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What in the WORLD is Going ON???

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FWIW, there was a similar situation a couple of years ago here-in the most expensive private all-girls high school in the area-a girl married one of her teachers right after turning 18, and BEFORE she'd graduated high school. It made the news because the school had fired him at once and he was fighting it legally. Even though, realistically, the chance that something WASN'T going on before she turned 18 seemed highly unlikely.


I'm sure it's rare, but every time I read one of these it makes me feel better about homeschooling.

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Yeah, it's disgusting. That man was in a position of power over her, it's wrong regardless of when her birthday was.


Unfortunately I've known two similar examples in my time. Adults who should know better :glare:.

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Yuck, just yuck. And--he's in his 40s, leaving his wife and kids for his 18 year old student--he's not following his heart, he's following his lust. The girl's going to get hurt, she's young and foolish and thinks she's in love and will live happily ever after because she followed her heart.



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This case is particularly appalling due to him being a married man, with children.


I am not as freaked out by situations where the teacher is single, but I do think that folks should wait until school is done to pursue a relationship, if they are free to do so (like, not already married! :glare:)

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Disgusting! Unfortunately, it's nothing new. When I was a senior in high school a 20-something male teacher was involved with a 16-year old female student. He was fired realllly fast, and his poor wife (another teacher at the school!) resigned. His wife was a wonderful woman and I felt so terrible for her and their two young children. I'm not sure if he was charged criminally. I know the girl refused to press charges, she insisted that she loved him. At her age I think her parents or the prosecutor's office could have done it anyway, right? I graduated in 1997.

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One of our teachers married one of our students, not during high school, but everyone knew they were dating then. He did not leave a family, however. Twenty-seven years later they are still married. She was a fairly mature student. I don't know how old he was, he seemed old then, but he was probably in his 30s.


thumbs down on the leaving the family part, though. :glare:

Edited by elegantlion
typing while distracted is not good
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nono: This case is particularly appalling due to him being a married man, with children.


Right. Did you see that photo of the big grin on his face? Imagine how his wife and kids feel seeing THAT on the news. Ugh. What a dishonorable man. He's not just a married man. He's a FORTY ONE year old married man, old enough to utilize some rational thinking.


I am not as freaked out by situations where the teacher is single, but I do think that folks should wait until school is done to pursue a relationship, if they are free to do so (like, not already married! :glare:


Right. A decent single guy would 1) walk away because he's 41 and she's 18! I had one do this to me (don't ask, long story!). Good guy, of whom I thought highly for the rest of his life. He's now deceased (yes, I'm old).


or at least 2) tell her to finish her Senior year, focus on studies and friends and enjoy it. If she still wants to be with him after graduation, she knows where to find him.

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Not that this is exactly the same but when I was in college a friend of mine married her high school teacher. She had been out of high school for less than a year when she met him outside of school and they started dating. He was a young teacher. They created a huge scandal in their small town. When I knew them they were happily married and raising their 2 yo son. Things aren't always as they seem.

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I would be curious to see how the law reads in California. Here in Colorado, this relationship would be illegal even though she's 18, because he's a teacher. (Well, before he quit his job anyway.)


I think these situations are horrible. There was a case near here last year I think, of a female teacher having a "relationship" with a 17-yo student. She lost her husband and kids over it, and there was a restraining order against her seeing the boy.

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Not that this is exactly the same


You're right. It's not the same. Unless by "young", you meant "old enough to be her father."


Things aren't always as they seem


It seems like the dude is married. It seems like he took a teenaged mistress. It seems like his 17-year-old daughter may have an 18-year-old stepmommy. But, of course, maybe it just seems that way. . ..

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Yuck, just yuck. And--he's in his 40s, leaving his wife and kids for his 18 year old student--he's not following his heart, he's following his lust.



Gross. What a disgusting excuse for a man. He's obviously not a man.


I can't imagine what his wife and kids are going through.

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It's disgusting. That's been what's on talk radio today, since it's just north of here a couple hours. That poor girl. He's a predator. I heard her mom on the radio and she was saying it's been going on long before the girl turned 18.


Interesting, I wonder how the parents have been dealing with this! (not meant to be snarky - must be so difficult!)


I know if it were my daughter, I'd be tempted to take my family on a nice tree-change, or more like continent-change.

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The article says he met her while teaching. How is this not an abuse of power? Even if they were college student/professor it would still be an abuse of power. Why was he allowed to 'resign' - he should have been unceremoniously fired. Any real man in his situation would realise he's becoming a pervert and remove himself from the temptation to ruin a young girl's life.

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The dude still has a daughter at the school. That would be the daughter he walked out on so he could shack up with her classmate.


But, hey, man: follow your heart. :tongue_smilie:

Ewww. Somehow I missed that. That's unbelievable! How could he face her every day and make her face the "other "woman""

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Not that this is exactly the same but when I was in college a friend of mine married her high school teacher. She had been out of high school for less than a year when she met him outside of school and they started dating. He was a young teacher. They created a huge scandal in their small town. When I knew them they were happily married and raising their 2 yo son. Things aren't always as they seem.

That is TOTALLY different. He was a young teacher and you don't say he bailed on his wife and kids. This guy is 41, leaving his family, including, apparently, a daughter who attends the same high school, so he put it in her face every day.

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There was a girl a year behind me in school who dated a single teacher and then left him for a married teacher. He left a wife and 3 kids- the oldest was in middle school. She got him to pay for a BooK enhancement and then she left him. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it!!!!

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"In making our choice, we've hurt a lot of people," Hooker told the Bee. "We keep asking ourselves, 'Do we make everyone else happy or do we follow our hearts?"


Uh, how about door #3: Do the right thing????


Nasty. That poor family.

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