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If you'd say a prayer for us...

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We are inundated with this weather. It is so sad. Our basement flooded and the pantry and entryway roof did not turn away all the water, so everything is soggy. We are doing well compared to so many here, though.


Pray that the weather quits dumping massive amounts of rain and that the dozens of tornadoes would be done for a while. So many are devastated by this.



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So sorry that you are in the midst of this mess, Jean. Here, in Green Bay, we were spared the brunt of it so far. Last night, the wind tore one of the screen doors open and bent the little latch on the jamb that holds it shut so it wouldn't close. I was trying to hold it shut while dh tried to repair the latch and it literally ripped me out of the house twice while I was holding on with all my might. The tornados were just southeast of us. No major flooding here yet, but portions of the surrounding fields look like ponds. Lots of tree limbs in the yards. Sounds like, unfortunately, there is more to come.


Hang in there - will be thinking about you.

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I lifted you up, as well as the many other families in your area. My dh is an over the road truck driver and is in the middle of it all, he has been trying to find an alternate route out to get back home as the way he came in is under water so I have seen your devestation through his eyes.

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The sun is shining this afternoon! It feels sooooo good. We have things out to dry and the sump pumps are turned off--although the dehumidifiers will run for several days yet. I've a lot to clean in the basement, but the sunshine is so wonderful.


Many of the roads are cleared enough to travel, but there are a lot of people who have had more problems than we--so many people who are out of their homes.


Thanks for caring and praying--


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Right here in WI with ya Jean.


We don't have it that bad, just a bit of water in the basement. Compared to others, we have it really good and I'm not complaining. My parents live across from the WI River, and earlier this week Lake Delton was wiped out. Well, we are down river from them, so we watched parts of that house float down. Whole walls, a bed! It still had some blankets on it. Roads and highways are closing all around us. SO many people in this area are hurting. :(

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I just saw this thread, but I have been thinking about you, Jean. How will these rains affect your corn crop?




There was washing on the hill sides where the corn and soybeans were stripped away, but our fields are generally intact as far as we can tell.


Thanks for your prayers.



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