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Things that make you go huh??

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I was at McDonalds. There was an older man who had just ordered his food. In front of me in line was a mom on her cell and her son. He looked to be about 10-11. This gentleman comes over and says to the boy,"Look (showing him his big silver belt buckle), Santa is missing his deer and I have it right here." Than, he laughed. The boy didn't respond. Man leaves and goes into restroom. After the man was gone the boy was like, what?? I'm going what?? (in my head)


Dude, it isn't a good idea to show kids your belt buckle. It just can leave the wrong impression, even if you are just trying to be funny.

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I was at McDonalds. There was an older man who had just ordered his food. In front of me in line was a mom on her cell and her son. He looked to be about 10-11. This gentleman comes over and says to the boy,"Look (showing him his big silver belt buckle), Santa is missing his deer and I have it right here." Than, he laughed. The boy didn't respond. Man leaves and goes into restroom. After the man was gone the boy was like, what?? I'm going what?? (in my head)


Dude, it isn't a good idea to show kids your belt buckle. It just can leave the wrong impression, even if you are just trying to be funny.



Creepy! Are you sure he was showing him his belt buckle? Yuck!

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I was at McDonalds. There was an older man who had just ordered his food. In front of me in line was a mom on her cell and her son. He looked to be about 10-11. This gentleman comes over and says to the boy,"Look (showing him his big silver belt buckle), Santa is missing his deer and I have it right here." Than, he laughed. The boy didn't respond. Man leaves and goes into restroom. After the man was gone the boy was like, what?? I'm going what?? (in my head)


Dude, it isn't a good idea to show kids your belt buckle. It just can leave the wrong impression, even if you are just trying to be funny.


:confused: Please tell me there was a deer on his belt buckle, at least!


DH told me he was in line at Target yesterday, and a mother and daughter were in line behind him. The mom asked the daughter (a young adult) if she wanted a magazine from the rack. The daughter said maybe, she was thinking about the one with Angelina Jolie on it. The mom said to go ahead and get it--that way she wouldn't have to listen to her talk so much in the car anymore. DH was all :001_huh:, but he thought maybe the mom was joking around. However, the mom proceeded to go on and on about how she couldn't stand another minute of listening to the daughter talk in the car and how she never shut up, etc. etc. DH said he finally turned around and gave the woman a look, but she just ignored him. The daughter just stayed quiet :(

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DH told me he was in line at Target yesterday, and a mother and daughter were in line behind him. The mom asked the daughter (a young adult) if she wanted a magazine from the rack. The daughter said maybe, she was thinking about the one with Angelina Jolie on it. The mom said to go ahead and get it--that way she wouldn't have to listen to her talk so much in the car anymore. DH was all :001_huh:, but he thought maybe the mom was joking around. However, the mom proceeded to go on and on about how she couldn't stand another minute of listening to the daughter talk in the car and how she never shut up, etc. etc. DH said he finally turned around and gave the woman a look, but she just ignored him. The daughter just stayed quiet :(



That is so sad :(

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DH told me he was in line at Target yesterday, and a mother and daughter were in line behind him. The mom asked the daughter (a young adult) if she wanted a magazine from the rack. The daughter said maybe, she was thinking about the one with Angelina Jolie on it. The mom said to go ahead and get it--that way she wouldn't have to listen to her talk so much in the car anymore. DH was all :001_huh:, but he thought maybe the mom was joking around. However, the mom proceeded to go on and on about how she couldn't stand another minute of listening to the daughter talk in the car and how she never shut up, etc. etc. DH said he finally turned around and gave the woman a look, but she just ignored him. The daughter just stayed quiet :(


I hate this kind of thing. It breaks my heart for the poor child. I just don't understand people sometimes. It is emotional abuse, IMO. She is belittling her child in front of strangers. I'm am sure this is doing something bad to that poor child's selfworth. Very sad!:crying:

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That is so sad :(


I hate this kind of thing. It breaks my heart for the poor child. I just don't understand people sometimes. It is emotional abuse, IMO. She is belittling her child in front of strangers. I'm am sure this is doing something bad to that poor child's selfworth. Very sad!:crying:


I know :( I'm just glad I wasn't there, because I don't think I could have stopped myself from saying something :glare: The holidays just seem to bring out the best and the worst in people. At least, I hope it was the holiday for that woman, and I hope THAT is her worst!

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DH told me he was in line at Target yesterday, and a mother and daughter were in line behind him. The mom asked the daughter (a young adult) if she wanted a magazine from the rack. The daughter said maybe, she was thinking about the one with Angelina Jolie on it. The mom said to go ahead and get it--that way she wouldn't have to listen to her talk so much in the car anymore. DH was all :001_huh:, but he thought maybe the mom was joking around. However, the mom proceeded to go on and on about how she couldn't stand another minute of listening to the daughter talk in the car and how she never shut up, etc. etc. DH said he finally turned around and gave the woman a look, but she just ignored him. The daughter just stayed quiet :(


So sad. I was just thinking to myself because a lot of my friends on Facebook have been posting how they are enjoying their time with their kids, spending precious holiday time with the kiddos, etc but in the same breath say they can't wait for school to start back up. :001_huh:

I will be the first to admit to having my kids with me ALL THE TIME can sometimes leave me batty... And once in a blue moon I'll joke about sending them to public school. I just don't recall ever doing it in their presence. But to earnestly look forward to sending them off to someone else 8 hours a day seems sad.


I understand not everyone can homeschool. I understand not everyone wants to homeschool. I know some people think its bad for the poor unsocialized child- yadda yadda yadda. But my friends are rather serious about "getting a break".


It's this sort of sentiment that irks me.


I guess its why that

has never sat well with me. I feel sorry for parents who feel that way; and even more sorry for their kids who might be picking up on it.


I don't know-- maybe I am reading too much into it and its all tongue in cheek. Maybe the person at Target was having an exceptionally bad day and already regrets her statement to her daughter.


Who knows.. I'm off to "deal" with my kids. ;)

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DH told me he was in line at Target yesterday, and a mother and daughter were in line behind him. The mom asked the daughter (a young adult) if she wanted a magazine from the rack. The daughter said maybe, she was thinking about the one with Angelina Jolie on it. The mom said to go ahead and get it--that way she wouldn't have to listen to her talk so much in the car anymore. DH was all :001_huh:, but he thought maybe the mom was joking around. However, the mom proceeded to go on and on about how she couldn't stand another minute of listening to the daughter talk in the car and how she never shut up, etc. etc. DH said he finally turned around and gave the woman a look, but she just ignored him. The daughter just stayed quiet :(


Yup! If I hear 1 more person say they can't wait for school to start back again, I'm going to scream! It's just so rude! What if the kids were to say, "I sure can't wait until Monday when you go back to work!". The parent would be heartbroken. But somehow it's ok to say that to your kid, :confused:

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Yup! If I hear 1 more person say they can't wait for school to start back again, I'm going to scream! It's just so rude! What if the kids were to say, "I sure can't wait until Monday when you go back to work!". The parent would be heartbroken. But somehow it's ok to say that to your kid, :confused:




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Well, all summer long I hear this and my response (in my head) is,

"Yeah, I can't wait for your kids to go back to school either!" :lol:


Although I was caught off guard the other day while listening to "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas" in a store. One line of the lyrics say, "and mom and dad can hardly wait for school to start again......"


Yup! If I hear 1 more person say they can't wait for school to start back again, I'm going to scream! It's just so rude! What if the kids were to say, "I sure can't wait until Monday when you go back to work!". The parent would be heartbroken. But somehow it's ok to say that to your kid, :confused:
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I sometimes am thinking this of my 7 year old! :tongue_smilie: Sorry, but it is true.....talks non stop about absolutely whatever his little mind is thinking. Random thoughts, stream of consciousness, doesn't matter.....it just HAS to come out. :lol:


However, I don't think badly of him nor would I ever say something like that. But sometimes a magazine might be nice. Just sayin'





DH told me he was in line at Target yesterday, and a mother and daughter were in line behind him. The mom asked the daughter (a young adult) if she wanted a magazine from the rack. The daughter said maybe, she was thinking about the one with Angelina Jolie on it. The mom said to go ahead and get it--that way she wouldn't have to listen to her talk so much in the car anymore. DH was all :001_huh:, but he thought maybe the mom was joking around. However, the mom proceeded to go on and on about how she couldn't stand another minute of listening to the daughter talk in the car and how she never shut up, etc. etc. DH said he finally turned around and gave the woman a look, but she just ignored him. The daughter just stayed quiet :(

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DH told me he was in line at Target yesterday, and a mother and daughter were in line behind him. The mom asked the daughter (a young adult) if she wanted a magazine from the rack. The daughter said maybe, she was thinking about the one with Angelina Jolie on it. The mom said to go ahead and get it--that way she wouldn't have to listen to her talk so much in the car anymore. DH was all :001_huh:, but he thought maybe the mom was joking around. However, the mom proceeded to go on and on about how she couldn't stand another minute of listening to the daughter talk in the car and how she never shut up, etc. etc. DH said he finally turned around and gave the woman a look, but she just ignored him. The daughter just stayed quiet :(


That just breaks my heart. I hope that is not how the daughter is always treated. As the mother of two major talkers, I can understand wanting a little peace and quiet sometimes, but I can't imagine saying what that mother said to my kids.


When I start to feel overwhelmed I try to remind myself that one of these days they'll be grown, and I'll have more peace and quiet than I will probably want. By that time I'll miss the constant talking, complaining, whining, bickering, etc., etc.!

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We were in the very crowded Amish market last year and I turned around to make sure I hadn't lost anyone, to find all three children had candy! I asked them if Mr. Eli (our cheese and egg guy, who routinely slips them treats) had given it to them, and they said no, it was that man and pointed to an older man who shot me a smirk as he walked by. :blink: no, sorry, strange man I don't know from the doorknob, you may not give my children candy. How can anyone even think that's ok?

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pointed to an older man who shot me a smirk as he walked by. :blink: no, sorry, strange man I don't know from the doorknob, you may not give my children candy. How can anyone even think that's ok?



It is sad, I remember a time when just about anyone would give candy to children. I used to love to accompany my parents to markets that had stalls and shops because there was always a good haul of candy to be had.

The "old woman" we all knew (there was one in every town) used to carry a bag of it and pass it out. She was harmless, just lonely and giving kids a piece of candy was often almost the only human contact she had.


Beyond the visceral hatred I have of predators for what they do to children, I further loathe them for what they have done to us. They have made us afraid and hostile, looking for the worst in everyone.

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Yup! If I hear 1 more person say they can't wait for school to start back again, I'm going to scream! It's just so rude! What if the kids were to say, "I sure can't wait until Monday when you go back to work!". The parent would be heartbroken. But somehow it's ok to say that to your kid, :confused:


Well, I can't wait for school to start again - and mine are schooled at home ! So it's not that I am eager for them to go anywhere...it's that hanging around the house being at loose ends is getting old. They are fighting a lot and getting into boredom-related mischief. On a school day I keep them busy !

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I sometimes am thinking this of my 7 year old! :tongue_smilie: Sorry, but it is true.....talks non stop about absolutely whatever his little mind is thinking. Random thoughts, stream of consciousness, doesn't matter.....it just HAS to come out. :lol:


However, I don't think badly of him nor would I ever say something like that. But sometimes a magazine might be nice. Just sayin'




Oh, don't get me wrong, that is what I scream in my head when my ears just can't take another minute :lol: But to say it out loud, with such anger, to your child, in front of a store full of strangers, and to go on and on... It's just too much :( I hope it was just a bad day for her too.

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I sometimes am thinking this of my 7 year old! :tongue_smilie: Sorry, but it is true.....talks non stop about absolutely whatever his little mind is thinking. Random thoughts, stream of consciousness, doesn't matter.....it just HAS to come out. :lol:




I have one like this. And sometimes I wish she would shut-up (books on tape or radio work great for this!) BUT, I would never make such a big deal of it. I have sometimes said, P, can you be quiet for a minute, I need to think, or my brain is overloading. But NEVER am I rude or belittling to her. I always make it MY problem, which I do believe it is! And I NEVER go on and on and on about with strangers.

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Well, I can't wait for school to start again - and mine are schooled at home ! So it's not that I am eager for them to go anywhere...it's that hanging around the house being at loose ends is getting old. They are fighting a lot and getting into boredom-related mischief. On a school day I keep them busy !


:iagree: I've said this before, and I'll say it again--if my normal schedule didn't include several bored kids at loose ends, off their normal daily (and probably sleep) schedules, I'd probably say I couldn't wait for them to go back too! My own bored kids are making me crazy with requests for iPad time, TV time, messy craft time (always, ALWAYS right before we have to leave the house or right before bed :glare:), etc. On schooldays, they have things to DO. During vacation time, they're looking for ways to fill the time, and it's not always constructive :lol: I think I tend to give more leeway to those kinds of comments than a lot of HSers.


(Then again, I'm not really a "convicted" kind of HSer--if my dream school showed up on our doorstep with two scholarships in hand, they'd probably be there in minutes :blushing:)

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Right, which is why I added the additional comment about not saying it.


But I do understand getting weary of it.




I have one like this. And sometimes I wish she would shut-up (books on tape or radio work great for this!) BUT, I would never make such a big deal of it. I have sometimes said, P, can you be quiet for a minute, I need to think, or my brain is overloading. But NEVER am I rude or belittling to her. I always make it MY problem, which I do believe it is! And I NEVER go on and on and on about with strangers.
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It is sad, I remember a time when just about anyone would give candy to children. I used to love to accompany my parents to markets that had stalls and shops because there was always a good haul of candy to be had.

The "old woman" we all knew (there was one in every town) used to carry a bag of it and pass it out. She was harmless, just lonely and giving kids a piece of candy was often almost the only human contact she had.


Beyond the visceral hatred I have of predators for what they do to children, I further loathe them for what they have done to us. They have made us afraid and hostile, looking for the worst in everyone.



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A similar thing happened at church last week. The boys were given wooden airplanes and an old man tired to get them to look at the airplane on his belt buckle (yes, he did have one.) They were too interested in the toys to look, and we know this guy, but even so it was a little weird. Maybe it's just an old guy thing? Back from when something like that was totally innocent?

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aaaw...... I'm thinking he has no idea how inappropriate he was. At least I hope..... Wonder if he had any brain diseases?


I understand the current concerns and I am not a belt buckle guy, but you may do well to remember that decorated belt buckles are a staple of wear in many parts of the US. A man who could never even conceive of hurting a child may also be inordinately proud of a particular buckle (a friend who won one at a rodeo comes to mind) and may show it off. He may have a different perspective than you or I but that in no way indicates brain disease.


Predators have a special corner of Hell awaiting them but a guy who shows off a plane on a belt buckle or who makes a joke about a deer on a buckle is not necessarily anything beyond naive or innocent. Watch your kids, protect them with your lives but some of the comments here are indicative of a witch hunt.

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I understand the current concerns and I am not a belt buckle guy, but you may do well to remember that decorated belt buckles are a staple of wear in many parts of the US. A man who could never even conceive of hurting a child may also be inordinately proud of a particular buckle (a friend who won one at a rodeo comes to mind) and may show it off. He may have a different perspective than you or I but that in no way indicates brain disease.


Predators have a special corner of Hell awaiting them but a guy who shows off a plane on a belt buckle or who makes a joke about a deer on a buckle is not necessarily anything beyond naive or innocent. Watch your kids, protect them with your lives but some of the comments here are indicative of a witch hunt.


:iagree: Old guys showing off belt buckles is actually quite an ordinary thing around here. Wouldn't think a thing of it. Many older people are just not aware of the current stuff going on and have no idea things have even changed. They sort of live in a time warp. I will probably be one of those myself one day. Also, there are a few old guys who go around handing out candy in the stores this time of year. Of course, around here, everybody knows everybody else by face if not by name, so that may be different.

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A similar thing happened at church last week. The boys were given wooden airplanes and an old man tired to get them to look at the airplane on his belt buckle (yes, he did have one.) They were too interested in the toys to look, and we know this guy, but even so it was a little weird. Maybe it's just an old guy thing? Back from when something like that was totally innocent?



I agree with you; it's got to be an old man thing.


Sadly, my dad is sometimes the well-intentioned but freaky old man :tongue_smilie:we've gotten to where we can now give him A Specific Look and he'll stop whatever he's doing even if he sees nothing wrong with it (knowing full well we'll cover it later in private). He's not even 60 yet, so the jokes have already started flying about what kind of nut he'll become over the next decade LOL.

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:iagree: I've said this before, and I'll say it again--if my normal schedule didn't include several bored kids at loose ends, off their normal daily (and probably sleep) schedules, I'd probably say I couldn't wait for them to go back too! My own bored kids are making me crazy with requests for iPad time, TV time, messy craft time (always, ALWAYS right before we have to leave the house or right before bed :glare:), etc. On schooldays, they have things to DO. During vacation time, they're looking for ways to fill the time, and it's not always constructive :lol: I think I tend to give more leeway to those kinds of comments than a lot of HSers.


(Then again, I'm not really a "convicted" kind of HSer--if my dream school showed up on our doorstep with two scholarships in hand, they'd probably be there in minutes :blushing:)


Well, I am a convicted kind of HSer, and I totally agree. :001_smile:

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That would have been totally normal in my part of the country. We get old guys with belt buckles all the time...ones they've won (which they really show off) or ones they made themselves. It's not unusual at all and I don't think his statement makes him sound creepy or like a pedophile at all.

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Well, I can't wait for school to start again - and mine are schooled at home ! So it's not that I am eager for them to go anywhere...it's that hanging around the house being at loose ends is getting old. They are fighting a lot and getting into boredom-related mischief. On a school day I keep them busy !


:iagree:That's exactly what I was thinking. When we have our school routine, they aren't running around all day shooting each other with Nerf guns and trying to strangle each other.

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It is sad, I remember a time when just about anyone would give candy to children. I used to love to accompany my parents to markets that had stalls and shops because there was always a good haul of candy to be had.

The "old woman" we all knew (there was one in every town) used to carry a bag of it and pass it out. She was harmless, just lonely and giving kids a piece of candy was often almost the only human contact she had.


Beyond the visceral hatred I have of predators for what they do to children, I further loathe them for what they have done to us. They have made us afraid and hostile, looking for the worst in everyone.


My kids love going to the markets and getting goodies from the vendors, too. I would have had less of an issue with even just a random stranger giving them a treat if he'd not done it - literally - behind my back and then smirked at me and disappeared into the crowd when I asked them about it. It was that behaviour that set off the bells and whistles.

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Many older people are just not aware of the current stuff going on and have no idea things have even changed. They sort of live in a time warp. I will probably be one of those myself one day.

I had to tell my husband that his friendly banter with kids which included asking their name could be perceived as predatory. He was rather aghast.


It is sad, I remember a time when just about anyone would give candy to children.

I agree...in fact, I see two worlds, one in which kids are expected to greet their elders, shake hands, engage in small talk, and receive candy as gifts, and also one where everything is supposed to be so cold and clinical and strangers are dangerous. I have to teach my kids to function in both worlds.

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Although I was caught off guard the other day while listening to "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas" in a store. One line of the lyrics say, "and mom and dad can hardly wait for school to start again......"


My dd asked us recently what that line (about school starting again) meant! I loved that it didn't make sense to her! ;)

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Wierd creep guy, ick.


As for the woman and the daughter, my daughter talks my ear off. I tease her about it sometimes, in fact we have a song that I sing to her sometimes when my ears are about to fall off from her talking.


"you talk too much, you worry me to death

you talk to much, you even worry my pet.

You Ta-ah-ah-ah-ahlk, talk too much!"


But even the teasing is light hearted (she teases back because I also talk non-stop lol) I could not imagine going on and on lamenting her talking like that.


And truth be told I can't wait for school to start again, we need to get back to our routine. I am still homeschooling, but breaks of routine do not work for all kids and can drive a parent batty-er than usual, so whether kids are in public school or homeschooling, I can understand the sentiment of being eager for school to start back up. Having the daily routine in place makes a huge difference. Especially in the post hyper, too many sweets crash that comes after Christmas.

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