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Morning sickness

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For my own morbid curiosity. It's kind a poll question, but I think everyone is polled out right now.


I tried to stop my morning sickness cocktail (Unisom and b6) yet again at 19 weeks. Unsuccessfully. This child is quite a pill. :) So, how long did morning sickness last for you?

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First pregnancy: 20 weeks, second-third-fourth pregnancy: 9 months.


And this was whole-day-whole-night-every-day-I'm-too-ill-to-do-anything-"morning" sickness. My baby is 9 months now and if I think back to this last pregnancy I'm still almost ready to cry. It was bad.


I hope you are starting to feel better soon!

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1st pregnancy - didn't have morning sickness....just a very tiny bit of queasiness here and there.


2nd pregnancy - I was sick from about 6 weeks until 15 weeks. I threw up sometimes. Sometimes I felt fine. Most times I felt queasiness.


This pregnancy - I felt like I was going to die in the beginning. I was pretty much on the couch from 6 week to 13 weeks. Always nauseous, nothing sounded good to eat, threw up often. Ick....SO glad that is over with.

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#1 - 5 months. Lost weight. Threw up a minimum 3 times per day with my record being 18 and then dry heaves.


#2 - 3 months


#3 - 3 months


#4 - 9 months of nausea, but very little actual vomitting.



I know there are women out there that have these pregnancies where they glow, their skin is wonderful, they seem so happy, so content....I am the cranky, pale/ashen blob with the feint greenish tinge. Pregnancies are hideous on me. Giving birth is a no brainer. It's the end of a lot of suffering. I hate being pregnant.



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:grouphug::grouphug: I have a very limited experience with it and it was not fun.



For me: almost 3 weeks with my first. No morning sickness at all for the other 2.


My lil' sis: Shortly after conception-birth with all 3. IIRC, she was barfing during delivery with #2. By the time she was pregnant with her 3rd, she decided to take the prescription meds (it was offered for the other 2, but she declined).


I hope you get some relief soon. :001_smile:

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#1 - faintly queasy, only threw up once when I was fed undercooked bacon.


#2 - what I thought was morning sickness turned out to be the flu.


#3 - Queasy on and off, peppermint to the rescue.


#4 - Same as #3


#5 - current - Oh. My. Word. Sick morning and night. Went away around 14, 16 wks, and nausea is now back (35 wks tomorrow). Hyper, hyper, hyper sensitive sense of smell, completely over reactive gag reflex.

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I've taken hg meds all three times.


1 Took meds the whole time. At about 7 months I was able to reduce the dose, but could not stop completely.


2 Took meds until 5 months when homeopathy fixed it and I stopped meds


3 Homeopathy didn't work. Still currently taking meds at max dose at 6 months. Several weeks ago I missed a dose and felt horrible for the next week. No more trying to reduce for me. Just grateful to be getting closer to holding my baby. :)

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For my own morbid curiosity. It's kind a poll question, but I think everyone is polled out right now.


I tried to stop my morning sickness cocktail (Unisom and b6) yet again at 19 weeks. Unsuccessfully. This child is quite a pill. :) So, how long did morning sickness last for you?


Only the first trimester - you poor thing. I hope it goes away soon! I do know one woman...oh, wait - that falls into the "stories you don't tell pregnant women" category!


Feel better!

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1st pregnancy: All 9 months, last bout being while I was giving birth. Needed HG meds just to keep water down. Severe food aversions. Lost weight.


2nd pregnancy: About 7-ish months. Need meds daily in order to keep food down, but I am able to eat and drink. Severe food aversions continue though. But! I've gained weight this time. :)



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I have to take unisom and B6 until I give birth.


With my first, the midwife wanted me to stop at 20 weeks. I wasn't throwing up anymore but I felt rotten the entire pregnancy. The second child was the same way after I quit taking it at 24 weeks. With the third and fourth, I just took it all the way through and felt much better.

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For child #1: Morning sickness ended once I learned to (1) eat in small portions, especially before getting out of bed in the morning and (2) avoid ALL forms of fast food and junk food. Even later in the pregnancy, and after months of no vomiting, I suffered dire consequences for sharing a sandwich from Wendy's with Loverboy.


Child #1 craved greens: spinach, kale, swiss chard, collards. How the heck do you cook those things? I learned.


Child #2: I was nauseous the ENTIRE PREGNANCY. I nearly threw up the "anti-nausea" drugs on the C-section surgery table.


Saltines and ginger should have calmed my stomach, but still made me vomit. The THOUGHT of taking any sort of pills (including pregnancy vitamins) made me yarp...so the doctors finally put me on Flintstones chewables.


Gum worked, but I had to have it handy at all times. Even while chewing gum, I would start to hurl, so I would have to hustle to put extra gum in my mouth to beat the nausea before natural consequences ensued. My record is 11 pieces of gum in my mouth.


The good news: My nausea suddenly disappeared near the end of last November. :D

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#1 - I was sick until 6 months along and threw up about 2x day.


#2 - I was sick until 5 months along and sometimes threw up 10x day ~ it was the absolute worst. I think it was worse because I had a two year old to take care of so I wasn't able to take it easy.

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With the first, I had it for the first four months or so, but in the late afternoon and at night rather than in the morning. It was replaced by heartburn in the evening, which was still an improvement. With the second, I didn't have it at all except for some occasional bouts of nausea brought on by yucky smells.

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#1 ds six months, felt better about 4 pm


#2 dd seven months, round the clock


No #3!!! I grabbed dh by the tie after work and told him to not let me do it again even if I begged!! I threw up every single day. I see pregnant women out and about and think??? how do they do that???

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#1 was 4 months of throwing up and nausea.

#2 was 3 months of nausea and exhaustion but no throwing up.

#3 was 2 months of nausea and exhaustion.

#4 was 3 months of nausea and exhaustion.

#5 was 3 months of nausea and exhaustion.


Except for the first one, I've gotten off pretty easy. I feel great by 3 or 4 months of pregnancy and never have complications. But I have very long, painful labors to make up for it. ;) #5 was 22 hours of hard labor and I was pretty annoyed about that- I thought labors were supposed to get shorter with the more kids you have.

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