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What is the strangest thing you ever found in the laundry pile?

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OK, today tops them all. My son and friend had built a fort -several weeks ago- from a huge box in our garage. They used a couple of old fleece blankets inside. Said blankets have been waiting to be washed for a few weeks now. And what did I find inside one of them? Wait for it.......


A mummified lizard! EEEK. This is not the sort of thing that routinely shows up in my wash. I'm yelling down the hall for son to *please* come and dispose of it outside, since dad's at work and he's the de facto man of the house.


What's the weirdest thing you've ever found in the laundry?

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I've found mummified animals in the laundry piles before. Once it was a frog, a few lizards, and beetles.


The worst was the times I found *live* animals. Once it was a live grub in my son's pocket, and the other time it was about 5 or so maggots crawling out of the pocket. Shudder.


My boys are now forbidden to stick any live creatures into their pockets.

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Shot gun shells, .22 shells, mummified gheckos, nail polish, and most recently, the remains of a book.

ETA: Just remembered, one time it was a live round of ammo, not just a shell. I've also had lighters go through the washer and dryer. I should really check pockets better after a Boy Scout campout.

Edited by Unicorn
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Well, dh get one of these :glare: from me recently, because I found a 9 volt battery in the wash. It made it to the dryer, but thankfully I decided to investigate the VERY LOUD banging noise it made when I turned on the dryer. I don't want to know what *could* have happened if it had stayed in there.


Dh puts things in his pockets all the time that make it into the wash. In fact, it's almost always HIM, not the kids.

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Well it wasn't actually in my pile of stuff to be washed but when we were living in WI and had our washer/dryer in the basement I was doing wash in my new machines and happened to see something crawl out from under the old set (which was on the opposite wall waiting for my brother to pick them up) and thought, "That's a really slow moving mouse," I figured it was probably injured and would be dead soon so I'd have to clean it up (dh was deployed) so I kept doing my wash and keeping an eye on it. Well after 30 minutes of putzing around in my basement the thing was still not dead so I went in for a closer look only to find it wasn't a mouse, it was mudpuppy salamander that was covered in lint from crawling around under the old dryer.

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OK, today tops them all. My son and friend had built a fort -several weeks ago- from a huge box in our garage. They used a couple of old fleece blankets inside. Said blankets have been waiting to be washed for a few weeks now. And what did I find inside one of them? Wait for it.......


A mummified lizard! EEEK. This is not the sort of thing that routinely shows up in my wash. I'm yelling down the hall for son to *please* come and dispose of it outside, since dad's at work and he's the de facto man of the house.


What's the weirdest thing you've ever found in the laundry?


This is not what I want to read about it. We just moved into our new house and I called my husband to tell him that I thought I heard a mouse in the walls. It was a lizard. We apparently have them around here, especially on the porches. My laundry area is right next to the door leading to our side porch. I am doing mountains of laundry since the children are tearing boxes open and playing with them before I can get them put away. Now I'm certain I am going to encounter a lizard while I'm doing laundry. Ugh.

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A toddler!


When DS1 was 2, we couldn't find him one day. We'd only lived in this house for a few months at that point, and it's pretty big and convoluted, with a large yard as well. We looked all over for him and were starting to panic, because hiding is not like him. Finally, I looked in the laundry room (which is through a bathroom), behind the door, and there he was, flopped aross a basket of laundry, sound asleep. I have no idea why he thought that was a good place for a nap!


(Another day, I found him asleep, flopped across his little ride-on toy. Boy needed his sleep, I guess. He still napped until about age 5.)

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A nest of baby snakes. I often toss my used dishtowels out in front of my washer which is in our garage. As I was picking up the towels to toss them into the washer several small black snakes with yellow rings around their necks fell to the floor. I knew they weren't poisonous but I still had to change my underwear. :D

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This is not what I want to read about it. We just moved into our new house and I called my husband to tell him that I thought I heard a mouse in the walls. It was a lizard. We apparently have them around here, especially on the porches. My laundry area is right next to the door leading to our side porch. I am doing mountains of laundry since the children are tearing boxes open and playing with them before I can get them put away. Now I'm certain I am going to encounter a lizard while I'm doing laundry. Ugh.


I've never encountered a random lizard in OH. Now I'm going to be paranoid about this!


A toddler!


When DS1 was 2, we couldn't find him one day. We'd only lived in this house for a few months at that point, and it's pretty big and convoluted, with a large yard as well. We looked all over for him and were starting to panic, because hiding is not like him. Finally, I looked in the laundry room (which is through a bathroom), behind the door, and there he was, flopped aross a basket of laundry, sound asleep. I have no idea why he thought that was a good place for a nap!


(Another day, I found him asleep, flopped across his little ride-on toy. Boy needed his sleep, I guess. He still napped until about age 5.)


DD did this to me-- but she was in the basement. Scared me out of my wits! I had called the police by the time I found her.


A nest of baby snakes. I often toss my used dishtowels out in front of my washer which is in our garage. As I was picking up the towels to toss them into the washer several small black snakes with yellow rings around their necks fell to the floor. I knew they weren't poisonous but I still had to change my underwear. :D


I'm a snake owner, and that would freak me out.

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OK, today tops them all. My son and friend had built a fort -several weeks ago- from a huge box in our garage. They used a couple of old fleece blankets inside. Said blankets have been waiting to be washed for a few weeks now. And what did I find inside one of them? Wait for it.......


A mummified lizard! EEEK. This is not the sort of thing that routinely shows up in my wash. I'm yelling down the hall for son to *please* come and dispose of it outside, since dad's at work and he's the de facto man of the house.


What's the weirdest thing you've ever found in the laundry?


Actually, I was going to answer a snake. And it wasn't dead, either. But I'm not sure if it counts, because it was when I was a kid and my mother was doing the laundry. ;)

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