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Poll: How many boxes of cereal do you go through each week?

How many boxes of cereal does your family go through each week?  

  1. 1. How many boxes of cereal does your family go through each week?

    • We don't eat cereal
    • 1
    • 2 or 3
    • 4 or 5
    • 6 or 7
    • 8 to 10
    • More than 10
    • We buy unconventionally sized cereal containers, so my answer would skew the results
    • I have no idea
    • Other

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I voted 2-3, but it's usually 2, maybe 1. I buy a lot of cereal, but we don't eat it every day and some kids eat more oatmeal, cream of wheat or eggs, yogurt, etc.-- it's different every week. lol


*I edited to add that for 6 kids, 8-10 boxes of cereal per month is a lot to ME, but we might not make it through all of them. Our 5yo eats dry cereal for a snack and I let him occasionally because he's SUCH a picky eater and at least it's fortified. We don't buy very sugary cereals, either. No Fruit Loops, etc.

Edited by 6packofun
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I voted one, but it's less than that. We don't eat cereal often, but more than never. I have three boxes on top of my fridge now (where they live). I might have to toss the leftover contents of some of them to the chickens. I haven't checked lately.


Our most popular breakfast is a toasted cheese sandwich or eggs/toast when we have them (chicken dependent). Youngest likes yogurt when we have it.

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I voted "I have no idea". It varies from week to week, and no one here eats cereal on a regular basis. Dh & EK (and ER, when he's home) will eat cereal for a snack, but not usually for breakfast. I'll eat it for breakfast once in awhile, and sometimes also as a bedtime snack. Sometimes, though, we'll go for a long while when no one eats cereal at all.


I buy cereal when it's on sale for around $2 per box, or I'll buy the big bags of cereal for $3 or $4. I'd guess that we average a couple of boxes per month. The big bags last a LOT longer, so I probably only buy about 4 or 5 of those per year.

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I buy generic ("Crispy Rice" and "Toasted Oat Cereal") and it's affordable. Two of my daughters eat it with milk-- not every day though it wouldn't bother me if they did. Another daughter who is allergic to milk eats it plain. We go through occasional cereal crazes-- corn flakes were big here for a while. But no one is very interested in cereal lately.


We do eat slow cooked oatmeal, which I consider to be a cereal. Irish oatmeal is great too.

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I currently have eight boxes of Trader Joe's cereal (Raisin Bran, Granola, Joes O's, Shredded Wheat, etc) that are languishing in the pantry. Some are open and some are not. I've had these same eight boxes for probably 2-3 months.


Thankfully, we live in a very dry climate so they can be open and not go stale.


You've reminded me that I probably need to light a fire under Dh and Ds to eat it up (they are the heavy cereal eaters in the family).

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I buy the enormous boxes of cereal, and we always have 5 or 6 kinds of cereal in the house, so I'm not sure how many boxes we'd go through in a week.


All 5 of us eat cereal for breakfast every morning (except when we go out for breakfast, maybe twice a month). My oldest and I also eat it as a snack most nights and my daughter brings it to school for lunch every single day.

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I voted one, but we only have it on Sunday mornings. The rest of the week I cook oatmeal and on sat I make pancakes or waffles.

One box of cereal lasts 2-3 weeks at our house.


We cook lots of fried potatoes, eggs, oatmeal, pancakes, waffles, breakfast burritos or french toast instead of cereal.

Today's breakfast was King's Hawaiian bread french toast. I have one child and a hubby who loves a big breakfast.


Cereal usually is a late night snack if there is no dessert left. ;)

Edited by tex-mex
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I voted don't eat cereal because it's way too expensive not because my kids don't want it. If I let them eat cereal they would probably eat 8-10 boxes a week, hence the reason they don't get it. We buy oatmeal in 50 pound bags and even that only lasts us 2-3 months.


:iagree: But we buy lentils in 25kg bags and it lasts us months :) Over-carbing in the mornings isn't good for us and I like naturally occurring vitamins!




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We don't buy cereal, though occasionally we've been given some. On those occasions, I realize why I don't buy it -- my children will eat an entire box for breakfast and then an hour later, they'll be complaining that they're hungry! Oatmeal, eggs, smoothies, even good pancakes -- those satiate them a bit longer.

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We go through a large box of Os a week during that introducing-real-food stage. If a baby is eating cereal, everyone wants it. Normally a box of cereal lasts 2 weeks, and my husband is the only one eating it. We are about to finish off a box of Rice Crispies since my MIL was horrified when my children didn't know what "snap, crackle, pop" meant.


I refuse to pay more than $2 for a normal box of cereal, but I'll stash a bunch in the cupboard when I get it on sale. I won't buy the boxes that will only fill 2 bowls either.

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I eat a bowl of Kashi Go Lean maybe twice a week, when I'm dieting. Otherwise, I don't touch the stuff. (Made to eat entirely too much cereal for dinner while growing up with a clinically depressed mother and workaholic father. Yes, I have cereal issues...LOL)


But the guys in this house go through at least 4 boxes a week. It kills me, but they love it! I always feel guilty when they choose cereal on "fend for yourself" dinner nights...but they have no qualms at all about eating cereal at any time of day.

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