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Soooooo, what's your budget?!


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I just figured out what I still need for next year...adding up to $234. And that's withOUT one big thing I'd love, at $120 more. :001_huh: This will be for a 2nd grader and a K. I've already spent around $75 on things, history reading books, workbooks I knew I probably would'nt find used, some used things from FSOT...so that brings me up to just over $300 all together. Now, I COULD do without a few things, I COULD come up with our own SOTW activities and not get the audio...that would save me $66...I also COULD (and might, after reading the thread here...) go without HWOT K TM and student book, saving me another $16...

Sigh. I don't know. I don't really have a lot of time generally, and having to search and put together complicated crafts or ideas just means it won't get done. :glare: Typically, I don't get around to printing off a bunch of stuff, so it helps me to have everything done before. I suppose I could just look up craft/project ideas, right? And read the chapters twice instead of reading once and listening to the audio once? I was just thinking it would be nice to set the two big girls up with the audio when I need to change the toddler, or put her to sleep, or what ever. Or we could listen in the car...sigh.


So, help me out. Tell me what I really NEED, what I can easily substitute, or to just suck it up and buy it all so it gets done lol.

Here is my list-


AAS 2-4

ETC 2 and 5


HWOT 2nd

LOE games book

Miquon Green

SOTW AG, audio, and student pages

Logic safari

Telling God's Story TM and SP



I already have everything else-SOTW books (text and supplemental reading), read alouds, science, poetry, artist and composer study, art/drawing, math, grammar, writing, phonics (WRTR).


I could just do the free SOTW lap book...and maybe find a few bigger projects (mummifying an apple type things) online?

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As long as it isn't taking food off the table, I'm ok with spending whatever I can afford on curriculum, especially if something will save me time.


I'm spending around $1000 next year for 3rd grade and K (some 1st grade work), but much of that is good books, and some is curriculum that will be good teacher training. I spent about $300 on first grade alone last year.


Technically, my budget is $400/month, but what I don't use gets put into college fund. This money was previously used for private school. I spend waaaaaaaaaay less than private tuition. :)


Your proposed purchases don't seem outlandish to me for two grades. If you're not going into debt over it, I don't see a problem.

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If it is a financial hardship, save what you can. If you can afford it, make your life easier. If it is a question of $50 or $100 difference in what you spent, ask yourself if you are going to be $100 richer a year from now if you don't spend it now. Most likely it won't make a difference in your long range financial picture. Of course if you need the money for other things now, you need the money for other things now.

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I just placed my order. $252 for 4th and 1st. I will need to make copies of worrksheets when the books arrive.


This is definitely more than I've spent ever before, but my 2nd kid is starting real work and my oldest is playing catchup. This is likely most I will spend at one time, until the babies start in a couple of years.


I'm pretty darned thrifty. If I don't need it, I don't buy it. No TM, no study guides, no additional study materials. Money is tight. The money I'm not spending on books is going to pay for summer sports.

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I don't have a budget so to speak. Not to say I am rich by any means, but just to say we make it happen however we can.

I plan what I want, then make a list of the cost new and start shopping for it used. I'm generally shopping since March and will continue until August. Whatever I haven't found at a good deal used, or at an amazing sale new, then I'll get right before we start. $20-$40 here and there, once every paycheck, etc, and it's not so hurtful to our bank account. Bigger purchases, things that I know don't generally go as used, or even if they do, are still $$$, I do budget for, and know "Okay, on this particular pay period we can order that".


I also sell much of my used/old curriculum so that kind of funds my next year.


There's been some years that we didn't always get everything I wanted. We'll get all the important stuff, but there may have been some "extras" that never made it. But come to find out, alot of those extras weren't as necessary as I thought they were!


I would say in general, I spend about $1000-$1200 total for three children.

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Wellllll.... For K and 2nd next year my list is about $1,000 :leaving: my Ker was all of $60 of that... And i didnt needmath for dd :001_huh: I try to do as many PDF's as possible so I am set for future kids. The bulk of my budget is books, history, lit, and readers.


So, I think you are doing great! :tongue_smilie: if you can afford it great, if not see what you can live without.

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I agree with pp's. Nothing you are purchasing seems unreasonable or over the top. It's pretty much what you need to do the basics well. If you are seriously pressed, you can easily do without HWOT TMs (I never use them), and do the free lapbook instead of the AG for SOTW. The AG has so many goodies in it, though!

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So far, and this has been our first full year x 4 kids (but we've had 1 year prior with 1) we seem to be at about $100 per kid average, plus a bit. So for this year we spent about $500 for 4 kids. Next year may be quite different as my oldest is getting into the big time - her 7th grade science is about 100 alone; her Pre-Algebra is almost another $100. But those will be used 3 more times, so in the long run it is worth it. While her Math will cost almost $100, her younger siblings' math will only cost $25 each because part of hers is re-used, awesome! I always want more, then remind myself that we don't need it. I can't really enjoy home schooling my kids if I have to get a job to pay for it, can I?

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Instead of buying everything all at once, I am getting 1-2 things every payday, I will do that until I have everything I need for my 4th, 2nd, and K'er. I plan on using the library A LOT so that will cut down cost in buy books. My total budget for my children is $400. Oh yeah and I buy used. I rarely buy anything new. I love Ebay and Amazon!!!!

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Ok, thanks you guys. No, we aren't going into debt for it or anything. I just get really excited about curriculum and tend to over do it so I wanted a reality check lol.

FairProspects-yeah, I hear you on the dyslexia curriculums-we have just started vision therapy with dd7, and it ran us $3,600!!!! Out of pocket of course, since insurance won't cover it. :glare: I've spent quite a bit on different reading curriculums/books/programs for her, and then we found VT.

This year is actually a less expensive year, because my home library is well stocked. I buy books/games/puzzles when I can during the year. We gave science kits for Christmas. ;)

I do have a little 'curriculum fund' that is any extra cash I can out away, so I can use some of that to pay for stuff too. I'm hoping that I find a lot at our yearly used curriculum sale. That will help tremendously.

Guess I'll show dh this thread so he can see I'm not crazy lol.

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Just keep in mind that we need to pay overseas shipping and taxes which can eat up to 43% additional expenses.


Last year I spent around $2300 dollars for Core E & C with SL, SOTW books and CD, math and other stuff.


This year am still deciding. We will be starting our new materials in June but we got lots of free resources from a local Missionary organization that were re-kitting their HS resources room.


Am trying to spend less than $1500 but am considering the shipping charges I might be buying next year resources as well.


We will also have to buy stationary, art supplies so will see...


Just keep in mind that we have no decent libraries in the area and second hand resources are far and few between.


Considering that we took the kids out of private school in 2009 and we budgeted US 15000 for the both to remain in the same school in 2010, homeschool sounds like a better option. My FIL and MIL used to pay for one of the kids at the private school and we would pay for the other but they both passed in 2010 so to have had taken them out of school really saved us financially.


My friend is paying at the same school US 18750 for Grade 8 at the same school so compared to the expense of private schooling HS is really cheap. We would spend more but my husband was retrenched in 2010 and has yet to find a job so we have been eating into his 401 k and savings so I have to be careful with what I spend.

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Nothing on your list is necessary. You already plan to use The Writing Road to Reading which covers spelling, phonics and handwriting. You also have access to Starfall.com, Reading Bears and other free online suppliments for a fun break or suppliment. WRTR is a strong program and buying others to suppliment it is overkill.


AAS 2-4 *Unnecessary. A Spelling program along with WRTR?

ETC 2 and 5 *Why? For busywork?

HWOT K TM and SB *For the wonky paper and homely font? Nope

HWOT 2nd *See above

LOE games book *It's the latest thing. Just Say No

Miquon Green *You already have math

SOTW AG, audio, and student pages *You sound like a plain and simple, "Read, oral narration" person to me

Logic safari *Little kids don't need a logic program

Telling God's Story TM and SP *The B I B L E, yes that's the only book I need. Your kids are little. Just read the Bible so they can learn the stories. When they are older they can get into various doctrines that require reading other books. You can get a life in Biblical times kind of book from the library if you want. Do prayer and sing songs that you sing at church.

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I just figured out what I still need for next year...adding up to $234. And that's withOUT one big thing I'd love, at $120 more. :001_huh: This will be for a 2nd grader and a K. I've already spent around $75 on things, history reading books, workbooks I knew I probably would'nt find used, some used things from FSOT...so that brings me up to just over $300 all together. Now, I COULD do without a few things, I COULD come up with our own SOTW activities and not get the audio...that would save me $66...I also COULD (and might, after reading the thread here...) go without HWOT K TM and student book, saving me another $16...

Sigh. I don't know. I don't really have a lot of time generally, and having to search and put together complicated crafts or ideas just means it won't get done. :glare: Typically, I don't get around to printing off a bunch of stuff, so it helps me to have everything done before. I suppose I could just look up craft/project ideas, right? And read the chapters twice instead of reading once and listening to the audio once? I was just thinking it would be nice to set the two big girls up with the audio when I need to change the toddler, or put her to sleep, or what ever. Or we could listen in the car...sigh.


So, help me out. Tell me what I really NEED, what I can easily substitute, or to just suck it up and buy it all so it gets done lol.

Here is my list-


AAS 2-4

ETC 2 and 5


HWOT 2nd

LOE games book

Miquon Green

SOTW AG, audio, and student pages

Logic safari

Telling God's Story TM and SP



I already have everything else-SOTW books (text and supplemental reading), read alouds, science, poetry, artist and composer study, art/drawing, math, grammar, writing, phonics (WRTR).


I could just do the free SOTW lap book...and maybe find a few bigger projects (mummifying an apple type things) online?



Of your list, I wouldn't get AAS, LOE, or HWOT. AAS & LOE seem to be unnecessary and redundant--you can accomplish the same things more quickly and for less money just by using WRTR. I've used handwriting programs, but I don't think they're necessary.


Miquon, ETC, and Telling God's Story would go in the maybe pile. I'd have to evaluate whether or not I would actually use these. We have family Bible study daily, so while I like the idea of Bible during school, it usually gets dropped (though I'm seriously considering CAP's God's Great Covenant OT1 for my younger 3 next year). Miquon looks like one of those things I like the idea of, but would actually forget to use. I've used ETC for various boys, and it has its place, but I would evaluate whether or not it still does before I bought the books.


I'm a sucker for logic books, so I'd get Logic Safari and the SOTW audio CDs are worth their weight in gold, if you ask me. I also like the coloring sheets from the activity guide, and it sounds like you my do the projects, so I'd definitely get the A/G.


That said, if you feel good about all the purchases and you won't be spending money you don't have, then get it all. I spent a few hundred per year when my older boys were young.

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I also think "necessary" is subjective. While you can do it without, it doesn't mean you would want to. I used HWOT k and would not have done it without the TM, without it, it is just a workbook,the manipulatives make the program. If you wanted to save something I think you could drop HWOT 2 assuming your child has had formal handwriting and forms letters correctly, you could use copy work for that child. While AAS might not be necessary for some, we ove it here, so maybe not necessary, but worth it here. :001_smile: oh, and I would not use SOTW without the AG, that 'twas the best part here!

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Since I've never been in a place with an excellent library, I have to purchase everything. Also now that we are heading into the last year of middle school things get more rigorous and for some reason that means costly to the curric publishers. So more than $500, but less than $1000. I suppose my budget is $1000 but I want to come in several hundred less than that.



When dd was little it averaged out to about $100 per grade. So K'er was about $50, first grade was $100, etc.

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Our budget varies year to year depending on what I can use for the next kid, what our changes are and such. I have spent as little as a few hundred to as much as a thousand one year. Next year is much less since we aren't using SL for history. Don't worry about a certain monetary amount. The education can be just as amazing on the cheap!

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Since I've never been in a place with an excellent library, I have to purchase everything. Also now that we are heading into the last year of middle school things get more rigorous and for some reason that means costly to the curric publishers. So more than $500, but less than $1000. I suppose my budget is $1000 but I want to come in several hundred less than that.



When dd was little it averaged out to about $100 per grade. So K'er was about $50, first grade was $100, etc.


No kidding :svengo:.

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With one in 1st and one in K this coming year, I'm spending next to nothing but only because I sold a handful of things I bought last year that didn't work out for us and I already owned the curriculum I wanted to use for K. This is awesome for me because I wasted so much last year!


I can empathize with not wanting to print and wanting things planned out. I learned that about myself last year (that I tend to not end up doing it). I'm inclined to spend some extra money on that now since I have it available to spend but could really use the time I would save.

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I don't have a hard and fast budget, though I try to stick to around $1200 for the year (including extras for DS2). Yes, I could do it for much cheaper, but I don't want to. I want my children to have what I think are the best materials for my teaching and their learning styles and what I want to accomplish. It's all a matter of priorities.

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well, i made a list of what i really wanted. it added up to $1200. i kept tweaking it here and there and price shopping, and now i have it under $500. i've been purchasing a little at a time to make it really doable with our monthly budget. my last big purchase will be veritas press self paced history & i'll buy that in july or august before our new year begins.



ETA - what helped me scale back was to combine subjects where i could with both children. also, i used some curriculum that i already own. lastly, i incorporated some free curriculum. it cut my budget drastically.

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I spent about $1000 for the upcoming year for 8th and 3rd and I still haven't purchased math for my 8th grader. (Haven't decided if we are sticking with ACE or moving on to Teaching Textbooks).


I overspent and purchased things we won't use. Ugh. I was way too hasty this year, which isn't like me at all.


I don't budget really...and we don't have extra money laying around either. lol! So I plan ahead and sell last years stuff to pay for the new stuff. Generally I am able to sell enough to pay for at least half of next years curriculum.

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I havent added it all up but I am sure I have spent at least $700 for this coming year. I don't really have a budget but I do try to spread it all out. I ended up getting most of next years stuff in April because that is when our convention sales carry over into our local homeschool bookstore. I am including all of our reading books as well as text books into the $700. Somewhere around $200 was reading books alone and that was purchasing most of them 1/2 off.

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I always spend $300-$400 for two elem. school kids, and that is with buying used where I can, having some stuff handed down to me, and buying during sales and whatnot. And I still never had a year where I got all of the "xtras" and little things I wanted. So I think if you are getting all that you want for under $400, and new to boot, that you are doing very well. Also one hint: If trying to print is a hardship (and it was to me when mine were young. I would just get started on a lesson, realize I had to get up and copy and print things, come back and spend the next 10 min. rounding them up again, and suddenly we were out of time for lessons..) then take the time to print out the entire thing in the summer, even if there will be pages you don't use. It is worth it. I figured that out after a year of copying page by page with SOTW1. Now each year I copy the entire student pages and 3 hole punch them and have them in their binders before school starts. Ditto for any pdf lessons we do for science or whatnot.


This year, I have one moving up to logic stage, so I am looking at 2 foreign languages plus replacing workbooks for the younger on the ones we have already done with the older, plus adding more science equipment, a new printer and buying literature as our library didn't have much of what I need for next year. So I am at around $500 or more this year, not counting what I have bought in advance throughout the last year when I came across them at sales. So it is my most expensive year yet.


I have most of math from a 2nd had store, need one more T.M for older. I need replacements of tests and speed drills packs for stuff I already have. I need an English book for odd. I have the T.M. I have spelling for both and T.M and C.D. for latin for younger. I have all of history for both (SOTW for younger, Kingfisher for older). I have plenty of science reference books for younger. I own the Core Knowledge What Your X Grader Needs to Know books for references that we use a lot. I own Drawing with Children which we are still working through. I have tons of ancients lit picture books and some for the older already on shelf. I just bought the specific Bible I need for our Bible course.


But that still leaves Latin and Spanish for older, logic for older, science for older, plus a microscope this year. I need a laser printer. Ok, that is a big want. I can probably get by a little longer without it, but my old one is slowly dying. I need a Bible Curric. I am not happy with their Sun. school lessons as being enough after having subbed in their classes. So $400-$500 left it is. I have saved about $250 for the purchases here and there for months, so it won't be so much of a hit out of our monthly budget all at once at convention.

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I've spent about $400 so far. That's for our soon-to-be kindergartner, but also includes a variety of OT resources for our 3 year old and a few things for our toddler. I have about $75 worth of materials left to purchase, but those are things that we'll use for years and I can also spread those purchases out a bit since they are specific to the seasons.


I'll still budget $25/month for consumable supplies and for picking up books at the local used bookstore.

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I don't really have a budget. It's hard to say, because I am a hobby gardener and we spend the entire early spring through the end of summer learning environmental science and agriculture and I spent quite a bit there. In our house, besides the basics like math and writing curriculum, we study so many things that we use in a way. I also quilt and craft, and some of those supplies are for DD's art classes, so I am always buying art supplies but we kind of share.


I guess that's one of the beauties I see in homeschooling. So many things overlap and everything is learning.


As far as curriculum, I'll have two kids in Singapore next year but I already have books through 4th grade for DD since DS used MM until this point. I bought IEW which was $300 or so but that is some teacher training . We have a crummy library IMO, so I buy all of our books. And, I'm a geek and love looking at books, so I can't help myself.


I have a decent spending budget per month, and work everything in to that. I have spent about $1500 for next year so far, but that is because IEW is pricey upfront, and I bought some expensive art supplies and classes. I would anticipate more throughout the year but i'm not sure what.


I am NOT a curriculum shopper. I buy a few basics, and then mostly just books, and art supplies.....and strange things for DS when he has some sorta thing he wants to build/blow up/take apart etc:lol:.

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There is no budget for me.


I tutor and self-educate, rather than homeschool anymore. My students change from day to day. Instead of paying me, they just contribute to my library. My home library is added to and taken from as needed.


Sometimes I find a $150.00 book for $5.00 online or at a city used book store that I don't care so much about, but buy because it's a good deal. If a student wants it or loses it, they'll throw some cash at me to replace it. In the long run I end out with a pricey item I really wanted.


There is no way to keep track of what happens here. There is a lot of cash and a lot of books changing hands, and everyone seems to have what they need. As long as me and mine are all taken care of, I'm choosing not to count pennies and am just being thankful.


To be honest, I really cannot figure out how a bunch of low income adult learners, and their nieces and nephews have access to such great learning materials. Maybe because we are all sharing. Sometimes we are just SO lucky. Every once in while things are splurged on that are probably illogical purchases and unnecessary, but because we were so lucky elsewhere, we can afford to be stupid.


I manage and guard the library. More and more people are using it. It is growing by leaps and bounds, and I get to sit in the middle of it and enjoy it, when I'm not tutoring. In this area, my life is good. Very, very good. I don't take it for granted. I wish I could take these lovely things back in time and use them with my boys...but I can't. I made do with very little back then. Very, very, very little.

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I try to have an idea what I want to do next fall by Jan. Then, I can start buying little by little shortly thereafter. Next year I will just have the little man, so I suppose it should be cheaper than this year with a senior, but I am having fun buying for an only! This means that I have already spent a lot. I don't plan to add it up, but it is probably over 1000. However, not a dime has come from dh or our bank account. I used money from tutoring that I cash and spend- money that wasn't expected or that wasn't figured toward anything. I am sure dh has no idea how much, but I think, as pocket money spent little by little since Jan, it was better spent on books and curriculum than on fast food, movies, or even clothes! :D



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I don't have a budget, so to speak, but my "wants" list is running about $450 for next year for 2 kids (K and 3rd.) There are a few more things I want to get, then consumables like art supplies, paper, etc. I'm buying a bit at a time over the next couple months. This is the end of our 1st year homeschooling, I expect that as we build up our home library, our needs list for the youngers will dwindle a bit. At least, that's my theory.....hope it works out....

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I think if I tracked things, I would be embarassed at what I spent. But, I tend to just buy as I go except for very specific "need" items. I have been at this for nearly 10 years (collecting curricula that long anyway) so I have stuff for every grade level. What I spend now is more for wants. I want a different math curricula, I want an online program, etc.


Art supplies, books, computer games and learning toys kind of go in the budget along with groceries- they're a necessity, right? :D


But seriously, there have been years when I worked to make sure I spent the least amount on the greatest impact for learning and was able to keep a very small budget as a result. But in those years, it was used books, Paperback Swap and use what you could find. It can be done but I'm not gonna do it again unless I have to. ;)

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I will spend $300 6th grade and K, I use pdfs where possible since I'm in Canada and shipping is killer. We use the library for all our reading books so that money is mainly for curriculum and a subscription to brainpop and discovery streaming. I also put together our own science.

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So, help me out. Tell me what I really NEED, what I can easily substitute, or to just suck it up and buy it all so it gets done lol.

Here is my list-


AAS 2-4

ETC 2 and 5


HWOT 2nd LOE games book

Miquon Green

SOTW AG, audio, and student pagesLogic safari

Telling God's Story TM and SP


I already have everything else-SOTW books (text and supplemental reading), read alouds, science, poetry, artist and composer study, art/drawing, math, grammar, writing, phonics (WRTR).


Items in red, I would not purchase. WRTR should cover spelling and phonics. For handwriting, I just buy paper and write out their copywork. It really doesn't take that much time. For math, stick with what you already have. I wouldn't worry about reading the SOTW twice. Skip the audio and just read once from the book. The student pages are already included in the AG. For Bible, I would just read daily from either the Bible or a children's version of the Bible depending on your preference.


I would get the SOTW activity guide. Searching for projects on the internet can suck up a lot of time and then you still have to get together the supplies. The Logic Safari book would be optional. Personally I would probably get that one. HTH

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After reading other replies, I just realized I didn't fully read your post. You're using WRTR for phonics/spelling, so I agree that you don't need AAS and HWT in addition to that. WRTR has excellent handwriting instructions. Use them! I have HWT K here, but I'm using WRTR for my K'er's handwriting. And AAS is definitely redundant when you're already using WRTR. They teach the same phonograms and rules. Using both is overkill. Pick the one you prefer and go with that. If WRTR is working for you, I'd stick with it, since it's much cheaper! It's also what I would prefer for reading.

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