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What are you using for Kindergarten?


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I am not completely sure what we are going to use for our K'er next year. So far we have:

RightStart A

AAR Level 1

I may or may not combine him with his older brother (we plan to use LBC), not sure what our plans are yet and I'm looking for ideas :)


What do you plan to use?

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My younger will be doing K5 next year and is an older K'er (6 most of the year, but K by cutoff). We have planned:


Math: Miquon, Singapore 1A, 1B, 2A? (he is working on 1A right now)


Phonics: First Start Reading


Writing: HWOT K, copywork


Grammar: Probably start FLL 1 (he is good with language)


Spelling: Start AAS 1 when ready for writing


History: Tag along on SOTW 2


Science: Tag along on Intellego Astronomy & Earth Science Units, Engineering is Elementary Aerospace Unit


Art: Primary Art by Maryann Kohl, maybe start violin lessons

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I had considered MFW K, but it seems to get a lot of bad reviews. I may try FIAR since I already have it. We are already working through OPGTR. I am thinking Horizons K for math, switching to CLE in first. We will also use HWOT. For science and history, the majority will be listening in with the older two, as well as what I decide to pull from FIAR. We all use Artistic Pursuits for art and the kids seem to really like it:)

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Guest mjeka

Well not HOD, ha! Sorry, I just listed it for sale after being so anxious to buy it a couple of months ago. I think for this particular daughter I am going to go more of the traditional route for now. It just suites her personality. My older children were so different! I'm still looking though, so I am also curious as to what others are using.

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Since I have it, I'll be sticking with LBC Foundation Yr for my upcoming Ker while continuing with Phonics Pathways and Language Lessons for Little Ones. Math .. I don't know. Whatever I piece together from my myriad resources. It will be mostly living math.

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Our oldest turns 5 just before our planned start date for kindergarten. We're planning on using the following:


Reading Skills

-HOP First Grade, Levels 1 and 2


-BOB Books, sets 1-5

-Lots of reading from early reader/beginner books

Writing Skills

-Zaner Bloser handwriting, kindergarten and grade 1


-Saxon Math 1


-7 general science lapbook studies from In the Hands of a Child


-Who Am I? - Image of God, kindergarten

-Supplemental activities from the Teach Me to Discover CD series from Catholic Artworks


-Draw Write Now, book 2

-Discovering Great Artists

-Ed Emberly's Picture Pie 2


-Classical Music for Dummies



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My older kids used Phonics Pathways, BOB Books, Leapfrog videos, a writing tablet, counters of some sort, and a library card. If they were clamoring for their very own schoolbook, I bought them the jumbo workbook from Costco.


(That doesn't count kid #4, who did all that over her big brother's shoulder when it was his turn for K.)

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DD5 will "officially" start kindergarten in the fall, but we'll be slowly working all summer.


Reading: OPGTTR and Explode the Code books A, B, and C. We are currently on Book C, but I want to start OPGTTR along with it.


Math: unsure yet...thinking of Singapore or Horizons


Grammar: FLL 2. She tagged along with us for FLL1 and we are currently about 1/4 of the way through the 2nd book. She didn't do much tagging though....she stayed right up with big sister on it.


Science: Tagging along with big sis....we're starting 106 Days of Creation this summer.


Bible: Positive Action 1st grade, along with A Child's Book of Character Building (we've already begun both of this and will just keep going with them)


History: Tagging along with big sis....maybe SOTW, but unsure yet.


Art: Again, tagging along with whatever I decide for big sister.

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My Kindy girl will be doing:


Handwriting: Getty-Dubay Book A

Literature: Peak with Books

Phonics: Phonics Pathways, ETC, and Happy Phonics

Math: Singapore Essentials, free Pre-Miquon book, MUS Primer

Science: Elemental Science: Exploring Science

Extras: Lollipop Logic Book 1


With her big sister: Expedition Earth, Global Art and Music, Homemade Bible to go with Expedition Earth, and Salsa Spanish


My main focus is phonics and math, but dd LOVES doing school. She would sit for hours at the table with me, so I've got to have some backup stuff to keep her busy :001_smile:

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DD1 is officially starting this fall:

Reading/Writing- Memoria Press First Start Reading and Writing

Copywork- Copywork1 MP

Math- Games and learning through life, planning to start slowly on RSB in the second half of the year

Religion- Bible, Saint and Catechism planned by Mom :)

Science in life

History - Listening along to Myths and stories of Am heroes

Lit- Good books, nursery rhymes, fairy tales, mother goose, beautiful picture books

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I have one doing K right now ... here is what we are using:



BJU K5 Math

Artist Study

Read- Alouds for American History (with older siblings) and drawing pictures as part of "notebooking"

Nature Study

Sitting in on Bible Story Time with older kids

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This is what we've used so far, or are using currently for K:




ETC (we're on book 5 right now, though we did skip book 4)

BOB Books

Nora Gaydos readers

Step Into Reading (this is a more recent addition)




Math Dice Jr.



D'Nealian K and 1



La Clase Divertida (just started this week)



various science kits



Evan-Moor's Beginning Geography

Lollipop Logic 1, 2, and 3

Can You Find Me Pre-K and K-1

Dr. DooRiddles A1 and A2

Rush Hour Jr.

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For math, we're using Rightstart A, MEP-R, and Miquon (trying to find a good balance -- my K'er is young, but nearly finished with Reception; I don't want to rush her into MEP 1, though, and we only just started RS-A).


For language arts, we're using Click 'N Read Phonics, OPGTR, and I'll ease her into Logic of English as she is ready (for now we're just playing phonogram games).


Everything else is just as we feel like it. We'll probably do some light science using Usborne First Encyclopedia of Science, and social studies/geography readings from the Core Knowledge - Kindergarten book.

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We are doing a lot of 1st grade level work, but he will be in Kindergarten.

Singapore Math 1a/b

Abeka Phonics 1

A Reason for Handwriting K/A

Song School Latin

History and Science: Tag along with older brother - SOTW 1 and either BFSU or Elemental biology (grammar)



hopefully start a musical instrument

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I am another one who is officially starting K with DS in the fall, but slowly starting now. We currently use OPGTR, ARFH, and Singapore EM. Once we really get going, we will add some readings from the Core Knowledge K book, The World God Made, maybe some FIAR, and science books from the library. Oh, also Evan Moor Beginning Geography and the Jesus Storybook Bible.

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K was last year for DD, we went for boxed to give us time to figure/research stuff.


So Chaos (4) next year will be in K, Eve (3) will be pre-k and Atlas (6) will be in grade 2.


So they sort of follow along on the elders lessons, but here's my pins for stuff I'm looking at/researching into more for next year


Prek (Just basically my crafts/messy activites folder): http://pinterest.com/missed/pre-k-next-year/


Enrichment/Kinder - This is Kinder & Preschool backbones, as well as extra enrichments I am looking at: http://pinterest.com/missed/enrichment-kinder-2013/


Earth Science & Astronomy (What Atlas will be doing, everybody will follow along): http://pinterest.com/missed/earth-science-astronomy-2013/


Geography 2013 - We are using Expedition Earth as the sort of spine (using Galloping the Globes Table of contents for the layout of countries/order) we're stretching it out over 3 years, so next year will be out 2nd year, we add on unit studies/enrichments appropriate to the country at hand: http://pinterest.com/missed/geography-cultures-2013/


History Middle Ages (Again, Atlas' Subject, they will all follow along): http://pinterest.com/missed/history-2013-middle-ages/


And this is my Curriculums to look at folder, basically unsorted stuff, some for this year and some for next, just stuff I haven't gotten around to looking into further and/or sorting: http://pinterest.com/missed/curriculums-to-look-at/

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My 2nd son is starting K next year. I'm torn on if we will be using MFW or Memoria press...

I have MUS primer otw for math


And I guess what we decide will also dictate what else we use.

He will be in kindermusic and tumbling still so I have music and PE covered lol

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Same thing I used with my older two:


100EZ Lessons




Yup, that's all of it. My goal for K is to get the child reading well enough to have an easy start with R&S Phonics and Reading. Other than that, subjects are learned through play (or workbooks such as ETC upon request). The only thing my K child ever *must* do is a couple of reading lessons per week. Other than that, I believe in lots of books, time spent outdoors, and imaginative play.

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DS will be official K age this fall and we are doing:

Phonics: finish Phonics Pathways/ Plaid Phonics B

Spelling: A Reason for Spelling B

Math: Horizons 2

History: BJU Heritage Studies 1

Science: BJU Science 1

Penmanship: D Nealian 1

Writing: WWE 1

English: Shurley English 1


For actual K level he did/is doing:

Math: Horizons K

Penmanship: D Nealian K

Science: Netflix and Learning through Literature Science

Geography: Evan Moor Beginning Geography

Phonics: Phonics Pathways/Plaid Phonics A

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We plan to begin K this September. Our school time will be about 1 hour a day plus 20 minutes for bedtime read a louds.


Reading--ETC books A,B and C, Sonlight list for read a louds, Peak with Books

Math--Singapore 1A and 1B


Extras if everything else goes well-- Elemental Science, Song School Latin, some stuff from Core Knowledge

Continuing stuff we do now like lots of library trips, arts and crafts, gymnastics

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Fun! Sometimes I get so caught up planning for dd I forget I have a new kindy in the fall! :tongue_smilie:


Our tentative plans:


OPGTR (not sure we will stick with it, but are going to give it a more consistent attempt this summer, and if all else fails we will go back to Abeka phonics K)





and tagging along for:


Sonlight C (at least for read alouds and some of the history/geography)

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Singapore Math Earlybird

LLATL Blue (started just this week, will finish in the first part of K)

ETC 1 and maybe 2 after the above


Lots of books from Singapore P3/4 and P4/5 from when the olders were in K

Joining in on TOG with her brothers when she wants to

Developing the Early Learner workbooks

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Same thing I used with my older two:


100EZ Lessons




Yup, that's all of it. My goal for K is to get the child reading well enough to have an easy start with R&S Phonics and Reading. Other than that, subjects are learned through play (or workbooks such as ETC upon request). The only thing my K child ever *must* do is a couple of reading lessons per week. Other than that, I believe in lots of books, time spent outdoors, and imaginative play.


I think that is a great K plan! I never did K w/ my older son (he was private schooled for K), but I think I will be quite relaxed. We will do math and reading but otherwise I think I'll be letting him drop in and out of lessons with his older brother. I did pick up R&S ABC series for him today which I think he'll enjoy :)

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Guest Tressmom

BJU Math K



Whatever else he sits through with dd6, science, history, etc


Keeping it light as we do K1 and K2 years......




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I'm going to be teaching my dd for the first time next year! Right now she's in a Montessori VPK 5 days a week for 3 hours a day. She'll be 5 in late July :)


My goal is to have her reading and enjoying reading. Everything else is gravy. She seems quite savvy with some of her addition facts already. In fact, in that, she's ahead of ds when he was that age. She likes writing too, which is a big plus.


K Year for dd:


Peak With Books

Tanglewood's Really Reading Program (free)

Miquon Math

Getty Dubay Italic Handwriting Book A

My World and Globe, Geography A-Z, Peoples of the World

The Easy Spanish Jr.

Tanglewood's Health and Safety program

BFSU K-2 (slowly)

Preschoolers' Busy Book (geared to kids from 3-6)

Picture Study and Composer Study with older brother

Artistic Pursuits K-3 with older brother

A Child's First Bible (have her read it as soon as she can)

Enchanted Learning activities as holidays, etc. come up


Handicraft: Sewing with bigger brother and continuing to learn how to prepare simple meals and bake, especially measuring. Teach how to fold.


Brainquest K and Kumon Workbooks on standby, activities in workbox for her to pick from when I'm busy with older brother (fourth grader).

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My DD is due to start kindergarten next year January. If she does stay home (we need to decide fairly soon) we will continue what we have been doing this year:


Math: Horizons K and MEP 1 (Singapore we are moving through very slowly also and jump around in them so will see what we do with it)

Phonics: OPGTR, possibly starting some spelling when she is done

Handwriting: doing my own thing with this, starting copywork

Language Arts: May start WWE1 when the handwriting improves enough, many many read alouds for literature

Reading: Read books to me aloud each day, may start some silent reading expectations if I feel she is up to it

History: Continue on with SOTW1 at a very slow pace

Science and Geography: various read alouds, would like to do a study of natural sciences esp human anatomy as she seems interested in it

Art/Music: haven't decided yet

Bible: Have her read The Beginner's Bible

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For my ds for K we are doing:


Phonic Pathways

MEP R/saxon 1

writing tablet with some pencils and alphabet chart


leap frog dvd's(he loves them)

and tons of books


Science, History, Geography, Music, Art, and Spanish will be done with his older sibilings(4th and 2nd grade) with lapbooks and projects.

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My 5 yr old dd will be in K this year, we start mid-summer, here is our plan:


McRuffy Color Math K

Hooked on Phonics

Explode the Code

Pentime Handwriting

Lollipop Logic


She will tag along with older brother in American History, Zoology, Song School Latin, Bible study and read alouds.

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My DD is an older K as she will be 6 for most of the year. We are planning on using:



Saxon K


Language Arts:

Saxon K Phonics

FIAR Type Activities w/ Lapbooking




Grapevine OT Studies - Level 1



Beginning Geography (EM)



Sid the Science Kid Videos/Activities



U.S. History



Salsa Spanish

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Peak With Books



It's not often you find someone working with this book. :001_smile: We've been working through it this year and for my ds's k year next fall we'll start again adding another dimension with the more involved activities.


Besides Peak With Books I have quite a bit of literature type studies planned for my ds. With my oldest it was enough to read and talk, he loved that. But I need to keep my younger ds active and involved. So I need to get my crafty spirit in place.


Language arts:

-Peak With Books

-Caldecott Across the Curriculum

(trying to recreate a FIAR type feel without actually using FIAR)



-Ordinary Parents Guide to Reading

-Dr Jean's Best of Reading and Writing and another Scholastic Phonics games book (again sitting and reading the OPGTR lesson alone won't work---I need to make it hands-on for this kid-these two books give me ideas for hands on crafts and games.)

-Explode The Code (hopefully get to at least book 3?-he's nearly completed the GetReadySetGo books---good practice in forming lowercase letters.)

-HWT K (he's already working in this when he wants to so I think handwriting would just be free practice on actual paper for the most part when he finishes this)

-and work with the oral activities in Writing Strands 1



-Singapore Essential Math K (he's gone a little way into Book A but we'll tackle it more in depth with extra activities in K)

-MEP Reception

-activities from FamilyMath and games




-Mudpies to Magnets


Arts & Crafts/music:

-activities pulled from various arts & crafts books (Little Hands Art Book, Earthways, etc.)

-listening (Classical Kids etc) and learning the sounds/names of orchestra instruments



-going to try Oak Meadow's Growing Growing Strong this year and he's beyond excited to start soccer this fall. We also do yoga together as a family.



-I don't usually have much goals set for this age in this area. I like for Kinders to learn the states (Scrambled States book and maps/puzzles usually accomplish that), but he has been participating with my older ds in SOTW activities and he likes the AG coloring pages.



-I have most of the K year from Baltimore Core Knowledge printed. May pull from that now and then.

-lots and lots of read alouds and playtime

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We use HOD's LHFHG for my K'er. We are using all of the recommended resources (Singapore ,etc) but for phonics, I'm using Abeka's A Handbook for Reading and ETC. I'm also adding in the spelling and the emerging readers from BLHFHG. I'm using Abeka's Writing with Phonics K5 for handwriting, but she's almost finished with that book and we'll be moving on to A Reason for Handwriting A.


She also just finished the 1st grade level Thinking Skills book, so I've purchased the 2nd grade level in the same series for her to work in.


She loves using pattern blocks, cuisenaire rods and unifix cubes as well.

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Here are our kindergarten plans. I'm expecting a baby in October and so I think we'll get started with some of these this summer.



OPGTR -- already about halfway through

Early readers from library

Reading list from Sonlight, AO, etc




SM Essential A/B



Handwriting without Tears PK and K



Science experiment book

perhaps Rod & Staff preschool books

Art book

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It's not often you find someone working with this book. :001_smile:

:seeya: I love Peak with Books. :) We use it, along with Story Stretchers.


For K, dd will be doing Ordinary Parents Guide to Reading, Saxon K math, and A Reason for Handwriting K. She will also listen into SOTW 2 (as interested) and big brother's Earth Science studies. We do a lot of read alouds, as well.

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Let's see if I can post this time without my computer making me lose everything I wrote.


We are doing the following.


Reading and Literature:

OPGtR (already started)

Explode the Code (already started)

Lots and lots of books about all sort of subjects that interest DS



Singapore 1B, 2A and probably 2B (almost done with 1A will finish it by summer most likely)

Life of Fred Apples (living math fun)



I have no clue, some experiments of some sort

Will probably follow DS' interests and focus on things like dinosaurs, the human body and space


History and Social Studies:

Pre History, probably a bunch of dinosaur stuff and some early human stuff

We'll also spend a bit of time on our state and states we visit frequently





Other then that lots and lots of running around and playing.

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My son is doing K4 next year (he turns 5 in December), and I'm planning on using:


Evan-Moor's Early Childhood Themes (the "All About" series) and Carson-Dellosa themes.

PAL reading & writing (I'm not expecting much writing out of him, just at least to get through forming letters and a little copywork)

RightStart A.

Evan-Moor Everyday Literacy: Science PK



For K5, we'll do animal habitats, maybe RSO Life, either RS B or Singapore 1, and who knows what reading. Depends on how he does with PAL.

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My son is an official Kindergartener in the fall.


We are already doing OPGTR and will probably finish by September. We just started RS B and not sure when we will finish -probably next February at the rate we go. I might emphasize writing more but he's fairly self-motivated in that.


My only goal is to have him reading very well by the end of K. He seems well on his way so I would rather spend time on some fun outside activities and social development instead of more academic subjects.

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We have been working lightly on the 3 R's and will continue to do so throughout the summer. Then we'll pick up with additional subjects in the fall when dd is officially K age (she turns 5 in June).


Phonics--Phonics Pathways, Reading Pathways, ETC, Happy Phonics


Handwriting--homemade copywork with StartWrite


Math--finishing up Singapore EM and then we'll probably move on to MM1,


History--Adventures in America (Elemental History)


Science--nature study and interest-led units with notebooking.


Art--Drawing with Children alternating with either Artistic Pursuits or Meet the Masters (haven't decided yet).


Others--Evan-Moor Beginning Geography, Lollipop Logic, maybe some light music appreciation with Beethoven's Wig, lots of read-alouds (including poetry, fairy tales, mythology, Italian books and rhymes, etc)

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My DS just finished 1st term of K. We're doing:




Bible copywork (sometimes, very light)

Lots of books.







eta - Reading eggs too, but mostly for fun & he's tapering off with that atm.

For everything else he tags along with DD.

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It's not often you find someone working with this book. :001_smile: We've been working through it this year and for my ds's k year next fall we'll start again adding another dimension with the more involved activities.


Besides Peak With Books I have quite a bit of literature type studies planned for my ds. With my oldest it was enough to read and talk, he loved that. But I need to keep my younger ds active and involved. So I need to get my crafty spirit in place.


Language arts:

-Peak With Books

-Caldecott Across the Curriculum

(trying to recreate a FIAR type feel without actually using FIAR)/


I really like this book too. I used PWB with ds when he was 5, only doing the oral activities and such. With dd, I think I need to up the ante in terms of hands-on activities.


If we will need more books, I can use the lists in Books Children Love and Honey for A Child's Heart.

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For K, my dd will be using a mix of Memoria Press K and Sonlight Core A. I ordered most all of K from Memoria, except I am going to sub out math and use Saxon. I also did not purchase all of the different readers.


I also bought all of the books for SL Core A that I did not have. I am going to make my own schedule with these. We are beginning a lot of the work now instead of officially waiting to begin her K year.


We are also using a bunch of Leap Frog and Starfall.

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I will have 2 official K'ers in the fall but we started now slowly. I also have a soon to be 4 year old tagging along closely behind. :)


Memorization using Simply Charlotte Masons system:

Nursery Rhythms


Plan on starting CC memorization in the fall

possibly adding IEW Poetry to rotation




PAL Reading

Scripture stories

Read Alouds



HWOT Pre-K working on now

PAL writing when P/k is done



Singapore Essentials K A and B- Just finished A and just ordered B.

Morning board

Not sure if I will continue Singapore or start MUS 1.



Elemental Science



Elemental History



Gym has PE class


Soccer in the fall, t-ball in spring and gymnastics all year. :tongue_smilie:

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I'll have my 6th K'er next year. Here are our plans.


Get Ready, Get Set, Go for the Code Books

Handwriting Without Tears K

MathUSee - primer, then begin Alpha


Galloping the Globe with older siblings

CLE Bible with older siblings





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