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Eliminate Daylight Savings Time?

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Is this even possible? Do you think its a ridiculous notion to try to remove Daylight Savings Time from our family?


My husband has certain core hours to be at work, but other than that as long as he puts in his time, he can arrive/leave work when he wants. He has a terrible time adjusting to daylight savings time and is the type to stay on old time for weeks before succumbing and switching his watch and the household clocks.


Now that we are homeschooling, we don't have a set time when we need to be awake or in bed really, as long as we are consistent so the kids aren't all out of wack in their schedules.


Do you think that the idea of eliminating Daylight Savings in our house would make life a scheduling disaster?


I say its impossible, my engineer husband thinks otherwise. He wants to turn the clocks back next weekend, but never fall back after that.


I think it'll just be one big headache.:lol:

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So when it's 2pm in your house, the rest of your town will be at 3pm? Seems way to confusing to me!!



me too! November-March I'll need to remember that everyone else is an hour earlier then us. So church would be at 9:30 instead of 10:30 for us, etc. In order to do it I'd have to hack my iphone and then make sure my google calendar was updated with all the time changes so I'd get my alergs... ugh, yeah a big mess lol

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I think it would be pretty awkward if you have any out-of-house, time-sensitive things to get to (church, co-op, shopping before closing hours, etc). It might be a better idea to just flip all of the clocks immediately, in 1 fell swoop the night before (instead of dragging it out weeks later). If he does that, perhaps he will have an easier time adjusting.

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Would it be easier to just the change the time on your schedule?


For example, now you get up at (say) 6am, so at at time change just set the alarm 1 hour earlier (or later - I cannot do time change :D). IOW, keep doing everything 24 hours later than you did it the day before?


Best wishes.

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I think the entire world should eliminate it! It is honestly the dumbest idea ever. I hate it. I complain about it endlessly (ask my dh).



you and my husband would get along.


My husband has sleep issues, so I get why he hates it so much. I do like the idea of just changing the wake/sleep "times" for everyone... but keep them physically the same. That might work for him.

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Would it be easier to just the change the time on your schedule?


For example, now you get up at (say) 6am, so at at time change just set the alarm 1 hour earlier (or later - I cannot do time change :D). IOW, keep doing everything 24 hours later than you did it the day before?


Best wishes.


:iagree: Great idea.

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I LOVE daylight savings time!! Love it! Who needs the sun at 5 AM? I'm giddy with joy when we switch our clocks in the springtime. More sunshine and more time outside in the evenings. Here on the western edge of the Mountain time zone, that means the sun doesn't set until almost 9:45 PM. I love it!

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I think the entire world should eliminate it! It is honestly the dumbest idea ever. I hate it. I complain about it endlessly (ask my dh).


This is so me. I grew up in HI, so no daylight savings time, and it took me years and years to get used to it.


I think it would be confusing to be on one timetable while your immediate community is on another. We had some friends who lived right near the border of the central and eastern time zones--they were on central and kept missing appointments they'd made in the next town over, which happened to be on eastern. It was awhile before they even realized they were in a different time zone. :lol:

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I love daylight savings time! I love those extra hours after dinner where we can actually go outside and do something. I know it was more difficult when my kids were younger and I also suffer from sleep problems, but I still would not want to get rid of it!


This is what I don't get though. I mean, where I live in the summer it doesn't really get dark until after 9. So, it would just get dark after 8. What's the big deal? It's so hard to put the kids to bed when it's light outside, but I don't want them all up until 10.

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If you want to eliminate daylight savings time, then you need to leave the clocks alone next weekend. Falling back is God's time, Springing forward is the government's time. And it Stinks!! I hate dst, and think it needs to be revoked. I've considered your dh's plan, but ruled it out as logistically impossible. :(

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This is what I don't get though. I mean, where I live in the summer it doesn't really get dark until after 9. So, it would just get dark after 8. What's the big deal? It's so hard to put the kids to bed when it's light outside, but I don't want them all up until 10.


:iagree: In the middle of summer it's not properly dark until 11 here.

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I would change the clocks AND change your schedule. I'd make DST the norm since it takes the majority of the year, and then go to bed an hour later in the winter time. Unless you have comittments outside the home that are time sensitive, I don't see why you couldn't operate that way.

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I think the entire world should eliminate it! It is honestly the dumbest idea ever. I hate it. I complain about it endlessly (ask my dh).


:iagree: I thought about doing that. I think you could do it for a few days until their bodies adjusted. We start 1-2 weeks ahead of time adjusting bedtimes by 15 minutes at a time so that by the time change, they're ready. Unfortunately I didn't realize it was next weekend because my calendar is lacking that information. :glare:

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I don't think it would work.


You don't have to change the Official Time for things like when y'all get stared for school and stuff; those things can still go by how y'all feel about it, but if the rest of the world is on DST, y'all are going to need to go by the same clock so you can be on time for appointments and whatnot.

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I think the entire world should eliminate it! It is honestly the dumbest idea ever. I hate it. I complain about it endlessly (ask my dh).






Although I don't agree with DST, I can't imagine having my household on a different time that the world outside our door. That would be a scheduling nightmare on a daily basis for me.

Edited by Researcher
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It'd be too confusing to me to have it be one time at home, but another time outside my house.


The country I lived in dropped daylight savings in 2005. We went forward that spring, but never fell back in the fall (which means we changed time zones and it took years for websites to figure that out). While I'm not a fan of switching times, although it does mark the seasons for me, I really dislike it in the winter when the sun comes up so late. If Kyrgyzstan were farther south, I wouldn't mind so much, but for months it's still dark at 8 AM and it still gets dark early.

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It'd be too confusing to me to have it be one time at home, but another time outside my house.


The country I lived in dropped daylight savings in 2005. We went forward that spring, but never fell back in the fall (which means we changed time zones and it took years for websites to figure that out). While I'm not a fan of switching times, although it does mark the seasons for me, I really dislike it in the winter when the sun comes up so late. If Kyrgyzstan were farther south, I wouldn't mind so much, but for months it's still dark at 8 AM and it still gets dark early.


Doesn't that mean they dropped Standard Time? Because I'm all for that. You morning people are on your own.

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Doesn't that mean they dropped Standard Time? Because I'm all for that. You morning people are on your own.


:iagree: I am totally in favor of ditching Standard Time. However, as for the OP, I also agree with everyone else that having one time for your house and one time for everywhere else would be a nightmare.

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If you want to eliminate daylight savings time, then you need to leave the clocks alone next weekend. Falling back is God's time, Springing forward is the government's time. And it Stinks!! I hate dst, and think it needs to be revoked. I've considered your dh's plan, but ruled it out as logistically impossible. :(


:confused::confused: God instituted standard time???

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Doesn't that mean they dropped Standard Time? Because I'm all for that. You morning people are on your own.


Then come live in Kyrgyzstan. It gets dark at 5:30 in the winter instead of 4:30 PM, so you can enjoy that hour of light for me while I wish for it at 8 AM. :)


Actually, it mostly bothers me to see little kids out walking to school on their own when it's completely dark outside.

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:confused::confused: God instituted standard time???


For some reason I always thought that "noon" being when the sun is highest in the sky was a biblical concept. Whether on not it is probably isn't relevant when considering the bounds of time zones are man made.

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I think having your clocks set differently than everyone else's would be a nightmare. I'd last a day before I showed up at the wrong time for an appointment. Also, communicating with others who do change their clocks would be awful.


Compounding the problem would be you two talking about when an appointment or meet-up is scheduled but mis-communicating about whether you're talking about "real time" or "household time." Nightmare.


I second the idea to keep your sleep schedules physically the same but change your clocks.


:confused::confused: God instituted standard time???



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Compounding the problem would be you two talking about when an appointment or meet-up is scheduled but mis-communicating about whether you're talking about "real time" or "household time." Nightmare.


When we lived in KY we were near enough to some counties in IN that didn't use DST. (I think IN has adopted DST completely now and counties don't have the choice like they used to.) They referred to the time as Fast Time and Slow Time. One was standard and one was daylight savings but I could never remember which was which. When we called to find out when things were open we'd always have to ask what time it was there now and compare it to what time it was at our house.

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So when it's 2pm in your house, the rest of your town will be at 3pm? Seems way to confusing to me!!




What about activities? I have a HARD enough time staying on track using the correct time - I can't even imagine if I had to keep adjusting from real time to my time.

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I don't see how this would work without being a complete hassle scheduling things. I dislike all the time changing, but I grew up in Indiana where/when we never changed times (they have recently switched). I always wondered why my favorite TV shows were on an hour later in the fall than in the summer when I could have stayed up to watch them?:lol: When I moved to Nashville, I was completely confused.:confused:

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