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Poll: How soundly do you and your family sleep?

How soundly does your family sleep? (multiple choice)  

  1. 1. How soundly does your family sleep? (multiple choice)

    • We all sleep like rocks and most noises wouldn't wake anyone
    • Some of us sleep like rocks, but some of us are lighter sleepers
    • We are all fairly light sleepers
    • No idea as we haven't tried to be loud in the middle of the night
    • Just depends on how tired we are
    • Other

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Yesterday I spent the day with 3 other HS families who are good friends. We went to a theme park for the whole day.


One of the moms brought a bunch of chopped up veggies. She told us she had washed and chopped them all at 3am because she couldn't sleep.


Her house is a 2 story, probably about 2,500 sq. ft. and I asked her if she woke anyone up. She said they all sleep very soundly and that banging around the kitchen and chopping veggies wouldn't wake the rest of the family.


This is so NOT true in our home. I can barely go into the kitchen area without waking people up. We are just lighter sleepers. There is NO WAY I could have done what she did and not woken up the entire household. And my house is larger than hers.



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My oldest sleeps like the dead. Nothing wakes her up. My dh is similar.


The twins, on the other hand, have mom radar. I can be as quiet as a mouse, and they'll still wake up when I do. I'm a pretty light sleeper....if anyone is moving in the house, I'll hear it.

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If I got up in the middle of the night and started working in the kitchen, dh would come find me to see if I was ok or if something was bothering me. I could do said chopping- and probably run the vacuum- in my teens' bedrooms and they wouldn't wake up.


Dh and I aren't light sleepers but we're usually pretty in tune when one of us gets up in the middle of the night. Now, the cat sleeps with us and if he bothers me too much, I sit up, yell at him, throw him off the bed, and he starts meowing because he's soooo insulted. Dh doesn't wake up at all.

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Everyone in my family sleeps very soundly. I wouldn't attempt to do the hoovering, but chopping veg in the kitchen wouldn't be a problem. I'm usually the first one up and I'll empty the dishwasher while waiting for the kettle to boil. Even all the banging of the dishes getting put away doesn't wake anyone.


eta: I voted that some sleep like rocks, but others are light sleepers because I can be a light sleeper. If I'm exhausted I can sleep through anything, but usually I'll wake for any noise.

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Nothing would wake DH, DS7, or DD4. Nothing. If their was a fire, I would have to physically shake all of them. DD2 and I are light sleepers. I wasn't always, but being a mom changed that! Hard to say about the baby yet.


I don't get up in the middle of the night right now because I'm too tired. We co-sleep and the baby still nurses at night. But when I'm getting enough sleep, I sometimes have difficulty going back to sleep if something wakes me and will get up and do something. But I'm always quiet so as not to wake anyone.

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Dh is the light sleeper here; Ds, eh, medium; Dd, like a rock. Me, I will wake up at certain sounds, but I easily go right back to sleep. We do all sleep with sound machines running -- but Dh will still hear the faintest stuff and wake up.


I get up and out of the house by 6:30; I can do some light tooling around in the kitchen (make my coffee) but if I took a shower, Dh would be up...showers at night around here!



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I'm a very light sleeper. The kids and dh sleep like rocks. None of them woke up when there was some kind of emergency pipe repair and they were jackhammering the road in front of our house at 3:00 AM a few summers ago. That was incredible to me.


I wake up when I hear my sister or anyone else get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom.


I also have turned my scrapbooking room into my bedroom to avoid dh's snoring, although I can still hear it through the walls much of the time.

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My kids are very sound sleepers, I on the other hand am not. Right from an early age with them I never bothered with keeping the house quiet for naps etc so they learned to sleep right through pretty much anything. Heck I am in a 1000 sq ft bungalow and can vacuum at 2 am without waking anyone up. On the other hand, if someone sneezes I am awake. I never slept well my whole life and that mommy hearing at night doesn't help.

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I get up, shower, and do food prep in the kitchen at 5:00am a few days a week without waking the kids (or if I do, they've never said anything), who are in a bedroom right next to the kitchen, usually with the door open.


I think I'm the lightest sleeper, and that depends at least partially on how tired I am.

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Several years ago, I would have honestly said DH and I were both light sleepers- I think because I usually wake up a lot at night. But, one night we awoke to banging on the front door, flashlights shining in the side door panels, etc. It was the police and was terrifying. They were there because someone hit our car that was parked out front (enough to bend the tire/axle parallel to the curb and a neighbor called the police. We never heard a thing. So now, even though I don't feel like a sound sleeper, I have a feeling I am one. I don't think my kids are sound sleepers and I wouldn't do anything non-emergent in my kitchen in the middle of the night.:001_smile:

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My dd sleeps like a log. She will sleep anywhere and through anything since she was about 4. My son sleeps fairly soundly as long as it is not after about 5am then he seems to be like a coiled spring waiting for any opportunity to wake up. My husband sleeps well. I sleep badly. I find it hard to get to sleep and hard to stay asleep, the slightest thing wakes me up.

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That didn't work for us. My now 14 year old didn't sleep through the night until around age 4 and he never took naps. We tried our VERY BEST not to wake him up during the few precious hours he actually would sleep!


My youngest can sleep through just about anything and middle can sleep through a lot but not everything.


DH and I are both light sleepers.




My kids are very sound sleepers, I on the other hand am not. Right from an early age with them I never bothered with keeping the house quiet for naps etc so they learned to sleep right through pretty much anything. Heck I am in a 1000 sq ft bungalow and can vacuum at 2 am without waking anyone up. On the other hand, if someone sneezes I am awake. I never slept well my whole life and that mommy hearing at night doesn't help.
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My son and I are light sleepers. My other son and husband are rocks--as in I can go in the heavy sleeper's room at night with a hallway light and get stuff out without waking the sleeper. It amazes me!


FWIW, I really think this is genetic rather than environmental. My boys were like that from very young ages. I am absolutely, completely certain the light sleeper was born that way.


To help my very light sleeper stay asleep while we live after he goes to bed, my husband gets ready for work in the morning, the air conditioning kicks on (:tongue_smilie:), etc. he has two white noise machines in his bedroom. It helps a lot.

Edited by sbgrace
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My family members are all heavy sleepers and a few have been known to sleep walk or talk in their sleep. My husband falls asleep in the middle of a sentence. The kids sleep through almost any noise.


I am the only light sleeper and I often have difficulty falling asleep or going back to sleep once I wake up. I wake up at almost any movement or noise. Some nights I feel like I see the clock every hour.

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I ran the power sander in the kitchen for two hours straight two nights in a row a few weeks ago. The not quite two year old didn't make a peep, and the bedroom doesn't currently have a door. :001_huh: We have a medium size Cape Cod. He does need silence to fall asleep, and in the morning hours he sleeps *much* more lightly.

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I'm a light sleeper, dh kind of medium-ish. If I were to slip out of bed, that alone would eventually wake him though.


DD sleeps so soundly the house could fall down and she go on sleeping. All my boys are more easily awakened in varying degrees.


Due to the layout of our house, the light on in the kitchen would shine into 2 bedrooms directly and one sort of indirectly (Only my oldest two shut their doors at night.).

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Thunder storms don't wake up the kids. They wake me up. Hubby wakes up for everything. However, the kids don't ever call for me in the night because that doesn't wake me up. They call for Daddy instead because they know he'll wake up and come.

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Well, you have to practically move heaven and earth to wake my dd. It is one of my secret reasons that I am so relieved that we homeschool. :lol: I could not handle having to wake her that early M-F.


Dh and I are both hard sleepers except for unusual sounds.


Ds wakes pretty easily.

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Since I became a mom, I've become a much lighter sleeper. However, when I was growing up, my family slept through a house across the street burning. Apparently, there were multiple fire trucks and every other neighbor on the block was out seeing what was going on......everyone except us! The house didn't burn completely down- but it was pretty bad.

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A few nights ago, we all slept through cell phone rings around 11, telling us a baby was being born.

Last night, I was up writing until 1.


Our house is about 1100sf and creaky. Santa has never been caught, but some kids have been woken at 4am when dh has gotten up early for work.


It's a total crap shoot around here!

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