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  • Biography
    I am mum of happy 2.5 year old son and I have another baby due next month. (update: born Aug 2011 :)
  • Location
    London, UK
  • Interests
    thinking of fun activities for children, cooking, doing things crunchy natural way, sewing
  • Occupation
    part-time programmer
  1. You get a mama 1) who wants to homeschool 2) but has long history of being bad at controlling Internet use and even shirking responsibilities because of it Is there hope?
  2. as child or teen? From teens: 'Outsider' by Albert Camus 'The Brothers Karamazov' by Dostoyevsky 'Anna Karenina' by Tolstoy spot the EXISTENTIAL ANGST theme? :) I didn't read books as child. Couldn't read.
  3. I skimmed first part stuff.... Part 2 - I liked second part....although I wish the 'declutter' plan stretched over more days than 10 days as we are so busy. Appendix A And I loved her list of homemade cleaner and detergent recipes....they *do* work. She has really done her research. Appendix B Inventory templates . Appendix C Homemanagement Notebook templates - too complicated. I prefer Motivated Moms Appendix Choices for a Simpler Life - as if we are idiots
  4. Karen, I think my friend will love you for this comment :) we have similar experience - going nuts after first (high needs) baby, using work as escape from toddler childcare... I've naturally grumpy personality - I'm no Sally Clarkson at all, so I'll be less able to sugar coat things but being close to my children and doing random things with him - looking forward most. We are out and about most of day anyway with my newborn baby and I love it.
  5. Jeez, you guys are so good at unstructured thing without going into procrastinating funk...)) <- that's probably my main worry
  6. Thank you - yes I think her perception is to do with being with very very active spirited 4 year old. Going out doing things with my children are exactly what I'm looking forward to. I do hope that parenting doesn't have to be this intense corrective thing with 5+ year olds...
  7. My nice friend who is very curious about homeschooling...but she struggles to see it as beyond relentlessly hard work being stuck with young children 24/7, asked me this: ( Of people who did homeschooling/homeschooled kids - what did they most enjoy about their experience? :bigear: Esp those who do it out of choice. I know it's such a newbie question on this forum, hope you forgive....:) I've not even started formal HE journey yet...(my eldest is only 2y9mo)
  8. My FIL died when he was 63.(Alzheimer's diagnoses at 52) He got too drowsy to swallow and kept taking off feeding tube. He also had UTI. Doctors didn't think it was worth to get tube through stomach. So no more feeding tubes. He died peacefully surrounded by all family a week later.
  9. The good starter kit is http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=usborne+spotter%27s+guide&tag=googhydr-21&index=stripbooks&hvadid=8609975720&ref=pd_sl_3fxcm7c7ja_b you can buy them as individual books or collection. We have fun with Trees one when go out to parks.
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