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Apparently dh and I have separated....we're just the last to know

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Dh and I ran a bunch of errands today including going to Wal-Mart. We ran into an old tenant there who said, "Great to see you and great to see the two of you together. I've heard so many things."


We exchanged a look and dh said, "What exactly did you hear?"


The upshot - she had heard that dh and I had separated. Apparently I was heading for the hills - maybe moving back to the US? - but I was leaving the kids with dh - they were just going to live in a different house from him.


LOL! It took awhile, but we sorted out what must have happened. For one thing, my husband has had waist-length hair for years - beautiful thick blond hair he wore in a tidy braid. Two months ago he got sick of it and thought he was going to do a huge reno project, so he shaved it off and donated it to locks of love. The braid was literally three feet long, so this was a significant change.


We believe the rumor started when people saw me walking around town with a "bald man" - a man that certainly didn't look like my husband from far away. (Who knew people were watching us so carefully!). Thus the rumor that we had split up. Everyone knows I"m from the US, so I guess it was an easy jump to add the part about me planning to leave town.


Around the same time dh cut his hair, we made plans to move to our rental property and rehab two houses next to each other for us to live in. We even purchased flooring for the project, but we discovered major problems with one of the houses, so we didn't end up doing it. The plan was to let our oldest ds's live in one house and us in the other - they were literally feet away - as a transition to adulthood with training wheels (one is in college, one is close to going). So the part about dh moving to one house and the kids (some of them) moving to the other was right....but I had planned to go with them!


The idea that I was taking off and leaving my boys (from a previous relationship) with my dh meant the rumor was spread by someone who doesn't know me in the slightest. I'm having trouble not taking offense at that part. No matter what ever happened to me and dh, I would never leave my kids. :)


It sounded like this woman had heard the rumors from several sources, though - how weird is that?


I'm not sure what unsettled us more - the story of our separation, or the fact that people are watching and talking about us to that extent!!!! Just truly bizarre.

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Someone told my mother that my father was having an affair. They saw him at the circus with some younger woman. Before my mother got too worked-up, she realized that the younger woman was me. :lol: I was 12. I admit that I looked older than I was but still. It was funny. She was certain to let the gossiper know about the mistake they made.

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My mom once told someone she knew that I had changed my name and left the country. It was a joke ( I had gotten married to DH who was in the military and we were headed to Italy). When I cam back four years later everyone either thought I was on the run from policy or had served a time in prison for a white collar crime.

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That is just so odd! After your explanation I can understand the confusion, but for it to get that far is unreal!


Like the other mom whose "dad was having an affair", mom and I went to pick up dad for lunch one day. I wasn't driving yet, but may have been about 15. I ran up to the office to get my dad. I remember what I was wearing (which is weird!) - white pants and a kit sleeveless sweater. We had lunch and then dropped dad off. Dad got back into the office to joking about the "sweet, young thing" who took him out to lunch and "what would <mom> think?" They all stopped dead in their tracks when they found out it was me!

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Oh my! Your story reminds me of something that happened to me. Not really to me, but anyway . . .


Back when dh was in the military we knew a couple; the wife had long blonde hair and glasses. Didn't know them really well, so we didn't keep up with them. Fast forward 5 years during which we were assigned to different bases. We're now at another base and getting settled in. We take ds to the park. No one was at the park, so when another car drove up we noticed. The driver looked like the guy we knew, but the woman he was with did not look like his wife. I immediately felt sad that they'd divorced and he remarried. Well, it turns out wife just got tired of bleaching her hair and decided to wear it natural--brown--and shoulder length. And she got contacts, so no more glasses.


Up close it was obviously her, but that first glance from a distance was surprising. I didn't start any rumors ;) but I can see how it could happen.

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When my sister left home to start living on her home, our uncle came to stay with us for a short while. He took over my sister's bedroom in my parents' house, since it was available.

My sister and he hooked up for lunch one day since they were both working in the same area of downtown. Now, my uncle is a high ranking judge, so wherever he goes, people pay attention to him. My sister, unused to that, asked him point-blank, if he had enjoyed sleeping in her bed for the last two weeks. :D


He actually had to explain to his boss that no, he wasn't sleeping around. (his job would have been on the line if he were), my mom and my sister had to go in and vouch for him...

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That's not an amusing rumor! I'm with you--I don't know which is more disturbing: the content or the extent of the rumor.


Sometime after dh and I were married, a co-worker--jokester type but a sweet family man and one of my favorite co-workers ever--spread a rumor around our small office that I was pregnant. Everyone came by my desk to congratulate me that day, and it took a lot to convince them that I wasn't. Only the fact that it was Tom who they heard it from finally helped my case.

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It was a surprise to me to discover that "Everyone" at a particular company I used to work for knew I was lesbian. I guess I talked too much on the online forums at that company about my best friend (who I did live with for the first five years I lived in Washington -- or thereabouts). And I didn't have any boyfriends/dates so they took a flying leap and decided what the reason must be that I was living with a girl.

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It was a surprise to me to discover that "Everyone" at a particular company I used to work for knew I was lesbian. I guess I talked too much on the online forums at that company about my best friend (who I did live with for the first five years I lived in Washington -- or thereabouts). And I didn't have any boyfriends/dates so they took a flying leap and decided what the reason must be that I was living with a girl.


This happened to my dh. He used to live with his best friend in an apartment. He didn't have a steady girl friend. Both dh and his friend wanted a Porsche Boxster, but neither could afford one alone. So each saved money for several years, and were able to buy one together. So they shared an apartment and a shiny new car. Dh also always dressed like a GQ advertisement and worked out every day. :001_smile: Right about the same time they bought the car, I came along. People at dh's work were really surprised when they found out he was dating me, and then super shocked when we got married.



Fast forward about 10 years. Same best friend was in the middle of a transition. His wife and step daughter moved to another country before he could follow. They weren't separating, but they moved before him so the girl could start school on time. The house sold quickly, so we told him that he could live with us until he could join his family. Red tape caused it take a little longer. He stayed with us for 9 months. You can imagine the neighbors talking! I joked about having two husbands. By the way, something I would never want. Having TWO men and two boys in a house equals a great big mess! My kitchen counters were never clean! :lol:

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It was a surprise to me to discover that "Everyone" at a particular company I used to work for knew I was lesbian. I guess I talked too much on the online forums at that company about my best friend (who I did live with for the first five years I lived in Washington -- or thereabouts). And I didn't have any boyfriends/dates so they took a flying leap and decided what the reason must be that I was living with a girl.






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I've had it happen to us. My in-laws were on a trip when they called us to ask if we were okay. Were we sure we were okay? Really? Yes... Well, they came rushing home early and asked us to come over. They heard from their neighbour/close friend of the family that we were separating. SMIL and I went and asked said friend more about it after we made it clear that we were not separating and we were shocked they even asked. Said friend told us that she heard about it from someone in our church, but didn't want to say who. Two and two together, it was a lady that was in Tupperware with her. Approach other church member/Tupperware lady. She heard it from another church member, didn't know the lady's name, insisted she was "hispanic-looking". There was only one hispanic family in that church, but she insisted it wasn't that one...even though it would not have surprised me, because that woman had it out for us from her first day in that church. Part of our leaving had to do with her trouble-making. So we never found out who. We did find out how though. DH was working midnights on a new and very physical job. Our apartment kept flooding everytime it rained. We had done all the local reporting, turning the management company in, everything. We were moving. But he had to sleep as he could not miss a single day of work without risking the job. I recruited two friends. An older mom, half my size and a dad from another family with a truck. The three of us managed five kids and a move while DH slept. We got him up only to move him to the new house :lol: We did all this while the IL's were on vacation. Sheesh...people just take stuff and run rampant rumours with it, ya know?

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