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Kitchen Table Confessional

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a pad of graph paper, a hair brush, colored pencils, pet stain remover, an art kit, bananas, purse, and a bowl full of decorative corn and gourds for some festivity. Do I win a prize for the most eclectic?? :tongue_smilie:


no, I think my pepper seedling and tutu win that :)

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Two stacks of books and papers that I really don't know what to do with, but don't want to get rid of, half a bottle of water, an empty cup, a bucket of pencils, my daughter's jacket, and a pair of gym shoes. No, they are not new in box. They are used.

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- Mark Kistler's Draw Squad, pencil, eraser, & a stack of paper, some with pictures (thanks, Hive, for the suggestion--dd8 loves it and left it out to do some more before breakfast)


- fruit bowl w/ bananas at banana-bread stage


- dd15's backpack, which should not be there


- The Fellowship of the Ring


- an embarrassing number of crumbs

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Beautiful tall Pottery Barn candle holders and candles. A clear glass vase with golden pears in it.:)

Oh how I wish I could have written that!


If we tried that, there would be a sleeping cat on the table and bits of beautiful Pottery Barn candle holders, shards of glass, and fragments of golden pears on the floor. :glare:

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A centerpiece ds made for Thanksgiving 2 years ago, napkins, a decorative plate, a variety of hot sauces, salt and pepper, and 3 drawings ds started but didn't finish.


It has been a lot cleaner since I started making ds clear it before and after dinner every night. :tongue_smilie:

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A blue crate filled with all of DD11's school work.

A green crate filled with all of DS9's school work.

A file box filled with most of the teacher manuals or shared curricula/books.

Four poster boards.

An empty preschool calendar.


It's the storage spot for school stuff as I pack everything else for our move in about 36 hours.

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1 pie pumpkin that I've had for two weeks and need to do something with.

1 fruit bowl with a bunch of old coupons, that I never got around to using, under the bananas.

1 bowl for depositing the fall crop of pecans as they fall out of the tree.

One used printer ink cartridge that has been on the table for over a month. I'm not sure why. Maybe I should ask dh.

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No kitchen table, but the dining room table is bare (I think). If we want to talk to the top of the school cabinet in the dining room though. . . well, that'd be a different matter :lol:


I'm slightly envious of all of you who can put seasonal decorations on your table tops. My 3 yo would view them as new toys to play with :glare:

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Ugh! - this is a constant issue - never being able to use the dining room table to dine on!!


On my:

bowl of apples



cereal (it is breakfast time) I just hope they are off by lunch!

my growing stack of papers (containing math papers to grade, mail, to-do list, etc.)


I'll end there - there is more..........

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In our current house, the kitchen table stays reasonably clear. My desk in the kitchen is another matter. :glare: Last night it finally got cleared off (other than what is supposed to be there). I'm surprised I didn't need a shovel. Books, bills, and about 100 other things that don't get put on the table but end up on my desk.

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This was an easy one. I didn't even have to go look.....I don't have a kitchen table. Or a dining room table. We have a really small house and an even smaller kitchen (of course :lol:) and the table was always just piled with junk. We never, ever could sit at it. There wasn't room for everyone to sit around it anyway. Finally I just got sick of it and realized that if it were out of the kitchen....I'd have a lot more room in there. So, ds and I hauled it on out of there. But....I really wish I did have a bigger house and I could have a clutter-free kitchen table that we all could sit at to eat, play board games or cards...... *sigh*

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This was an easy one. I didn't even have to go look.....I don't have a kitchen table. Or a dining room table. We have a really small house and an even smaller kitchen (of course :lol:) and the table was always just piled with junk. We never, ever could sit at it. There wasn't room for everyone to sit around it anyway. Finally I just got sick of it and realized that if it were out of the kitchen....I'd have a lot more room in there. So, ds and I hauled it on out of there. But....I really wish I did have a bigger house and I could have a clutter-free kitchen table that we all could sit at to eat, play board games or cards...... *sigh*


So where do you eat?

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So where do you eat?


We don't eat.

Yes......we eat. Usually we don't have everyone here at once to eat together. We eat in the living room. Not ideal...but that's how it works here. We have some desks in the living room and that serves as a place for some to eat. We also have a counter with a couple of bar stools (it's not like a regular kitchen counter but has an overhang for stools under it). The kitchen and the living room are basically one huge room with the counter in between.

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