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I'm home!

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I'm home. Surgery went well. No endo :)


I feel like I've been hit by a truck. My chest feels very heavy. It's hard to take a deep breath. The nurse thought it was likely the gas pushing on my diaphragm.


My belly button incision is sore and my right shoulder hurts from the gas. DH is picking up my percocet.

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Same thing happened here after my laparoscopy searching for endo. I'm so sorry...it will pass soon. Watch that incision carefully for infection, but the pressure and pain from the gas will pass in a day or two. Keep moving as much as possible and it will work it's way out.




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I was coming back to say that after my C-sections, peppermint/ginger tea helped with the gas some. Mainly walking, walking, walking around...little bits at a time. As sore as you are, sitting in one place the whole time will not help that gas move out.


That trapped gas can make you feel like you are having a heart attack. :grouphug::grouphug:

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I have had 9 of these.


Take. Deep. Breaths. Do this for the next 12 hours and you will knock off lots of time in pain.


The gas leaves your system though your lungs.


Heating pads are great.

Changing positions: Not good.

Get settled. Sleep that way.


I suggest a huge pile of pillows in your lap and sleep slumped forward in a sitting position.



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Did they show you how to hold a pillow to your abdomen and *cough*? I remember feeling that chest heaviness (again, after csections) and being told to make myself cough and take as deep a breath as I could, often, to avoid pneumonia.


Maybe I'm off base...

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I still remember that post lap pain - ugh! One other tip in addition to the helpful advice that has already been shared: do not watch anything funny that will make you laugh. I vividly remember watching a funny movie with my dh and having terrible pain every time I laughed out loud...not from the incision, but from the trapped gas moving around. Hope you feel better soon!

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Thanks everyone. I think I screwed up overnight & missed a pain pill. I feel like I was hit by a Mack truck today. I think it is 90% the gas pain, but my belly button incision hurts when I move. I also find that I have to really concentrate to go to the bathroom. The "waters" don't just flow like normal.


And really, I'm struggling with eating. I'm still so dry that I can't swallow anything that isn't wet. It's like it just won't go down.


Anyway, thanks again for all the prayers :)

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Kristin, I think the 'being hit by a truck' feeling is fairly normal after surgery.


Do your best to stay on your pain med schedule. Pain is easier to manage if you don't let it get severe.


I'm not sure about the bathroom issue, but when you combine it with the bit about not being able to eat dry food, it sounds like you might be dehydrated. Either that, or (I hate to say it) perhaps you have a UTI. If they gave you a catheter you for the surgery (which I think is fairly routine, no?) that would increase the risk. Of course, it's also very possible that your bladder is just having a bit of trouble getting back to *not* having a catheter. If you have any pain in your bladder or kidneys, cloudy or bloody urine (sorry for the TMI!), do see the dr. right away. UTI's are nothing to ignore.


Praying for you dear friend. Above all, relax and do as little as possible. Your body needs that energy to heal. :grouphug:

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I'm ridiculously prone to UTIs, but I don't think that's what it is. I did ask if they were going to cath me and the answer was no. I feel more like my bladder is just sore from all the poking around or something. I do think I am dehydrated despite sucking down water like crazy. I don't feel as sry as I did last night, but I'm definitely still dry. It doesn't help that my throat is kinda swollen or achy feeling.


I do plan to do a better job of staying on top of the meds, but she only gave me 10 and I'm a bit afraid I'm going to run out.

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I'm ridiculously prone to UTIs, but I don't think that's what it is. I did ask if they were going to cath me and the answer was no. I feel more like my bladder is just sore from all the poking around or something. I do think I am dehydrated despite sucking down water like crazy. I don't feel as sry as I did last night, but I'm definitely still dry. It doesn't help that my throat is kinda swollen or achy feeling.


I do plan to do a better job of staying on top of the meds, but she only gave me 10 and I'm a bit afraid I'm going to run out.


You sound swollen. Have they said if it is ok to take anti-inflammatories along with the other medicine? Not for pain so much as for the inflammation. I would also suggest taking curcumin - a supplement found in tumeric which is a natural anti-inflammatory.

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The gas is definitely the most painful thing about it. I never found that the incision bothered me a bit. Of course anesthesia aftereffects just make you feel crummy in general.


Rest and let people wait on you! You will feel as good as new within a week, if not sooner. (but don't overdo!!)

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