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Which way would you go...keeping a sick kid home.

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My dd has strep throat. Diagnosed yesterday afternoon. We started antibiotics last night.


We have Classical Conversations bright and early tomorrow morning. I'm one of only 2 helpers in our room. So, I would like to let them know today if they need to replace me.


The doctor said she would be considered non-contagious on Monday.


But, she is still running a 102.5 fever, is acting puny, and hasn't eaten today. So, the whole "24-hour fever free" rule would say to stay home tomorrow. But maybe getting a full 24 hours on antibiotics will make the difference?

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I'd plan to stay home tomorrow if she's still feeling yucky today. She might be in a better mood tomorrow, but that extra day of rest would be good.


Especially since she's still running a fever. While yes, she might not be strep contagious because of the abx, on the off chance that she's fighting something in addition to the strep, I'd just call it a day of healing and stay home.

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IMO you need to stay home. It can take 24 hrs or more to see the effect of antibiotics, but it is possible that dd has a strain that will not respond to the antibiotics she was given. If that is true, she would still be contagious tomorrow. There is no way of knowing beforehand whether the strain of strep is antibiotic resistant, and resistance is more common. I don't think it is fair to assume she'll be non-contagious, esp since you have a policy that you would have to violate because you "know better" than the policy. ;)

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I'd plan to stay home tomorrow if she's still feeling yucky today. She might be in a better mood tomorrow, but that extra day of rest would be good.


Especially since she's still running a fever. While yes, she might not be strep contagious because of the abx, on the off chance that she's fighting something in addition to the strep, I'd just call it a day of healing and stay home.


This was my gut feeling, as well.


And it is a unanimous vote.

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But, she is still running a 102.5 fever, is acting puny, and hasn't eaten today. So, the whole "24-hour fever free" rule would say to stay home tomorrow. But maybe getting a full 24 hours on antibiotics will make the difference?


No. Even if the antibiotic helps, I would definitely leave my child at home until she has been fever free without medication for at least 24 hours. The body needs rest to get well.

A kid of mine who has 102 today is not going anywhere tomorrow.

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Just incase you are still counting.....add another to the STAY HOME! for me.


Well, it's so close......


And I must not have explained the scenario well, since no one agrees with me. You just don't understand what's going on. You just don't understand me. You are ALL against ME.:crying:




Can you tell I've been in the house too long today?


I already emailed the leader that we will not be there. dh got her out for a very slow, fresh air stroll and she went about 4 houses and wanted to come back.

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Well, it's so close......


And I must not have explained the scenario well, since no one agrees with me. You just don't understand what's going on. You just don't understand me. You are ALL against ME.:crying:


:lol: At least you still have your sense of humor.


Or maybe you're just cracking up! :D

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