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What time does school start at your house?

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Our "schedule" has always said 8AM, but I'm pretty sure we rarely start before 9, so I spend every day feeling "behind."


It's occurred to me that I should just write 9 on the schedule, lol, but...that's so...late.


I remember in a previous thread on the old boards, some of you start school in bed. Dh brings you coffee, dc bring their books. I kind-of like *that* idea, lol.

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We're out of school right now, summer break for another few weeks. But ds (7) would start right after breakfast. He's my early riser so he may start school by 7:30. He's usually up by 6:30, breakfast by 7.


The girls get up and read in bed. They start by 9, often earlier. But if they complain about how long they go after lunch, I simply tell them to get started earlier.

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We aren't morning people. We rarely wake before 7:30 (save for my husband. He's been known to mow the lawn at 6:30am). Often we're having coffee in bed and watching the morning news shows until 8:30.

We generally have a book open around 9am, and can often be found eating breakfast *during* the first lessons of the day.

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it depends on which kid. some of them start the night before. it is not unusual to have them doing their math or reader the night before. they all know what is expected of them each morning, it is up to them to start early enough to get it all done. one starts at 7.00, the next at 9.30. one doesn't get up until 9.30, then gets straight into his work, and gets everything done by 12.00, and eats breakfast and lunch together.

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DH gives the girls breakfast at 7:30. Then I hs dd #1 from 8-8:30. Then dd #1 and I do some more work right after lunch while dd#2 naps. That is mostly me reading to her and her reading to me from 1-2ish. This has been our practice year and I hope to keep a similar schedule this summer bumping it up in the fall a little..but not too much. She will only be in K.:)

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When we're on schedule, we try and get going by 8:30 or so. Sometimes 9 if I'm dragging. Dc wake up around 7 and pull dh out of bed to fix them breakfast shortly after. I sleep a bit longer or just hang out in the peace of an empty bedroom till 8 or so. Dh leaves for work between 8 and 8:30 most mornings, so that's when I take over. But, if they're playing really sweetly, I'll push back start time some days.

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I was really good about getting up in the beginning of the year...by 7 kids up by 7:30-8 start school at 9:00


But...I think after our month off for Dec. we switched to getting up at 9:30-10 and sleeping in late!


We usually eat breakfast at 9-10 or so...then start working by 11 and then the monsters want to eat at 12:00 again for lunch when dad comes home!!! Ahhh. They want to eat all day. Then they start school again by 1:30-3 or so or whenever they finish!


Next year I PLAN on getting up at 8 and starting at 9-9:30 or so as that is more reasonable for them.

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Usually around 1pm-2pm...that is when everyone gets up! NT


What time do you all get to bed, Tammy?


My sister used to keep that sort of schedule. I am certain she still does on weekends. We plan all of our family gatherings for Sundays after 3pm so she'll be there. :D

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Well, my schedule says 8:30...:lol: We rarely got started before 9am all year and now that there is a newborn in the picture...:lol: Let's just say the dc are lucky to SEE mom before 10am! My dd11 is VERY independent and she will get started by 9am all by herself. My boys are a different story. They secretly pray that mom doesn't get out of bed so they don't have to start school. :glare: Typically, they will start around 10am now, work til noon and finish anything they haven't completed after lunch sometime. We are focusing on core subjects now. History and Science have long since fallen by the wayside. We'll pick back up in July. Next year, my plan is to start at 8am. Again...:lol:

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Our "schedule" has always said 8AM, but I'm pretty sure we rarely start before 9, so I spend every day feeling "behind."


It's occurred to me that I should just write 9 on the schedule, lol, but...that's so...late.


I remember in a previous thread on the old boards, some of you start school in bed. Dh brings you coffee, dc bring their books. I kind-of like *that* idea, lol.


I used to do that too and I got tired of feeling behind all the time. Now, I decide when we need to be done for the day and let it take a more natural course. Of course, I only have 1 dc and he's able to work pretty independently.


Hope that helps. Just releive yourself of the pressure. It takes whatever time it takes. That's what you're there for. I also decided to fit the rest of my/our life around homeschooling since I consider that my greatest priority.

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LOL....Well my kids technically go to bed around 10:30 or 11:00pm....but....they read until who knows when, but....I don't care because I stay up late also, and I like to sleep in. I usually go to bed around 1am or so....sometimes later. I am usually up by 11am. I have always needed a lot of sleep. When I was a little child....my mother never had to tell me to go to bed...I went to bed when I got sleepy...which was way before anyone else :) I really like that schedule....it gives me time to get up....and do some things around the house before they get up. I like my mornings :)

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Usually around 1pm-2pm


Yay for Tammy!


School time? You're supposed to set a time?! Just kidding . . .


We've always been good on this in the past. I even used to get up before my kids. When they were babies, we had a pastor who would drop in on members of his congregation, so we had to be up and dressed with a pastor-ready house by eight, maintain that until eight at night, or be prepared to face the gossip monster. That trained me to jump out of bed.


Lately, like just this past month, that has all gone out the window. My nearest religious authority is two cities over, and all of my friends are hippies and anarchists who don't get up before noon.


I relaxed when I realized that Latin and math has become a habit. At a certain point in any day, enough caffeine has been ingested to make my mind perk up and go, "Oh, hey, let's do school, guys!" It's now natural.


We do yoga and devotionals sometime before noon, but lately we've been starting with Latin and other tablework at around 1-2pm. Reading in the content areas and maintenance on the kids' projects gets done before Latin but that's not because those are more of a priority. It's easy to say, "Hey, go check your tomatoes and chart it," or read aloud to the kids, after one cup of tea, but I have to wait until after brunch for math. Even 5th grade math.

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I remember on the old boards someone posting that they began school at 5:30. That would be 5:30 a.m. As in the early morning. As in before the sun rises. As is only Marines are awake.


Umm, hello? No one should be awake at 5:30. Ever. Unless you are in the military and have to carry really big guns and protect people. ;)


I am so not a morning person. My boys usually get up between 7:30 and 8:00. School usually begins around 9:30-ish.

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Umm, hello? No one should be awake at 5:30. Ever. Unless you are in the military and have to carry really big guns and protect people. ;)


Oh, I so tried to rep you for this. It says I have to spread it, though. :glare:

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Umm, hello? No one should be awake at 5:30. Ever. Unless you are in the military and have to carry really big guns and protect people. ;)





My dad gets up at 4:30 to get to the gym. I told him once that I get up at same time, but I go to the bathroom and go right back to bed. Like any sane person would. :D

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I get up at 6:30, boys get up at 7am and we usually start school by 8:00 or 8:15 (even now during the summer). We would rather finish earlier than later. During the summer schedule our goal is to be done schooling by lunchtime (12:30), and the boys take an hour break between 10-11.


Summer schedule looks like this (roughly):

8:00-10:00: Reading, Math, journal & handwriting (they do these while I do a read-aloud)

11:00: History/Geography, Science

12:30 Done!



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Oh, I so tried to rep you for this. It says I have to spread it, though. :glare:


Me, too. But I don't know why. I don't think I've given her any good rep lately. For that matter, I haven't given her any bad rep, either. :D

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Weeeellllll, ours says 8, also, but during the winter months, that's rilly, rilly hard on dark days. We often do compromise by starting in bed. In fact, this past year, my son got started doing his work on my bed during the winter and carried it right through to the end of the year! If I changed the schedule to 9, we'd just want to stay in bed until 10, so I might as well leave it at 8 and try my best for that time, LOL....

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Since I'm schooling one child, we have a bit more wiggle room than other families. We usually get up and have quiet time with morning devotions, fun reading, etc. By the time we sit down to do some actual studying for the day it is 10:00 am. I am always trying to start earlier, but it seems we have a groove goin'. If we have plans in the afternoon we try to start sooner, or eat lunch while studying -- whatever is needed to fit everything in for the day.


Now that summer is here we will take classes outdoors, have more field trips, etc. and who knows what kind of schedule that will end up to be. I'm excited though. This is our first summer of homeschooling and I know it is going to be fun.




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Me, too. But I don't know why. I don't think I've given her any good rep lately. For that matter, I haven't given her any bad rep, either. :D


A-HA! It was you! You negative repper you!:lol:



I can't give you any because I am all out. Apparently, I put out too much.;)

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Weeeellllll, ours says 8, also, but during the winter months, that's rilly, rilly hard on dark days. We often do compromise by starting in bed. In fact, this past year, my son got started doing his work on my bed during the winter and carried it right through to the end of the year! If I changed the schedule to 9, we'd just want to stay in bed until 10, so I might as well leave it at 8 and try my best for that time, LOL....


Nope. The schedule has absolutely no effect on us. In fact, only one dc *can* tell time.


I'm the problem. Ds7 is up by 4:45 in the winter, 6:30-7 in the summer. I get up at 8. It's just what I do. I'd need the threat of a water gun or something to get up earlier. Then I'd get the water gun & its assailant &....nevermind.


But I can't really sleep much later, & I prefer not to get up too much earlier. 7:30 might be early enough to make me feel virtuous w/out being so early as to make me a cannibal.

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My son starts his school before I get up (now that I have sleeping meds to help), around 5:30-6am. My daughter starts "whenever" and it goes in phases. Right now, she's in a 9am phase. As long as they get done what they are supposed to, I don't really care though if "you" expect me to be available after 3pm, you better tell me ahead of time.

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early enough to make me feel virtuous w/out being so early as to make me a cannibal.


LOL. It's hard to find that perfect balance, isn't it? My children wake up moving at high speed, mouths and bodies. If they were slow, quiet children in the morning, I maybe could handle more sooner. But dh has the amazing kind of ears that can tune out chatter of all sorts at any hour, so he does breakfast, thus preserving their little lives for the day. :D I wake up in quiet, let them use the words they stored up ALL night long on him, and then we can deal.

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10-ish. Emphasis on the ish.


When we're in a good groove, we start at 9. My older kids are aware of how much better the day goes when they get up early, and start school early (yes, starting school by 9 is early!!). We're all aware of that. Doing it, however ... we're all night owls.

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We start at 11:30, lately it has been noon. Ds and I are not morning people!!! I get up early, but, well don't talk to me until the coffee kicks in. Ds likes to sleep in until about 8.


I'm glad to hear there are a few other late starters. I need time to get my brain organized before I start teaching.

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We have to start first thing or we just don't get anything done.


Here's our morning schedule:


7am - everyone up, rooms cleaned, dressed, etc. Then they go down to eat.

7:30 - boy number 1 begins violin practice (other kids finish eating, clean kitchen, etc.)

8:00 - older dd (12) begins Latin, French, and anything she needs to finish up.

8:30 - boy number 2 begins violin practice. Boy number 1 then gets his independent work and begins.

9:30 - This is when I feel school really begins. We sit down together for Bible, memory, science reading, geography, and Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends (it hasn't worked, yet).

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My kids are 9, 6.5 and almost 3. All of them go in their rooms at 8 but only the little guy falls asleep before 12. I'm usually up til 1 or 2 and get up about 9-9:30 My little guy likes to play with his thomas trains in the morning and will usually wander out to find me about 9:45. The older 2 usually get up about 10:30. We tried going to bed earlier and getting up earlier but it's just not us and we would all be cranky. My mom then said "You are a homeschooler who says school must be done in the morning" We switched the next day and it's been great. I also found that less people call my house between 1 and 4 pm so then I don't have the distraction of the phone ringing during school hours.

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Formerly, the kids would get up by 8 and play for an hour or so before breakfast, then we would start right after breakfast, about 10, and be done (including lunch and breaks) by 1-2. However, they've been playing together so well lately that we often don't start until 12 or 1... or 2. I'm loath to do anything to interrupt playtime "flow" state.


If we've got afternoon plans, we do it the old way.

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I'm up before 7, kids up between 7-7:30 for breakfast.


Breakfast can drag on for a while, especially if dh and I start talking, but we're usually done and cleared by 8. High school dd leaves for school at 8:25.


I help the boys get ready for the day and they do their chores, then they play until 9(ish) while I shower. We used to start at 8:30, but they finish their chores more quickly if dawdling cuts into play time.



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I remember on the old boards someone posting that they began school at 5:30. That would be 5:30 a.m. As in the early morning. As in before the sun rises. As is only Marines are awake.


Umm, hello? No one should be awake at 5:30. Ever. Unless you are in the military and have to carry really big guns and protect people. ;)


I am so not a morning person. My boys usually get up between 7:30 and 8:00. School usually begins around 9:30-ish.


I'm a night owl. My hubby had to go in at 4:30 am TWICE this week. To me? That is just crazy talk.


Still, I get up between 7 and 7:30, feed the kids and we usually manage to start school by 9.


And if I had a pastor who "dropped in" at 8 am I would GIVE those people something to gossip about!!

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About 8:30, give or take a few minutes. DD, 12, dives into her Teaching Textbook math on the 'puter while I drive one kid to school. Then I throw in a load of laundry and perhaps get a few licks in on the kitchen while she finishes math and does her silent reading. After that, we both get together for the rest.


She is usually done between noon and 1:30 - depending on how much time some subjects take (writine can eat up a LOT of time!)

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Almost everyone here has been up since 6:30am, so why not start early? My older boys start school with or without me. They know the schedule and what to do. I'm the only one who's not a morning person...I usually make it on time, but not always.


My boys also get as much schoolwork done as they can when I'm sick. I don't get sick very often, but it's nice to know that I can count on them to try their best so that we don't have a lot of catch-up work to do. I really have great kids.

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Ds and I do Bible and literature together. DD reads next to us, and then she and I do literature together. Yes, we drink tea or coffee.


Then I do a variety of things to start the day (shower, email, etc.) and we meet again downstairs for school. We start studying again at 9 or 9:30. Starting the fun stuff in bed erased all the guilt for being so slow to get going in the mornings. It's a special, cuddly kind of time.

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I have really liked our schedule this year. Dd and I are usually up by 8am, so she and I spend that first hour together, doing whatever. Sometimes it is schoolwork (like today), or sometimes just hanging out. My boys, however, like to sleep a little later. They are usually up by 9, and get started soon after. My youngest works near me, and my oldest is very responsible to get his work done on his own timetable

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