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Please, SHUT my cat up

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He's not sick. He's healthy and spry. No injuries. He just won't SHUT UP.


He's orange. The vet said orange males talk a lot. Ok, but ALL the time? :confused: And, in the wee hours of the morning? He's either sleeping, eating, or talking.


Can I train a cat to shut up? :001_huh:

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a small amount of catnip helps here when Kitty gets chatty at night....


LOL yep, just get kitty stoned so he will go off to his happy place. LOL That really cracks me up. Your kind pet owners to keep him in a good stash! :lol:

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Train... a cat? Hahaha. Aren't you aware that it's the other way around? He runs the home and you are but his servant. I betcha he laugh in your face, and then orders you to pet him and fill his food bowl, loudly and verbosely.


Yup, pretty much it! :lol:


a small amount of catnip helps here when Kitty gets chatty at night....


Ahhhh, yes! I have some growing in the back! AWESOME!


LOL yep, just get kitty stoned so he will go off to his happy place. LOL That really cracks me up. Your kind pet owners to keep him in a good stash! :lol:


:lol: Lol, kind pet owners...snerk.


Wish I knew a solution. Mine yowls for a good five minutes every time she uses the catbox. I checked with the vet to make sure she wasn't telling us something hurt and he assured us she's fine. She's just bragging.


Bragging? Animals are...weird. :D

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Train... a cat? Hahaha. Aren't you aware that it's the other way around? He runs the home and you are but his servant. I betcha he laughs in your face, and then orders you to pet him and fill his food bowl, loudly and verbosely.


:lol: Spoken like a true cat owner...oops I meant spoken like one who is owned by a cat.

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"Orange cats talk more?" That is ridiculous! Siamese cats talk more...but orange is just a color, not a breed! Vets can be so stupid about some things! :(


Okay - how old is your cat? Is he neutered?


If he is young and un-neutered, he is probably smelling females in heat outside your house (even if he lives inside)!


If he is older and neutered and you have had him for a long time but he has never acted like this before, your vet needs to check his thyroid...now!


If he is young and you just got him recently, he is probably still adjusting to your home and his new surroundings. He also may be missing his kitty friends. Cats do better in pairs, as a general rule.

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My kitty does this. The vet said Valium. I thought he was kidding or he meant for me. He wasn't kidding about it for the kitty.

I didn't take the RX for kitty but some nights, I'm ready to!


I agree on the loneliness idea! She cries far more when the kids go out of town and she paces around the house in circles. It's weird. It's also one of the only time she does it.

Edited by jannylynn
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Train... a cat? Hahaha. Aren't you aware that it's the other way around? He runs the home and you are but his servant. I betcha he laughs in your face, and then orders you to pet him and fill his food bowl, loudly and verbosely.


:lol: Sounds like my 1/2 ragdoll kitty who is attached at my hip.

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"Orange cats talk more?" That is ridiculous! Siamese cats talk more...but orange is just a color, not a breed! Vets can be so stupid about some things! :(


Okay - how old is your cat? Is he neutered?


If he is young and un-neutered, he is probably smelling females in heat outside your house (even if he lives inside)!


If he is older and neutered and you have had him for a long time but he has never acted like this before, your vet needs to check his thyroid...now!


If he is young and you just got him recently, he is probably still adjusting to your home and his new surroundings. He also may be missing his kitty friends. Cats do better in pairs, as a general rule.


Had him since a kitten, and yes, neutered. As he got older, he got chattier. :glare:


At least I'm not alone!!

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I have an orange male cat. He is quite the chatty little bugger. We got him and his brother, who is gray, when they were about 8 weeks old. Orange kitty has always been the more vocal of the two. Heaven forbid his food bowl ever being empty. That cat could wake the dead with his demands.:lol: And don't move the food bowl either.


I have accepted my place as a vassal to Lord Kitty.

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I have an orange male cat. He is quite the chatty little bugger. We got him and his brother, who is gray, when they were about 8 weeks old. Orange kitty has always been the more vocal of the two. Heaven forbid his food bowl ever being empty. That cat could wake the dead with his demands.:lol: And don't move the food bowl either.


I have accepted my place as a vassal to Lord Kitty.


YES! the empty food bowl! Heaven forbid, I'll be woken up out of a dead sleep to fix that.

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YES! the empty food bowl! Heaven forbid, I'll be woken up out of a dead sleep to fix that.


:lol: Mine will actually jump into bed and sit on my head if he thinks I have slept too long, especially if his bowl is empty.


He did kill a mouse the other day. I guess I will keep him.:tongue_smilie:

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Train... a cat? Hahaha. Aren't you aware that it's the other way around? He runs the home and you are but his servant. I betcha he laughs in your face, and then orders you to pet him and fill his food bowl, loudly and verbosely.

I disagree. Cats can be trained. When we had cats we also lived/owned/opperated an assisted living facility. We had the 2 cats and 2 dogs. NO pets were allowed in the kitchen. I repeat non, no, nada. My cats were better about it than the dogs.:lol: We had one dog that like to push the limits. The cats never went in the kitchen, and never got on any of the tables. When they were kitties I kept a spray battle stationed at every area so I could easily grab on and I spritzed them if they even thought about it. They were no problem.


It can be done.

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For those with hungry, noisy cats (and without other creatures who will interfere), try this: SlimCat Interactive Toy and Treat Dispenser. My friend swears by them (she has four cats, and four dispensers, and this is the only way she feeds them. I bought some, too, and my cats eventually figured them out...but so did my Golden Retriever pup. :001_huh::lol: (I gave the dispensers I'd purchased to my friend.)


I also have four cats; they're not noisy, really, but one of them is rather wicked and when he attacks one of the others, I hear their yowl from anywhere in the house. He's not getting better - in fact, he's getting worse - and I think I might have to ask the rescue folks if they can help me find him a household without any other kitties (or a house with another cat who would be willing to stand up for itself!).


As for catnip - my gosh, but I do love to watch a cat who's had a bit o' the nip! :tongue_smilie:

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I was last night. 3:12 AM. I went downstairs and filled the bowl with kibbles wondering exactly when it was that I had apparently lost my mind. :lol:


Me too! Two nights ago, after being awaken by our cat at 3 AM, I checked the food bowl, water dish, and made sure the door to the basement (litterbox area) was open. Slaves, we are to these animals! :lol::tongue_smilie::glare:

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My in-laws had a cat who just never shut up. She was a black and white bi-color. Sweet cat, but good grief, she was noisy. She had a litter of kittens and one of our friends took one of them. It was just as noisy as mom. :)


We had two cats that were littermates. We always called the female the "silent kitty". She never, ever talked. Her brother died a few years ago and the female has become very vocal and bossy ever since. We figure he was the alpha, and once he was gone, she could assert herself. She's not overly talkative, but when she wants your attention, she goes straight to LOUD! Being woken up at 3:00 AM because she wants out is no fun.


I love cats. They are all so different, and have so much personality. :)

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I have a 13 year old male cat who is not overly talkative normally. He goes through phases where he likes to talk a lot at night time. I am a light sleeper so this is a problem. I started using a sound machine at night and that solves the problem, unless he decides to come into my room at night, which he started doing.


I started keeping two old Reader's Digest magazines on my night stand. If he comes in and starts talking, I fling one across the room in his general direction, not with the intent of hitting him but just to scare him (fortunately my dh sleeps through anything; he never even hears the cat!). Sometimes he comes back for a second try but I have never needed more than two. This normally breaks him very quickly from being chatty in my bedroom at night. Once he is trained, he normally stays away for a while...but then he will try it again eventually. But then I normally just have to pick up the magazine and, when he hears the pages rattle, he runs away. ;)

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My male cat cries at night unless he is locked in the room with ds (15) and ds (13). He loves to come up to my room in the attic but our three female cats don't like him and attack him if he comes near them. I told my husband he would cry less if we got him a kitten as a friend. he won't go for my brilliant idea though. :001_huh:

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