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Core F here with 3rd and 5th grade boys. We are off to a rocky start with the EHE/journal pages. I am completing it mostly with my boys because it is difficult to find the answers to the questions at times even for me. They are not able to complete it independently. We like the readalouds, and the boys like the readers, though.

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Core F here with 3rd and 5th grade boys. We are off to a rocky start with the EHE/journal pages. I am completing it mostly with my boys because it is difficult to find the answers to the questions at times even for me. They are not able to complete it independently. We like the readalouds, and the boys like the readers, though.


Did you do E before this? Will you keep pushing forward if it stays difficult?

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We're using a customised Core 3/D & the first 1/2 of Core 7/H - SOTW3 is the history spine holding all this together .

I switched out quite a few book and added in a heavy NZ flavour ;)


We only have a few months left to go of this combination and then it's summer break for us (yay!!!) with a new start in Feb 2012. We'll be reading through Core E and the other 1/2 of Core H, using SOTW4 as our spine.

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We've used SL since Preschool and love it. It is the best part of our homeschool. We are doing core F this year and it is going very well and has been a lot of fun. I was a little nervous about this core since people seem to either love it or hate it.


I did a lot of reading on the SL boards about it last year and came to the conclusion that the problem with the current EHE is that the World Book continues to be updated every year since the EHE was designed (2006), but the questions in the EHE have not been. This leads to people being very frustrated with trying to find the answers.


Because of that, I bought a 2006 IG, EHE and World Book cd-rom. I don't know if the problem could be solved just by using the 2006 World Book rather than the most recent edition, but my 4th and 6th graders haven't had any trouble finding the answers in the EHE and they both even seem to enjoy doing it.


The other complaint I've heard about the more recent editions of Core F is that there is no spine so the reading feels disjointed. I hope someone will correct me if I am wrong, but the 2006 version schedules readings of the World Book as the spine and there is a clear beginning and ending for each country or continent we are studying. If the current version does not do that, I can see where that would make things feel disjointed.


We are going to continue with SL at least through Core 100. After that, we'll have to see. I'm not as thrilled with what I see in the upper Cores other than the literature in Core 400.



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We just started core F but with a 9th grader. Although the books are at a much younger level (adding in several grade appropriate title and other readings) I am finding the EHE to be perfect as a spine. He is at an age where he knows how to find things on the computer which is causing him to read lots of interesting things about the country he is studying.

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Did you do E before this? Will you keep pushing forward if it stays difficult?


Yes, we did Core 4/E last year. This is our fourth year with SL, and it has always worked well for us.


It is my understanding that this Core is a very unique one, both due to the set up using the encyclopedia on CD and the fact that it is somewhat advanced. I think it would be great for a slightly older student. I knew this going into it, and I was/am willing to help them do the research. We are picking and choosing which pages to do, and I dont' require all of the mapping activities. My biggest complaint is that the answers to the journal pages can be very difficult to find, at times impossible. If I can't find them, then that is a problem.;) However, the material is interesting, and I am quite willing to adapt it. It bothers me a bit that we are not getting the full benefit, but I don't think that is possible without more help from me, which I am not able to give at this point due to time constraints.


I do plan on using SL next year, and I think that will be a completely different experience.

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We've used SL since Preschool and love it. It is the best part of our homeschool. We are doing core F this year and it is going very well and has been a lot of fun. I was a little nervous about this core since people seem to either love it or hate it.


I did a lot of reading on the SL boards about it last year and came to the conclusion that the problem with the current EHE is that the World Book continues to be updated every year since the EHE was designed (2006), but the questions in the EHE have not been. This leads to people being very frustrated with trying to find the answers.


Because of that, I bought a 2006 IG, EHE and World Book cd-rom. I don't know if the problem could be solved just by using the 2006 World Book rather than the most recent edition, but my 4th and 6th graders haven't had any trouble finding the answers in the EHE and they both even seem to enjoy doing it.


The other complaint I've heard about the more recent editions of Core F is that there is no spine so the reading feels disjointed. I hope someone will correct me if I am wrong, but the 2006 version schedules readings of the World Book as the spine and there is a clear beginning and ending for each country or continent we are studying. If the current version does not do that, I can see where that would make things feel disjointed.


We are going to continue with SL at least through Core 100. After that, we'll have to see. I'm not as thrilled with what I see in the upper Cores other than the literature in Core 400.




Interesting feedback, Lisa. The Core does feel a bit disjointed, but that is not really my issue. It is more with the finding of the answers for the journal pages. The readalouds and readers chosen are very good so far, and my boys are enjoying them. Your idea of using older versions of the IG and the journal pages was a good one.

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We are doing Core 7/H this year. We did 6 last year, and 3+4 and 100 the year before that. I am a huge SL fan! Unfortunately, they don't have what I want for high school at all, so I'm making my own 2 year American history for the next two years. After that, I plan to do Core 400, then I'll be down to one child. I don't know what I'll do with DD the last two years. Core 300 is one option but I wish there was a high school world history class in addition to the four classes they have now so there were more possibilities.

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Interesting feedback, Lisa. The Core does feel a bit disjointed, but that is not really my issue. It is more with the finding of the answers for the journal pages. The readalouds and readers chosen are very good so far, and my boys are enjoying them. Your idea of using older versions of the IG and the journal pages was a good one.


Carol, I wonder if the EHE has been updated at all (other than to make it more visually appealing) since 2006. Hopefully, someone else can say, but if not, I'm sure SL could tell you. If that is the case, I would think using the 2006 World Book might work well with the current version. I got mine off of ebay.



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We've used Cores Prek-F mostly as is (I did swap out MOH for CHOW in Cores B and C). So many great books! F is the only one we didn't thoroughly enjoy.


Then we did an eclectic lit-based combo of MOH 1 with half of Core G & some other books last year. This year I split my kids (we've always combined up to this point, but my oldest is in highschool & wanted to branch out on his own!), so my 9th grader is doing Core 100, and my 7th grader is continuing with MOH 2 and the rest of Core G.


So far, we're having a wonderful year!


Merry :-)

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I am using MFW Adventures with my little one and Core D+E for my older and it is working out BEAUTIFULLY! I really feel like I have my groove now. I think this combo is perfect for both kids. My older is a major reader, so SL is a perfect fit for him, and Adventures keeps the two together while being more suited for my little one.

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This will be my 4th year of Sonlight and each year I seem to do more. ;) This year I'm balancing:


Pre 4/5 (2nd half stretched out over the whole year. I add in the Handle on the Arts supplement)


Core B Read-Alouds + CHOW. If I finish with CHOW then I'll add in some of the other culture books.


Grade 3 Readers + the LA


Science B


Core D w/ advanced readers




Science D


Core H (LA included)

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we've used P3/4 through core F, this being our first year with the latter. i'm doing F with a 5th and an 8th grader, but the 5th grader isn't doing much EHE. he is doing the choose your adventures and looking on a bit, but w/ his reading disability, he's just not there yet. so far we are really enjoying it. i'm also doing core 1 w/ my 1st grader, and 3/4 and 4/5 books with my 2yo and 4yo. i've had the grass is greener syndrome a couple of times (MFW) but for the most part have always done SL. i'm addicted.

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Carol, I wonder if the EHE has been updated at all (other than to make it more visually appealing) since 2006. Hopefully, someone else can say, but if not, I'm sure SL could tell you. If that is the case, I would think using the 2006 World Book might work well with the current version. I got mine off of ebay.




I'm not sure, either...it might be something to look into. Thanks for the tips.:001_smile:

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we've used P3/4 through core F, this being our first year with the latter. i'm doing F with a 5th and an 8th grader, but the 5th grader isn't doing much EHE. he is doing the choose your adventures and looking on a bit, but w/ his reading disability, he's just not there yet. so far we are really enjoying it. i'm also doing core 1 w/ my 1st grader, and 3/4 and 4/5 books with my 2yo and 4yo. i've had the grass is greener syndrome a couple of times (MFW) but for the most part have always done SL. i'm addicted.


Doing just the choose your adventure would be another option. I've had to let my boys be a bit more independent the past couple of weeks due ot crazy schedules, and they are not able to get much accomplished on their own with the EHE pages...so this would be an option. They both enjoy writing reports on the computer.

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We are using SL E (with some WinterPromise added) and are throughly enjoying the readers and read-alouds. I am having to read some of the readers aloud and find easier selections for ds though. He seems to have "stalled out" on reading skills. Has anyone else encountered this type of "reading skill plateau?"

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I'm still trying to get used to the new letter system. Every time someone says they are using core G, I have to go through the whole order in my head (k is a, one is b, two is c, etc).


Yes!! Me too!! I don't feel like I'll ever get it :glare: .



I seem to have Core E fixed in my head as the old Core 5 :tongue_smilie:and I really have to stop & tha.ink.


(While I enjoy the majority of their book selections .... I do wish SL would just stop switchin' numbers and letters around ;))

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I seem to have Core E fixed in my head as the old Core 5 :tongue_smilie:and I really have to stop & tha.ink.


Probably because it feels like it should be E for Eastern Hemisphere ;) .

I still call them by their numbers at home. The kids wouldn't know what I was talking about if I started spouting off letter names ;)

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I am using Core W with my 13 yo dd. We have substituted a Prentice Hall Text, Patterns of World History, for Child's History of the Worls and Usborne W/H as she used those books when she was little :D. The Patterns book is PERFECT for her, very readable, and fits in with the core beautifully.


We are enjoying the LA component and I also bought the lesson plans and lapbook for Apologia General Science. I can't say she likes that book...she doesn't, so we will deal with it.


I used this core with my oldest when she was 13 and it was called SL6 I think? She loved this as well....



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We are using Core P4/5 for my 4yr old. We love it although we find the reading to be a bit on the light side. So we started reading extra books. So far we added in the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and have made it part way through The Horse and His boy, and have finished The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (which I realized is in Core K after I started reading it). I'm trying really hard to hold off on starting core K til next year just so we're not spending so much money.

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We're doing Core F, Eastern Hemisphere. Oh my, we are having a wonderful time! We've been burning a coconut candle on the table each day for school time, and playing Hawaiian music on Pandora. I did my research all spring and summer, and heard all the potential pitfalls of this core. I decided that we would do the EHE together and learn things with no frustration. It's become more of a game to us, and it's been great. We're doing the 4 day schedule, so Fridays are light, with time for *current events* and *worldview*, science, and finishing up anything left undone. Last Friday we wrapped up the Pacific Islands with a luau. Dd 13 did the cooking of sweet and sour pork, tropical fruit salad, and baked fresh coconut. Dd 12 made a volcano model and read her report. Then we all tried to learn to hula to the song 'Little Brown Gal'. What a hoot! So much fun. I love this core so far, and plan to keep our energy up throughout the year with fun things. They are learning a ton.

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We're doing Core F, Eastern Hemisphere. Oh my, we are having a wonderful time! We've been burning a coconut candle on the table each day for school time, and playing Hawaiian music on Pandora. I did my research all spring and summer, and heard all the potential pitfalls of this core. I decided that we would do the EHE together and learn things with no frustration. It's become more of a game to us, and it's been great. We're doing the 4 day schedule, so Fridays are light, with time for *current events* and *worldview*, science, and finishing up anything left undone. Last Friday we wrapped up the Pacific Islands with a luau. Dd 13 did the cooking of sweet and sour pork, tropical fruit salad, and baked fresh coconut. Dd 12 made a volcano model and read her report. Then we all tried to learn to hula to the song 'Little Brown Gal'. What a hoot! So much fun. I love this core so far, and plan to keep our energy up throughout the year with fun things. They are learning a ton.


That's good to hear! I keep going back and forth on whether we'll do core F next year. Do you, or anyone else who has used it, feel that it's still worthwhile even if I am planning on skipping most of the missionary books?

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We're using core E (4) and B (1). Core E as is, but my 7 yr old was not enjoying core 1, only tolerating it, so I switched to SOTW w the SL readers and read alouds and that seems to be working much better for him.


I have used K, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 100, and 300 over the years. I love the lit SL chooses but there are other aspects I don't like as well. It works well for us overall.

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Agreeing about the letter names. I think it is because A is the first letter of the alphabet...so core A should be core 1.


We've used P3/4, P4/5, A, B+C, D, and E. Then we switched to MFW for CtG and RtR. Next year we will be using Core 7 (H). I just picked up a used TM from 2008 along with a bunch of the books. Then we plan on using the SL highschool cores. I love the heavy literature emphasis in the hs cores and now they have been revamped and are supposed to be easier to use. I also like the fact that writing assignments are included. That is one subject I struggle to be consistent with. We are excited to be going back to SL again. And now that I've gotten a used TM, I realize that I can indeed order used cores and piece together the set for a whole lot of savings. There are only 2 books that have been swapped out since the 2008 TM came out.

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I'm still trying to get used to the new letter system. Every time someone says they are using core G, I have to go through the whole order in my head (k is a, one is b, two is c, etc).


Me too! And at first I had decided I would refuse to use the lettering system, especially since the whole reason for it was to make people realize that Core # does not equal grade level and then Sonlight designed grade level sets (based on Core #) at the front of their catalog! I've now resigned myself to being more flexible (but I still don't like it). :tongue_smilie:



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We've used Cores Prek-F mostly as is (I did swap out MOH for CHOW in Cores B and C). So many great books! F is the only one we didn't thoroughly enjoy.


Then we did an eclectic lit-based combo of MOH 1 with half of Core G & some other books last year. This year I split my kids (we've always combined up to this point, but my oldest is in highschool & wanted to branch out on his own!), so my 9th grader is doing Core 100, and my 7th grader is continuing with MOH 2 and the rest of Core G.


So far, we're having a wonderful year!


Merry :-)


Hi Merry,

Did you find it fairly easy to swap MOH for CHOW? Did everything still flow fairly well?


I am considering using MOH with my son and using the SL booklist to go along with it. Is that kind of what you did, or did you order the whole shebang and then just do a flat out substitution with MOH? TIA!

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We're doing Core F, Eastern Hemisphere. Oh my, we are having a wonderful time! We've been burning a coconut candle on the table each day for school time, and playing Hawaiian music on Pandora. I did my research all spring and summer, and heard all the potential pitfalls of this core. I decided that we would do the EHE together and learn things with no frustration. It's become more of a game to us, and it's been great. We're doing the 4 day schedule, so Fridays are light, with time for *current events* and *worldview*, science, and finishing up anything left undone. Last Friday we wrapped up the Pacific Islands with a luau. Dd 13 did the cooking of sweet and sour pork, tropical fruit salad, and baked fresh coconut. Dd 12 made a volcano model and read her report. Then we all tried to learn to hula to the song 'Little Brown Gal'. What a hoot! So much fun. I love this core so far, and plan to keep our energy up throughout the year with fun things. They are learning a ton.


Wow, Ginger, you are really ambitious! That sounds like a lot of fun.



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We're doing Core F, Eastern Hemisphere. Oh my, we are having a wonderful time! We've been burning a coconut candle on the table each day for school time, and playing Hawaiian music on Pandora. I did my research all spring and summer, and heard all the potential pitfalls of this core. I decided that we would do the EHE together and learn things with no frustration. It's become more of a game to us, and it's been great. We're doing the 4 day schedule, so Fridays are light, with time for *current events* and *worldview*, science, and finishing up anything left undone. Last Friday we wrapped up the Pacific Islands with a luau. Dd 13 did the cooking of sweet and sour pork, tropical fruit salad, and baked fresh coconut. Dd 12 made a volcano model and read her report. Then we all tried to learn to hula to the song 'Little Brown Gal'. What a hoot! So much fun. I love this core so far, and plan to keep our energy up throughout the year with fun things. They are learning a ton.


You're doing it the way I WISH I could!:D

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We're doing Core D this year, but I modify it so much it doesn't really look that much like SL anymore. We do read most of the books, but I add in a lot of videos and audiobooks. I ditch anything that strikes me as evangelical, don't do the writing assignments or memorization and I'm pretty sure my commentary would make John Holtzmann's hair stand on end (a lot of his has this effect on me). ;)


I do like having a general roadmap and ready-to-go library on the shelf for history. It's well worth the cost of buying a used IG and books for me.

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I am doing Core 3 (I have no idea what letter it is) with a year 2000 IG I bought used about 5 years ago. I am doing this with my 6th, 3rd, and 1st. I debated on getting a newer IG with all the questions, but I feel it is much more flexible without them. I have an entire shelf of American history books because the first time around I did WP American History.


I am also doing Core H with my oldest. I bought just the IG new this year. I originally thought I would have him do his own read alouds, but I have enjoyed reading all the read alouds so far and my 6th grader gets to listen also. Oldest is not doing the LA portion, but I do require him to prepare a written paragraph every day on what he has learned. This may not seem like much to some of you but it is a big leap for this kid.


I have been reading to Core 3 material after our lunch break, and I read to the oldest at night.

Edited by Blossom'sGirl
I forgot what grade my youngest was.
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We're doing Cores B and F, as noted in my siggy. :) We've also done A, D and E in years past.


The Core F we're using is the 2006 version that doesn't have the EHE in the IG as part of the core at all. Apparently it was an add-in that didn't come with my used package. However, I did buy the brand new 2011 World Book DVD and we have been following our IG instructions with the daily readings in the WB. For me, the WB readings are what really feels like our spine, and my DD is really enjoying it. It's a totally interactive program, so she can click on subjects to dig deeper, and highlight what she thinks is important. It's working very well for us to use this IG as is, and I'm glad I decided not to spring for an EHE, as we're really enjoying the core so far.

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We're doing Core F, Eastern Hemisphere. Oh my, we are having a wonderful time! We've been burning a coconut candle on the table each day for school time, and playing Hawaiian music on Pandora. I did my research all spring and summer, and heard all the potential pitfalls of this core. I decided that we would do the EHE together and learn things with no frustration. It's become more of a game to us, and it's been great. We're doing the 4 day schedule, so Fridays are light, with time for *current events* and *worldview*, science, and finishing up anything left undone. Last Friday we wrapped up the Pacific Islands with a luau. Dd 13 did the cooking of sweet and sour pork, tropical fruit salad, and baked fresh coconut. Dd 12 made a volcano model and read her report. Then we all tried to learn to hula to the song 'Little Brown Gal'. What a hoot! So much fun. I love this core so far, and plan to keep our energy up throughout the year with fun things. They are learning a ton.

This is how my dd and I did this core. We did the EHE together the best we could and didn't stress about it. We had lots of fun with each Country. Our favorite core by far!!

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You're doing it the way I WISH I could!:D


:D You can! The best thing I learned doing Konos for years is to let the kids do most of the work and clean-up (shhhhh ;) ) At the beginning of the week, when they pick their 'adventure', I check on their planning/progress every day. Their imagination gets in gear and they get excited about it. It makes the sit-down work easier when there is some activity to balance it. One easy thing I am doing is putting some kind of cultural centerpiece on the dining/school table. Last week was a coconut candle and sea shells. This week is Australia, so I got a cheap *ocean* candle to burn, and glittery tropical fish statues I spied at Goodwill. I also try to get into the mindset of the future topics so I can notice goodies when I'm shopping. I was wandering in a little consignment store a few weeks ago, and saw a couple of big bags filled with tropical party decorations for 3 bucks. I snagged those quick for the luau, grass skirts and all! Also at Goodwill I found a VHS tape about New Zealand of all things. The Lord provides. So, at my advanced age ;), this is one way I feel younger lol. Have fun and don't stress! No better memories than sitting down with your sweet kids and sharing a wonderful book...or filming your dh doing the hula. :lol:

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I am doing Core 3 (I have no idea what letter it is) with a year 2000 IG I bought used about 5 years ago. I am doing this with my 6th' date=' 3rd, and 1st. I debated on getting a newer IG with all the questions, but I feel it is much more flexible without them. I have an entire shelf of American history books because the first time around I did WP American History.


I am also doing Core H with my oldest. I bought just the IG new this year. I originally thought I would have him do his own read alouds, but I have enjoyed reading all the read alouds so far and my 6th grader gets to listen also. Oldest is not doing the LA portion, but I do require him to prepare a written paragraph every day on what he has learned. This may not seem like much to some of you but it is a big leap for this kid.


I have been reading to Core 3 material after our lunch break, and I read to the oldest at night.[/quote']

Michelle, your post caught my eye since were doing the same cores ... do you have a plan of what you may do after core H?

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