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My kids' piano teacher just called me...

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About a month ago we had to stop piano lessons for my two oldests kids due to financial reasons. Today I got a call from the piano teacher. She said she wants my dc to come back for lessons. She feels they both have some talent and so she came up with an idea: She suggested a barter. She suggested that both the kids stay for an hour after lessons and do chores that are harder for to get to; like washing windows and pulling weeds. And in return she would give them piano lessons.


I already talked to the kids and they would do the chores in return for lessons. Now all I have to do is get dh on board.


What do you all think? Is this a good idea? My kids are 10 and almost 8. Is an hour of chores too much? Or do you think this is a good deal? We paid $140/month for both.

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I think you're getting a bargain, and that it's sweet of the teacher to offer.


I don't think an hour is too much, especially considering the fact that kids don't always accomplish very much in an hour.


If you like the teacher, I'd accept the offer immediately. :001_smile:


ETA: Will the teacher allow the one not taking the lesson to start their hour of work, and then the other one works during the second lesson time? I'd definitely go for that.

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Wow, I think that is such a wonderful offer she has made! I wouldn't hesitate to accept it. I do think I would work alongside my children, to make sure the tasks were completed (and done well). Do you anticipate your dh having an issue with this? I think it teaches the children a very good lesson about earning their privileges/paying for services, as well as working together to find a viable solution to a problem.

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Honestly? Since it is the parent that can't afford the lessons, if the offer was made to me, I would be the one helping her out with the things she needs done. Of course my kids appreciate what is done for them and would be right there beside me, but I wouldn't make them do it alone. That's just me though.



There always has to be someone with a negative opinion.


First, I did not come up with this offer. The teacher called me and asked me what I think. Second, I'm talking to my dc about this to see how they feel about exchanging chores for music lessons. I'm not going to see yes, if they don't want to. Third, I did not say my dc would be going there and do it all by themselves.


I feel like you're putting a lot negative assumptions in your reply. Including where you state, "Of course my kids appreciate what is done for them...".



Everyone else, thank you so much for your kind replies. :)

Edited by RainbowSprinkles
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I don't know. If it was an actual place of business I would be fine with it (and I actually barter lessons for cleaning myself and my children help me), but in somebody's home it would make me uncomfortable. I also think it may make the kids resent the lessons after a while. What happens on days when she doesn't have weeds to pull or windows to clean. Would they be folding laundry, cleaning bathrooms, doing dishes, etc.? I guess I would get a very specific list of tasks that she will expect. I think this could turn into a situation of you all being taken advantage of fairly quickly.



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I think that is a great idea. It teaches them a little responsibility as well as working=benefits. (I would probably stay and supervise them, though)


Yes, that's what I'm thinking too! :)


How lovely of her! Your children must be very dear to her. I'd be careful to make sure the work and hours are well-defined ahead of time, and I'd probably work alongside of them. This can actually help your children to value their lessons much more.


Yes, I will be helping them. I wouldn't feel comfortable having them be there working without me.


I think you're getting a bargain, and that it's sweet of the teacher to offer.


I don't think an hour is too much, especially considering the fact that kids don't always accomplish very much in an hour.


If you like the teacher, I'd accept the offer immediately. :001_smile:


ETA: Will the teacher allow the one not taking the lesson to start their hour of work, and then the other one works during the second lesson time? I'd definitely go for that.


Yes, I'm thinking this will be the best way to use the time.

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:lol: There always has to be someone with a negative opinion.


First, I did not come up with this offer. The teacher called me and asked me what I think. Second, I'm talking to my dc about this to see how they feel about exchanging chores for music lessons. I'm not going to see yes, if they don't want to. Third, I did not say my dc would be going there and do it all by themselves.


I feel like you're putting a lot negative assumptions in your reply. Including where you state, "Of course my kids appreciate what is done for them...".



Everyone else, thank you so much for your kind replies. :)



And you are asking for opinions then because...?

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:lol: There always has to be someone with a negative opinion.


First, I did not come up with this offer. The teacher called me and asked me what I think. Second, I'm talking to my dc about this to see how they feel about exchanging chores for music lessons. I'm not going to see yes, if they don't want to. Third, I did not say my dc would be going there and do it all by themselves.


I feel like you're putting a lot negative assumptions in your reply. Including where you state, "Of course my kids appreciate what is done for them...".



Everyone else, thank you so much for your kind replies. :)




I didn't get that at all from her reply. Were you looking for a negative reply and so found one in these words just because they weren't 100% supportive like all the other replies? I felt like it came across as just another perspective and in no way saw all the negativity you seem to see. Just a thought.

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Barter is great! We have done barter in a similar situation with the child trading work for lessons. He was a bit older than your kids at the time, but it was a totally positive experience. He felt grown up and proud to be able to earn his lessons. I do think it helped him appreciate that they had value. It was great for all parties involved.


The one thing I would suggest is keeping the dialogue open from the beginning - both sides should feel free to check in about how it is working for them and suggest modifications to the agreement as needed.

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And you are asking for opinions then because...?




I didn't get that at all from her reply. Were you looking for a negative reply and so found one in these words just because they weren't 100% supportive like all the other replies? I felt like it came across as just another perspective and in no way saw all the negativity you seem to see. Just a thought.



In my opinion, it came across as more than a negative reply. Like she was saying, why I would make my kids do chores for music lessons. I should be the one doing it, because I'm the one who can't afford it right now. And then going on about how her kids would be appreciative, like my kids wouldn't appreciate it? I don't know, it rubbed me the wrong way.

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In my opinion, it came across as more than a negative reply. Like she was saying, why I would make my kids do chores for music lessons. I should be the one doing it, because I'm the one who can't afford it right now. And then going on about how her kids would be appreciative, like my kids wouldn't appreciate it? I don't know, it rubbed me the wrong way.


Yes, sometimes the opinions of others does this. That is what happens when you open up dialogue to include others.

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Thank you. No implications were intended at all. Simply saying what would happen if that offer had been made to me. Never said the OP had ungrateful kids. Just saying how it would work for me, and knowing that even though it should be my responsibility, my kids would be right there along side me. Believe me, we are struggling EVERY day here, so I get the finance thing.



I'm sorry, I overreacted. :grouphug:

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I don't know. If it was an actual place of business I would be fine with it (and I actually barter lessons for cleaning myself and my children help me), but in somebody's home it would make me uncomfortable. I also think it may make the kids resent the lessons after a while. What happens on days when she doesn't have weeds to pull or windows to clean. Would they be folding laundry, cleaning bathrooms, doing dishes, etc.? I guess I would get a very specific list of tasks that she will expect. I think this could turn into a situation of you all being taken advantage of fairly quickly.




What would be wrong with them folding laundry or cleaning bathrooms? :confused:


I ask that in all sincerity, because if my piano teacher would let us clean bathrooms in exchange for lessons, I'd be all over that, lol. Music lessons are expensive, and I really don't see how an hour's worth of work (of any kind) could ever turn into them being taken advantage of.

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How lovely of her! Your children must be very dear to her. I'd be careful to make sure the work and hours are well-defined ahead of time, and I'd probably work alongside of them. This can actually help your children to value their lessons much more.

:iagree: What a great opportunity for everyone involved!

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It sounds like a bargain really considering how expensive music lessons are. Might be a good idea to occasionally to drop round home made baked goodies or if you grow veg any extra veggies during a glut that kind of thing as I personally feel like the value of a music lesson is more than an hour of kids work if you see what I mean.

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I think it's a really lovely and generous offer, and I would really want to take her up on it. I wish more opportunities were available for bartering. If you and the children (because I agree that you should be helping alongside them) can help, then she doesn't have to pay a cleaner or gardener or whatever, so the value could actually be pretty high.


I think it's a great way to show that there is more than one type of currency, and sometimes you have more time than money.

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I think it's a really lovely and generous offer, and I would really want to take her up on it. I wish more opportunities were available for bartering. If you and the children (because I agree that you should be helping alongside them) can help, then she doesn't have to pay a cleaner or gardener or whatever, so the value could actually be pretty high.


I think it's a great way to show that there is more than one type of currency, and sometimes you have more time than money.




Bartering is a great idea!

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