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Sixth Grade Plans/Schedules

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I'm looking at doing up my sixth grade plans as we normally switch over in April. What are y'alls plans or what are you doing or have you done?


If we just continue on with what we have been doing it'll look like this -


Reading & Literature – LCC history and literature suggestions

Writing – WWS and or The Creative Writer

Fine Arts – going to museums; biographies by Mike Venzia; creation of some sort, maybe felting?

Math – Singapore 4A and B OR Life of Fred Fractions

Science - Janice VanCleave's Chemistry for Every Kid

History, Geography, Government - SOTW 3 with Kingfisher; This Country of Ours

Health - ?

Physical Education – bunches of stuff

Logic - Red Herrings 2


If I hit the Lotto then we'll add in Rosetta Stone Japanese because my daughter *really* wants to learn it.

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So is your dd in 5th grade and getting ready to move into 6th? Here's what I've been doing with my 6th grader this year:


Write With the Best

TT PreAlgebra

Wordly Wise

Seton History 6

Prentice Hall Earth Science

Religion Prep for Confirmation

Piano, Karate, and Chess


I'm probably forgetting something (list seems too short), but those are at least the basics. :001_smile: This is my third time with a 6th grader, and in the past I've used IEW and Houghton Mifflin Spelling, both of which were fine, but I wanted to see if something else would work better and so far so good.

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My 6th grade year is still up in the air. Here's what I know and what I'm considering.


MM 6

Lightning Lit. 7


Continue with Rosetta Stone Spanish


Science: Maybe Elemental Science Earth and Space for Logic Stage, maybe textbooks.....not sure at this point


History: Either Human Odyssey (K12) or HO Ancients 2


Logic: We did Nous this year and I'd love to continue with the next level, but it's pretty expensive - maybe Philosophy for Kids or something similar


Writing: unsure....maybe just continue as is writing across the curriculum as she's a strong writer. Maybe WWS or WWW.


Continue with piano, dance, and speech class (1X/month)


I felt much more confident in what I was doing last year at this time!


ETA: Mapping the World with Art - Ellen Mchenry

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This is our 6th grade lineup this year:


Math - Teaching Textbooks 6, supplementing with MM as needed

Science - Using Aha!Science's middle school level as a spine. Adding in documentaries and living books. Dd keeps a journal for this that she fills with charts, diagrams, summaries, and sketches.

Geography - Trail Guide to World Geography, Geography Through Art, The Ultimate Geography and Timeline Guide. I created my own program\schedule using the UG&TG as the base, TG for the daily questions and then added in art, documentaries and living books to flesh it out.

Grammar - Hake Grammer 6

Writing - WWS, Killgallon and the writing from Hake

Literature - Lightning Lit 7

Art - Products from Teach Art at Home - currently on the Phonics of Drawing cd

Logic - Logic Liftoff by Bonnie Risby

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My extra student is in 6th grade. We revamped her schedule, so 2nd semester doesn't look quite like 1st.


Both semesters:

Saxon 76

Classical Conversations Foundations

Classical Conversations Essentials

Sequential Spelling

Art and drama classes

4H chickens

Swim team


First semester:

T4L, selections from SL Eastern Hemisphere


Second semester:

Focus an Science F, GSA Atoms and Molecules, Bridges to Literature Level 1, Power Basics World History 1, Developmental Math 15, Scoring High Test Prep


On paper online learning looks like a really good option for this child, but in practice it just wasn't as good of a fit as we had hoped. GSA will is a tie-in for her CC memory work. I chose it because she used GSA last year and loves all the lap book and mini-book stuff.




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I would not consider LOF Fractions to be a year long curriculum. My 6th grade dd is currently using it alongside Saxon 76. I think those using only LOF do at least two books - Fractions and Decimals in one year. Also having used Singapore math with my girls, I've found the move to LOF from Singapore is smoother after finishing Singapore Level 4. HTH!

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Grammar: CLE Language Arts 500, FLL 4

Writing: IEW SWI-A, Finish WWE4 and start WWS1

Math: CLE

History: Vertias Press Self-Paced MARR with lots of extra literature

Latin: Henle and Lively Latin BB2 (with the possibility of Latin Alive 2) We are Latin centered so this is the biggest focus for us.

Greek: Elementary Greek 2

Science: We are not doing anything formal until 7th grade, but he loves to watch National Geographic and the Science Channel on TV in his spare time.

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Here's what I am looking at for my ds (but still unsure)...


Writing: WWS or WWE4, or maybe IEW, or Brave Writer...

Grammar: Winston Grammar, as I think he'd like this approach

Math: LOF Fractions and Decimals & Percents, along with some Math Mammoth topical series (Blue) or the Key to... series.

History: Vol. 1 of k12 Human Odyssey with map work from Knowledge Quest, and The Story of Science (Hakim)

Science: BFSU Vol II OR maybe we'll use something like Milestones in Science alongside The Story of Science. I also have Beautiful Feet's History of Science on hand.

Language: I think I'll have both kids start studying Spanish since it would be very useful. Ds may continue with Getting Started with Latin as well.


ETA: We also use a lot of supplemental literature in every subject area - living books for math, science, history, and more. He's a very strong reader, and I enjoy reading aloud as well.

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This is what I think I will use-


Math- AoPS Pre Algebra- after Horions Pre Algebra

Reading - novels

Spelling- Spell It lists

Grammar- Rod & Staff 6

Writing- WWS

Science- CPO ?

History - Middle ages, not sure

Latin- First form

Music- choir, new instrument

Art- various activities

Theatre- plays

PE- some dance, golf

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Currently we are doing:


Writing: WWS

Grammar: KISS

Vocabulary: CE2

Spelling: from his writing

Literature: Middle ages lit (can post a list if you would like) and Figuratively Speaking


Math: Finishing up AoPS Algebra (I know this is not typical)

Science: Tarbuck Earth Science + a science fair project starting in March

History: WTM Middle Ages approach


Logic: Art of Argument and Philosophy for kids

Foreign Language: Mandarin with a tutor

Music: Violin aiming for Grade 5 ABRSM in September!

PE: Swimming, Martial Arts, and Sailing

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So far my line-up is:



CLE Math 600

Analytical Grammar

Writing Strands (this is up in the air)

Spelling of some sort(this is up in the air, too)

Apologia Zoology 2

Homeschool Coop weekly for PE, music and a third rotation (speech, drama, art, etc)

Swimming lessons

4H (robotics, electricity and woodworking, if he stays with those)



I would like to start all of the kids on a foreign language as well. I'll be checking everything out at convention. :)

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Oh goodness, I guess I'll have a 6th grader next year! :willy_nilly: How in the world did that happen?


Well if we continue on with what we're using now I guess it will look something like this:


Math--R&S 6, LOF Decimal, F&P whatever the combinations of those are.

Latin--Second Form Latin

Grammar and Writing--Classical Writing Homer B and Intro. to Poetry, frequent written narrations

Mapping the World with Art for Geography

Science--still working that out, possibly outsourced

History--1815 or so to the present depending on how far we get this year. VP Cards, SOTW 4, Ambleside Online Years 5 and 6 selections


Ambleside Online Years 5 and 6 selections for literature, science biography, composers, artists, poetry, Plutarch and Shakespeare


Violin, orchestra, piano, basketball, maybe Boy Scouts

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We are using Oak Meadow for English/Social Studies (plus continuing with SOTW1 which is a good fit since OM6 is ancient civilizations anyway).


We are using Oak Meadow for Science.


We are using Teaching Textbooks and Life of Fred Fractions for math.


We are using Meet the Masters for art.


She takes guitar lessons for music and judo classes for PE.


We use a free health curriculum from kidshealth.org


We are using Getting Started With Spanish.


And we are also using the Story Grammar for Elementary School Worktext.

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Most of what we are doing is in my sig line. We did LL7 the first semester (she read the material much more quickly than the program called for, so it went more quickly). I moved on to LL8, but am going to take a few weeks to focus on mythology instead of lit as she preps for the National Mythology Exam and the Medusa Exam. She's just added yearbook staff and will do a 7 week healthy lifestyles class through the local rec center to add to the health section of life science. We also finished up LOF Fractions and Percents earlier this school year, so are doing a bit of the Prealgebra with Biology.

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My current 6th grade dd is using,


History~America the Beautiful from Notgrass

Math~MUS Epsilon and hopefully the next level

Writing~Writing with Skill was using WWE before

Copywork for Girls by Queen Homeschool

Grammar~Analytical Grammar

Latin Primer A

Spelling~Soaring with Spelling

Science~A Nature Walk with Aunt Bessie

Bible AWANA/Simply Charlotte Mason's Roman Study


My ds who will be in 6th grade next year,


Math~MUS Zeta

Latin~Latin Primer B






Grammar~Shurley English

Spelling~AAS level 4 & 5

Reading~Drawn into the Heart of Reading {HOD}


Caleb, just started HOD Preparing, so he'll probably continue with Preparing then move to CtC.

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As far as I know now, my soon-to-be 11 yr. old will be doing this for 6th grade:


Math: BJU 6

Grammar: Winston Grammar

Writing: WWS, possibly adding in CW Homer, not sure about this.

Literature: AO Yr. 5

History: Truth Quest Rennaisance

Science: I'm not sure. Science curriculums do not work here so I am thinking of Story of Science with experiment kits to supplement.

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My current 6th grader is using:


CLE math 7

CLE grammar/spelling 6

CLE reading 7 & History Odyssey Lit.

IEW Middle Ages

History Odyssey Middle Ages Lvl. 2

Elemental Bio for Logic Stage & Science Olympiad

Orbiting with Logic

Getting Started w/ Spanish

Atelier Art

Star Spangled States (since I didn't make her memorize U.S. geography before)


I think that's it. She participates in 4-H (public speaking), travel soccer (P.E.), and concert choir (music). She's having a great year and enjoying everything. Well, not really grammar, LOL, but she gets it done.

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I have a dc in 6th grade at ps. He is really enjoying units on economics and current events (both at at age appropriate level) that are part of his social studies class.


Also, I notice that you didn't have an music listed. I think that is a nice subject to do, even if it's only occasional music appreciation.

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Here is my plan for next year:


Bible - memorize / study Phillipians? Titus?

Math - Horizon 6, then Saxon Algebra 1/2

Grammar - CLE 6

Reading - CLE 6

Spelling - Phonetic Zoo

Writing - finish WWS, then IEW B or continuation A

Science - BJU 6 online

History - VP Self Paced 1815 to Modern wih VP/MFW/SL readers

Piano, sports, AH scouts, traveling, having fun

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I've just been figuring this out - think I might finally have a plan


Math - AoPS online class (if she likes the PreA I just signed her up for) or Singapore DM1 (if she doesn't)

Science - K12 Advanced Earth Science and Middle School Chemistry

History - K12 Human Odyssey vol. 2 / living books / documentaries

Grammar - MCT Voyage

Vocabulary - CEII

Spelling - BigIQKids (online)

Writing - Local writing class (semester) and writing from JBSS below

Literature - Jamestown Best Short Stories and Book Club

Spanish - Los viajes de Rosa y Ernesto

German - German Saturday School

Music - Piano

Other - Lego Robotics, Tumbling(?), Dance(?), 4H


I see I'm missing Art but my guess is we'll end up with some kind of outside class(es) in some kind of art during the year - that's what usually happens.

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Here's what I am looking at for my ds (but still unsure)...


Writing: WWS or WWE4, or maybe IEW, or Brave Writer...

Grammar: Winston Grammar, as I think he'd like this approach

Math: LOF Fractions and Decimals & Percents, along with some Math Mammoth topical series (Blue) or the Key to... series.

History: Vol. 1 of k12 Human Odyssey with map work from Knowledge Quest, and The Story of Science (Hakim)

Science: BFSU Vol II OR maybe we'll use something like Milestones in Science alongside The Story of Science. I also have Beautiful Feet's History of Science on hand.

Language: I think I'll have both kids start studying Spanish since it would be very useful. Ds may continue with Getting Started with Latin as well.


ETA: We also use a lot of supplemental literature in every subject area - living books for math, science, history, and more. He's a very strong reader, and I enjoy reading aloud as well.


Okay, changes already planned! (Naturally :tongue_smilie:) So, just the changes:

Language Arts: Definitely Brave Writer / Brave Writer Lifestyle, Natural Speller for spelling


Grammar: Grammar Land with worksheets or maybe Winston Grammar


History: First third of Gombrich's Little History of the World with supplemental reading including Horrible Histories, map work (Knowledge Quest), Book of Centuries, some hands-on projects, etc.


Science: Various living books enhanced by hands-on work, and continuing nature studies (Outdoor Hour Challenges and The Handbook of Nature)


NOTE: Many of our literature, nature, geography, and science selections will come from Ambleside Online, various years mix-and-match approach.

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This is our tentative plan for the 6th grade...


Math-Ace School of Tomorrow

Spelling-Either continue with Spelling Plus or switch to Spelling Workout

Science-Zoology 3 from Apologia

History-Up in the air...either Mystery of History, 6th grade Ancient History paces, or a Civil War Unit Study??? Just not sure...

Writing-I think we will continue with IEW because my son has done so well with AFF and everything else in comparison seems like going back, not forward. (probably the ancient themed based writing)

Literature-reading list and several read alouds by mom :)

Grammar-Easy Grammar 5/6 (the older books because I like them better and I found them dirt cheap on Amazon)


Bible-Christian Liberty Press study-- Book E and our own studies (maybe the GOAL book from Simply Charlotte Mason)

Logic-Building Thinking Skills Book 2 (almost done with book 1)

Art-Artistic Pursuits and several online resources



As you can see there are several decisions that are still up in the air, but sometimes it really just helps to write it all out.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Okay, changes already planned! (Naturally :tongue_smilie:) So, just the changes:



History: First third of Gombrich's Little History of the World with supplemental reading including Horrible Histories, map work (Knowledge Quest), Book of Centuries, some hands-on projects, etc.


:iagree: I, too, bought this Little History of the World on the Kindle, so by gum, I'll continue to use it thru the Medieval Ages of SOTW2. I tend to think it was necessary to apply some torture in terms of Our Island Story, Famous Men of the Middle Ages and Synge's Discovery book.


Math is a saxon product along with Math U see helps. Grammar is a Rod & Staff product. Artistic pursuits again for Gotto etc. Spelling workout and Elemental Science for ES&A (I guess).

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This is my plan for 6th grade so far:


LA: WWS, AAS L6, Daily Grams 6, Easy Grammar 6 Tests

Math: TT 6

History/Literature/Geography: HO Ancients L2

Science: Life Science using WTM Logic Stage Recs and Adaptive Curriculum or AHA Science

Logic: Mind Benders

Bible: MP Christian Studies 2, study of the Saints



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Another option or Japanese is Irasshai. It's a very nice program put together by Georgia Public Broadcasting. There are free worksheets to go along with the videos. There are also a text and workbook, and TE available on Amazon.


If cost is an issue you could do the program with the worksheets only. It's a high school level course, so she pick up the workbooks/text later.


I'm trying to recall what we did for sixth:


Latin: Latin for Children B

History: Story of the Middle Ages (Harding) & Famous Men of the Middle Ages

Science: The Elements from McHenry, Exploring the World of Biology (Tiner)

Grammar: R&S English 6

Lit: LCC recs for Middle Ages. King Arthur (Green), Robin (Pyle)

Writing: Classical Writing

Math: Dolciani (1972) pre-algebra

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Next year's plans for my 6th grader:


History/Literature/Church History: TOG Yr 2 Dialectic

Math: Lial's Prealgebra

Science: Mr. Q's Advanced Chemistry

Writing: Jump In

Grammar: Giggly Guide to Grammar

Latin: Latin Road to English Grammar Level 2


and whatever elective he chooses

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Here's what ds did for 6th (2009-10). I'll post my plans for dd (this coming fall) below. Her plans won't be exactly like his and they're not full complete yet, but I'll write about current thoughts...


Note: Ds took a year off from grammar in 6th -- I felt he was at a high enough level in Latin and covering enough Greek that he didn't need a separate grammar course that year -- then did Stewart English 1 and 2 in 7th grade and Killgallon Middle in 8th.


Math - Algebra: Structure and Method, book 1 (daily), continued participation in Math Olympiad (1 hour per week)


History - History Odyssey, level 2 Middle Ages (three days per week), Famous Men of the Middle Ages (plus workbook from MP - 1 day per week)


Literature - Lightning Lit 7, + books from the WTM 6 reading list -- I'll include our reading list below that includes reading from HO, LL, and WTM. Also reading Building Poems as an intro to more in-depth poetry study next year. (Reading daily, occasionally replaced by worksheets or writing assignments 2-3 days per week)


(Writing is incorporated into our history and literature assignments... We cover grammar in the context of writing and classical language study.)


Latin - Latin Prep 3 and Lingua Latina (Latin "lesson" two days per week, homework three days per week)


Greek - Elementary Greek 1, 2, and 3 (possible because of the amount of Latin ds already had - lesson two days per week, homework two to three days per week)


Logic - Critical Thinking Book 1 for first semester, various games and logic puzzles from other sources (twice a week), Art of Argument for second semester, with Fallacy Detective as a supplement to further explain points


Religion - Christian Studies 1 from MP (1 day per week)


Science - So You Really Want to Learn Science 1 (Galore Park), and experiments from the Thames and Kosmos Core Science kit (reading and written work 1-2 days per week, lab one day per week)


Memory - various poems, history sentences from Classical Conversations, Living Memory... (formally two days per week, additional review)


Geography - Mapping the World with Art (1 day per week)


Art - Meet the Masters (1 day per week)


Extras - ballet 3x per week, Boy Scouts, church choir, soccer in the fall


Reading list:

Stories and Poems for Extremely Intelligent Children (excerpts), Harold Bloom, 0684868741

The Door in the Wall, Marguerite de Angeli, 0440227798

Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain, 0670869856

The Trumpeter of Krakow, Eric P. Kelly, 0689715714

Beowulf: a new telling, Robert Nye, 0440905605

The Story of Rolf and the Viking Bow, Allen French, 1604595221

King Arthur and His Knights, Malory/ Elizabeth L. Merchant, (Calvert)

The Sword in the Stone, T.H. White, 0399225021

The Adventures of Robin Hood, Roger Lancelyn Green, 0140367004

If All the Swords of England, Barbara Willard, 1883937493

Adam of the Road, Elizabeth Gray, 0142406597

Crispin: Cross of Lead, Avi, 0786816589 (and sequel -- this one was a favorite)

Catherine Called Birdy, Karen Cushman, 0064405842

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll

Master Cornhill, Eloise Jarvis McGraw, 1887840001

The Canterbury Tales, Chaucer / McCaughrean , 0140380531

One Thousand and One Nights, Geraldine McCaughrean, 0192750135

The Story of My Life, Helen Keller, 1416500324

The White Stag, Kate Seredy, 0140312587

Tales From Japan, Helen and William McAlpine, 0192751751

The Samurai's Tale, Erik Haugaard, 0618615121

A Single Shard, Linda Sue Park, 0440418518

All Creatures Great and Small, James Herriot, 0312330855

Secret of the Andes, Ann Nolan Clark, 0140309268

Around the World in 100 Years, Jean Fritz, 0698116380

The Playmaker, J. B. Cheaney, 0440417104

King of Shadows, Susan Cooper, 068984445X

Dante's Divine Comedy as Told for Young People (excerpts), Joseph Tusiani, 1881901297

The Second Mrs. Giaconda, E. L. Konigsburg, 0689821212


Here's a sample week from ds' planner that year:


The gray parts are the school times we spent working with another family. The other mom and I would trade off Big Kids and Little Kids for various classes, though Memory and Art were all done together. The kids wrote their homework assignments for Latin, Greek, Logic, or Poetry on the blank lines at the bottom of the page. The SOTW reference just told me what the younger ones were doing that week.

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Current plans for dd for this coming fall -- still in progress...


Grammar - Stewart English book 1, materials from the Voyage level of MCT (includes vocab and poetry as well as grammar)


Math - Current plan is Horizons 6 and Teaching Textbooks pre-algebra. I will have to evaluate closer to fall whether she's really ready for that. Math has always been much tougher for her than it was for ds.


History - My own plans for a combined Ancients and Middle Ages year, using Builders of the Old World for her primary narrative text, the DK Definitive Visual Guide to History for her encyclopedia-type history, and a lot of supplementary literature. She'll do history 3 days a week with reading, building a timeline (she'll get her own copy of Wonders of Old), and writing outlines and summaries regularly.


Literature - Lightning Lit 7 and 8 (leaving a book or two for later), + books to complement our ancient and medieval history study. Also reading A World of Poetry from MCT.


Latin - Latin Prep 2


Greek - (I'm putting Greek off for 7th for her, simply because *I* haven't been as on-the-ball with her Latin as I would like and think we should focus a bit longer before I add the Greek.)


Logic - Not totally sure yet. Possibly Art of Argument with Fallacy Detective for additional explanations and some fun workbook "logic" problems.


Religion - Christian Studies 1 from MP (1 day per week)


Science - So You Really Want to Learn Science 1 (Galore Park), and experiments from the Thames and Kosmos Core Science kit. Also reading through the first of Hakim's Story of Science books.


Memory - poetry mostly


Geography - Mapping the World with Art (1 day per week)


Art - A little Atelier, some drawing lessons from How Great Thou Art, A Child's Story of Art: Painting from Calvert.


Reading list:


I haven't decided on exactly which books we'll use for ancients. I have a few in mind, but I'll determine the exact list some time between now and August. Dd is a very strong (and fast) reader, so she'll do some ancients as well as the following:

Stories and Poems for Extremely Intelligent Children (excerpts), Harold Bloom, 0684868741

The Door in the Wall, Marguerite de Angeli, 0440227798

Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain, 0670869856

The Trumpeter of Krakow, Eric P. Kelly, 0689715714

Beowulf: a new telling, Robert Nye, 0440905605

The Story of Rolf and the Viking Bow, Allen French, 1604595221

King Arthur and His Knights, Malory/ Elizabeth L. Merchant, (Calvert)

The Adventures of Robin Hood, Roger Lancelyn Green, 0140367004

Adam of the Road, Elizabeth Gray, 0142406597

Crispin: Cross of Lead, Avi, 0786816589

Catherine Called Birdy, Karen Cushman, 0064405842

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll

The Canterbury Tales, Chaucer / McCaughrean , 0140380531

One Thousand and One Nights, Geraldine McCaughrean, 0192750135

The Story of My Life, Helen Keller, 1416500324

The White Stag, Kate Seredy, 0140312587

Tales From Japan, Helen and William McAlpine, 0192751751

The Samurai's Tale, Erik Haugaard, 0618615121

All Creatures Great and Small, James Herriot, 0312330855

Around the World in 100 Years, Jean Fritz, 0698116380

King of Shadows, Susan Cooper, 068984445X

The Second Mrs. Giaconda, E. L. Konigsburg, 0689821212

Treasure Island

A Day of Pleasure

A Christmas Carol

The Hobbit

My Family and Other Animals

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I really shouldn't post on these threads until I've made up my mind! 3rd post now, but this is solid. Using mostly stuff I already have, so it'll be a cheap year!


We're basing nearly everything next year off of the Dangerous Book for Boys, The Dangerous Book of Heroes, and, because we're doing this with dd8, The Daring Book for Girls. For history, physical education, handicrafts and practical living skills, and a fair amount of science plus some language arts, this is our inspiration! We'll add in movies, literature, documentaries, hands-on, etc. and the following:




  • Language Arts: Brave Writer/AO's recommended sequence for language arts; Natural Speller
  • Latin: Either Getting Started with Latin or English From the Roots Up (which is more vocab than actual Latin)
  • Main Math: Math Mammoth Blue series (topical)
  • Supplemental Math: LOF Fractions and Decimals & Percents
  • Science: Notebooking our way through BFSU, finishing vol 1 and then moving into vol 2. I am beefing this up for ds with the Kingfisher Science Encyclopedia, various upper elem level topical books, and some more hands-on.
  • Literature: from various resources


Now, no more changes!

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This is my plan for my 4th child who will be in 6th grade next year. Keep in mind she's probably the least academically inclined of all my kids, but also the one who most wants to be "grown-up" - a very difficult combo sometimes. :glare: :confused::D


WWE 4 or WWS

CLE 6 (she would like to do TT 7) and LOF Fractions & Decimals


BJU Life Science

Lively Latin BB 2 (half of it - I am spreading out the two books over 4 years for her)

VP self-paced online history R&R and Explorers to 1815..she loves these

I am still trying to decide about lit....either BJU Lit 7, or maybe LLftLotRings.

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If things go the way I think they will, this is what we'll use:


History: MFW Rome to Reformation ank history pockets. Also historical fiction reading/reports

Science: Apologia Astronomy

Math: finishing TT6, going into TT7 and Singapore problem solving

Logic: Critical Thinking

Music: Piano and composer study

Art: Artistic Pursuits

Spelling: Spelling Power


Writing: IEW


Now that I've said that...history and science are kind-of up in the air. If dh is still laid-off, that will effect what we choose as well (less money).

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Here is what my daughter has done for 6th grade this year:


Abeka Arithematic 6

Story of the World Vol 1 with Kingfisher History Encyclopedia

WTM Logic Stage Reading

Apologia Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy

Easy Grammar 6

Megawords 4

IEW Fables, Myths and Fairy Tales

Evan-Moor Geography plus online practice


Queens Bible Verses for Copywork

English from the Roots up Vol 1

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For the spring 2012 semester, this is what we are using for my 6th grade daughter.


6th grade

Math – Art of Problem Solving Algebra I & Stanford EPGY (Online)

Latin – Classical Liberal Arts Academy Grammar I (Online) (almost completed)

English – Rod & Staff English 6

Spelling – Vocabulary from Classical Roots Book A

Science – General Science (Outsourced)

History/Geography – From Sea to Shining Sea/Map Skills

Writing – Writing With Skill (SWB) (we finished Writing Strands Level 4 last fall)

Logic – Mind Benders – B Series

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What my 6th grader is doing this year:

McHenry's Pre-Chem

Chem 101 by Wes Olsen


Math Made Easy, Singapore SP, Minute Math, flash cards


First Form Latin

Intro to Greek (Landry Academy)

WWS, R& S grammar

World History using

Medieval History using SOTW Hx of the Medieval World -read aloud

MoH CD's


Lit- free reading, weekly read-aloud


choral, art and unit study at co-op

drama camp

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I'm just starting to plan to next year, but here's what I've come up with so far for my rising 6th grader.


MATH - Singapore Math 6A w/ CWP 6



WRITING - CW Homer B and Poetry for Beginners

LITERATURE - lots of library books still tbd

HISTORY - TruthQuest AOR 2 finish and 3

SCIENCE - God's Design for Chemistry and Ecology

LATIN - Latin for Children C

LOGIC - ?? I have a few ideas but no final decision here...

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I was especially watching this thread for ideas for science. Nearly each and every one of you is doing something different! No wonder I can't figure out what to do. We've muddled along with Apologia for a couple of years. I really wanted to like it, but it just hasn't worked for us. I'll keep :lurk5:ing!!


Thanks for this thread!

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I think I am finalized enough to post my response ;)


Math: Saxon 7/6 (which we already started) then Saxon 8/7

English: Rod & Staff English 6

Bible: Rod & Staff Grade 6 God's Chosen Family as a Nation and Sonlight Bible

History & Literature: Sonlight Core F

Spelling: Spelling Workout G

Writing: WWS

Language: Rosetta Stone German

Devotional with Dad: Doorposts Plants Grown Up

Science: Sonlight Science F (only one that I am not 100% on), because this year we will be finishing Apologia Human Anatomy and Physiology


Outside activities as of now are: drum lessons, rec basketball, rec soccer

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We will be using HoD's Revival to Revolution program which includes:

History: Living books and audios on the Colonial period

Science: Exploration Education's Physical Science along with living books

Math: Singapore 5B/6A

LA: R&S 5, Exciting World of Creative Writing

Bible: Hidden Treasures in Hebrews


We will also be doing Mark Kistler's drawing lessons, Spanish, Caesar's English, and Piano.

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This is what my 6th grader is doing this year:


CLE Math 600

Hands on Equations

Hake Grammar 6

IEW (outsourced class)

SRA Spelling Mastery

SL 5 (History, Literature, Reading)

Apologia Flying Creatures & Swimming Creatures & TOPS book

La Clase Divertida 2 & 3 and Getting Started With Spanish

IEW Poetry Memorization

Editor in Chief

Mindbenders/Building Thinking Skills

http://www.sheppardsoftware.com for geography (once a month for review)



Swim Team

Boy Scouts

Edited by LisaTheresa
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  • 3 months later...

Saxon 5/6 with CD

MM 6

HO Level 2 Ancients w/ K12's Human Odyssey Book 1


Hake 6

Lit guides Grade 6 MP

Elemental Science Biology -Logic Stage



Art through Coop

Figurativly Speaking/Reading Comprehension skills workbook if needed

Whatever the girls wants to read :)



Edited by my3luvbugs990105
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Update to my plan:

MM 6

Exploration Education Physical Science, maybe add in some AHA science

Human Odyssey book 1 (K12)

Mapping the World with Art



Literature - pull from various things

Philosophy for Kids

Rosetta Stone Spanish

Dance, PE class, piano, etc....



My 6th grade year is still up in the air. Here's what I know and what I'm considering.

MM 6

Lightning Lit. 7


Continue with Rosetta Stone Spanish

Science: Maybe Elemental Science Earth and Space for Logic Stage, maybe textbooks.....not sure at this point

History: Either Human Odyssey (K12) or HO Ancients 2

Logic: We did Nous this year and I'd love to continue with the next level, but it's pretty expensive - maybe Philosophy for Kids or something similar

Writing: unsure....maybe just continue as is writing across the curriculum as she's a strong writer. Maybe WWS or WWW.

Continue with piano, dance, and speech class (1X/month)

I felt much more confident in what I was doing last year at this time!

ETA: Mapping the World with Art - Ellen Mchenry

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For my VSL 6th grader:

Math: Singapore Math 3A, 3B, 4A

Grammar: Abeka Language of God C

Spelling: Spectrum 6

Composition: Winning with Writing 2 and 3

Literature: BJU Press As Full As the World

Science: Unit studies on magnets, simple machines, cells

History: Misc. chronological -- we're about in the Westward Expansion era -- BJU Heritage Studies 3 as spine

Latin: Cambridge 1

Greek: Greek Alphabet Code Cracker

Health: Abeka 6

Misc: Maps Charts Graphs, Comprehension Plus, bunch of software from Critical Thinking Company, Mark Kistler online, unit study on Mozart, dabble in piano

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