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Someone died in DH's arms tonight *sensitive*

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Oh Amy. That is just so sad. Prayers for your dh and for the family of that man. How very tragic. My aunt was killed many, many years ago by a drunk...who came out of it w/ only a scratch. A young hs girl in our neighborhood was killed last Labor Day by a drunk...who had just been released from prison serving time for...you guessed it...vehicular manslaughter b/c he was DRUNK! Enfuriating.

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I am glad for that man that he had your husband to hold him as he passed. As a hospice nurse - I know it would bring me some peace that my loved one did not die alone. I can't imagine how shook up he is. Dying in hospice and being killed on the road are obviously very different. But I hope if it ever happens to me or a loved one there is someone there to hold us.

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Like the others have said, Thank God that your dh was there! I'm so glad that that man did not have to die alone and his family will appreciate the attempt that your precious dh gave! Tell your dh thank you for what he does from another SoCal family. We love our civil servants!! Thanks also to their families because we also know that they have to sacrifice too! ((((HUGS))))

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Dh went out on a call for a head-on.


Gosh, I don't want to post horrid details, but DH was trying to help him and he died. Pics of his kids in the car.


DRUNK DRIVER had a cut on his chin evil.gif



Been there more than I care to remember. There's one Thanksgiving I'll never forget, unfortunately. Give your hubby a big hug and tell him this old paramedic understands completely.

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Praying for your husband, here too. I also wanted to add, how wonderful it was that the poor man did not die alone. I'm sure it is a comfort to his family that he did not die alone. And I agree with the others about the drunk driver.... angry021.gif

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That is so sad, words can not even express it. I'll be praying for the family that lost their husband and father, and for you dh for doing what he does everyday. And for you so you may know what to do to help your dh through what must be a horrible experience.

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I am sorry. Many in my family have worked as first responders for generations. I know it is a hard thing.


My nephew just took a call for a friend and neighbor the weekend of his high school graduation, and while the gentleman was well enough to walk out to the ambulance, he coded en route and Aaron was not able to save him.


It is a brave, good thing your husband and all policemen, EMS, first responders, fire fighters, and other such community volunteers and workers do. I commend him on his strength and courage.


I have thought much over my life about the jobs many in my family have done of preparing the dead as well as serving as first responders. I wondered what would make them want to do such a job. I think that while it is very difficult to be with someone at the moment of their death (particularly as a result of a tragedy, such as your husband witnessed), it is also a great privilege to be with someone at the moment of their death, as well as to serve in preparing their body for burial. I see this great respect for the human body carried through into the forensics community of which I've had some taste through my studies and work.


The body is mortal, frail, breakable, and subject to a huge array of insults, bacterial or viral. The immortal soul is not touched by time, accident, or illness. Serving as a worker who helps to bridge the gap between mortal and immortal life, receiving the shell of a body that will be no longer needed by its soul, and preparing it for burial or cremation, with respect, is a very quietly noble thing, I think....


I'm sorry that his work last night was hard. I'm glad that he and others like him are brave enough to do that work for all of us. I'm sure that poor man's family was glad that he was in someone's arms when life fled, rather than all alone. Thank him for us, huh?

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I think all drunk drivers should be charged with attempted murder. This is sooo awful and makes me sooo angry!! I am in Texas and the typical drunk driver, even on 5th and 6th offense, only get probation. Then there is nothing but probation given for the broken probation. I have seen people on their 3rd, 4th or more DUI break probation with another DUI, drug possession, and even Grand Theft Auto, and receive probation for breaking probation as well as probation for the future offenses.


There was one situation where a woman had several DUIs and was up for another DUI as well as grand Theft Auto. She received probation again. However, apparently, she did not pay 5 tolls, at 75 cents or less. She recieved 2 months for that. You mess with Texas's money, there will be big consequences. You kill Texas's people, the courts do not care.


Oh..there was a rape in Frisco this past year where a SAHM was raped during the day in front of her children by a home intruder. The guy got probation. This is very typical for Texas. Now, had he have stolen a candy bar from a grocery store, he would have really done time.

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Ohhhhhhh, how sad! :crying: Yet, I agree, I know it had to be a comfort to the man to have someone there, to be in someone's arms!


:grouphug: for your dh, and for you, and prayers for you and the family of the man!



My aunt was killed by a drunk driver many years ago. She had 3 children, one very disabled and dependent on her. THe guy walked away and didn't get much of a sentence. Why? Well, because he was drunk and didn't realize what he was doing! HUH?!!!:mad::banghead:

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This hits especially close to home as we just lost someone to a drunk driver a little more than a week ago. I just got a copy of the newspaper artical a few days ago and it brought a new round of tears.




There is a picture of the totaled car in case that would really bother you. The one little girl still can not walk. Luckily, this man will be charged.

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Dh went out on a call for a head-on.


Gosh, I don't want to post horrid details, but DH was trying to help him and he died. Pics of his kids in the car.


DRUNK DRIVER had a cut on his chin evil.gif


My family has a lot of experience with emergency services. I've heard them get choked up when they mention deaths that they responded to, especially when it involved kids or seems somehow senseless. You eventually move past the open sore, but I don't the the emotion of these calls ever totally leaves you.

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