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Easter basket ideas for teens?

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My teens still want baskets, and I don't have a clue what to put in them. Dd #2 needs new headphones, but other than that I can't think what to put in them. They don't need clothes or pjs. They don't really need anything, and I'm tired of "junk". They told me at Christmas I put too much candy in their stockings, so I don't want to put much candy in either. What are your teens getting?

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Not teens yet, but things we're doing or considering:

lip balm/gloss

nail polish/file/etc.

hair things (pony tail holders here)

bubbles (you're never too old)

$5 gift card to the yogurt place


Dove dark chocolate eggs (a favorite here, and I'll take any leftovers)


I would do socks if I hadn't just given them some recently. I've done swimsuits, flip-flops, and summer clothes before--things I need to buy anyway.

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They no longer eat candy? Our older children receive gift cards for Starbucks or Panera, gum, sports or hobby related items. They also still get candy.


Oh, they'll still get a little candy. Honestly, there wasn't that much candy in their stockings, and they all said it was too much. My jaw dropped! I guess they are growing up. I do think I'll put some of their favorite chips in. They like those jalepeno cheetos, and don't like to share.

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I have two teens and they'll still be getting an Easter basket. In addition to candy, they'll each get a new CD and new covers for their iPod classics. Oh, and I got them each a new prayer book.


My mom always put a few plastic eggs filled with quarters or one dollar bills in our baskets.

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My four kids are each getting a $30 amazon gift card.


They don't need candy (DD16 has pre diabetes). I've been emailing them gift cards now for a few years and they get really excited about getting their gift cards.


My girls all have a Kindle Fire, and love buying kindle books. They also lend the books to each other. My son isn't such a fan of reading so he'll probably buy legos with his gift card.

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I had organic bamboo terry bath sheets hand-dyed for them by the lady who made my dgs' baby blankets. They were $50 each so they will be wrapped and given and no baskets will be given (mine don't eat candy anyway).


For dsil and oldest dd's boyfriend (soon to be fiancé we think), I got organic bamboo velour pillowcases to match the throws I gave each of them for Christmas.


For ds, idk what I am gonna do yet. He already has his pillowcase to match his throw. I DID get him the giant Reese's egg because he loves Reese's. I thought of an iTunes card or some other gift card or maybe just some cash.


The grandkids will be getting baskets now, so I'm resorting to single gift items for the olders instead of a lot of little stuff they won't use.

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These are all great ideas!


I was about to post this question but decided to do a search first to see if it is already being addressed...and I hit the jackpot!


I will include an i-Tunes gift card, some candy, a yo-yo, a kite, a set of earbuds, and maybe a small bottle of cologne (I liked that idea). I'd like to include a book but don't have any ideas about what to buy.


I'd better stop there...



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For a girl, a nice scarf as a base for the basket in lieu of the fake grass stuff.


We usually do a DVD, a gift card and a little candy. Also, whatever they gave up for Lent -- for instance, last year younger dd gave up cookies and got a box of cookies in her basket, older gave up soft drinks and had a 6pack in her basket.


Also, this year they'll have mockingjay pins, of course.

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Wait! Where do you get mockingjay pins?


The only thing my teen is getting that I don't see listed is a water bottle with a filter in it . . .um . . .and princess squinkies, but those are a gag gift :D


I don't put much in besides candy because I don't want it to be an extra Christmas/birthday scenario with all of the STUFF. Since the Easter bunny has been outed and nobody is that interested in coloring eggs my job has gotten MUCH easier.

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i-Tunes card, candy, and a golden egg with a $20 bill in it! I have had that gold egg for a long time. The amount increased with age, though it started going down once the i-Tunes card started getting thrown into the mix.


I did finally quit buying a large chocolate bunny. They just never got eaten except for the ears!

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We're stuffing my daughter's basket with:


- a blouse she liked from Target (because she never, ever has enough clothing, apparently).

- the first season of Sherlock on DVD.

- a book about Dr. Who.

- some individual-serving bags of cookies she likes.


My son is getting:


- three books (because he never, ever has enough to read).

- a movie on DVD that I can't remember the title of at the moment.

- a pack of those lunchbox sized Pringles.

- a giant chocolate chip cookie.


They are also each getting an empty box of vegan ice cream bars they love. The full boxes are hidden in the back of the freezer at the moment, and the plan is to leave the bars in the freezer and put an empty, flattened box in each basket.

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My teen dds let the Easter Bunny know (wink wink) that they wanted WHITE chocolate rabbits and QUALITY jelly beans.


SillyAutismMan told me to let the Bunny know he wants the gold foil (Lindt) rabbits, not "the kind in the box". He also asked the EB to bring him a certain dvd (Rise of Planet of the Apes).


Peeps and a few plastic eggs (hidden around SAM's bedroom as he still likes to hunt them down) with jelly beans and m&ms finish it off.


I , er, the EB quit getting the other kids dvds last year since they watch everything on-line now.


Oh, and I used Amazon Prime to send a big bag of Snicker-eggs to CollegeMan at his dorm.


In previous years the EB has also given certain kids beef jerky and other snacks that I usually do not spend the money on.

Edited by JFSinIL
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We don't spend a lot of money on Easter baskets -- just goodies, mostly. However, we don't do candy. So, I went to Trader Joe's and got things like almonds, protein bars, green tea mints, and herbal tea. I also got some little mini flower/herb seed kits at Walmart.

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