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My life inside the menagerie or I need a new home!

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So, there is this boy. He turns 13 in a week. He has reddish blond hair, dimples, freckles, long eyelashes, deep dark blue eyes, very cute...according to dh I actually birthed this child. I am not convinced. Some other woman has my normal child, and after a switcheroo at the hospital, I was given a mutant child, an abnormal, psychotic, reptile loving child.


This child owns a leopard gecko lizard. As reptiles go, it is probably the least offensive next to terrapins and turtles (which I do have an affinity for). I live in the house with it. I do not approach it, look at it most of the time, or acknowledge its existence, except for when IT (THAT CHILD) asks me to purchase more crickets. The crickets are ugly and creepy so I am okay with their consumption as long as I don't have to watch.


IT has been begging for another reptilian creature. Something else to obsess over in his reptile infested mind. I have held firm. I have stayed the course. I have not budged.


Dh BOUGHT HIM A CHINESE WATER DRAGON FOR HIS BIRTHDAY!!!!! It was bad enough he had been begging, cojoling, weedling, weasling, for a bearded dragon....something still on par, more or less, with a gecko....at least something that cannot be described as "a snake with legs". But, A CHINESE WATER DRAGON! (Think, snake-like long tail.)


They were on sale at Petsmart where we went to pick up Lewis' flea treatment. Since I recognized that I was probably doomed to life in prison without hope of parole for murdering dh in public, I instead retreated into some sort of zombie catatonia while the transaction occured. However, I came out of my mental malaise upon hearing the wretched, evil, sadistic sales associate say these words, "It can grow to be 4.5 FEET long." I know I visibly gagged. I'm shocked I didn't actually just throw up all over the the guy. If I had, he would have deserved it. THIS IS NEED TO KNOW INFORMATION!!!! THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN DISCLOSED PRIOR TO SWIPING THE DEBIT CARD!!!


I plan on getting the name, address, and phone number of the wretched twerp. He may be called as a material witness on my behalf at my trial.


The wicked creature is now installed in a 30 gallon aquarium (which apparently isn't exactly big enough and will have to be upgraded to a 40 as soon as dh can find one on craigslist) with a lid of dubious quality in ds's bedroom. Personally, I do not believe that I can trust my safety and security to an enclosure manufactured in China. I want something from NATO, something from NASA... or those SETI people who are preparing to meet cannibalistic aliens. THAT'S the technology I want...the kind of lid that's operated by hydraulics and was Pentagon approved.


Sigh....I just wanted you all to know. If dh ever lets him get an iguana or GOD FORBID, a snake, one you is taking me in! I'm serious! I will run away from home and you all better decide whose getting stuck with me and make room. I coming with a Petrof Baby Grand piano - Mahogany Chippendale finish - my favorite pair of mating ducks, one sterling Yamaha flute, one piccolo, a stack of classical music, and LOTS of quilt fabrics.



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Ball pythons actually make quite nice pets. :) My so-called friend told my dd this when she was begging me for one, and I was :glare::glare::glare:. But y'know, she was right. I don't mind the snake at all. Very, very easy to take care of, and no crickets. (Just a rat every couple weeks or so... but I don't have to feed and maintain said rat - I refuse to own a pet that requires me to raise and breed and feed a whole 'nother species to feed it...)


We went on a field trip a while back to a reptile breeders, and now my other dd wants a lizard. Sigh. Although she sometimes still yearns for a giant millepede, a snail or a hermit crab. :confused: So far I have managed to put her off...

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Dh BOUGHT HIM A CHINESE WATER DRAGON FOR HIS BIRTHDAY!!!!! It was bad enough he had been begging, cojoling, weedling, weasling, for a bearded dragon....something still on par, more or less, with a gecko....at least something that cannot be described as "a snake with legs". But, A CHINESE WATER DRAGON! (Think, snake-like long tail.)



You're a gifted writer. I found you post VERY entertaining! :tongue_smilie:


I'm sorry. About the quote above: What an AWESOME hubby you have! Do you know how COOL I think it is that you hae a CHINESE WATER DRAGON? Have you SEEN those wonderful creatures in action? WAY cool! Especially if your ds has the capability of producing an environment in which it will thrive!



As for your hesitations about it all? Your fears? I'm sorry! I don't know what to tell you! BUT, I think you're a WAY COOL mom to allow him to keep it!!!:thumbup1: Most mom's wouldn't.


The ONLY thing I don't think I'd allow in my home would be some GInormous bug of some sort. Hissing cockroaches from ........ where are they from? Scorpions, tarantulas. I'd :svengo: But a CHINESE WATER DRAGON? :drool5::001_tt1: Your son and your dh will always remember that you supported this. If you do!


I'm sorry I'm not more understanding.:tongue_smilie:



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My kids who want reptile and arthropod pets are girls. What is going on here? What are the lovely fuzzy cats we already have not sufficient? :tongue_smilie:


domestic cats are the #1 predator. I think you need to balance that with some wonderful, prey-type reptile. :tongue_smilie: Just be careful because reptiles require a VERY special and SPECIFIC environment, one most people can't replicate.


I believe Faith's son is consulting on this.:lol:

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domestic cats are the #1 predator. I think you need to balance that with some wonderful, prey-type reptile. :tongue_smilie:


No prey here, our reptile is a predator too. We wonder who would win, the constrictor or the feline? We make sure we keep them well apart so we don't have to find out. :D


Just be careful because reptiles require a VERY special and SPECIFIC environment, one most people can't replicate.


The python has been quite easy to take care of. A heating mat, a heat lamp, a cool side of the tank and some water, keep bedding changed. Don't even have to feed him daily (or often, weekly). I think I may have found a pet lower maintenance than a cat, and that's saying something.


Now, the lizard my other dd got all cuddly with at the reptile breeders - I was actually considering it, as they didn't cost all that much and they don't need crickets or other particularly exotic or expensive food. Until they told me about the special lamp they needed so that their bodies would make a certain vitamin or enzyme or something, or they'd die. And of course the lightbulbs for said lamp cost $60 and only last a few months. Um, nope.

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So, there is this boy. He turns 13 in a week. He has reddish blond hair, dimples, freckles, long eyelashes, deep dark blue eyes, very cute...according to dh I actually birthed this child. I am not convinced. Some other woman has my normal child, and after a switcheroo at the hospital, I was given a mutant child, an abnormal, psychotic, reptile loving child.


This child owns a leopard gecko lizard. As reptiles go, it is probably the least offensive next to terrapins and turtles (which I do have an affinity for). I live in the house with it. I do not approach it, look at it most of the time, or acknowledge its existence, except for when IT (THAT CHILD) asks me to purchase more crickets. The crickets are ugly and creepy so I am okay with their consumption as long as I don't have to watch.


IT has been begging for another reptilian creature. Something else to obsess over in his reptile infested mind. I have held firm. I have stayed the course. I have not budged.


Dh BOUGHT HIM A CHINESE WATER DRAGON FOR HIS BIRTHDAY!!!!! It was bad enough he had been begging, cojoling, weedling, weasling, for a bearded dragon....something still on par, more or less, with a gecko....at least something that cannot be described as "a snake with legs". But, A CHINESE WATER DRAGON! (Think, snake-like long tail.)


They were on sale at Petsmart where we went to pick up Lewis' flea treatment. Since I recognized that I was probably doomed to life in prison without hope of parole for murdering dh in public, I instead retreated into some sort of zombie catatonia while the transaction occured. However, I came out of my mental malaise upon hearing the wretched, evil, sadistic sales associate say these words, "It can grow to be 4.5 FEET long." I know I visibly gagged. I'm shocked I didn't actually just throw up all over the the guy. If I had, he would have deserved it. THIS IS NEED TO KNOW INFORMATION!!!! THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN DISCLOSED PRIOR TO SWIPING THE DEBIT CARD!!!


I plan on getting the name, address, and phone number of the wretched twerp. He may be called as a material witness on my behalf at my trial.


The wicked creature is now installed in a 30 gallon aquarium (which apparently isn't exactly big enough and will have to be upgraded to a 40 as soon as dh can find one on craigslist) with a lid of dubious quality in ds's bedroom. Personally, I do not believe that I can trust my safety and security to an enclosure manufactured in China. I want something from NATO, something from NASA... or those SETI people who are preparing to meet cannibalistic aliens. THAT'S the technology I want...the kind of lid that's operated by hydraulics and was Pentagon approved.


Sigh....I just wanted you all to know. If dh ever lets him get an iguana or GOD FORBID, a snake, one you is taking me in! I'm serious! I will run away from home and you all better decide whose getting stuck with me and make room. I coming with a Petrof Baby Grand piano - Mahogany Chippendale finish - my favorite pair of mating ducks, one sterling Yamaha flute, one piccolo, a stack of classical music, and LOTS of quilt fabrics.




I'll take you! My dd would love the piano, I play both flute and piccolo, wish I could quilt and I live on a farm! It's a match if you ask me...oh and my ds no longer owns his snake :D


I actually don't mind most little critters....but there will not ever be any of Charlotte's 8 legged relatives or friends around here! Uh, Uh, No way! :willy_nilly:

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one you is taking me in! I'm serious! I will run away from home and you all better decide whose getting stuck with me and make room. I coming with a Petrof Baby Grand piano - Mahogany Chippendale finish - my favorite pair of mating ducks, one sterling Yamaha flute, one piccolo, a stack of classical music, and LOTS of quilt fabrics.




ME! ME! ME! I stake my claim on you , NOW!!


My oldest just asked for a baby grand for christmas, she wants to play the violin, but she'll make do with anything someone can teach her. and we are currently working on 4 quilting projects strewn across the dining room table..


oh oh oh and we have a pool!!!



you're mine!!!!


Robin in NJ

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I am glad I have a girl.


:glare: My 7yo dd asked dh for a pet lizard while they were visiting his parents, and he promised she could have one when they returned home. I was shocked when I found out, and more than a little annoyed.


The gecko joins the corn snake (which, IMO, absolutely wins the 'easiest pet' contest), the parakeet, 2 outside cats, 4 inside cats, 4 indoor/outdoor dogs, and 8 chickens.


I did research the lizards and narrowed down choices to those a) recommended for beginners, and b) those which didn't grow very much. The gecko was the winner.


I hate having to maintain a separate cage for the crickets - it is such a hassle. OTOH, the snake eats frozen pinkies ~ they're really sad to see, but they're also the easiest to store: you just need a smidge of freezer space. :tongue_smilie:

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The hubster bought it, huh? Were it my family, I would tell said hubster--the one good with the tools--to fix that cage so it is escape-proof. Not just I think it might be good enough. Or else...


Here's why:


She talking about her alpha CWD, Rogue, who does the following:



Eating the inedible! We must be very careful around here not to leave anything that can fit in Rogue or Forrests mouth laying about! Rogue loves white objects! oatmeal that enters the viv when crickets are dropped in, white tack covers on one piece of furniture, the fridge, the stove, the wall, doors, small pieces of paper ... believe me, if it's white she is attracted to it and will try to taste it!


Take for example, the day I walked into the living room to find Rogue happily chewing on, and swallowing, <gasp!> one of the white ties on her human heating pad! She had actually swallowed about 1 foot of tie! I don't know what she was planning to do when she got to the heating pad! I had to carefully pull it out of her mouth and throat! Yuk! No harm done- Rogue was fine, and the tie was sopping wet!


Rogue has also been seen chewing on white electrical cords (note to all owners- watch your dragons carefully and try to hide potential hazardous materials from your dragons!), stereo ear phones, large marble eggs, shiny bolts in door ... plastic plants! you name it, she's tried it! It is not cute when she does this- it is scary! We are very careful to not leave things out that might interest her ... but god only knows what she gets into when we are not watching! Be very careful, watch your dragons carefully, because if your dragon does eat something that is not digestible (even bark or repti-litter substrate!)
it can become lodged in the intestine and cause a blockage. This is a very serious medical condition that if left unattended could kill your dragon.

Surely the man would understand the heartbreak of losing your birthday dragon!


I'm glad you have a sense of humor regarding the critters.




ETA: sorry for the very bad punctuation in the quote. Apparently the owner of the reptiles supplements the usual diet of mice and crickets.

Edited by Valerie(TX)
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Of all the reptiles I had growing up, the water dragons were probably the cleanest, smelled the least, was the friendliest, and never bothered trying to escape. And they never did get nearly as big as was claimed, GodzillaDragon will not be taking over your house any time soon :lol:

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So, there is this boy. He turns 13 in a week. He has reddish blond hair, dimples, freckles, long eyelashes, deep dark blue eyes, very cute...according to dh I actually birthed this child. I am not convinced. Some other woman has my normal child, and after a switcheroo at the hospital, I was given a mutant child, an abnormal, psychotic, reptile loving child.


This child owns a leopard gecko lizard. As reptiles go, it is probably the least offensive next to terrapins and turtles (which I do have an affinity for). I live in the house with it. I do not approach it, look at it most of the time, or acknowledge its existence, except for when IT (THAT CHILD) asks me to purchase more crickets. The crickets are ugly and creepy so I am okay with their consumption as long as I don't have to watch.


IT has been begging for another reptilian creature. Something else to obsess over in his reptile infested mind. I have held firm. I have stayed the course. I have not budged.


Dh BOUGHT HIM A CHINESE WATER DRAGON FOR HIS BIRTHDAY!!!!! It was bad enough he had been begging, cojoling, weedling, weasling, for a bearded dragon....something still on par, more or less, with a gecko....at least something that cannot be described as "a snake with legs". But, A CHINESE WATER DRAGON! (Think, snake-like long tail.)


They were on sale at Petsmart where we went to pick up Lewis' flea treatment. Since I recognized that I was probably doomed to life in prison without hope of parole for murdering dh in public, I instead retreated into some sort of zombie catatonia while the transaction occured. However, I came out of my mental malaise upon hearing the wretched, evil, sadistic sales associate say these words, "It can grow to be 4.5 FEET long." I know I visibly gagged. I'm shocked I didn't actually just throw up all over the the guy. If I had, he would have deserved it. THIS IS NEED TO KNOW INFORMATION!!!! THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN DISCLOSED PRIOR TO SWIPING THE DEBIT CARD!!!


I plan on getting the name, address, and phone number of the wretched twerp. He may be called as a material witness on my behalf at my trial.


The wicked creature is now installed in a 30 gallon aquarium (which apparently isn't exactly big enough and will have to be upgraded to a 40 as soon as dh can find one on craigslist) with a lid of dubious quality in ds's bedroom. Personally, I do not believe that I can trust my safety and security to an enclosure manufactured in China. I want something from NATO, something from NASA... or those SETI people who are preparing to meet cannibalistic aliens. THAT'S the technology I want...the kind of lid that's operated by hydraulics and was Pentagon approved.


Sigh....I just wanted you all to know. If dh ever lets him get an iguana or GOD FORBID, a snake, one you is taking me in! I'm serious! I will run away from home and you all better decide whose getting stuck with me and make room. I coming with a Petrof Baby Grand piano - Mahogany Chippendale finish - my favorite pair of mating ducks, one sterling Yamaha flute, one piccolo, a stack of classical music, and LOTS of quilt fabrics.




My dh caught 2 garter snakes several weeks ago. While trying to figure out what to do with them, ds9 convinced him they'd make great pets. I thought dh was kidding, so I told him to name them Sodom & Gomorrah. Then I realized they were building a lid for an aquarium. Dh informed me they'd be kept in the shed. I told dh I would never go in the shed again. Dh told me how ds9 was so cute and convincing. I told dh I was serious. I mow our lawn, and the lawnmower is in there. So is my weed whacker. And any tools I might need for small home repair projects. They were on their way out for the evening, and I told them I would need the lawnmower, but it looked like it might just rain, so it needed to be brought to the patio. Dh asked if he could just leave it right inside the shed door so I wouldn't have to go in, and I said not if he wanted the lawn mowed. He then realized how serious I was, talked to ds9, and they took Sodom & Gomorrah with them and released them at a creek across town.


We also had a salamander for awhile that I treated much like you treat the gecko.


All this to say, I'm so sorry. ::shudder::

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When I was dumb and naive (in college) I bought my science-lovin' 15 yr old sister a pet alligator. In retaliation my mom got my husband a ball python when we were engaged. Thankfully (in my opinion) it didn't survive to the wedding. :tongue_smilie:

I currently don't have a lot of pets, I just collect kids it seems. They are dirty and stinky enough for me. :lol:

And I am hoping that the snake-fascination trait hasn't passed on to our stinky brood. ;)

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I naively thought she was going through some sort of 'Tom boy' stage and told her she could get one for her 13th birthday if she still wanted one then.


Fast forward 3 years... a few weeks before dd's 13th birthday she asked when we were going to order her lizard! DH laughed and reminded me how I got myself into that mess...


On DD's 13th birthday Drako the bearded dragon arrived in the mail (we chose to go through a professional breeder instead of a pet shop). It was a shock to find out he needed 20 or so crickets EACH DAY! I gulped and put my first online order in for 500 crickets... he kept growing and my next cricket order was for 1000 (only $1 more than the box of 500!). Luckily adult bearded dragons eat mostly vegetables (we also raise/feed silkworms and feed superworms and canned crickets).


A few years later we picked up a second bearded dragon who was left on the doorstep of our local pet shop. She was HUGE (22 inches long) and 'mostly dead' according to our vet. Our vet had become fascinated with bearded dragons and agreed to help me 'save' this beast (for my middle dd who was turning 13!). Lizard-Bella thrived under my syringe-feeding care and soon blossomed into a beautiful yellow dragon. She was permanently maimed (could not move her feet/toes) due to poor care by her original owners. She lived out the rest of her life happily in dd2's bedroom (we had her 4 more years).


Drako and Bella aged together (different rooms and separate 75 gallon aquariums). They both passed within a few weeks of each other. I was so ready to sell the set ups on Craigslist when I was 'tricked' into getting 2 more bearded dragon babies!!!


Bob and Tobey are now adults (2 years). Bob's mom just moved away for college-- no lizards in the dorms. Bob is now MY lizard (until dd2 gets an apartment!). I'm moving him into our computer room (where I work) so he will not be lonely.... He Skypes with his 'mom' almost every day. DH is thinking of setting up a 'Bob-cam' so dd2 can view her baby any time she wants.


Youngest dd is almost 10-- she told me she can't wait until she is 13 so she can get a bearded dragon of her own!!!!

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I actually don't mind most little critters....but there will not ever be any of Charlotte's 8 legged relatives or friends around here! Uh, Uh, No way! :willy_nilly:


Not in my house either. I'm still trying to destroy the ones that come in naturally.:glare: And so far dh and I have agreed to no reptiles, but maybe turtles. We're also okay with amphibians as long as they can be safe from the Minion (cat).


I really like cute furry animals. G is already asking for a dog.

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Apparently, your fear of reptiles has a name: Herpetophobia. :D


Here's an article on how to overcome it, if you're so inclined: http://www.changethatsrightnow.com/fear-of-reptiles/how-to-overcome/


I have a reptile-loving ds but, thankfully, my older brother cured me of herpetophobia when I was quite young!


Good luck, reptiles can live a very long time.

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So, there is this boy. He turns 13 in a week. He has reddish blond hair, dimples, freckles, long eyelashes, deep dark blue eyes, very cute...according to dh I actually birthed this child. I am not convinced. Some other woman has my normal child, and after a switcheroo at the hospital, I was given a mutant child, an abnormal, psychotic, reptile loving child.




I coming with a Petrof Baby Grand piano - Mahogany Chippendale finish - my favorite pair of mating ducks, one sterling Yamaha flute, one piccolo, a stack of classical music, and LOTS of quilt fabrics.




And you wonder why I read your posts, I had to read this one again due to your untimely encounter with said creature. :lol:


By the way, we do cats, dogs, and bunnies. We are girls. As a matter of fact, we "girlied" dh too. No reptiles of any sort will be found here. I can surely fit the piano beside my own. I will share my quilting table too! AS for sheet music, we will need a bookshelf.


We sound oddly familiar - minuse the grand. I have an upright Baldwin with a cherry finish and true ebony and ivory keys as well, LOL. I do need to recover my bench. It would seem that paperclips can be mechansims of disaster too.

Edited by ChrissySC
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