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What do you call your DH?

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I call him Daddy or Mister (or Mr. Pants).

He calls me Momma.


Even in public, though I try not to, because it is kind of weird. I figure we have a few years before it's really strange (DD is 3 and we're getting another one in April), but by that point it will be such a habit we won't care.

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I usually call him by his name, but when we were first married I called him "sweetie" all of the time. Until the day when a group of friends heard me and thought I said "susie" and all made fun of me. Apparently I have really bad diction and I felt silly so I dropped it right then.


He usually calls me Felic. It's the only nickname I've ever had.

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i call him kenny or KK (for his first and last initials). i would say my tone changes more than my phrasing. my best friend says my voice is higher and more like a little girl when i talk to my husband, lol. we are very affectionate and loving to each other, but we very rarely call each other hon, babe, sweetie, etc. the only time we usually use that type of term would be if we were a little irritated and trying to be more polite. i.e. "babe, you forgot to take out the trash".

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Honey, Babe or the name he goes by to everyone else. Sometimes I call him first and last name together. I'm not sure why, but it probably has something to do with having a name like Amy and going by my first and last name togetherreallyfast throughout school.


He calls me Amy except when I call him on the phone, in which case he answers "Hello, Beautiful," and that still melts my heart. :001_wub:

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He is "squitch" and I am "squitcha". Over the years, this word (and it's feminine counterpart) evolved from the word "sweetie":


sweetie --> sweestie --> dusweestie --> dusquatch --> squatch --> squitch


Squitch has stuck for almost a decade now, so I think it is done evolving...


Upon occasion, we use momma and poppa to address one another (say, 20% of the time, esp in public). :)


Oh, and "Adonis" when I want something!

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We have pretty much never used first names for each other. We both called the other Baby for the first several years we were together, so I still revert to that some of the time. But these days I am more likely to call him Love, My Love, or Sweetie. (I only use his first name when I need him to get to me quickly, like when there's a spider or other icky-crawly thing!) He calls me Love, sometimes Sweetie, and my favorite, "lassie" (said in a wicked Scottish accent with a certain twinkle in his eye). :svengo::001_wub:

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I never, ever use dh's real name when addressing him, only when I am referring to him while talking to someone else.


I call him "Babe" when getting his attention, and "Sweetie" in replies. As in, "Babe, do you want iced tea or juice?" "Iced tea, please". "OK, Sweetie, comin' right up!"


Don't really know how that happened, but there it is.

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Then, we use "dear" with a tinge of annoyance or sarcasm.


"Dear" is a fighting word in my family. Just reading that bit of your post made me bare my teeth!


I usually call him Pilch. He was in a silly mood one day while making up an Amazon account, so registered himself as Richard Pilchard Lastname. Sometimes Rich or Richie, sometimes DUDE!!! or Hey! Husband Type Person!


Usually he calls me Rosie, but sometimes he calls me Rina, which is short for Pilcherina. It's not a very pretty name. :001_huh:



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Hey... most of the time. As in, "Hey, can you grab the diaper bag for me? Thanks!" I also call him "one e" and he calls me "two e". That's how we kept the spellings of fiancé and fiancée straight when we were engaged. If I use his name it freaks him out for some reason, but he uses an abbreviation of mine all the time.

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I call all of the men/boys in our house honey so sometimes a honey I wasn't talking to answers. Otherwise I use husband, spouse, or daddy. Rarely, I use his given name. When speaking to him I use his full name but, when speaking about him to someone else I tend to use the shortened version of his name.


He calls me honey, mommy, lady, or woman.

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I mostly call him Gorgeous, Darling or Daddy (in front of the kids), sometimes it's Beautiful (which I also call the kids, among lots of other things) or Sexy (not in front of the kids). Occasionally I use 'My dear Mr Familyname', Lord and Master, or other jokey ones. He usually calls me Gorgeous, Beautiful, Wife or sometimes 'Office B*tch' (because I do his bookkeeping and nag him if he hasn't recorded the info I need to bill the clients).

I am actually trying to get into the habit of calling him by his name, but it feels weird because I really haven't for years!

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I used to always call him honey or hon, but then started calling my kids that so I had to come up with other things. I will occasionally call him Pook (as in Pookie bear which is something I called him when we first started dating)


I use Matt most of the time which is his typical nickname.


Now my kids are

Everett is called Ev or Bud mostly, but occasionally monkey butt

Annika is called bean or beanerella (dh said she looked like a bean on the U/S)

Lucas is almost always called Bubba, not sure why, he just seems like a Bubba. Don't ever call him Luke or he'll give you the stink eye.


DH mostly calls me Kel which is what my mom shortened my name to (I'm actually a Kelly, but if she ever called me that I was in deep doo doo)but occasionally he'll call me hon.

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Divorced now, but I was always Daniel, which no one else has called me in my life, or "Dear." She was usually "Dearie" or a shortened version of her name.


My parents have been married for 49 years. My dad still calls my mother "Chickie" and she calls him "Muff", which is short for Muffin, which is short for Studmuffin. :lol:

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If kids are around it's Dad or Daddy. Otherwise it's honey, baby or the first letter of his name "j". I don't often say his whole name. Strangely he never calls me by me my name it's always honey or baby. The only time he says my name is if he it's talking to someone about me. It's weird to hear him say it sometimes lol

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