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When do you announce

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We waited this time until I was almost 13 weeks. Usually we tell a little earlier, but we like to wait until we've at least heard a heartbeat or seen one on ultrasound. This time, we couldn't hear the heartbeat at my 10.5 week appointment, so my midwife came back for a check at 12.5 weeks, we heard it, and then we shared our news.

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I don't really announce it...I just let everyone kind of find out. I wasn't going to tell anyone with this pregnancy until I was in the second tri (due to a miscarriage last time). But I was insanely sick this time and had to tell people why I wasn't leaving the house or answering my phone.

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We announce to family and a few close friends right away. We figure they deserve the chance to be excited with us. My parents have, unfortunately, already had the worst happen (a grandbaby being stillborn), so we like to give them the opportunity to be joyful and excited, even if it only ends up being for a short time. (They were as excited about grandbaby number nine as they were about number one; a new BABY to love is always opportune, in their minds. They were like that before the stillbirth, but losing my niece made them even more certain that LIFE is something to celebrate.)


We're a little more cautious about other friends, coworkers, etc. Usually somewhere around 12-20 weeks. I think I was about 20w with number four before DH mentioned it to his boss.


ETA: We've done the formal announcement thing, with our first; we told both sets of parents in front of our siblings, in a fun way, on Father's Day weekend. That was exciting! We told about number two in person too, although our siblings got called later. With our third and fourth, we told the grandparents over the phone, because we weren't going to see them soon and didn't want to hold it in. I called my sister about number four but emailed my brothers.

Edited by happypamama
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Church family finds out the day I get a + test simply because I have had as many losses (almost) as take-home babies; I need people to know what is going on and to pray. Friends/acquaintances outside of church find out after 13 weeks or so. Family members find out as late as possible. ;) I waited until 30 weeks with some pregnancies and would have gone longer had I not had to see family sooner. This last time we didn't tell family we were having twins until after the babies were born. If I had it my way, family would find out after a baby is born just so I don't have to hear the comments that put a negative spin on my pregnancy no matter how much I try to ignore people. :glare:

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DH comes from a family that I think is really weird and secretive about this stuff. I come from a family that is really casual about it. With our first, we were going to wait until the second trimester because that's what dh wanted. But then I blabbed to my friend at work and she told me I should just let people be excited with me. And then if something bad happened, all those people would be sad with me, too. I sort of agree with that. It's nice to share joys AND sorrows with the people in our lives.


I'm currently pregnant with my fourth and our operating "rule" is that we immediately announce pregnancy to anyone who we would tell anyway about a miscarriage. You know, even if we kept it to ourselves but then lost the baby at, say, 10 weeks, I KNOW I would tell my mom and my siblings about the miscarriage. So why not let them in on the joy from the beginning?


Everyone else, I wait until the second trimester. For Facebook, I wait until 20 weeks and then I announce the gender and the pregnancy simultaneously.

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It was different each time.

With #1, when we knew (6 wks), everyone knew. We told several people and it filtered out from there.

With #2, I knew I didn't want all the attention again. So we told a few select people around 8 wks or so.

With #3 (ectopic), there were 3 people aside from DH who knew I was pg before I knew it was an ep. The IL's actually didn't know, but we had to tell them when I was going to the doctor repeatedly (they were watching the boys for us).

With #4 (DD), once I had the u/s at 7 wks and knew it wasn't another ep, we released the information. :lol:

We NEVER did 'big announcements' though. I think they are cheesy. It was always more like someone saying 'Did I hear something about another baby?' or DH saying 'Did you hear we're having another one?' in passing. I don't like a lot of attention about it, so big announcements are SO not my thing. ;)

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No earlier than 3 months to anybody except dh. After that, immediate family. Friends and acquaintances, between 4 and 5 months.


I am very private about what is going on inside my body and don't really like all the gushing and prodding questioning any earlier than necessary.

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No earlier than 3 months to anybody except dh. After that, immediate family. Friends and acquaintances, between 4 and 5 months.


I am very private about what is going on inside my body and don't really like all the gushing and prodding questioning any earlier than necessary.




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Obviously, I tell my dh immediately and then tell my parents right away too. I just can't keep the secret. Dh and I tell his parents whenever we get a chance to be with them. As for everyone else, I don't have a set in stone time frame (since I have never had any issues) but not long.

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No earlier than 3 months to anybody except dh. After that, immediate family. Friends and acquaintances, between 4 and 5 months.


I am very private about what is going on inside my body and don't really like all the gushing and prodding questioning any earlier than necessary.


Me too.

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We announce to the children when we know - or on a special occasion such as Christmas one year.


For others, I tend to wait until the fifth month. One time I waited until the seventh. It just depends. Of course if it will be people that I see I usually announce when I need to wear maternity clothing.


Now, the only announcements made will be grandbabies - whenever that happens again. :glare: :toetap05:

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You know, I don't really ever announce it.


I come from a family of breeders (LOL) so that's not it, and I married into a family of Catholics ("every baby is a blessing") so that's not it, either. It's just not something I make a huge deal of. People find out when they find out. Usually they find out because I'm not available for something (work, babysitting) due to an appointment or feeling unwell.

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With ds17....right away. I show very early so it would have been hard to hide it anyways.


We lost baby #2 at 22 weeks due to Trisomy 18


DD13 we waited until we got her genetic screening to show she was fine. I started telling people about 12 weeks. I was already having a hard time hiding it, or I would have waited a bit longer.

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