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Organized Simplicity - What did you think?

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When I first started reading the book I felt it was a little "out there" for me. I kept reading and really liked it, particularly the idea of simplifying the home. I know how to clean and organize, but it gave me some incentive to make a few improvements in my home and that always is a plus.

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I read the first pages today, and it was slow to start. I hope it gets meatier. This said, I'm inspired, and I think I will toss out half of our stuff tomorrow. :D

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I just started it...will post back with thoughts. I do like the idea of determining what sort of home you want--does she call it a mission statement? And working towards that.


I'm not into the whole mission statement thing, but I am interested in efficiency and simplicity. Do I really need those Christmas plates? I didn't bring them out the last couple of years because I was simplifying. Time to donate them.


Why do I keep the things I do? I am not a pack rat by any means, but I am tired of the stuff. It takes too much work to keep it organized and I'm tired of it. :001_smile:

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I'm not into the whole mission statement thing, but I am interested in efficiency and simplicity. Do I really need those Christmas plates? I didn't bring them out the last couple of years because I was simplifying. Time to donate them.


Why do I keep the things I do? I am not a pack rat by any means, but I am tired of the stuff. It takes too much work to keep it organized and I'm tired of it. :001_smile:


Yes, but... As dc get older don't you think you'll have more energy and want to use those types of things?


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I read the first pages today, and it was slow to start. I hope it gets meatier. This said, I'm inspired, and I think I will toss out half of our stuff tomorrow. :D

:iagree: I feel inspired to purge, but I'm not very far into the book. I realized that alot of my stress and anxiety is because of all the "stuff" I own. I am constantly moving my stuff around to organize it or make it fit better. I have a nice home and it's not trashy by any means, but lurking in all of the closets and cupboards is just "stuff". I need to declutter.

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I'm not far into either. Honestly, I DO NOT like the idea of writing a "family Purpose Statement" (where's the rolly-eyes). It seems way too touchy feely and a lot like belly button gazing to me. Let's just get on with doing some work!


Besides, this is something I want to do, and now I have to bring my husband and kids in on it to discuss our "purpose".


Sorry, don't mean to be snarky, but honestly, I hate that kind of stuff.

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I skimmed first part stuff....


Part 2 - I liked second part....although I wish the 'declutter' plan stretched over more days than 10 days as we are so busy.


Appendix A

And I loved her list of homemade cleaner and detergent recipes....they *do* work. She has really done her research.


Appendix B

Inventory templates .


Appendix C

Homemanagement Notebook templates - too complicated. I prefer Motivated Moms



Choices for a Simpler Life - as if we are idiots

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I'm not far into either. Honestly, I DO NOT like the idea of writing a "family Purpose Statement" (where's the rolly-eyes). It seems way too touchy feely and a lot like belly button gazing to me. Let's just get on with doing some work!


Besides, this is something I want to do, and now I have to bring my husband and kids in on it to discuss our "purpose".


Sorry, don't mean to be snarky, but honestly, I hate that kind of stuff.



I don't like it either. It feels very artificial to say, "Okay family, what is our purpose?"


You can find most of the information and templates at her website if you take the time to look around the pages.

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I got it downloaded the other day but never flipped through it. I should do that when I get a free moment!


I'm on day 16 of the 21 Day Challenge to an Organized Home from the blog A Bowl Full of Lemons. My house is a completely different place now! I've ridded of 39 THIRTY GALLON bags of items to Goodwill. I've thrown out HALF of my house on the curb for the garbage man...:lol: Literally it looks like I'm moving...:lol:


My family feels the FREEDOM and FRESHNESS of this challenge.


I wonder if the book will help me do anything this challenge has not!


I got rid of things that I had for the "just in case I decide to use this". I got rid of "appliances for backup if my other broke". I even had 2 FANS that are BROKEN stored in a closet???!! The challenge gave me a BIG eye opener on my OVER-BUYING and OVER-STUFFING! I donated over 15 coffee mugs (dh and I have our 4 favorite and the kids have their 4 favorite, that's all that SHOULD be in that cabinet!). I got rid of the 15 plastic bowls and now we use just our glass bowls! DUH that makes sense. I got rid of the 10 sippy cups that my totboy hates and instead use the 4 he likes! So what if I have to wash them more often it declutters my kitchen! I even hammered nails inside my closet walls to hang hats, ties, and even purses to get them off the closet floor and outta the way of my room! It's amazing how much space I was wasting in my house or CLUTTERING with junk we don't EVER use! Just yesterday I organized under the bathroom sinks. WOW the stuff I had under there was just embarassing! Now it's all in an organized fashion, neatly put. I threw out a kitchen size trashbag from under the sinks. I really need to insert the head smacking icon here. :lol:


Let's not even begin to talk about the 14 years of paperwork I had stored in our closet and our office area. Now I realize we have carpet under the desk and our closet DOES have a top shelf. :lol: Everything is neatly filed in our filing cabinet and FITS. Yes a filing cabinet that is now neatly organized and not stuffed with 102 appliance and toy manuals that we no longer need!

Edited by mamaofblessings
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I got it downloaded the other day but never flipped through it. I should do that when I get a free moment!


I'm on day 16 of the 21 Day Challenge to an Organized Home from the blog A Bowl Full of Lemons. My house is a completely different place now! I've ridded of 39 THIRTY GALLON bags of items to Goodwill. I've thrown out HALF of my house on the curb for the garbage man...:lol: Literally it looks like I'm moving...:lol:


My family feels the FREEDOM and FRESHNESS of this challenge.




Do you have a link for this?

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I got it downloaded the other day but never flipped through it. I should do that when I get a free moment!


I'm on day 16 of the 21 Day Challenge to an Organized Home from the blog A Bowl Full of Lemons. My house is a completely different place now! I've ridded of 39 THIRTY GALLON bags of items to Goodwill. I've thrown out HALF of my house on the curb for the garbage man...:lol: Literally it looks like I'm moving...:lol:


My family feels the FREEDOM and FRESHNESS of this challenge.


I wonder if the book will help me do anything this challenge has not!


I got rid of things that I had for the "just in case I decide to use this". I got rid of "appliances for backup if my other broke". I even had 2 FANS that are BROKEN stored in a closet???!! The challenge gave me a BIG eye opener on my OVER-BUYING and OVER-STUFFING! I donated over 15 coffee mugs (dh and I have our 4 favorite and the kids have their 4 favorite, that's all that SHOULD be in that cabinet!). I got rid of the 15 plastic bowls and now we use just our glass bowls! DUH that makes sense. I got rid of the 10 sippy cups that my totboy hates and instead use the 4 he likes! So what if I have to wash them more often it declutters my kitchen! I even hammered nails inside my closet walls to hang hats, ties, and even purses to get them off the closet floor and outta the way of my room! It's amazing how much space I was wasting in my house or CLUTTERING with junk we don't EVER use! Just yesterday I organized under the bathroom sinks. WOW the stuff I had under there was just embarassing! Now it's all in an organized fashion, neatly put. I threw out a kitchen size trashbag from under the sinks. I really need to insert the head smacking icon here. :lol:


Let's not even begin to talk about the 14 years of paperwork I had stored in our closet and our office area. Now I realize we have carpet under the desk and our closet DOES have a top shelf. :lol: Everything is neatly filed in our filing cabinet and FITS. Yes a filing cabinet that is now neatly organized and not stuffed with 102 appliance and toy manuals that we no longer need!


It might not help you, especially since you've found something that works.

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I got it downloaded the other day but never flipped through it. I should do that when I get a free moment!


I'm on day 16 of the 21 Day Challenge to an Organized Home from the blog A Bowl Full of Lemons. My house is a completely different place now! I've ridded of 39 THIRTY GALLON bags of items to Goodwill. I've thrown out HALF of my house on the curb for the garbage man...:lol: Literally it looks like I'm moving...:lol:


My family feels the FREEDOM and FRESHNESS of this challenge.


I wonder if the book will help me do anything this challenge has not!


I got rid of things that I had for the "just in case I decide to use this". I got rid of "appliances for backup if my other broke". I even had 2 FANS that are BROKEN stored in a closet???!! The challenge gave me a BIG eye opener on my OVER-BUYING and OVER-STUFFING! I donated over 15 coffee mugs (dh and I have our 4 favorite and the kids have their 4 favorite, that's all that SHOULD be in that cabinet!). I got rid of the 15 plastic bowls and now we use just our glass bowls! DUH that makes sense. I got rid of the 10 sippy cups that my totboy hates and instead use the 4 he likes! So what if I have to wash them more often it declutters my kitchen! I even hammered nails inside my closet walls to hang hats, ties, and even purses to get them off the closet floor and outta the way of my room! It's amazing how much space I was wasting in my house or CLUTTERING with junk we don't EVER use! Just yesterday I organized under the bathroom sinks. WOW the stuff I had under there was just embarassing! Now it's all in an organized fashion, neatly put. I threw out a kitchen size trashbag from under the sinks. I really need to insert the head smacking icon here. :lol:


Let's not even begin to talk about the 14 years of paperwork I had stored in our closet and our office area. Now I realize we have carpet under the desk and our closet DOES have a top shelf. :lol: Everything is neatly filed in our filing cabinet and FITS. Yes a filing cabinet that is now neatly organized and not stuffed with 102 appliance and toy manuals that we no longer need!


:hurray: Way to go! I bolded your statement above because that is how my family feels after decluttering. We've done a lot of work the last few weeks to deal with dust allergies. Although it was really hard on my kids at the time, they love their new rooms.

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:hurray: Way to go! I bolded your statement above because that is how my family feels after decluttering. We've done a lot of work the last few weeks to deal with dust allergies. Although it was really hard on my kids at the time, they love their new rooms.


Can you explain just what you/they did to their rooms? I'm curious how much you were able to get them to declutter? My Dc will donate some things, but I still feel like they have too much. BUT, I have trouble making them give away things that are unique, were special gifts, etc.

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Not sure since I just got it today....but I wanted to chime in and let everyone know that it's free on Amazon for Kindle today.

I got it on my Kindle for free--so no clutter from yet another book on how to organize my home. :D


I just started it the other day.

I'm NOT going to write a family mission statement.


The author made interesting points about all the screen time people spend while complaining about not having time. Guilty.


I'd have much more time to organize and simplify my life if I spent less time reading and discussing ways to organize and simplify my life. :D

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I'd have much more time to organize and simplify my life if I spent less time reading and discussing ways to organize and simplify my life. :D


I enjoy reading about organization, simplifying, decluttering, and frugality. If I take just one new thing from a book I am pleased.


My new thing is repurposing (is that a word?) things. I tend to toss, but lately I've been looking at items and saying Hmmm, if I painted that a different color I could still use it. I painted my kitchen table chandelier and absolutely love it now. Only cost me labor as I had the paint. Very satisfying.

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Can you explain just what you/they did to their rooms? I'm curious how much you were able to get them to declutter? My Dc will donate some things, but I still feel like they have too much. BUT, I have trouble making them give away things that are unique, were special gifts, etc.


I'll send you a pm. I typed it all out here, and it seemed like too much of a sidetrack from the original post!

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I got it on my Kindle for free--so no clutter from yet another book on how to organize my home. :D


I just started it the other day.

I'm NOT going to write a family mission statement.


The author made interesting points about all the screen time people spend while complaining about not having time. Guilty.


I'd have much more time to organize and simplify my life if I spent less time reading and discussing ways to organize and simplify my life. :D





Never, in 1,000 years, would I gather my family around and write a family mission statement. That's just not our style. I'm very much an ala carte reader of any of these types of books.


I do, however, need that little reminder and nudge of how much time I WASTE online. It is a problem for me. Pinterest is the perfect example. Exactly how many things that I've pinned have I actually made or implemented :glare:.


Maybe we should start an Organized Simplicity book club to discuss? ETA: I just did it again. Yes, let's get online and discuss it. ARRGGHHH!

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Mamaofblessings, it sounds like YOU should be writing a book! You have a way of describing what you have done that makes it fun and inspiring. Congratulations on your progress. As for me and my house, we need WAY more than 21 days to organize things! I'm on week 2 of my kitchen alone.

I can't imagine my family seriously sitting down and writing a mission statement, but I can picture us all, with a big bowl of popcorn, having a riot answering the questions in that section. It could be almost as fun as when we all play a game of Scattergories! :001_smile: now on to find that blog about lemons!

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It's just not where I am now.


Of course. I can see by your signature that you have a lot of kids to hs and raise. I remember being very busy with young ones. I have a wee bit more freedom right now and am indulging myself with some frugal nesting. Oh, the different seasons of life.

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I'm almost done with the book, and it hasn't been anything new for us. We don't have a mission statement, but we already are purposeful in keeping a simple and decluttered life.


I did have one disagreement with her, though. I disagree with keeping bins of hand-me-down clothes. They are just more clutter. For one, if you do shop in cheap thrift stores (as she suggests), then the clothes are cheap enough that you don't need to store them for the next kid. Storing bins of clothes adds clutter and stress. For me, shopping weekly (as she suggests) at thrift stores does not simplify my life. Instead, I buy a few outfits per kid per season at Target or Old Navy or some other similar store. The kids wear out their clothes, and we start again the next season. I don't have to worry about shopping, over purchasing, or storing clothes. So, that's my decluttering suggestion for her. :D

Edited by 2squared
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Of course. I can see by your signature that you have a lot of kids to hs and raise. I remember being very busy with young ones. I have a wee bit more freedom right now and am indulging myself with some frugal nesting. Oh, the different seasons of life.


No, meaning that it's really not where I am. I've been there, I've purged the house before, packed it all ans given it all away, and though I started to read the book this morning, I just was meh. Then I realized that's just not where I am. We've never been in debt, and making a family mission statement is not our style.


I'm collecting right now. I'm buying paintings, and sofas, decorating a house and enjoying the beautiful things I have around me. I've become a total Francophile and Anglophile. :D

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No, meaning that it's really not where I am. I've been there, I've purged the house before, packed it all ans given it all away, and though I started to read the book this morning, I just was meh. Then I realized that's just not where I am. We've never been in debt, and making a family mission statement is not our style.


I'm collecting right now. I'm buying paintings, and sofas, decorating a house and enjoying the beautiful things I have around me. I've become a total Francophile and Anglophile. :D


Oh. I see. I'm pretty organized at this point, too, but I still enjoyed purging my hutch the other night.


I am into the decorating part here right now. More of the creative aspect though. Making beautiful valances & curtains and comfy throw pillows, and making our world a little more beautiful. :001_smile:

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Oh. I see. I'm pretty organized at this point, too, but I still enjoyed purging my hutch the other night.


I am into the decorating part here right now. More of the creative aspect though. Making beautiful valances & curtains and comfy throw pillows, and making our world a little more beautiful. :001_smile:


Absolutely! :001_smile:

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I got it downloaded the other day but never flipped through it. I should do that when I get a free moment!


I'm on day 16 of the 21 Day Challenge to an Organized Home from the blog A Bowl Full of Lemons. My house is a completely different place now! I've ridded of 39 THIRTY GALLON bags of items to Goodwill. I've thrown out HALF of my house on the curb for the garbage man...:lol: Literally it looks like I'm moving...:lol:




I found the blog here. Thanks for mentioning it. I love this sort of thing. I can waste way too much time looking at pictures of people's reorganized tupperware drawers. :lol:

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I'm on day 16 of the 21 Day Challenge to an Organized Home from the blog A Bowl Full of Lemons. My house is a completely different place now! I've ridded of 39 THIRTY GALLON bags of items to Goodwill. I've thrown out HALF of my house on the curb for the garbage man...:lol: Literally it looks like I'm moving...:lol:


Wow! You don't need to read anything!

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I'll send you a pm. I typed it all out here, and it seemed like too much of a sidetrack from the original post!


Hey, thanks for the pm! I don't know if I can accomplish as much, but we are going to try just as soon as we get through this horrible week. We have too many activities. Does the book address decluttering your schedule? I need serious help in that department. :glare:

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I'm not far into either. Honestly, I DO NOT like the idea of writing a "family Purpose Statement" (where's the rolly-eyes). It seems way too touchy feely and a lot like belly button gazing to me. Let's just get on with doing some work!


Besides, this is something I want to do, and now I have to bring my husband and kids in on it to discuss our "purpose".


Sorry, don't mean to be snarky, but honestly, I hate that kind of stuff.




I got about that far, and set it aside. :tongue_smilie:

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:grouphug:Ya'll are just so nice!! I am so glad I begun this challenge. It was 1 of my new years resolutions.


The blog was linked already, thanks to those that helped with that. But if you didn't see it posted it's A Bowl Full of Lemons.


My house is literally a NEW place. I literally want to just DANCE and SING in every room. My kids are pouncing around like kittens in a new playhouse! My dh is commenting on how NEAT, EMPTY, and FRESH our entire house is!


I will say there is NOTHING like opening a closet and knowing that everything in the closet belongs to the person that lives in that bedroom! AND if there happens to be a box of stuff they don't own it's neatly labeled in a bankers box slide neatly in the top corner shelf out of view. I love that I can open my coat closet and find either a jacket or a coat for each person in our home, instead of finding 13 jackets that I don't know who owns them or whom they will fit if anyone at all. :lol: I like being able to reach into the organizer to find a pair of gloves for each person in the house and find everyone a PAIR (yes a glove has a MATCH) :lol:


My biggest challenge was the toy challenge. Now it's one of the most rewarding challenges I've completed! Pictures just don't do it justice!


I guess everyday so far has been rewarding, but when the challenge begins to affect the ENTIRE family I can't help but want to fly through the finish line RUNNING firm on both feet!


I had 3 boxes labeled. I drug them around with me EVERY room I de-cluttered, cleaned, and organized. I quickly realized that 30 gallon bags were the better bet for me as I was filling up the boxes WAY to fast!


Even as I sit here this evening I have 2 bags of donation in my living room waiting to be dropped off this weekend. I have 1 week left of my challenge and then I will be done and I can't even fathom what in the WORLD I will do when I'm done! I guess just maintain it! It's been so fun and inspiring...but the most of all....it's been an HUGE eye opener.

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Just started it, and so far it seems to be a bunch of fluff. We'll see if it gets any better. So far, I see why it's free.

:iagree: I'm 2/3 of the way through and I've gleaned not one single tip. HOW is that possible?



I'm almost done with the book, and it hasn't been anything knew for us. We don't have a mission statement, but we already are purposeful in keeping a simple and decluttered life.


I did have one disagreement with her, though. I disagree with keeping bins of hand-me-down clothes. They are just more clutter. For one, if you do shop in cheap thrift stores (as she suggests), then the clothes are cheap enough that you don't need to store them for the next kid. Storing bins of clothes adds clutter and stress. For me, shopping weekly (as she suggests) at thrift stores does not simplify my life. Instead, I buy a few outfits per kid per season at Target or Old Navy or some other similar store. The kids wear out their clothes, and we start again the next season. I don't have to worry about shopping, over purchasing, or storing clothes. So, that's my decluttering suggestion for her. :D


It sounds like an excuse to feed a shopping habit. WEEKLY clothes shopping? Torture! I shop like you do and get it over with. I do not want 52 shopping days worth of clothes to sort and store.


:grouphug:Ya'll are just so nice!! I am so glad I begun this challenge. It was 1 of my new years resolutions.


The blog was linked already, thanks to those that helped with that. But if you didn't see it posted it's A Bowl Full of Lemons.


My house is literally a NEW place. I literally want to just DANCE and SING in every room. My kids are pouncing around like kittens in a new playhouse! My dh is commenting on how NEAT, EMPTY, and FRESH our entire house is!

I will say there is NOTHING like opening a closet and knowing that everything in the closet belongs to the person that lives in that bedroom! AND if there happens to be a box of stuff they don't own it's neatly labeled in a bankers box slide neatly in the top corner shelf out of view. I love that I can open my coat closet and find either a jacket or a coat for each person in our home, instead of finding 13 jackets that I don't know who owns them or whom they will fit if anyone at all. :lol: I like being able to reach into the organizer to find a pair of gloves for each person in the house and find everyone a PAIR (yes a glove has a MATCH) :lol:


My biggest challenge was the toy challenge. Now it's one of the most rewarding challenges I've completed! Pictures just don't do it justice!


I guess everyday so far has been rewarding, but when the challenge begins to affect the ENTIRE family I can't help but want to fly through the finish line RUNNING firm on both feet!


I had 3 boxes labeled. I drug them around with me EVERY room I de-cluttered, cleaned, and organized. I quickly realized that 30 gallon bags were the better bet for me as I was filling up the boxes WAY to fast!


Even as I sit here this evening I have 2 bags of donation in my living room waiting to be dropped off this weekend. I have 1 week left of my challenge and then I will be done and I can't even fathom what in the WORLD I will do when I'm done! I guess just maintain it! It's been so fun and inspiring...but the most of all....it's been an HUGE eye opener.


My dance room is everyone's favorite room in the house. It is literally a room for dancing, with mirrors on one wall. It's EMPTY except for a fireplace flanked by two bookcases. Yep, the EMPTY room is what people like. Go figure. It's the cleanest airiest feeling room in the house.

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I just downloaded it on my NOOK on Sunday. I hope to make myself actually read the whole book. At this time, I am reading at least three other books in rotation...


But the portion I did read, about the master bedroom, was really excellent. :thumbup:


Now to apply what I have learned, which is the hard part. :001_unsure:

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