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s/o Circ - and courtship When to discuss?

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Do they have to phrase it in the form of a question, like on Jeopardy?


No, but extra points if they do. There'll be a bonus round later.


We're going to be talking about this one for a while...


I know I will! I haven't even run out of anger yet. Am nowhere near starting on the endless jokes that will soon begin to emerge if the OP never retracts the question.

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When I read the original post, my take was that it was an object lesson. I assumed that karis was trying to point out how awkward and unlikely it would be to discuss circumsision during the getting-to-know-each-other-phase since a poster on one of the other circ threads stated that circumsision of infants was something that should be decided upon before marriage. Looks like I was wrong.


it is an object lesson.


(easily implemented and quite amusing)

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Interesting conversation.


If you don't want to go with the Jewish thing, try hanging out at the ballet. Sit up front, and you can pick out which male dancers meet your criteria. Nutcracker, anyone? :001_smile:


You certainly shouldn't be able to. They should all be in dance belts.

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No, but extra points if they do. There'll be a bonus round later.




I know I will! I haven't even run out of anger yet. Am nowhere near starting on the endless jokes that will soon begin to emerge if the OP never retracts the question.



I believe the bonus round will be illegal in at least 14 states...

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I just don't think there's a polite way to discuss the private parts of someone with whom you haven't developed a close relationship without it being very personal and very offensive. Heck, it has massive potential for too personal and extremely offensive between two people who have developed an emotional relationship.



Right. It is too personal if you don't have a relationship. It is sort of offensive once you do.


It is like asking a girl-by the way, are those things really that big? Because if it push-up bra magic, we have to call things off unless you get implants.


I had lots of like-minded, non-negotiable criteria. Aside from having a high level of intelligence, they were behaviors. Now, I do have preferences. But, I dated and was attracted to lots of guys outside of those preferences.

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Wow. This is the single strangest question I have ever encountered here at WTM. And I've seen some doozies over the years!


:iagree: I haven't been here in a LONG time, Abbeyej, but we go WAY back. This was the first thread I saw tonight. Wow. It's like going back to the house you lived in when you were young, and everything seems so ... different! (I was going to say "small," but there was just too much going on in that thought, so I reconsidered :D!)

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it is an object lesson.


(easily implemented and quite amusing)


:confused: So now we have to stop and wonder if we're being set up for someone's amusement? Posters already mentioned that views on circumcision of prospective children could be discussed during the dating or courtship process. And it wouldn't be strange or offensive to do so.

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If the girl will be involved in the chaperoned, ask Daddy for a date kind of courtship, then her father should tell all boys that he must consult the boy's parents before approving anything.


Then the two families can discuss their religious beliefs, including circumcision. All parties would be aware of who thinks what and why they think it's important. If the boy's parents do not share those beliefs, either set of parents has the opportunity to stop the relationship before it starts.


My DH and I would certainly appreciate the honesty. While I ordinarily would not object to one of my sons courting a very religious girl (if he were so inclined, and understood what conversion entailed) I would not want him dating a girl with that restriction. It would be best to get it out of the way at the beginning with as little emotion as possible.


And as a side note not all Jews are circumcised. There is a small, but rapidly growing, group of "Jews against circumcision" (.org I believe). Many of my Jewish friends have opted to leave their sons intact.

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I agree with the others who have said that your dd should make sure she only dates people from your congregation (assuming this is a strong, non-negotiable teaching there), who are not "new" to the congregation (so you can assume his parents followed the teaching). Then, yeah, I guess when the young man asks the girl's father for a date, the dad will have to ask the young man or his parents to be sure. I don't think it's fair to let them start dating if it's a deal-breaker.


Awkward, yes, but families in your congregation should understand.



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And as a side note not all Jews are circumcised. There is a small, but rapidly growing, group of "Jews against circumcision" (.org I believe). Many of my Jewish friends have opted to leave their sons intact.


I went to a bris last summer that did not have circumcison! It was very nice and I didn't have to hide out anywhere. I was pretty sure I'd pass out and boy did the Mom have a good time laughing at me when I realized it wasn't happening.

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Anyone think kilts would be helpful?


It also would answer the question if the gentleman wears the kilt in the appropriate manner...


A kilt and a passing train. By far the best suggestion yet.


:confused: So now we have to stop and wonder if we're being set up for someone's amusement? Posters already mentioned that views on circumcision of prospective children could be discussed during the dating or courtship process. And it wouldn't be strange or offensive to do so.


:iagree: on all counts.

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Ok just to validate my opinion, I asked dh if he had been asked, as a young man, by a young woman, rather he was circed or not, would he have presumed (imminent) se3ual interest. He replied yes.


Op, I think you should be aware of that potential.

Edited by jewellsmommy
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I'm 100% certain my husband wants zero knowledge of our daughters' future husbands' penises. If he did, I would be worried. Truly.





I haven't been so grossed out by the Homeschool Christian Patriarchy since I saw those photos of young girls shaving their daddies at a Vision Forum convention.


Now I have to warn my son about yet another danger from the courtin' crowd: If he starts to get serious about a girl her Dad might ask him about his penis. Of course, that will happen over my dead body, but we try to prepare our kids for anything.


I'm going to raise my intact sons to treat any man who asks questions about their genitals (medical personnel exempted) to a perfectly-placed punch in the nose. Calling it Christian doesn't mean it's not perverted.


Moms, raise your boys to stand up for themselves. Don't let them grow up to submit to this crap. No questionnaires about doctrine or conviction, no interviews with Daddy to get permission to speak to a grown woman, no penis checks. Moms, raise MEN.


YES! Please raise men because some of us are raising daughters with a brain their head to make their own decisions and not depend on daddy to do their datin'.

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Ok just to validate my opinion, I asked dh if he had been asked, as a young man, by a young woman, rather he was circed or not, would he have presumed se3ual interest. He replied yes.


Op, I think you should be aware of that potential.


Well, duh! :lol::lol::lol:

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Well apparently I type too slow. :glare:


When I was dating, we tended to start discussing parenting choices before considering "going steady" (or whatever it's called now-a-days) Maybe I dated weird boys, but that's how it was. Before we got too involved we needed to know that if "accidents happen" that we could live with each other's choices for the next 20 years.


Yes it weeded out a few very early. And yes circumcision was discussed. We also brought up family size, homeschooling, religion and Santa. And no they weren't offended or insulted or creeped out.


Easy peasy.

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Can anybody tell me what the OP meant by saying this thread is an object lesson? A lesson for whom? About what? I don't understand that at all.


I have no idea what's going on. Was it a troll?? But a troll with a goal of unification? How often does that happen??!

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Jennifer in MI, I was trying to be subtle! :lol:


Can anybody tell me what the OP meant by saying this thread is an object lesson? A lesson for whom? About what? I don't understand that at all.

Yeah, wondering too?


Was this just a set up? If so, she could have mentioned that.


If not, she could have been honest and not so evasive about the whole thing.

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I have no idea what's going on. Was it a troll?? But a troll with a goal of unification? How often does that happen??!


My guess is "those mean WTM people are intolerant of other peoples beliefs/anti-christian" or something similar.

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:confused: So now we have to stop and wonder if we're being set up for someone's amusement? Posters already mentioned that views on circumcision of prospective children could be discussed during the dating or courtship process. And it wouldn't be strange or offensive to do so.


I have to admit, I kinda wondered that.......but it has been HIGHLY amusing. Better than Pinterest!

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I haven't been so grossed out by the Homeschool Christian Patriarchy since I saw those photos of young girls shaving their daddies at a Vision Forum convention.


Now I have to warn my son about yet another danger from the courtin' crowd: If he starts to get serious about a girl her Dad might ask him about his penis. Of course, that will happen over my dead body, but we try to prepare our kids for anything.


I'm going to raise my intact sons to treat any man who asks questions about their genitals (medical personnel exempted) to a perfectly-placed punch in the nose. Calling it Christian doesn't mean it's not perverted.


Moms, raise your boys to stand up for themselves. Don't let them grow up to submit to this crap. No questionnaires about doctrine or conviction, no interviews with Daddy to get permission to speak to a grown woman, no penis checks. Moms, raise MEN.




I've got to say, anything can be taken too far. I'm fine with parents having standards about what can go on in regards to dates with their minor teens. But, yikes. Young men have rights too. Moms here would be freaking out if their dd's were asked a question about their private regions in order to qualify for a date.

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Jennifer in MI, I was trying to be subtle! :lol:


Can anybody tell me what the OP meant by saying this thread is an object lesson? A lesson for whom? About what? I don't understand that at all.



????Yea, really. What is the deal?



You know, if your discussion/question is hypothetical or just for pondering...then say so!

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very mature answer. thank you


as an older woman that's doable.


I meant for a young lady. This is something a Father would address when the discussion of marriage came up with a young man. Meaning the guy initiates the convo. I know many do not court and could care less about having a Father's blessing and even less so about the covenant of circ - so I appreciate those who chose to respond to the question asked.

Just saw this part. I've been in groups that do courtship. I've been there. I have NEVER heard of this as a requirement for a father's blessing and would be seriously concerned if a father asked it as part and parcel to his blessing. I told my son to run if it ever happens to him!

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I just asked a male friend of mine what he'd think of such a question.


He said "That's really an odd question. Easy to answer though! *zip*"




My favorite f*reskin story is hubby's. When we found out we were getting a boy, he wanted him circumsized just like him. Well, Mr Innocent, just because you walk around all day with your windowshades UP doesn't mean you are circ'd. He DIDn't KNOW he wasn't!

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My favorite f*reskin story is hubby's. When we found out we were getting a boy, he wanted him circumsized just like him. Well, Mr Innocent, just because you walk around all day with your windowshades UP doesn't mean you are circ'd. He DIDn't KNOW he wasn't!

Oooookayyy...that is a new one to me! *blush, runs, hides...what do I know, I married a circ'd guy!*

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Just saw this part. I've been in groups that do courtship. I've been there. I have NEVER heard of this as a requirement for a father's blessing and would be seriously concerned if a father asked it as part and parcel to his blessing. I told my son to run if it ever happens to him!



It makes me laugh that a bunch of us are sitting with our sons tonight and saying, "Sweetheart, if you ever try to go out on a date with a nice girl and her father asks about your penis, please feel free to punch the old pervert in the face and run home."


This has to be a WTM record for spawning the weirdest conversations with our kids ever.


If there are any other weirder and "boundaryless" questions out there that may someday get asked of my son, I hope to cheese I never hear them!!!

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My favorite f*reskin story is hubby's. When we found out we were getting a boy, he wanted him circumsized just like him. Well, Mr Innocent, just because you walk around all day with your windowshades UP doesn't mean you are circ'd. He DIDn't KNOW he wasn't!



Do we give out awards here?


I nominate this Post of the Year.



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My favorite f*reskin story is hubby's. When we found out we were getting a boy, he wanted him circumsized just like him. Well, Mr Innocent, just because you walk around all day with your windowshades UP doesn't mean you are circ'd. He DIDn't KNOW he wasn't!


Someone keep track. This has to be a contender for top post of 2012.

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It makes me laugh that a bunch of us are sitting with our sons tonight and saying, "Sweetheart, if you ever try to go out on a date with a nice girl and her father asks about your penis, please feel free to punch the old pervert in the face and run home."


This has to be a WTM record for spawning the weirdest conversations with our kids ever.


If there are any other weirder and "boundaryless" questions out there that may someday get asked of my son, I hope to cheese I never hear them!!!

My son seriously thinks we are all off our rockers :lol: "so this is what you all do on this board? These are the kinds of conversations you have?!":001_huh:

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Can anybody tell me what the OP meant by saying this thread is an object lesson? A lesson for whom? About what? I don't understand that at all.


Roflol. I'm wondering the same thing.


And she seems to have waffled about whether the initial question was about the potential husband and *his* p*nis or about potential sons and what to do with *theirs*. Perhaps she thinks this is the same thing?!?

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My son seriously thinks we are all off our rockers :lol: "so this is what you all do on this board? These are the kinds of conversations you have?!":001_huh:


I need to get in the tub and finish a book before Robin beats me up but I can't stop laughing at this whole thread.

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