female anatomy with them. But I cannot stand cutsey names for body parts, so I will get over, or at least past, the cringe.

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I have to confess that we don't talk about things like this much. :D My girls know what br*asts and n*pples are, and when they were younger they asked me about them more. For Schmooey, I call things his "boy parts." I have yet to become comfortable with the "real" words, but I don't think "boy parts" is terribly cutesy. When he's a little older I will try to make myself call things by their proper names so he knows what they are. However, after hearing my 2yo nephew say, "IS THIS A P*NIS?" I am less excited about that eventuality. :lol:


Remember that I thought not too long ago that Schmooey's "parts" were disappearing. This whole boy thing is a real learning curve for me!

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They do know the correct terminology for male parts but we don't have much need to discuss them. When my grown dd had reason to discuss male parts with me, it was really TMI (there are certain things that you would prefer not to know about your son-in-law) but I guess that means I have raised her without hang-ups. My dh really prefers not to hear conversations regarding his dds' female parts but my db doesn't mind at all.


I don't really discuss either with non-family members so I have no idea what I would use in conversation with another person. On this board I avoid correct terminolgy due to search issues. With dr.s always use correct terminology and I will plead the 5th on what terminolgy my dh and I use when we are "chatting".

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We use the medical terminology for the most part, BUT - when DS1 was about 3, he asked if his testicles were his batteries, lol.


So we have that little inside joke, and he's in the stage where it's funny to say other stuff like wiener and tenders (thank you Kung Fu Panda) - but if it came down to a 'serious matter' like if he was hurting or talking to someone outside our household about it, he knows the correct word for most things.


Oh - except we do normally say butt-crack instead of the gluteal cleft.

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I cannot stand cutesy names for the p*nis, they drive me crazy!


Maybe it's just having three boys but I became very comfortable using the correct term and it stuck. I will say although I use the correct term I still cringe a little for some reason when I say v*gina to my boys. Being the only woman in the house there isn't a need to say it too often, yet.


Same here!!

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I cannot stand cutesy names for the p*nis, they drive me crazy!


Maybe it's just having three boys but I became very comfortable using the correct term and it stuck. I will say although I use the correct term I still cringe a little for some reason when I say v*gina to my boys. Being the only woman in the house there isn't a need to say it too often, yet.


Drives me crazy, too. I'm not the only female, there's dd as well but then we have three boys and dh. I remember (not *that* long ago!) ds seeing me in the washroom and being absolutely shocked and confused, "Mom, where's your penis!!?", as he craned his neck to look for it.

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I remember (not *that* long ago!) ds seeing me in the washroom and being absolutely shocked and confused, "Mom, where's your penis!!?", as he craned his neck to look for it.


When my oldest was about three, he was playing with little Playmobil people, and one of the people said: "Oh, no! Mommy lost her penis!" And the other said, "Hurry! Let's go find it!" And the first said, "Okay, let's check the barn!" Then the little people ran to the barn.


Later, when he was a little older but not yet reading, he asked what the lettering on the bottom of one of his Matchbox cars meant. "Made in China," I told him. And he looked at me, absolutely shocked and gasped, "Whose?!" He was at that point where he often dropped the first syllable of words.


So yes, we use proper terms here -- except for "gluteal cleft", as someone here mentioned. We also prefer the more blunt "butt crack". I did babysit for a family, back in college, whose son used the term "gentles" as a mispronunciation of "genitals" and I always thought that was very dear. If we were going to use euphemisms, that would be a good one.

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They know the correct terms but generally we refer to them as "privates" because I don't want my kids discussing those terms with others- i.e. "he got kicked in the privates" vs "he was kicked in the scrotal area". It just sounds weird to me.


I'm a nurse. I know medical terms have their place. But it just sounds odd to me to have little kids using them routinely.



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I don't mind using the medical terminology at all, and we do, but I dont mind using euphemisms either and they are not derogatory. We often call a penis a 'willy',sometimes even a "dick", and we call a vagina a 'fanny'. For breasts we have always used "titties" or "tiddies" because I breastfed long after the kids could talk and that's what they called them! They feel like friendly, affectionate words rather than clinical.

I don't know if the words we used would be "ruder" in the U.S.- slang words can change cross culturally- but here they are not really rude words. Neither is "pussy" for a vagina, which some people use. The "c" word however is a much cruder and harder word and I don't like it.

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I think that it is strange that when a child is learning body parts, we would call a hand a hand, an eye an eye, but a penis, a something else? I feel that the child needs to know what it is. This is only my opinion.


Here is a funny story about a former co-worker:


When I use to work, my co-worker's friend decide that they would tell their son that his penis was called his "friend." Well, they thought that this was a nice safe thing to call it. One day, at the daycare, the children went out on a class trip. When the teacher told the children to hold on to your friend's hand, guess where the little boy grabbed? Can you imagine the embarrassment of the parents when they found out what their son did?:w00t:






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They know the correct terms but generally we refer to them as "privates" because I don't want my kids discussing those terms with others- i.e. "he got kicked in the privates" vs "he was kicked in the scrotal area". It just sounds weird to me.


I'm a nurse. I know medical terms have their place. But it just sounds odd to me to have little kids using them routinely.




This is us too.


I remember hearing a little girl hollar in the grocery that her v*gina itched and I just thought that was a bit over the top. :lol:


Son has privates. A friend just asked me what we refer to our son's parts and I had to think. I told her that it had been an awful long time since we've disussed his parts, he's ten for heaven's sake. Her boys are all three and under so I guess there is more of a need ? :001_huh:


Our girls refer to the whole thing as their bottom.

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I refer to "your bits and pieces" for boys, "nooks and crannies" for girls. Yeah, we all know the names, and can use them, but the kids do not like ME using them when I talk to them.


When the boys were a LOT younger and had that tendency of making sure "it" was still there, I'd comment "It isn't going to crawl out your pants leg and run away"


I made my dd's laugh by noting how their training br*s were so the growing "chest bits" didn't crawl out of position and try to go to her back, belly, etc.


ok - I am weird.

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I cannot stand cutesy names for the p*nis, they drive me crazy!


Maybe it's just having three boys but I became very comfortable using the correct term and it stuck. I will say although I use the correct term I still cringe a little for some reason when I say v*gina to my boys. Being the only woman in the house there isn't a need to say it too often, yet.


I have honestly never heard "cutesy" names for the p3nis. I hear more for the female counterpart, and they tend to make me think of bugs, which is really gross (especially given the area of discussion).


I too cringe when I have say v*gina, and in that vein, I'm glad I'm the only girl in the house!

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I don't mind using the medical terminology at all, and we do, but I dont mind using euphemisms either and they are not derogatory. We often call a penis a 'willy',sometimes even a "dick", and we call a vagina a 'fanny'. For breasts we have always used "titties" or "tiddies" because I breastfed long after the kids could talk and that's what they called them! They feel like friendly, affectionate words rather than clinical.

I don't know if the words we used would be "ruder" in the U.S.- slang words can change cross culturally- but here they are not really rude words. Neither is "pussy" for a vagina, which some people use. The "c" word however is a much cruder and harder word and I don't like it.



You're so right about the cultural differences! The words that you use would definitely be considered ruder here, LOL! So much so that when I saw that you'd typed them out I was astonished to see those words in print here! I'm not criticising you at all, though. If the tables were turned I'm sure I could do the same thing when speaking mostly with Australians. I just think that your post was a funny illustration that totally proved the point you made at the end, highlighted above.

Oh, and "fanny" here refers to one's "bum." So "fanny" could be used to label the gluteus maximus of either gender.


I love to learn things like this! :001_smile:

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We often call a penis a 'willy',and we call a vagina a 'fanny'.



You're so right about the cultural differences! The words that you use would definitely be considered ruder here, LOL!

Oh, and "fanny" here refers to one's "bum." So "fanny" could be used to label the gluteus maximus of either gender.


Oh, gosh yes!


When we moved to England we were told never to refer to our "fanny packs" as such, but rather "bum pouches". Of course, no-one ever told us the "willy" reference. . .which leads to a story. (If you want to read it, it's here.)

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Oh, gosh yes!


When we moved to England we were told never to refer to our "fanny packs" as such, but rather "bum pouches". Of course, no-one ever told us the "willy" reference. . .which leads to a story. (If you want to read it, it's here.)



That story is fall-on-the-floor funny!

Oh my. I can imagine the looks on their faces. Yikes!!! :lol::lol::lol:

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When my oldest was about three, he was playing with little Playmobil people, and one of the people said: "Oh, no! Mommy lost her penis!" And the other said, "Hurry! Let's go find it!" And the first said, "Okay, let's check the barn!" Then the little people ran to the barn.


Oh, my that was funny!



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Oh, gosh yes!


When we moved to England we were told never to refer to our "fanny packs" as such, but rather "bum pouches". Of course, no-one ever told us the "willy" reference. . .which leads to a story. (If you want to read it, it's here.)



That is SO funny! Man, I can imagine the look on their faces...priceless!

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My mom is french, and when we were kids we had to call everything (below) a kiki. I don't know if that's cutesy french, but I hated that word! So, I taught my kids the proper names right away. However, my dc have chosen to say "potty parts." Don't know where they got it from.

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When we moved to England we were told never to refer to our "fanny packs" as such, [/url].)


When I was doing the T-tapp exercise videos, I happened to be reading on their website one day. Someone commented that Teresa Tapp would have to re-record the videos (or something like that) because videos were being ordered internationally too. Well, Teresa says to "Tuck your fanny". She has always said this on the videos. Someone pointed out that "fanny" is not the same anatomical part in all countries! LOL

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My older three has gotten in the routine for calling them their privates my 3 yr old calls hers a tootie and her bum. I have never been all about using the proper names for personal reasons this is not every kid mind you just every kid I know of which is not many in the great scale of things... I find it rude when kids are in public loudly talking about their vagin# or p#nis and on two sides one neice calls them proper terms and she is always talking about them brings them up in any conversation you can have my children my neices on the other side have other names for them I never hear my children or the others speak of them but I cannot tell you how many kids can talk about their p#nis and vagin# in public loudly in any conversation they find a way to use those words and I think it is very tacky and gross. I knew one little girl at daycare who insisted on talking about her brothers penis I mean color size the whole nine yards so that other parents were at the point of pulling their kids. In my house they are only talked about when needed to talk about. That is just what I have seen I am sure their are parents who teach their children proper names and proper times to speak of them I have just seen too many that don't.

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...and we call a vagina a 'fanny'.



If my mother had any idea that "fanny" meant anything other than one's backside (bum, buttocks, or whatever term you want to use), she'd croak! She uses the word "fanny" often, and she's not referring to her frontside. This makes me wonder how often she might have used the term fanny in front of our Australian friends. What a hoot! :lol:



Peela, do know that I'm not making fun of you. It just makes me laugh to see how things change when you go across continents. "Bugger" is another one that comes to mind. To us, it's just an "affectionate" term for a little critter, or a stubborn something or other (...as in, get over here you little bugger!). But, in England, I believe we'd be saying something pretty darned colorful!

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use some slang in more casual references.


So, while my kids have no problem coming up to me or dh and saying, "I've got some itchiness on my (insert proper term)" and then we take care of it like any other thing...my ds14 has been heard to yell out, partly to be funny, "Quit hitting me in my MAN ZONE!!" lol Or, they'll just say "privates" or whatever.

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If my mother had any idea that "fanny" meant anything other than one's backside (bum, buttocks, or whatever term you want to use), she'd croak! ur Australian friends. What a hoot! :lol:


So funny.

This reminds me of my friends 80 year old aunt. She refers to everything beneath her waist as her "bottom." And she refuses to discuss her "bottom." So if her daughters wanted to know when she started her period or when she went through menopause she said "I don't discuss my bottom."



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When my stepson had just turned four, he fell off his bike and exclaimed,


"I hurt my N-U-T-E."


We were all giggling and asking if his Nute felt better.


Last year, my nephew (27 yo) was picking on my stepson (then 6) in a kind but funny way. My stepson looked at Brad and said, "If you don't stop, I'll kick you in the p#nis."


Everyone laughed when he said that.


DH says "junk" but I usually say "privates". They know or will learn proper terms, but I prefer "privates" in public.


My friend's 7 yo son once mistakenly referred to them as his "public parts". His mom said over her dead body.

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We use the medical terms, but I have also told the older two boys all the slang words for all of their parts... so that if someone threatens to "kick them in the balls" they will know what the kid is talking about!


:smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5: I just thought it was funny because I thought of an actual ball being kicked. I do understand the term.:smilielol5:


My son came to me yesterday after a soccer party and said that one of the boys said that he used a cup to cover up his "nuts." I asked him if he knew what "nuts" meant? He said that he knew it was his penis or private parts. Then he asked me why didn't the boy just say where it covered? I told him that I did not know. So, he learned the street term without me teaching him. :smilielol5:





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